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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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@ppppolls 9m
Ted Cruz is polling in double digits and ahead of Marco Rubio on our new national GOP poll, out tomorrow
TF will be back in two weeks.

Bill O'Reilly thread.


As for Dax, I have no clue about her.

I just saw his post. I wouldn't have framed my thoughts that way but I've noticed not only on GAF but in my daily life with the trayvon verdict a lot of latent racism becoming more vocalized. I can only think its white existential angst, a fear of not being the dominate force. GAF has been pretty tolerant though with obviously a few exceptions.


No Scrubs
I just saw his post. I wouldn't have framed my thoughts that way but I've noticed not only on GAF but in my daily life with the trayvon verdict a lot of latent racism becoming more vocalized. I can only think its white existential angst, a fear of not being the dominate force. GAF has been pretty tolerant though with obviously a few exceptions.

That's what got him? It wasn't that bad, hope it wasn't a long one.


Setec Astronomer
I just saw his post. I wouldn't have framed my thoughts that way but I've noticed not only on GAF but in my daily life with the trayvon verdict a lot of latent racism becoming more vocalized. I can only think its white existential angst, a fear of not being the dominate force. GAF has been pretty tolerant though with obviously a few exceptions.
Look outside the obvious threads and you see a ton of small-c conservatism on GAF.


But, even still, aside from TF calling out the shit for what it really is, what the fuck is up with people wanting to deflect and deny the obvious root of African-American socioeconomic problems in this country?

I mean, damn!


I don't know, but their probably the same people who think racism isn't a problem anymore since we elected Obama.
Hey PD, remember you complained about Obamacare cutting work hours. So, about that...

An analysis of data from the Current Population Survey shows that only a small number (0.6 percent of the workforce) of workers report working just below the 30 hour cutoff in the range of 26-29 hours per week. Furthermore, the number of workers who fall in this category was actually lower in 2013 than in 2012, the year before the sanctions would have applied. This suggests that employers do not appear to be changing hours in large numbers in response to the sanctions in the ACA.

There have been numerous accounts of employers claiming to reduce employment or adjust hours in order to avoid the obligations of the ACA.

If this is the case, we should have first begun to see evidence of the impact of ACA in January of 2013, since under the original law employment in 2013 would serve as the basis for assessing penalties in 2014.

The Obama administration announced on July 2, 2013 that they would not enforce sanctions in 2014 based on 2013 employment, but employers would not have known that sanctions would not be enforced prior to this date. Therefore we can assume that they would have behaved as though they expect to be subject to the sanctions and acted accordingly.

Reducing average hours of work below 30 per week, could plausibly have an impact on employment patterns, but the data do not indicate that this is happening.

Several large employers have claimed that they would deliberately keep workers’ hours below 30 hours per week in order to avoid having them count toward the number for whom they would have a $2,000 penalty.

Some surveys of small businesses also report that employers intend to reduce workers’ hours to avoid the penalty, even they are not bound by the law.

Fortunately, it is possible to test whether employers are actually reducing hours below the 30-hour threshold.

The Current Population Survey (CPS) provides monthly data on workers usual weekly hours. We used the CPS to compare the first four months of 2013 with the first four months of 2012.

We looked at the numbers and percent of workers who reported working 26-29 hours a week.

We considered this range a reasonable cutoff for an ACA effect. Presumably if an employer would have a worker put in more than 30 hours a week in the absence of ACA penalties, they would require a worker to put in close to, but less than, 30 hours in order to avoid the penalties.

There are two points that are striking. First, a very small share of the workforce falls into this group.

Well under 1 million workers, roughly 0.6 percent of the labor force, typically work between 26-29 hours a week.

It is also important to remember that many of these workers choose to work less than a full-time job. More than two-thirds of the workers who report working less than full-time jobs say that they are doing so by choice.

If this ratio also applies to the workers who usually work between 26-29 hours it would mean that less than 300,000 workers, or roughly 0.2 percent of the workforce, are working this number of hours as a result of their employer’s decision.

The other striking aspect to the data in Table 1 is that the number and percentage of workers putting in between 26-29 hours per week was slightly lower in 2013 than in 2012.

The average percentage of workers in this category for 2013 was 0.597 percent.
That is down from 0.604 percent in 2012.

While this drop is not close to being statistically significant, the change is in the wrong direction for the ACA as job-killer story.

While there may certainly be instances of individual employers carrying through with threats to reduce their employees’ hours to below 30 to avoid the sanctions in the ACA, the numbers are too small to show up in the data.

It appears that in setting worker hours employers are responding to business considerations in much the same way as they did before the ACA took effect.

While the sanctions in the ACA may provide some marginal incentive to reduce worker hours below the 30-hour cutoff, other considerations in setting worker hours appear to be far more important.

Whoops! I'm sure this will stop the GOP talking point.

