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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Western Massachusetts is every bit as blue as the Boston area, and by western I mean the part on the western edge of the state, adjacent to Vermont. This also goes for the rural counties in upstate NY that border Vermont and Massachusetts. Oh, and Maine. So really New England is just liberal, regardless of how urban the area is.
New Hampshire being the weird exception. Not that they're conservative but rather more un predictable
Just watched Meet The Press's race discussion, it was pretty good imo. Tavis Smiley was quite upset, to put it lightly, about Obama's alleged dereliction of duty on addressing race issues in America. I have plenty of problems with Obama as a president, but I don't really see the point of this criticism. He's not the president of black America, he's the president of the United States. There are certainly things he could have done to help issues of race, especially in relation to drug laws, which he has largely ignored outside of crack/cocaine sentence disparities. But overall there is no magic wand he can use to fix things in this one demographic, and as he's said before a rising tide raises all ships. A better economy would lead to better opportunities for black people, who have the highest unemployment rate in the country.

Most of the problems in the black community are systemic. As Pigeon said, we're talking about a community that has been systematically fucked for a long time, and the remnants remain. You can't simply "pick up the pieces" after most of the businesses and grocery stores have left your neighborhood, after schools have become wastelands, after drugs and guns are literally available everywhere. There certainly are ways to fix inner city schools and offer more after school programs for kids though, and various other steps that can be taken.

On a side note, it would be interesting for Obama to invite many of these differing opinions to the White House to discuss this issue and how we move forward. From Tavis Smiley to Ben Carson, Eric Cantor to John Lewis, Charles Ogletree to Newt Gingrich. David Simon to David Brooks. Not as some public Race Summit, but as an honest private discussion of where we're at and where we CAN go.

TPM backpat said:
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says Israel and the Palestinians will meet soon in Washington to finalize an agreement on relaunching peace negotiations for the first time in five years.

Kerry has told reporters that he and the two sides “reached an agreement that establishes a basis for direct final status negotiations,” but he added that it is “still in the process of being formalized.”

He says “if everything goes as expected,” Israeli and Palestinians negotiators will hold initial talks “within the next week or so.”

The announcement Friday came at the end of a visit by Kerry to the region holding several days of talks with both sides.

If John Kerry facilitates a successful peace negotiation between Israel and Palestine, he should run for president.

I mean, totally not gonna happen, but still.
Well, honestly, I clutch my purse a little tighter whenever I post in the PoliGAF thread. Too many men around here.

Most of the men here are liberals which mean they are weak and scared and probably use a man-purse. Honestly, I'm the only real man here, everyone else are just boys playing dress up in daddy's clothes.

In real news:

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker John Boehner says Congress ‘‘ought to be judged on how many laws we repeal.’’

The Ohio Republican makes the comments on an interview aired Sunday on CBS ‘‘Face the Nation.’’ He was responding to a question about how little Congress is doing these days.

Boehner says Congress ‘‘should not be judged by how many new laws we create.’’

He says the U.S. has ‘‘more laws than the administration could ever enforce.’’

Boehner says that view may be unpopular because this country has a divided government. Boehner says he and his allies in Congress are fighting for what they believe in. And he adds, ‘‘Sometimes the American people don’t like this mess.’’

So then, the worst Congress ever since it will repeal nothing!?
Most of the men here are liberals which mean they are weak and scared and probably use a man-purse. Honestly, I'm the only real man here, everyone else are just boys playing dress up in daddy's clothes.
oh ok that's good to know

In real news:

So then, the worst Congress ever since it will repeal nothing!?

I love Boehner is getting ripped to shreds in the press.


Most of the men here are liberals which mean they are weak and scared and probably use a man-purse. Honestly, I'm the only real man here, everyone else are just boys playing dress up in daddy's clothes.

In real news:

So then, the worst Congress ever since it will repeal nothing!?

I literally just cackled out loud reading that.


EWWW you guys look!!!!!!


U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia used the twin terrors of Nazi Germany and radical Islam to warn a Snowmass Village audience Saturday about the dangers of judicial activism.


Scalia opened his talk with a reference to the Holocaust, which happened to occur in a society that was, at the time, “the most advanced country in the world.” One of the many mistakes that Germany made in the 1930s was that judges began to interpret the law in ways that reflected “the spirit of the age.” When judges accept this sort of moral authority, as Scalia claims they’re doing now in the U.S., they get themselves and society into trouble.

Why would you do this!?!?
Why would you do this!?!?

"most advanced countries"

I wouldn't use that to describe nazi germany.
But seriously props to scalia. Islam AND Nazi references? That's a home run for his crowd

And this is pretty funny:
that judges began to interpret the law in ways that reflected “the spirit of the age.”
Isn't this the reason they overturned VRA? "the country has changed"
So McCain said we need to look at stand your ground.

