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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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I'm not sure football can be predicted like that, given how dangerous the game is and the injuries involved. Obviously since April a lot of things have changed, including the Pats losing one of their best players (who would be a welcome addition to my Detroit Lions if he is found innocent).

It seems like baseball is a better sports for metrics.
I'm not sure football can be predicted like that, given how dangerous the game is and the injuries involved. Obviously since April a lot of things have changed, including the Pats losing one of their best players (who would be a welcome addition to my Detroit Lions if he is found innocent).

It seems like baseball is a better sports for metrics.

Football Outsiders (who he cites) is so often off because Football is very volatile. Injuries are common and change the complexion so much. Furthermore, schedule are unbalanced and thus mediocre teams can sneak into the playoffs while above average teams get screwed.

Plus, scoring is so low (even if you score 35 points it's really just 5 scores) that 1 random bounce has a huge effect on the score and this can't be predicted in such small sample sizes.

baseball is much easier because it's 162 games and like what, over 700 at bats for regular starters and 250+ innings for starting pitchers. This are huge sample sizes. And on offense no single player has the same effect as in any other sport I can come up with.

Basketball is more predictable as well. A injury to a star player will have more effect than in football but they are also less common and there are 5 times as many games.
I'm not sure football can be predicted like that, given how dangerous the game is and the injuries involved. Obviously since April a lot of things have changed, including the Pats losing one of their best players (who would be a welcome addition to my Detroit Lions if he is found innocent).

Just what Detroit needs, another crook.


Scumbag Fox News anchor tries to get Scumbag Zimmerman's brother to criticize Obama. The result? Scumbug Zimmerman's brother doesn't take the bait. Seven times.

Fox Tried Seven Times to Get the Brother of Zimmerman to Criticize Obama (It Didn't Work)

1. Describe your emotional response to what the president said.

Colby: Were you surprised by the president's remarks?

Zimmerman: I think the president took his time with his remarks and it was about time they heard from him. ... I'm glad he spoke out today.

2. You really think the president should have spoken?

Colby: Why would you expect the American people to want to hear from the president, with everything else going on in the world, on this case?

Zimmerman: No matter what your opinion of the verdict is, there have to be things that bring us together. ... We have some kind of a game plan going forward for what's going to help youth, in particular, is what struck me about the president's speech. ... The president talked about encouraging African-American youth, but I would say also youth of all colors.
3. Did the president insult your brother who — remember, viewers — had good traits?

Colby: Your brother did mentor minority teens as part of his work. The president also said one of the initiatives he'd like to see is training of law enforcement. Do you think he was talking about your brother?

Zimmerman: I'm not sure. ... I think mentoring all children of all colors is one of the ways we break the cycle ... sometimes the right encouragement and the right role models and sort of the right shoulder to lean on in very difficult times in life can prevent any kind of engagement with law enforcement or the criminal justice system whatsoever. ...

I'm not a person who has mentored children of any race or color. Perhaps I could do better in that regard.

4. Do you agree with the president's racial characterization?

Colby: One of the things the president said ... [if] Trayvon Martin would have been white and your brother not, that the outcome and the aftermath of this case white have been different. Is that part of the soul searching your brother is doing now?

Zimmerman: I don't know. ... We can speculate a lot about what would have been or could have been. ... There's youth in all different situations affected by poverty ... affected by having a lack of resources generally, even access to food that the first lady's been very positive force behind getting access to food and nutrition. ... I think it should be about promoting a colorblind America.

5. Wasn't the president being racist himself?

Colby: You're going a step further than the president did; he only talked about the African-American youth. ... hould he have broadened it out to say that he would like us to soul search about all kids in America and the opportunities they may not be getting?

Zimmerman: I think the president was speaking off-the-cuff and I think he was very sincere in his remarks. ... No matter what any child's race is or creed or whatever political stripe they come from or we come from, it should be beyond politics to stand united in the sense we can organize ourselves to better address the needs of children. ... That person was George specifically, for African-Americans.

6. Does Obama only care about Trayvon's family? Isn't race playing a role?

Colby: (Interrupting) This is a very noble idea we can all reach out to the youth of America. ... I'm curious if your family has had any contact with the president or any from the White House or administration. Do you feel that the reaction to the verdict is divided among racial lines?