Regarding Obama's speech, which I haven't heard/read but saw some stuff tweeted out, about damn time he called out the GOP for the ignorance and obstructionism the way I've seen quoted.

Most importantly, he called them out for having no ideas, something I've been arguing about on Poli-GAF for a year and the reason I believed they'd lose the 2012 election.

"If you have better ideas ... stop taking meaningless repeal votes and share your concrete ideas with the country."

"You can't just be against something—you've got to be for something."

More of this, please.

One last note, here is what the GOP tweeted out in response to Obama's economic plan to add jobs: http://majorityleader.gov/blog/2013...row-jobs-and-strengthen-the-middle-class.html

How many jobs does this plan add in the next year, best case scenario? 200k? 400k if we're being generous? How is this a plan at all? We've got million of people who are looking for work and their response is a jobs plan that doesn't even add 500k jobs in the near term? What fucking clowns.
But, even still, aside from TF calling out the shit for what it really is, what the fuck is up with people wanting to deflect and deny the obvious root of African-American socioeconomic problems in this country?

I mean, damn!

Because then they'd not be able to be afraid of blacks/other minorities without feeling like racists and it would require them to give up a bit of privilege.

Look outside the obvious threads and you see a ton of small-c conservatism on GAF.

I've always noticed it with Euro-gaf whenever the Roma are brought up.


Projected Democratic Seats: 49-50 seats
Projected Republican Seats: 50-51 seats

drudgesiren.gif time?
I almost feel as if giving the senate to the republicans for two years with a 51 seat majority will be good. Give them the entire legislature let them pass crazy shit, Obama vetoes them, run in 2016 on the fact "we told you how insane they are, let use back in", slim democrat majority in house and something like 55 seat majority in the senate.

They might even do the dirty work and get ride of the filibuster.

For an election 15 months away?

Nate loves to do predictions without numbers.


The Autumn Wind
Dax requested a ban to focus on her schoolwork.
I don't get the logic to people doing this. You can still read the forum. It was one thing way back when when you had to be logged in to browse, but now there's no point.
• Just 23% of Americans under 35 said they considered themselves Republicans, compared with 50% who see themselves as Democrats.

• Just 30% of women of all ages call themselves Republicans.

• 67% of whites think the country is off on the wrong track, compared to 46% of blacks and 48% of Hispanics.

• 74% of people in rural areas, and 76% of evangelicals, think the country is on the wrong track. As do 72% of whites with less than a college degree, and 75% of southerners.

• 59% of Republicans, and 50% of Democrats, would like to replace every member of Congress, including their own.

• Just 37% of whites, compared to 80% of blacks and 54% of Hispanics, think Obama is emphasizing unifying the country over partisan politics. Just 40% of Republicans think the GOP is emphasizing unifying the country over partisan politics.

• Just shy of half of all Hispanics say they will blame the GOP if the immigration push fails, while 21% say they will blame Obama.

• 79% of Hispanics—and 29% of Republicans–say border concerns are just an excuse for the GOP to block immigration reform.

• 77% of Dems, 45% of indies and 17% of Republicans think the GOP should stop trying to block Obamacare.

• 19% of Democrats think the Republicans should block Obamacare from going into effect.

these are some horrific numbers for the GOP. lol @ the trolling Democrats wanting GOP to block Obamacare to make the GOP look worse.

BTW, according to the poll, the "replace your own member of the House" number is the highest it's been since just before the 2010 GOP takeover of the House. hm....
Just found out I'm gonna be interning on capitol hill this fall (it's in the house though, so it'll be even more fun)! Pretty excited to be going to DC finally and leaving the south since I've been here my whole life. Hope to find a job right after as its really hard to network politically in Florida.

Sucks it's unpaid but I'm lucky to have a good support network.
The fact that 23% of Americans under 35 are dunces is still troubling. It should be 0%.

23% of southern rural teenagers have never experienced the world.

I'm okay with that.

Just found out I'm gonna be interning on capitol hill this fall (it's in the house though, so it'll be even more fun)! Pretty excited to be going to DC finally and leaving the south since I've been here my whole life. Hope to find a job right after as its really hard to network politically in Florida.

Sucks it's unpaid but I'm lucky to have a good support network.

Congrats. Tell us who is sexting whom!

these are some horrific numbers for the GOP. lol @ the trolling Democrats wanting GOP to block Obamacare to make the GOP look worse.

BTW, according to the poll, the "replace your own member of the House" number is the highest it's been since just before the 2010 GOP takeover of the House. hm....
Let's see if voters put their money where their mouth is. "Moderates" are easily swayed. In MN-3 our rep is Erik Paulsen whose voting record is the same as Michele Bachmann yet he goes out and claims he's a sensible centrist Republican and everyone believes it. In a district that voted for Obama twice he wins with more than 60% of the vote every time.
Let's see if voters put their money where their mouth is. "Moderates" are easily swayed. In MN-3 our rep is Erik Paulsen whose voting record is the same as Michele Bachmann yet he goes out and claims he's a sensible centrist Republican and everyone believes it. In a district that voted for Obama twice he wins with more than 60% of the vote every time.

name recognition is a bitch. At the end of the day, a whole contingent of people go "i recognize his name and not the other guy and i don't really like that party soooooo"


The Autumn Wind
Just found out I'm gonna be interning on capitol hill this fall (it's in the house though, so it'll be even more fun)! Pretty excited to be going to DC finally and leaving the south since I've been here my whole life. Hope to find a job right after as its really hard to network politically in Florida.

