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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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more: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-...an-suffers-abortion-backlash-from-donors.html

Looks like big business not on Cooch's side. Va better not fuck this up again...

Good news...but at the same time kind of depressing. I wanted Cooch to have all the money he could possibly use, all the support he could get from the national GOP....basically everything he wants or needs. Because when he loses, it should be quite clear that Virginia has rejected arguably the most extreme candidate to run for major office in years. I can already imagine Erick Erickson and others lamenting "big business conservatives" leaving Cooch out to dry, and blaming it for his loss.





Sidhe / PikPok
To promote his effort, Stockman, an outspoken freshman, will unveil on Tuesday a 60-foot-long scroll signed by 1,000 special operations veterans who support the select committee.

Only 1,000 names spread across 60 feet of paper? Double spaced and in 60 pt font I presume.

Supporters tout it as the largest petition ever presented to Congress, and Stockman plans to unroll it down the Capitol’s steps.

I see what you did there.
Michelle Nunn is running as a Democrat for Georgia's Senate race!


For those who don't know, Nunn is the daughter of former Senator Sam Nunn, and probably the only Democrat with enough pedigree to make it competitive. Essentially, the Alison Lundergan Grimes of Georgia.

For all the attention Texas is given, I really think Georgia will be the next North Carolina as far as a solid GOP state going to the Democrats out of the blue.


Michelle Nunn is running as a Democrat for Georgia's Senate race!


For those who don't know, Nunn is the daughter of former Senator Sam Nunn, and probably the only Democrat with enough pedigree to make it competitive. Essentially, the Alison Lundergan Grimes of Georgia.

For all the attention Texas is given, I really think Georgia will be the next North Carolina as far as a solid GOP state going to the Democrats out of the blue.

I would say she has a snowballs chance in Hell of winning, but maybe enough people are tired of the GOP's shit..

...What am I saying, of course she'll lose.


more: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-...an-suffers-abortion-backlash-from-donors.html

Looks like big business not on Cooch's side. Va better not fuck this up again...

Haha this reminds me of the Kaine-Kilgore race a lot. I was teaching cotillion to kids at a country club the same night they were having a Kilgore rally and the political strategists outside were complaining bitterly that they were "losing the sign war" in NoVA and the big pockets weren't sinking enough cash in to make sure Kilgore won.

Also the only time I've ever had someone say "don't say me, boy" and really mean it.


Nate Silver is going to be editor-in-chief of a Grantland style website for ESPN ala Bill Simmons and he will still continually do politics and elections.

This is fucking awesome. He's going to be able to bring the sabremetrics people in sports that are still sort of hiding either with teams or on internet blogs into a big media enterprise (which means a lot more availability wooo) to go along with the politics.


I am really excited for this (especially sports-wise).
Grantland is quite terrible though (and I generally like Bill Simmons).
Simmons doesn't understand that people liked his Kobe - Teen Wolf type of columns because they were unique, not because it's the best way to approach sports. So he went and built a media conglomerate dedicate to doing Mad Men power rankings and now Nath Silver think that there's a demand for more people who write like him.

I'm a fucking math major and I put my limit of columns that mention regression analysis at 1 per day.
At most.




Mike Lee: Republicans Will Shut Down Government To Block Obamacare

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) declared on Monday that he and other congressional Republicans would be willing to shut down the federal government in order to block further implementation of President Barack Obama's health care reform law.


“Congress of course has to pass a law to continue funding government -- lately we’ve been doing that through a funding mechanism called a continuing resolution," Lee said. "If Republicans in both houses simply refuse to vote for any continuing resolution that contains further funding for further enforcement of Obamacare, we can stop it. We can stop the individual mandate from going into effect.”

Lee added that his effort, which he said was backed by "13 or 14" Senate Republicans and a host of House Republicans, wouldn't target popular Obamacare provisions that already had gone into effect, like a measure that allows children to remain on their parents' health insurance until the age of 26.

