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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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I agree that she or whichever Democrats runs in 2014 will lose, but as you know you can also win by losing. I think 2018 will be the truly first competitive gubernatorial race in Texas, but I can also easily see the Democratic primary turning into fratricide with Julian Castro and Wendy Davis.
Do you think one of them might be more interested in the US senate or congress? It's definitely a potential problem...but a good problem. I'd love to have two potential stars like that in my state. Not entirely sold on Castro so far (his congressman brother seems more interesting) but he could certainly ride a demographic wave, especially if he gets the right campaign staff/registration drive.


Conservative activist says stupid shit. More noons at noon.

Conservative Activist: Latinos Not Worth GOP Effort; They ‘Don’t Understand’ Bill Of Rights

Appearing on a California talk radio show last week, famed conservative activist and Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly disputed the notion that the Latino vote would be worthwhile for the Republican Party because, she believes, they do not comprehend limited government.

After the radio host posited that Hispanic voters actually have a lot in common with the GOP, specifically due to their generally social conservative views, Schlafly reiterated her belief that Latinos are actually not a worthwhile pursuit for the party.

“They don’t have any Republican inclinations at all,” she said, “they’re running an illegitimacy rate that’s just about the same as the blacks are.”

She continued:

“They come from a country where they have no experience with limited government. And the types of rights we have in the Bill of Rights, they don’t understand that at all, you can’t even talk to them about what the Republican principle is.”

Last month, Schlafly advised the GOP to stop its pursuit of Latino voters, lambasting the “great myth” that immigration reform could pull in more of the minority group into the party base. Instead, she said, the party should focus on capturing more of the white vote.

Some of them come from a country where you can't step outside of your house without fear of getting shot or kidnapped in a gang-related incident.

Limited government, unless it's something we don't like, then government is ALL OVER THAT SHIT.
Conservative activist says stupid shit. More noons at noon.

Conservative Activist: Latinos Not Worth GOP Effort; They ‘Don’t Understand’ Bill Of Rights

Some of them come from a country where you can't step outside of your house without fear of getting shot or kidnapped in a gang-related incident.

Limited government, unless it's something we don't like, then government is ALL OVER THAT SHIT.
Phyllis Schlafly is where I stopped reading.

Noooope. :) Granted, I have a year to go, but I am not the type of person to go out and do stupid stuff like that. I am a woman beyond my years.

I went to school in New Orleans, I don't know how anybody can escape without a story.
Do you think one of them might be more interested in the US senate or congress? It's definitely a potential problem...but a good problem. I'd love to have two potential stars like that in my state. Not entirely sold on Castro so far (his congressman brother seems more interesting) but he could certainly ride a demographic wave, especially if he gets the right campaign staff/registration drive.

I'm not a fan of Julian either (he's worked against me on two occasions during primaries) but everything I've heard suggest his path is towards the Statehouse. And I prefer Joaquin myself, too, although there seems to be a little weird turf war between the two brothers as Julian prefers executive positions (City Council, Mayor) versus his brother who has held legislative positions such as a State Rep and now Congressman. With Julian being term limited in 2017, he could easily start running for governor in late 2016. Certainly BGTX and its efforts will provide some support via registration drives and GOTV but whether or not it is enough to push a democrat over the top is yet to be seen. Complicating matters is the fact that the Texas Democratic party as a whole is just all seven flavors of awful.

C'mon. Phyllis Schlafly is a 90+ year old crazy bat.

That said . . . I guess that is much the way the GOP thinks so . . .

She's may be representative of the crazy base but she has zero influence on what the current GOP party leadership does. They just nod politely and ignore her as the crazy old bat. Just like they did to Bob Dole who actually said sane things.


C'mon. Phyllis Schlafly is a 90+ year old crazy bat.

That said . . . I guess that is much the way the GOP thinks so . . .

She's may be representative of the crazy base but she has zero influence on what the current GOP party leadership does. They just nod politely and ignore her as the crazy old bat. Just like they did to Bob Dole who actually said sane things.

Her son is more crazy. He runs Conservapedia, where they are translating the bible to remove anything that sounds like socialism or Democratic ideals.
Just noticed Daily Kos is all aboard the Wendy Davis for governor train, and last night she left the door open to running when asked about it. I can't help but think she's being set up to fail. Texas is still Texas. It's still pro choice, democrats haven't won a state wide election there in years, etc.