With his stands on immigration, the filibuster (Reid thanked him not McConnell), now this are we gonna see more of Mr. Maverick?

I liked McCain for the longest while but 2008 and his flirtation with the tea party has been sad to watch.
Much of what McCain does seems to be a giant "fuck you" to Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. Not that I'm complaining, it helps ensure the senate is functional and gets stuff done.
Chait has a good overview of the insanity of the GOP house though I disagree with his conclusions. He sees it getting worse I don't. There aren't enough crazies to pass their plans. The best they can do is imped Obama. And we've already established the haster rule is expendable.

I'm on my phone so I can't link.


No Scrubs
Much of what McCain does seems to be a giant "fuck you" to Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. Not that I'm complaining, it helps ensure the senate is functional and gets stuff done.

Nailed it. He's seen the direction they want to take the party and has only now realized how bad an idea that would be.
Chait has a good overview of the insanity of the GOP house though I disagree with his conclusions. He sees it getting worse I don't. There aren't enough crazies to pass their plans. The best they can do is imped Obama. And we've already established the haster rule is expendable.

I'm on my phone so I can't link.

If that was completely true, why hasn't immigration been voted on? Boehner seems fine with breaking it to avoid deadlines and cliffs, but that's largely it. There is no cliff for immigration, and therefore it'll die a slow death.

Things will get better as republicans slowly lose the House between now and 2020, largely because the economy should continue to improve. I don't think right wing extremism will simply disappear when Obama leaves office, in fact it might get worse if Hillary wins. Not simply because they hate Hillary Clinton, but because this entire freakout is mainly about the decrease of white influence/power and the rise multiculturalism.

Have you guys read any of the "focus on the white vote" stuff coming from the right?

Dax posted a Nate Cohen takedown on this general idea, and Cohen has continued to discuss it

This is truly a hail mary attempt. And when it doesn't work in 2016, it's game over for them. That will only increase their irrationality, fear, and anger. When you listen to Fox's portrayal of Obama's race comments you get the impression Obama is about to call for the execution of white people any minute now; black people are just waiting for his marching orders. That fear is real.
If that was completely true, why hasn't immigration been voted on? Boehner seems fine with breaking it to avoid deadlines and cliffs, but that's largely it. There is no cliff for immigration, and therefore it'll die a slow death.

Things will get better as republicans slowly lose the House between now and 2020, largely because the economy should continue to improve. I don't think right wing extremism will simply disappear when Obama leaves office, in fact it might get worse if Hillary wins. Not simply because they hate Hillary Clinton, but because this entire freakout is mainly about the decrease of white influence/power and the rise multiculturalism.

Have you guys read any of the "focus on the white vote" stuff coming from the right?

Dax posted a Nate Cohen takedown on this general idea, and Cohen has continued to discuss it

This is truly a hail mary attempt. And when it doesn't work in 2016, it's game over for them. That will only increase their irrationality, fear, and anger. When you listen to Fox's portrayal of Obama's race comments you get the impression Obama is about to call for the execution of white people any minute now; black people are just waiting for his marching orders. That fear is real.

When they get slaughtered in 2016, the party will completely fracture.

BTW, regarding McCain, he today said that he thought it was an injustice how illegals are on the corner waiting for labor work, get picked up, then some SOB decides not to pay them and dares em to report him to the police. In other words, McCain has gone beyond "immigration reform needs to be done for the sake of the party" and into "look, it's immoral not to pass immigration reform."

I do think there's a difference and it matters. McCain is an asshole when he plays politics but unlike most of the GOP he does try to put people over party which makes him the exception in his party right now.


McCain also said he agreed with Obama's comments on race. It's about time someone on the right stood up and took an honest stance on the Presidents comments. The reflexive oppositionism of everything Obama says on the right is getting tiring. Good on McCain for bucking the trends of his party.
If that was completely true, why hasn't immigration been voted on? Boehner seems fine with breaking it to avoid deadlines and cliffs, but that's largely it. There is no cliff for immigration, and therefore it'll die a slow death.

Things will get better as republicans slowly lose the House between now and 2020, largely because the economy should continue to improve. I don't think right wing extremism will simply disappear when Obama leaves office, in fact it might get worse if Hillary wins. Not simply because they hate Hillary Clinton, but because this entire freakout is mainly about the decrease of white influence/power and the rise multiculturalism.

Have you guys read any of the "focus on the white vote" stuff coming from the right?

Dax posted a Nate Cohen takedown on this general idea, and Cohen has continued to discuss it

This is truly a hail mary attempt. And when it doesn't work in 2016, it's game over for them. That will only increase their irrationality, fear, and anger. When you listen to Fox's portrayal of Obama's race comments you get the impression Obama is about to call for the execution of white people any minute now; black people are just waiting for his marching orders. That fear is real.