Zimmerman: We haven't had any contact from the president or the administration that I know of. But I think, you know, moving anything along racial lines is just a disservice to our country. ... [We should] do everything we can for children who are having difficulty. I really see eye-to-eye with the president on that.

7. Obama is still trying to go after your brother. Defend him. Tell us how you really feel. Speak clearly into the microphone.

Colby: The Department of Justice will look to see if civil rights charges can be filed, any other actions against your brother in this case. You've been fiercely defensive of your brother and outspoken as well. What's your message to the justice department about whether or not they should pursue any other action against your brother? Let's get it out there!

Zimmerman: I have defended my brother when he was a defendant. He is no longer a defendant. ... If the Justice Department is within their rights to investigate then they are within their rights to investigate. ... I'm not sure that necessarily an investigation is a bad thing. I'm a little bit concerned sometimes that our leaders are responding to pressure. ... I think the American people need to have some time to digest what really happened ... hopefully, the answer will be that we can all do more to support our youth throughout our communities.

And with that, the interview ended.

Truly Scumbag Fox News.


No Scrubs
I think he could keep the team in line. Who better to scare the locker room into some sense of professionalism than a guy who may or may not have killed someone.


That killed me.

Scumbag Fox News anchor tries to get Scumbag Zimmerman's brother to criticize Obama. The result? Scumbug Zimmerman's brother doesn't take the bait. Seven times.

Fox Tried Seven Times to Get the Brother of Zimmerman to Criticize Obama (It Didn't Work)

Truly Scumbag Fox News.

Wow, that's pretty scummy.

He was probably well coached by his lawyer. If he gives in to the obvious Fox race-baiting and politicization then it makes him and his brother look even more horrible.

Also, Fox is embarrassing. Christ.


Nate Silver is leaving NYTimes for ESPN. And is taking 538 with him. 538 will revert back to being a baseball focused predictive blog for ESPN. However he'll stay on at ABC News as a political correspondent during election times.

Sounds like 2012 drained him, will be sad to not have his data for 2016.


The Autumn Wind
Nate Silver is leaving NYTimes for ESPN. And is taking 538 with him. 538 will revert back to being a baseball focused predictive blog for ESPN. However he'll stay on at ABC News as a political correspondent during election times.

Sounds like 2012 drained him, will be sad to not have his data for 2016.
I'm sure he'll still do election data for ABC.
Nate Silver is leaving NYTimes for ESPN. And is taking 538 with him. 538 will revert back to being a baseball focused predictive blog for ESPN. However he'll stay on at ABC News as a political correspondent during election times.

Sounds like 2012 drained him, will be sad to not have his data for 2016.

We still have Sam Wang to fall back on.


More like it gives him something to do in off election years.
The 538 blog is ESPN's. I mean how much analysis can he do as a on air talent during election seasons for a non-cable network? It won't be the same massive daily number crunching for sure.
Sam Wang does very similar work and was as accurate in 2012 iirc. I'm sure Silver will drop articles here or there during elections, which sounds more appealing than a daily release of information.

Can't wait for Cheney's reaction. Although, polling a place like Wyoming seems rather challenging, especially for a primary election that likely won't have high turnout. Reading around the internets, I get the general sense that Enzi is well liked in Wyoming, and is not the Orrin Hatch type of republican that Cheney will paint him as: a RINO who works with democrats too often. It's true Enzi works in a bipartisan fashion on many issues, but they aren't the type of issues that rile up republicans.

She's going to be hitting him hard, as her petty comments about him being "confused" showed. I don't think Wyoming is going to appreciate that, but then again if her father, Sarah Palin, etc do rallies for her who knows.


Bitter tears over Obama's speech yesterday.

Nope, PB, he cannot help himself. He just had to open his busybody racist mouth and add fuel to the fire.

Obama and Holder need race riots this weekend so they can declare martial law as they use racism as a tool for their own personal agendas.

The emergence of the Tea Party and conservative voice in the 2010 elections, and losing control of house, frightened the radical left that has hijacked the democratic party. Political operatives with the willing cooperation of like minded IRS employees conspired to hinder the ability to organize, and collectively express the voice of thousands, many thousands, of conservative voters.. ( Hint.. Mr. Holder.. this is a genuine case of civil rights violations )…

My mind is full of fuck.