Perry embarrassed himself on the national stage but fits in Texas, despite his approval ratings dropping recently. I don't think he'll have trouble making Davis the pro Obama, pro abortion candidate and rallying the base. Meanwhile the democrat base in Texas never shows up - which is why many believe the state won't truly be purple until 2024 when demographic changes begin to blossom. There are a whole lot of Hispanic Texans right now who simply don't vote. She would need a historic turnout among women, blacks, and Hispanics...I could perhaps buy that if the election was in 2016 and she could ride Hillary's coat tails.

In short I think if she runs it'll be a democrat experiment for 2016/2020. Lots of people will be registered, lots of numbers will be stored, and in the end she'll lose by 6 points.

Democrats need to find a bright, attractive tea party candidate, fund and run him.

Split the vote. Make Perry shift even further right.

Bam, dem wins with 40 percent


No Scrubs
Conservative activist says stupid shit. More noons at noon.

Conservative Activist: Latinos Not Worth GOP Effort; They ‘Don’t Understand’ Bill Of Rights

Some of them come from a country where you can't step outside of your house without fear of getting shot or kidnapped in a gang-related incident.

Limited government, unless it's something we don't like, then government is ALL OVER THAT SHIT.

Yeah...somehow I don't think it's Hispanics that don't understand the bill of rights...this is another case of projecting isn't it?


Oh look. Fox News is wrong on something related to Benghazi. Again.

No Benghazi "Stand Down" Order Was Given: Another Fox Narrative Falls Apart

A claim pushed dozens of times by Fox News that security forces were ordered to "stand down" during the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks on a U.S. diplomatic facility collapsed after the commander of those security forces testified that he received no such order.

More than a month after the attacks in Benghazi killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, Fox began airing accusations that security forces present in Libya at the time were ordered to "stand down" by the Obama administration. Fox's confused coverage over the months claimed that both a reaction force that was dispatched to Benghazi and suffered two casualties while trying to defend the facility, and a group of four special forces troops in Tripoli received "stand down" orders. This accusation was given new fuel after former Deputy Chief of Mission Gregory Hicks May 8 remarks made before a congressional committee appeared to confirm claims that Lt. Col. Gibson, who commanded a small team of special forces troops in Tripoli, was ordered to "stand down." Fox baselessly speculated that either President Obama or then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta gave the alleged order.

A search of the Nexis database shows that the accusation that these security forces were ordered to "stand down" was made in 85 segments on the network's primetime shows by Fox hosts, contributors, guests, and in video accompanying news reports and commentary.

But now even Republicans are admitting that a "stand down" order was never given. According to The Associated Press, Gibson told a Republican-led congressional committee on June 26 that he was never ordered to "stand down."

The former commander of a four-member Army Special Forces unit in Tripoli, Libya, denied Wednesday that he was told to stand down during last year's deadly assault on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi.

In a closed-door session with the House Armed Services Committee, Lt. Col. S.E. Gibson said his commanders told him to remain in the capital of Tripoli to defend Americans in the event of additional attacks and to help survivors being evacuated from Benghazi.

"Contrary to news reports, Gibson was not ordered to 'stand down' by higher command authorities in response to his understandable desire to lead a group of three other special forces soldiers to Benghazi," the Republican-led committee said in a summary of its classified briefing with military officials, including Gibson.

This is not the first time the Fox "stand down" narrative has been discredited. The day before Hicks' May 8 testimony, a Pentagon spokesman stated that there "was never any kind of stand down order to anybody." After Hicks' testimony, a Pentagon spokesman further explained that the security forces in Tripoli "were told to stay" in Tripoli to help with the security there. On June 12, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reaffirmed this point, telling Congress:

GEN. DEMPSEY: They weren't told to stand down. A stand down means don't do anything. They were told to -- that the mission they were asked to perform was not in Benghazi but was at Tripoli Airport.
Okay, so here's the GOP's list about who doesn't get what:
1. Latinos – don't understand the Bill of Rights.
2. Women – don't understand healthcare costs.

Hot damn.
Aw yeah. Gettin' those dirty poors right where we need to get 'em.