Oh I think your right its not completely true. Your not going to get it thrown away to pass what amounts to the GOP base as "optional legislation" but chaits point was that they are going to destroy the entire government and inflict catastrophic damage.

They are harmful in that they are preventing us from solving many problems but they're not going to be able to pull a debt ceiling act like they did before. If something "needs" to be solved the Bohner will break the rule

McCain also said he agreed with Obama's comments on race. It's about time someone on the right stood up and took an honest stance on the Presidents comments. The reflexive oppositionism of everything Obama says on the right is getting tiring. Good on McCain for bucking the trends of his party.

Its insane. For example with the NASA budget the GOP house is opposing the asteroid mission included in Obama's request not for fiscal reasons but because its "obama's idea". Nevermind the fact that Obama doesn't come up with NASA missions, scientists do. Obama just passes along their requests.
you got a link to that NASA story? I'd love to read it. Fucking GOP.


Their budget explicitly bars funding for NASA to conduct such a mission. Since when do politicians specifically direct scientists what they can and can't do?


If John Kerry facilitates a successful peace negotiation between Israel and Palestine, he should run for president.

I mean, totally not gonna happen, but still.

Why? What does that have to do with being a good president? I mean it might be worthy of a nobel prize and a lot of praise and he might contribute more to world peace than any president but I don't really base my vote on the peace process.



Their budget explicitly bars funding for NASA to conduct such a mission. Since when do politicians specifically direct scientists what they can and can't do?

Here's your answer for GOP obstructionism:

President Obama’s proposed asteroid-lassoing mission, a key piece of NASA’s plan for human spaceflight in the next decade, is trying to make it through the House of Representatives without getting blown to smithereens.

Republicans have taken dead aim at the mission, while also pushing for sequester-level NASA spending and sharp cuts in the agency’s Earth science funding, much of which goes to research on climate change.


When they get slaughtered in 2016, the party will completely fracture.

That requires them to get "slaughtered", and then fracture. Still big if's this far out.

...although I do wonder what would happen if either the Republicans or Democrats actually did bite the dust. We've essentially had the same parties for the past 140-170 years now, depending on how you want to classify the current two-party split. It would be pretty fascinating if that actually got shaken up.


That requires them to get "slaughtered", and then fracture. Still big if's this far out.

...although I do wonder what would happen if either the Republicans or Democrats actually did bite the dust. We've essentially had the same parties for the past 140-170 years now, depending on how you want to classify the current two-party split. It would be pretty fascinating if that actually got shaken up.

Can you even classify Republicans of today as similar to Republicans of the last 120 years?

I think todays Republicans are an entirely new party. They are essentially RINOs.
Can you even classify Republicans of today as similar to Republicans of the last 120 years?

I think todays Republicans are an entirely new party. They are essentially RINOs.

No you cannot.

Republicans of the first half of the 20th century believed in "efficient" government to balance the "improving" government of Democrats.

Remember Eisenhower. He closed tax loopholes the rich were exploiting, built the federal highway system, and warned us about the military industrial complex.

Republicans of today do not believe in "efficient" government. They are wholly and completely "anti-government".

In my opinion that makes them traitors. I base that opinion on the writings of our founding fathers, who were adamant about protecting the integrity of government from sedition.
To be fair, democrats today are quite different from democrats 120 years ago as well.

I don't know if the party will fracture, but if they want to survive they'll need to completely revamp the way they select candidates. I've been saying for years that having South Carolina as the third primary election hurts the party. It always drives the party to the right, it's always ugly, and in the future it'll continue to make republicans look worse to "regular" people. From McCain's "black baby" in 2000 to Gingrich's "food stamp president" stuff last year, it's just not healthy for the party.

I know there's a lot of money and prestige involved, but someone has to stand up and move their primary schedule around. Missouri, Colorado, Ohio...those seem like far better choices. And if they want a southern state, take Virginia.


To be fair, democrats today are quite different from democrats 120 years ago as well.

I don't know if the party will fracture, but if they want to survive they'll need to completely revamp the way they select candidates. I've been saying for years that having South Carolina as the third primary election hurts the party. It always drives the party to the right, it's always ugly, and in the future it'll continue to make republicans look worse to "regular" people. From McCain's "black baby" in 2000 to Gingrich's "food stamp president" stuff last year, it's just not healthy for the party.

I know there's a lot of money and prestige involved, but someone has to stand up and move their primary schedule around. Missouri, Colorado, Ohio...those seem like far better choices. And if they want a southern state, take Virginia.

They hold the primary in the deepest red you can get in South Carolina that isn't in the country. Also, you can't fucking trust SC voters, anyway. They voted for a guy who left two wives who were sick and an adulterer.
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