These are the people that the Republicans are pandering to currently. These are the people responsible for the current crop of crazy cray Republicans.

I find it funny, though, how Liberals are claiming racism by whites against blacks, and Conservatives are claiming racism by blacks against white... And people said racism was dead. Kappa
Bitter tears over Obama's speech yesterday.

My mind is full of fuck.

These are the people that the Republicans are pandering to currently. These are the people responsible for the current crop of crazy cray Republicans.

I find it funny, though, how Liberals are claiming racism by whites against blacks, and Conservatives are claiming racism by blacks against white... And people said racism was dead. Kappa

I have watched a bit of the coverage on the far right and it's pure incitement. As a rule, if you expect black people to riot whenever they don't get what they want....you're making a racist statement. There have been very few "riots" since the early 90s. I remember people claiming Christopher Dorner was going to cause black people to riot.

Obama gave a very cautious, honest speech and it's been positively received by everyone except Fox and the far right. Even Zimmerman's brother thought it was fine. I think republicans have been trying to tie Obama to "black rage" for 6 years, and it has failed to work because most Americans see the difference between Obama and the ambulance chasers like Jesse Jackson; there's a reason Jackson has shat on Obama in the past: Obama doesn't have the same mindset and refuses to just be the black president instead of the president of the United States.
Am I the only one that's uncomfortable when people like Jesse Jackson get dismissed so easily? Black leaders get character assassinated from the racist right, and I can't help but feel when liberal-minded people join in they do themselves no favors and even unwittingly give an assist to the racism driving the character assassination. It doesn't make sense to me to compare Jackson to Obama. Jackson's role is advocate, Obama's is president. Of course Jackson will criticize, that's his job as an advocate for certain causes and people. And of course Obama won't just be a president for black people, because that's not his job.

PD, what has Jackson done to make him an irredeemable asshole in your eyes? (I'm not coming at this as a fan or supporter of Jackson, just trying to figure out why otherwise liberal people seem to go out of their way to (what seems to me) needlessly bash him.)
Am I the only one that's uncomfortable when people like Jesse Jackson get dismissed so easily? Black leaders get character assassinated from the racist right, and I can't help but feel when liberal-minded people join in they do themselves no favors and even unwittingly give an assist to the racism driving the character assassination. It doesn't make sense to me to compare Jackson to Obama. Jackson's role is advocate, Obama's is president. Of course Jackson will criticize, that's his job as an advocate for certain causes and people. And of course Obama won't just be a president for black people, because that's not his job.

PD, what has Jackson done to make him an irredeemable asshole in your eyes? (I'm not coming at this as a fan or supporter of Jackson, just trying to figure out why otherwise liberal people seem to go out of their way to (what seems to me) needlessly bash him.)

I think Jackson, and Sharpton to a higher degree, embarrass black people with their histrionics and ambulance chasing. They both have constantly tied themselves to what I deem to be frivolous or trumped up cases of racism while spending very little time working inside black communities on other issues. These are problems I have with the NAACP as well, and why I'm currently banned from the local NAACP lmao.

I'm upset about the Martin case obviously, most of us in this thread are. And while the case is finished, I think there are things that can be done in the future to address this such as fighting Stand Your Ground laws and ousting as many republicans as possible in Florida. Meanwhile Jesse Jackson has declared the state of Florida an "apartheid state" which strikes me as ridiculous, and just the type of outrageous statement that has defined much of his career since the late 80s.

I give Jackson credit at least for not being late to the party on the issue of AIDs in the black community, he's been very consistent on it and I appreciate his work there.
The problem I have with most of the prominent black intellectual figures in this country is that such few of them seem to acknowledge that there is a significant problem with the black community. Yes I realize that racism is still incredibly present today in which you see with the discrepancy in arrests and hiring processes. However I feel that much of them don't focus on some of the core problems with much of the black community. You can scream "Racism!" all you want, but when you have South American level homicides in your community, half of black males not graduating high school on time, 3/4ths of births happening out of wedlock, and what not clearly the problem is bigger then racism. I recall Bill Cosby spoke out about this and was attacked with pitchforks by a share of the black community.
The problem I have with most of the prominent black intellectual figures in this country is that such few of them seem to acknowledge that there is a significant problem with the black community. Yes I realize that racism is still incredibly present today in which you see with the discrepancy in arrests and hiring processes. However I feel that much of them don't focus on some of the core problems with much of the black community. You can scream "Racism!" all you want, but when you have South American level homicides in your community, half of black males not graduating high school on time, 3/4ths of births happening out of wedlock, and what not clearly the problem is bigger then racism. I recall Bill Cosby spoke out about this and was attacked with pitchforks by a share of the black community.