Congress passed a continuing resolution in March, temporarily funding the government for the rest of the fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. Lee is suggesting that Republicans refuse to vote on a future measure to fund the government, setting up another standoff that would put critical government functions at risk.
Not surprising in the slightest. They've been doing it since 2012.

Edit: I would love to be the fly on the wall in Obama and Michelle's room at night. I bet he bitches about the Republicans like crazy.

You think his self esteem is so bad he spends the night bitching about himself?
You think his self esteem is so bad he spends the night bitching about himself?

No, you do enough bitching about him to fulfill the universe's quota

Edit: This was in the Post this weekend though I'll just post the Wonkblog post:


1. Thirty-one people meet in private, once every three years, to determine the entire country’s health care prices. The Relative Value Update Committee (the RUC, pronounced “ruck” by health wonks) has members that represent various medical specialties. In 2013, they gathered at a hotel in Chicago, and went about their business of setting price data for one of the country’s largest economic sectors.

“The purpose of each of these triannual RUC meetings is always the same: it’s the committee members’ job to decide what Medicare should pay them and their colleagues for the medical procedures they perform,” Edwards writes. “How much should radiologists get for administering an MRI? How much should cardiologists be paid for inserting a heart stent?”

2. The American Medical Association spends $7 million developing these prices. Medicare has a half-dozen, part-time workers to review the data. The RUC does not have the final say in medical prices; once they have determined the relative value of procedures, the MRIs and heart stents and hundreds of other things, Medicare reviews their findings. But they don’t have much manpower in this area. “The government has about six to eight people reviewing the estimates provided by the AMA, government officials said, but none of them do it full time,” Whoriskey and Keating write.
This helps explain a data point from Edwards’ piece: In the past 22 years of turning prices over to Medicare, the agency “has accepted about 90 percent of the RUC’s recommended values—essentially transferring the committee’s decisions directly into law.”

3. If the RUC’s estimates were right, some doctors would literally work more than 24 hours each day. One way the RUC figures out how much doctors should earn is by estimating how long it takes to do a particular procedure, like the average time of a colonoscopy. Those estimates, Whoriskey and Keating’s analysis suggests, are inflated. If those numbers are right, 78 doctors in Florida must work more than 24 hours a day to perform all the medical procedures they bill. One especially impressive doctor finds time for 50 hours worth of procedures in a given day.

6. Doctors tell the RUC how valuable their work is. In a way, it makes sense to ask doctors how much work it takes to practice medicine; they probably have the best first-hand knowledge of what happens when they perform a heart surgery or a colonoscopy. But surveying doctors on how difficult their work is to set medical prices creates every incentive for doctors to overestimate their value.

Stuff is infuriating, our health care system is so entrenched I really don't know how we move to cut costs. Even with medicare for all we're gonna be overpaying. We have great doctors and infstructure we just have the most needlessly complicated mechanisms to pay for it (and if your poor SORRY!)
Grantland is quite terrible though (and I generally like Bill Simmons).
Simmons doesn't understand that people liked his Kobe - Teen Wolf type of columns because they were unique, not because it's the best way to approach sports. So he went and built a media conglomerate dedicate to doing Mad Men power rankings and now Nath Silver think that there's a demand for more people who write like him.

I'm a fucking math major and I put my limit of columns that mention regression analysis at 1 per day.
At most.

I think we'll now finally get access to a lot of data ala stuff from Synergy for the NBA. I like this, especially with so many of the statheads being put into actual NBA positions and basically 82games and others have all but gone quiet.

And I completely disagree about Grantland. Yeah, some of the stuff like silly (Mad Men power rankings) but thanks to Simmons we now have Barnwell and Zach Lowe giving us great football and NBA analysis that wasn't on ESPN, really.

Grantland is a hugely successful venture so to argue that Simmons didn't understand what people likes couldn't be more wrong. He's probably the most powerful person on ESPN right now as a result of Grantland. He knew exactly what people wanted and delivered.



Mike Lee: Republicans Will Shut Down Government To Block Obamacare

McCain already said he won't allow that in the Senate.