Sucks it's unpaid but I'm lucky to have a good support network.
Are you in South Florida? We could take in a Mets game and troll Republicans.


The fact that 23% of Americans under 35 are dunces is still troubling. It should be 0%.

I wonder how many under 35 split the difference and play the whole "...but both parties are the same!" card. Because anecdotally I see too much of that on GAF and real life.

-- // --

While waiting on the full video of the Obama speech, here is an excerpt: Obama delivers speech on US economy from Knox College.

You guys weren't kidding, he went in rock hard and unwrapped.

EDIT: Full speech here: President Obama FULL SPEECH. Knox College Economy.

Lately, discourse on GAF around race (and gender, and some other issues) has been pretty, hmm. Disappointing? Disheartening? But try to keep your cool and not tell other members to stfu, even if they've earned it.

Add to that list any discussion around the minimum wage. They have been at least 3 or 4 threads on the MW post-election and all have been scary glimpses into the contempt that many people have for the working poor. The last thread with the young married woman who was a mother of three and worked at McDonald's was especially hard to read.
Just found out I'm gonna be interning on capitol hill this fall (it's in the house though, so it'll be even more fun)! Pretty excited to be going to DC finally and leaving the south since I've been here my whole life. Hope to find a job right after as its really hard to network politically in Florida.

Sucks it's unpaid but I'm lucky to have a good support network.

Congratulations! I have a cousin interning up there now and he's been posting cool press room pictures to Facebook.
Hey PD, remember you complained about Obamacare cutting work hours. So, about that...


Whoops! I'm sure this will stop the GOP talking point.

Regarding Obama's speech, which I haven't heard/read but saw some stuff tweeted out, about damn time he called out the GOP for the ignorance and obstructionism the way I've seen quoted.

Most importantly, he called them out for having no ideas, something I've been arguing about on Poli-GAF for a year and the reason I believed they'd lose the 2012 election.

"If you have better ideas ... stop taking meaningless repeal votes and share your concrete ideas with the country."

"You can't just be against something—you've got to be for something."

More of this, please.

One last note, here is what the GOP tweeted out in response to Obama's economic plan to add jobs: http://majorityleader.gov/blog/2013...row-jobs-and-strengthen-the-middle-class.html

How many jobs does this plan add in the next year, best case scenario? 200k? 400k if we're being generous? How is this a plan at all? We've got million of people who are looking for work and their response is a jobs plan that doesn't even add 500k jobs in the near term? What fucking clowns.

To be fair, I didn't complain about it, I noted that the employer mandate was one of my least favorite aspects of the law and I deal with people on a near monthly basis who have lost benefits "due to Obamacare." It's a matter of greed on employers, and I'm glad to see it's overblown nationally.
Just found out I'm gonna be interning on capitol hill this fall (it's in the house though, so it'll be even more fun)! Pretty excited to be going to DC finally and leaving the south since I've been here my whole life. Hope to find a job right after as its really hard to network politically in Florida.

Sucks it's unpaid but I'm lucky to have a good support network

keep careful notes of your work and hours so you can sue for backpay.

TF will be back in two weeks.

Bill O'Reilly thread.

I stay the fuck away from threads like the oreily one. You know its a trap


Doesn't the fact that the government refusing to pay interns set a bad example and justifies the proliferation of non-paying internships in the private sector?
Horrible idea. You won't win and you will be burning bridges.

Of course he' ll win. And it will be a class action suit.

Did you miss the landmark case a few weeks ago?

Doesn't the fact that the government refusing to pay interns set a bad example and justifies the proliferation of non-paying internships in the private sector?

Obama's America


But, even still, aside from TF calling out the shit for what it really is, what the fuck is up with people wanting to deflect and deny the obvious root of African-American socioeconomic problems in this country?

I mean, damn!

My crassly racist parent is an immigrant who came here because their father could engineer real good weapons + was vociferously anti-communist, and completely missed the mixture of poverty, crime, and ethnicity/race that rears its head quite a bit in the American experience.

However they expect you to have sympathy for the fact that people made fun of them for having a foreign name when they were growing up.
My crassly racist parent is an immigrant who came here because their father could engineer real good weapons + was vociferously anti-communist, and completely missed the mixture of poverty, crime, and ethnicity/race that rears its head quite a bit in the American experience.

Where from, if you don't mind my asking?
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