That's because that speech gave ammo to racists. I've seen it used on my facebook to excuse racism. It also made absurd points about things like "black names" holding blacks back.


You can scream "Racism!" all you want, but when you have South American level homicides in your community, half of black males not graduating high school on time, 3/4ths of births happening out of wedlock, and what not clearly the problem is bigger then racism.

Or, alternately, you have no sense of history, and racism has been endemic in America for two hundred years.

When people grow up in a culture of racism, attempt to find ways to survive in a culture of racism, and raise those children in a culture of racism, you get apparently maladaptive cultural practices. Then you can say "Oh, it's their fault for having maladaptive cultural practices!" But the idea that a group of people would just naturally develop a self-destructive culture for no apparent reason is itself both racist and ignorant. Much like a hardened cell wall, that culture is a response to outside aggression.

If you're an African-American male who tried to be successful by going to high school and working hard, and societal racism prevented you from being successful, are you going to teach your children that going to high school and working hard is the path to success? Will they learn that from observing you?
When people grow up in a culture of racism, attempt to find ways to survive in a culture of racism, and raise those children in a culture of racism, you get apparently maladaptive cultural practices. Then you can say "Oh, it's their fault for having maladaptive cultural practices!" But the idea that a group of people would just naturally develop a self-destructive culture for no apparent reason is itself both racist and ignorant. Much like a hardened cell wall, that culture is a response to outside aggression.

This is an awesome paragraph
That's because that speech gave ammo to racists. I've seen it used on my facebook to excuse racism. It also made absurd points about things like "black names" holding blacks back.

Agreed. There was plenty of truth in what he said, but there was also a lot of ignorance and victim blaming. I've heard some argue that Cosby purposely made it outrageous to stir debate, and ultimately doesn't believe some of the more "out there" stuff he said.

But zero shift mirrors some of the views I expressed earlier. Racism exists, there's no denying it. And clearly the pain of the past plays a role in some of the violence and poverty we see in black communities, as Obama said. Still, there's a whole lot more we can do for ourselves, than is being done right now. I hope Obama continues to toss around ideas about how to address this, and ways to bring other people into the fold. Plenty of celebrities and athletes already give to charities, inner city schools, etc. but surely more time and effort can be spent. Obama giving a speech to a Chicago school isn't going to change anything, but perhaps Obama (and others) spending more time face to face with kids will. Or athletes that don't just give a random check, but buy school supplies for a local school. Or offer to participate in sports activities if the school's teams maintain a certain GPA. I'm just throwing out ideas. I'm glad Obama is too.
Or, alternately, you have no sense of history, and racism has been endemic in America for two hundred years.

When people grow up in a culture of racism, attempt to find ways to survive in a culture of racism, and raise those children in a culture of racism, you get apparently maladaptive cultural practices. Then you can say "Oh, it's their fault for having maladaptive cultural practices!" But the idea that a group of people would just naturally develop a self-destructive culture for no apparent reason is itself both racist and ignorant. Much like a hardened cell wall, that culture is a response to outside aggression.

This isn't the point I was getting at. I never even so much as implied the bolded. Even in that very post I started it off saying that yes there are some very significant forms of racism today. What I was getting at is that the statistics have no reason to be THIS bad. There is no excuse for having South American homicide rates period. There is no excuse to have such broken families. And again I'm sure that modern racism contributes much too this, but the general point is that things shouldn't be bad to this extent. There is clearly some problems within the culture that as a whole the community doesn't recognize as it should. I don't see how saying this is controversial.

If you're an African-American male who tried to be successful by going to high school and working hard, and societal racism prevented you from being successful, are you going to teach your children that going to high school and working hard is the path to success? Will they learn that from observing you?