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — With changes to its unemployment law taking effect this weekend, North Carolina not only is cutting benefits for those who file new claims, it will become the first state disqualified from a federal compensation program for the long-term jobless.

State officials adopted the package of benefit cuts and increased taxes for businesses in February, a plan designed to accelerate repayment of a $2.5 billion federal debt. Like many states, North Carolina had racked up the debt by borrowing from Washington after its unemployment fund was drained by jobless benefits during the Great Recession.

The changes go into effect Sunday for North Carolina, which has the country’s fifth-worst jobless rate. The cuts on those who make unemployment claims on or after that day will disqualify the state from receiving federally funded Emergency Unemployment Compensation. That money kicks in after the state’s period of unemployment compensation — now shortened from up to six months to no more than five — runs out. The EUC program is available to long-term jobless in all states. But keeping the money flowing includes a requirement that states can’t cut average weekly benefits.




60's literacy test in Louisiana:


Think bullshit like this will be making a comeback?
State officials adopted the package of benefit cuts and increased taxes for businesses in February, a plan designed to accelerate repayment of a $2.5 billion federal debt. Like many states, North Carolina had racked up the debt by borrowing from Washington after its unemployment fund was drained by jobless benefits during the Great Recession.

This is why federalism is stupid. There is no reason to make a state pay back the federal government. Although admittedly this could be accomplished with federalism. Still, it is wildly inefficient for states to tax when it is entirely unnecessary. It also imposes needless economic costs. Austerity has been imposed on North Carolina for no reason whatsoever, and North Carolinians will suffer as a result.


... i am not really sure this would affect minority voters more or less then anyone else. I have my doubts that a decent portion of the population would get that correct.
Yeah but they could just, you know, discriminate and only include these tests in districts with lots of minorities, college students, etc.
Yeah but they could just, you know, discriminate and only include these tests in districts with lots of minorities, college students, etc.

No, they couldn't. And they know it...which is why they focus on more effective yet less overt stuff like voter IDs. As I've said before I'm fine with ID requirements, but I have a problem when even drivers licenses aren't good enough, or acquiring an ID is purposely made difficult (like moving DMVs out of urban areas).
Her son is more crazy. He runs Conservapedia, where they are translating the bible to remove anything that sounds like socialism or Democratic ideals.

My suggested Onion headline for an article

Conservative Christian group rewrites Bible to remove liberal influence but discovers Christ is eliminated


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The Republican Party in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen:

So Fox News pundit Erick Erickson and Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman get into a back-and-forth about the price of milk and bread—Erickson says prices are soaring, Krugman points out that Erickson is actually completely wrong and that prices are stable. Confronted with the facts, how does Erickson respond? Like this:

Paul's point is correct, but it is an issue of perception of people versus the reality of his chart. He can certainly go tell people milk prices haven't gone up, but good luck getting them to believe him.


"Sure, I'm totally wrong, but it's okay because people will believe me!"


No Scrubs
The Republican Party in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen:

So Fox News pundit Erick Erickson and Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman get into a back-and-forth about the price of milk and bread—Erickson says prices are soaring, Krugman points out that Erickson is actually completely wrong and that prices are stable. Confronted with the facts, how does Erickson respond? Like this:

Paul's point is correct, but it is an issue of perception of people versus the reality of his chart. He can certainly go tell people milk prices haven't gone up, but good luck getting them to believe him.


"Sure, I'm totally wrong, but it's okay because people will believe me!"

I think we all already knew that he was an idiot. Please tell me Krugman called him a moron for this, I wouldn't have been able to help myself.
Oh look. Fox News is wrong on something related to Benghazi. Again.

No Benghazi "Stand Down" Order Was Given: Another Fox Narrative Falls Apart

You know . . . I try real hard, REAL HARD, to keep an open mind about the GOP & conservatives. But god damn do they make it hard to just completely dismiss them and useless corrupt theocrats. It seems both the IRS and Benghazi "scandals" have been largely debunked.

And as much as people complain about the NSA stuff, conservatives have ABSOLUTELY NO MORAL GROUND on that one since they are the ones that pushed through the Patriot Act and bashed everyone who dared to question it.
Oh look. Fox News is wrong on something related to Benghazi. Again.