But i bring on the GOP doing this. This move would GUARANTEE they lose 2014.

"Either repeal your Obamacare law or we'll shut down the gov't. WAHH WAAHH Give me my bottle! WAHH"

Please, GOP, do it. By all means.


The Autumn Wind
McCain already said he won't allow that in the Senate.

But i bring on the GOP doing this. This move would GUARANTEE they lose 2014.

"Either repeal your Obamacare law or we'll shut down the gov't. WAHH WAAHH Give me my bottle! WAHH"

Please, GOP, do it. By all means.
You know, I'd like to think that, but there are enough people out there that voted these guys into power in the first place.
You know, I'd like to think that, but there are enough people out there that voted these guys into power in the first place.

In the house MAYBE. Cook says there are still something like 66 house seats that are "competitive" something stupid like this can easily move lots of those. PoliGAF overestimates the popularity of the republicans. The republican base is at max like 20% of the country.


You know, I'd like to think that, but there are enough people out there that voted these guys into power in the first place.

Batshit insane people. Plus, they gerrymandered the hell out of the country so that their base will vote them in.
You know, I'd like to think that, but there are enough people out there that voted these guys into power in the first place.

They'll come off looking horrible. Polls have shown that even republicans want them to compromise and Boehner already conceded that it is the law of the land.

Sure, there's a hardcore base against it, but at most that's 20% of the electorate.

They'll lose enough to become the full minority party if they take this course. if there's one thing American people hate, regardless of party, it's a sore loser.

It's not like the debt ceiling, either, which at least had the mantra of "fiscal responsibility" even if it was BS. This is strictly about trying to undo Obama's policy when he was just releected president. They lost and the overwhelming majority of Americans will not side with them.

Like I said, bring it on. Watch how fast they burn in 2014.


The Autumn Wind
Maybe I'm just in an overly pessimistic mood after the horrible Mets loss tonight, but it's not like Republicans haven't been horrible for the last few years, yet people still vote for them. I'm sure I'll feel better about things tomorrow after I sleep it off.


Grantland is a hugely successful venture so to argue that Simmons didn't understand what people likes couldn't be more wrong. He's probably the most powerful person on ESPN right now as a result of Grantland. He knew exactly what people wanted and delivered.
Is it?
I'm honestly asking, for some reason I assume it wasn't.

I'll give you Barnwell (though by god, he needs a better editor) but Zach Lowe is meh central.


No Scrubs
Maybe I'm just in an overly pessimistic mood after the horrible Mets loss tonight, but it's not like Republicans haven't been horrible for the last few years, yet people still vote for them. I'm sure I'll feel better about things tomorrow after I sleep it off.

You can't let the Mets losing get you down. I learned a while ago to push those feelings down, especially after the summer starts and they fall apart..


The Autumn Wind
You can't let the Mets losing get you down. I learned a while ago to push those feelings down, especially after the summer starts and they fall apart..
I'm in that awful phase where I know they're horrible, but I still care. I think it's literally killing me inside.
Edit: This was in the Post this weekend though I'll just post the Wonkblog post:


Stuff is infuriating, our health care system is so entrenched I really don't know how we move to cut costs. Even with medicare for all we're gonna be overpaying. We have great doctors and infstructure we just have the most needlessly complicated mechanisms to pay for it (and if your poor SORRY!)

That's pretty much how it works in every industry. The "free market" is just the accumulation of decisions made by a small handful of (unelected) wealthy people.
I'm in that awful phase where I know they're horrible, but I still care. I think it's literally killing me inside.

Lol. Embrace the horribleness.

Though i will say when I bough MLB the show 13 and the mets were like the 2nd worst team in the game I was a bit sad.
McCain already said he won't allow that in the Senate.

But i bring on the GOP doing this. This move would GUARANTEE they lose 2014.

"Either repeal your Obamacare law or we'll shut down the gov't. WAHH WAAHH Give me my bottle! WAHH"

Please, GOP, do it. By all means.
McCain 4 minority leader

He's the only one who's interested in compromise nowadays.