Do you honestly believe that half of those kids wouldn't be doing better in life if they performed well in school?

That's because that speech gave ammo to racists. I've seen it used on my facebook to excuse racism. It also made absurd points about things like "black names" holding blacks back.

This is true he did say some silly things and I often see racists on facebook using it. However it does touch on certain points that often don't get addressed.

But zero shift mirrors some of the views I expressed earlier. Racism exists, there's no denying it. And clearly the pain of the past plays a role in some of the violence and poverty we see in black communities, as Obama said. Still, there's a whole lot more we can do for ourselves, than is being done right now. I hope Obama continues to toss around ideas about how to address this, and ways to bring other people into the fold. Plenty of celebrities and athletes already give to charities, inner city schools, etc. but surely more time and effort can be spent. Obama giving a speech to a Chicago school isn't going to change anything, but perhaps Obama (and others) spending more time face to face with kids will. Or athletes that don't just give a random check, but buy school supplies for a local school. Or offer to participate in sports activities if the school's teams maintain a certain GPA. I'm just throwing out ideas. I'm glad Obama is too.

The Civil Rights Act was less then half a century ago. I'm not going to deny that it would be unrealistic to have blacks close the black/white gap in less than fifty years. However there is a lot of work that could be done. Its sad because during the 60s the black community seemed to be heading in a very socialistic direction. To end on a higher note things are improving. That 52% of black males graduating school on time is shockingly an improvement from twenty years ago. Homicide rates have been at a freefall for twenty years. Black owned businesses are rapidly increasing. Etc. Its not like that community is jogging in place. Still though there could be improvement.
Seeing this has reminded me of how the scales are tipped so heavily in the Democrats' favor in 2016. Hillary only needs to win the solid blue states and she wins, the Republican would need to sweep every swing state and steal a blue state.
All the states that voted more Democratic than the nation as a whole add up to 285 electoral votes. For everyone who points out how demographics will eventually make Texas into a swing state, the real transformation will be when Virginia, Florida and North Carolina are solid blue states. I think eventually, the GOP will start making inroads in the Midwest - Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan - but none of those states are budging. Romney aggressively campaigned in all of them and Obama won all of them by at least five points.
All the states that voted more Democratic than the nation as a whole add up to 285 electoral votes. For everyone who points out how demographics will eventually make Texas into a swing state, the real transformation will be when Virginia, Florida and North Carolina are solid blue states. I think eventually, the GOP will start making inroads in the Midwest - Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan - but none of those states are budging. Romney aggressively campaigned in all of them and Obama won all of them by at least five points.

Pennsylvania isn't a Midwestern state.
The Civil Rights Act was less then half a century ago. I'm not going to deny that it would be unrealistic to have blacks close the black/white gap in less than fifty years. However there is a lot of work that could be done. Its sad because during the 60s the black community seemed to be heading in a very socialistic direction. To end on a higher note things are improving. That 52% of black males graduating school on time is shockingly an improvement from twenty years ago. Homicide rates have been at a freefall for twenty years. Black owned businesses are rapidly increasing. Etc. Its not like that community is jogging in place. Still though there could be improvement.

Drugs ravaging inner cities, redlining, white flight.
All the states that voted more Democratic than the nation as a whole add up to 285 electoral votes. For everyone who points out how demographics will eventually make Texas into a swing state, the real transformation will be when Virginia, Florida and North Carolina are solid blue states. I think eventually, the GOP will start making inroads in the Midwest - Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan - but none of those states are budging. Romney aggressively campaigned in all of them and Obama won all of them by at least five points.

Yeah, the nice part is that with FL/NC/VA, Democrats don't even need the midwest states you mentioned. With respect to PA, though, let's be real here . . . Philadelphia is going to keep the state blue for the foreseeable future.
what was interesting was Obama's remarks were quite balanced. Those that took up arms against his remarks basically proven themselves to either be racists or simply parroting the lines of racist/political opportunists instead of looking to what he actually said.

I saw a tweet from a conservative radio host that bitched about Obama talking about blacks being disproportionate victims of crime but not mentioning that they disproportionately make crime. Only, Obama did state that in his remarks. He simply never bothered to read/listen to them.

these people loathe Obama to an unhealthy extent.
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