No Benghazi "Stand Down" Order Was Given: Another Fox Narrative Falls Apart

While it's true the WH hasn't handled the issue well, overall the way conservative media has handled Benghazi coverage has been utterly disgusting. It was born out of a desperate feeling it could somehow ensure Obama lost the election, but since then it has been used to blatantly accuse Obama of treason.

Anyone familiar with US military responses knows that it's not a 911 system. Forces are not blindly sent into firefights, especially in hostile foreign countries. This is nothing new. Dakota Meyer got a Medal of Honor for saving a bunch of his men in Afghanistan after a huge ambush; they called for backup and the military refused because they had no idea what was happening. Meyer understandably views it as military leadership fucking up, but again: the military doesn't do anything while blind.
The Republican Party in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen:


"Sure, I'm totally wrong, but it's okay because people will believe me!"

I've had this exact same conversation with someone multiple times.

"Grocery prices are through the roof!"

I then tell them I shop for myself and have noticed some things go up and some things go down. Milk hardly changed from a few years ago. They are then all "yeah right."

I point out the BLS numbers, they claim it's a lie. He shops, he knows!

I mention that perhaps the stuff he buys has gone up while other things have gone down.

They suffer from confirmation bias. They see one thing that went up and assume everything went up. For instance, corn is expensive out here in SoCal, especially last summer. I remember a few years ago the worst was 6 for $1. Last summer I was lucky to find 3. So if I based everything off corn, I'd assume all prices doubled at least. But it was just corn, for various reasons. Avocados, on the other hand, plummeted. I bought a costco at watermelon last month for $5.99. I went this past weekend and bought one, $4.99. I guess I should assume all prices dropped by 1/6th now.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The image doesn't show up in your post on my end.


Try that.

The argument is that a minimum wage increases unemployment and not that it lowers wages. They argue it's better to have 100 people working for $6/hr than 70 people working at $8/hr

But these negative employment effects are almost only true under conditions that do not exist in any market in the world that I'm aware of.

It's a classic case of "econ 101" being misused. By this I mean it's only true under "perfect conditions" and is only meant for illustration. These things do not exist in the real world.

Greater economic freedom for capital
Create jobs
Empower employees to negotiate their own wages!
Reduce barriers for youth and low skill labour to enter job market

Of course none of this addresses the living wage requirements for current minimum wage employees, and completely disregards the popularity of having a min wage (~90%) and its success in raising living standards for labour markets throughout its history.

See, what I find funny about all this is that the min. wage doesn't preclude employers from paying their employees more, if they choose to. That's why it's called a minimum wage and not a maximum wage. It's not like if we abolish the min. wage, everyone's gonna suddenly get a spike in their pay.

Incidentally, the idea that it's better for some people to get paid less so that others can get paid at all is a great argument for more taxation on the rich.


No Scrubs

Try that.

See, what I find funny about all this is that the min. wage doesn't preclude employers from paying their employees more, if they choose to. That's why it's called a minimum wage and not a maximum wage. It's not like if we abolish the min. wage, everyone's gonna suddenly get a spike in their pay.

Incidentally, the idea that it's better for some people to get paid less so that others can get paid at all is a great argument for more taxation on the rich.

Yes but that would require thinking it all the way through.
the min wage has no effect on markets where the market wage is above the minimum. Never has, never will. Anyone who argues the minimum wage lowers wages isn't ignorant of economics, they're just stupid.

That said, you could get rid of the minimum wage and replace it with a much higher EITC. Direct transfer. That said, I'd still prefer a min wage simply because of the psychological effects of receiving money from gov't transfer vs being paid better for your labor (higher self-worth in the latter and stuff).

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Just because Bert and Ernie are good friends doesn't mean they are gay for eachother. Bah!

Quite possible my favorite article on the internet

In this particular case, the Internet gay-mongers were keying in on a couple well known facts about Bert and Ernie, like the fact that they're both men and share the same bedroom and have lived together for 40 years. The producers of Sesame Street have since pointed out that that's all perfectly reasonable, because a) they're Muppets, and b) seriously people, they're Muppets. Bert and Ernie are just good friends, characters meant to show that people who are different -- in this case an orange moron and a yellow asshole -- can still be good friends.
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