The Autumn Wind
Lol. Embrace the horribleness.

Though i will say when I bough MLB the show 13 and the mets were like the 2nd worst team in the game I was a bit sad.
For a guy with "metsfan" in your username, I thought you'd be in the MLB thread at least occasionally.
That's pretty much how it works in every industry. The "free market" is just the accumulation of decisions made by a small handful of (unelected) wealthy people.

Consumer goods is pretty "free" as many of their products aren't necessities. Not everything is beyond the ability for consumers to vote with their wallets. Health care is such a bad place for the "free market", as in the Republican version, because you can't escape it.

You can never have a completely free market because you're never gonna have perfectly equitable information one side always has more and uses it for their advantage.

For a guy with "metsfan" in your username, I thought you'd be in the MLB thread at least occasionally.

Ehh, I'm a big fan (Its the only franchise in sports I've been a fan of since birth) but I've drifted out of baseball for awhile especially during college I went to school where there was no Baseball team within 400 miles. The drives not there as much, that and the Sports threads are intimidating with all the regulars. Poligaf was the only one I even dared venture into. I'm hopefully moving up north so I'll hopefully be going to more games.
Consumer goods is pretty "free" as many of their products aren't necessities. Not everything is beyond the ability for consumers to vote with their wallets. Health care is such a bad place for the "free market", as in the Republican version, because you can't escape it.

I don't disagree that health care is a special case; in fact, it's not a market at all. But it's not true that consumer goods are much freer. I have a few choices of cell phone carriers. That means a few CEOs make decisions about my mobile services. I have a couple choices of cable carriers. I have two real choices about computer operating systems. Even in industries that are more free, there's still only a relative handful of people making decisions. Monopoly capitalism is just a different shade of a command economy. It creates some illusions, and I suppose that helps its perpetuation. But it's still a joke. No capitalist would defend it, to be sure.


Unconfirmed Member
Personally I'm just really looking forward to October 1 when the online health insurance markets open up. My current insurance doesn't cover the thing I absolutely need and it's quite difficult to tell which new one to go with. Those marketplaces sound like they'll make the whole process so much easier.

Destroying something like that when it's already done barely helps anything. I can't imagine those sites are huge drains on the budget to maintain. I know I've said it a lot here, but man what will it take to get republicans to focus on fixing the things they have problems with instead of just widespread destruction.
Is it?
I'm honestly asking, for some reason I assume it wasn't.

Yes, it is. It's just over 2 years now and it's almost up to Deadspin's viewership last I read and they're panicking about that, apparently.

The weren't supposed to last this long, let alone be this strong. Regarding financials it's hard to say how successful it is because that's the whole issue with the internet in general, but traffic wise it's doing better than probably ESPN expected.

I'll give you Barnwell (though by god, he needs a better editor) but Zach Lowe is meh central.

Zach Lowe is like the only current writer out there who actually understands the game and also demonstrates it to you. I don't know how anyone who likes basketball and hates pundits could dislike Lowe.

Maybe you don't like his writing style but he's by far the best NBA commentator in terms of what he says with any decent viewership.

I also like the recaps they do and some other things. Like I said, I'm a fan of the site just as I am of Simmons (even if he is a Boston homer...).

Destroying something like that when it's already done barely helps anything. I can't imagine those sites are huge drains on the budget to maintain. I know I've said it a lot here, but man what will it take to get republicans to focus on fixing the things they have problems with instead of just widespread destruction

That would be something. I wish it were the case, as well.


Mike Lee: Republicans Will Shut Down Government To Block Obamacare

I'm not buying it. Sure some will pull their little last stand, but I can't see the senate shutting down long term over Obamacare. Maybe for a day or two, for the base, but that's it. And Boehner will break the Hassert rule to avoid whatever deadline/cliff comes up.

Too bad the business mandate had to be delayed. The more people actually see of the law, the more they'll like or at least tolerate it. Still I'm worried about a lot of people looking at exchange prices and saying "fuck that, I'm out..." not realizing that they may be eligible for subsidies.
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