They got tired of coming up with ways to misrepresent the facts, so they just started straight up lying.
I really have no clue how they did it. At first I thought maybe it was a misrepresentation by looking at non-seasonally adjusted data but we've actually lost part-time jobs in that number. About 2 million in fact. And the 2.2 total jobs number seasonally adjusted is accurate so how they got that breakdown is confusing.
Usually the GOP intentionally misrepresents numbers and plays games and I can figure it out. With this one, I'm stumped. I can't see anywhere in the data how they created that breakdown without just making numbers out of thin air.
Here's another funny tidbit. Today, there are 27.3 million total part-time workers.
In January 2009 there were a total of 26.7 million total part-time workers
But Obama took office late in January 2009 and the GOP love to use January over February, the first real month he was actually in office because January was a really fucking bad month for the economy.
If you look at February 2009 the total part time workers were 27.5 million (800k increase in economic reasons all full-timers becoming part timers).
That means if you use February 2009, the first full month Obama was President, we've gained 2.5 million jobs of which 2.7 million are full-time and we
lost 200k part-time jobs.
So yes, the GOP is full of complete shit.
edit: It should also be noted since January 2009, there's 3 million more private sector jobs. Since February 2009, about 3.7 more private sector jobs. The job losses are concentrated in gov't. 1.2 million less gov't jobs since jan/feb 2009.