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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Oh my God...

the #liberalsgetupsetwhen hashtag

#LiberalsGetUpsetWhen you say a mass murderer should be put to death, but they have no problem with one million abortions every year. #ccot

#LiberalsGetUpsetWhen they discover Sharia law hates atheists more than homosexuals...but will execute either but prolly the atheists first!

#liberalsgetupsetwhen they find out conservatives aren't racist. At all. Racism is one of their main arguments, and it's wrong.

#liberalsgetupsetwhen we remind them Martin Luther King was a Republican pic.twitter.com/xAE2CoVZKF

My mind. My God.


Ted Cruz opens mouth. Shit comes out as usual.

Cruz again raps Obama's health care law

AMES, Iowa (AP) — Sen. Ted Cruz on Saturday continued his call for cutting off funding for President Barack Obama's health care law and told conservative Christians that congressional lawmakers can't be counted on to do it.

The Texas Republican, a tea-party favorite and a possible presidential candidate in 2016, drew a standing ovation at the Family Leadership Summit with his denouncement of the health care initiative labeled "Obamacare" by its critics.

"That reaction right there shows how we win this fight," Cruz said. "If I was sitting in the Senate cloakroom, the reaction would be fundamentally different. If we have to depend on Washington, it will never be done."

As he has in remarks to other conservatives, Cruz asserted that a grassroots effort would be needed. "The only way we win this fight is if the American people rise up and hold our elected officials accountable," he said.

Cruz has been part of a push by some conservative lawmakers to close the government temporarily this fall — by refusing to fund federal operations beyond Sept. 30 — if that's the only way to cut off money for Obama's health care law. Other Republicans have dismissed the tactic as counterproductive and even dangerous for Republicans seeking re-election next year.

Last Tuesday the party's most recent presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, told donors that "there are better ways to remove Obamacare" and predicted that a shutdown effort would result in the health care law being funded anyway, Republicans suffering at the polls and Americans being unhappy.

Asked about the Romney remarks, Cruz said: "There are lots of folks that can share their views. In my view, No. 1, there's bipartisan agreement Obamacare isn't working. No. 2, this is the single best opportunity to defund it."

Former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., who sought the Republican nomination in 2012 and might again in 2016, told the group that the party must do a better job reaching out to working-class voters. The winner of the Iowa caucuses in 2012 said that by focusing on business owners in that election, the GOP failed to connect with "job holders" and "marginalized" a group of voters.

"We need to reject this idea that if we build the economy, all boats will rise. We need to talk about people who have holes in their boats, because we all do," Santorum said.

Reality TV star and real estate mogul Donald Trump, who flirted with a presidential run in 2012, said the GOP was struggling and would need a strong candidate in 2016, "someone who is really smart and really good."

The daylong event was one of many cattle calls for potential candidates in the grueling run-up to the next presidential election. Conservative voters will likely be critical to a victory in the Iowa caucuses, the nation's first presidential nominating event.

Iowa Republican consultant Doug Gross said conservative Christian voters could play a big role in 2016.

"Historically the people that are there (at the Family Leader summit), represent about 40 percent of the caucus-goers. That's not an insignificant portion," Gross said. "It depends how many conservatives get in the race. It's totally wide open."


Palin is on Team Rand Paul!

"I'm on team Rand. Rand Paul understands. He gets the whole notion of don't tread on me government. Whereas Chris Christie is for big government and trying to go-along-to-get along in so many respects," Palin said.

Palin added that many of the New Jersey governor's classic moments were in fact set-up with what the former governor called a "YouTube videographer."

"And ya' know, some people look at him as 'ah man, he's a governor who goes rogue.' No, ya' know he's got a shtick going there where he's got a YouTube videographer following him around, kind of these set up situations sometimes so he can be seen as perhaps going rogue," said Palin. "But Chris Christie's for more government and his record proves that, whereas Rand Paul with that healthy libertarian streak that we need more of, in our politicians, team Rand Paul."

Unless they find a new market, undercut the established competition, or make a huge investment, I really can't see any new players in the Californian health market. Kaiser and Anthem are already so huge here.

Exactly. I don't see any others besides those two ever getting a foothold here.
Holy shit, this documentary on CNN about Nixon has the darndest quotes about homosexuality. Nixon was a monster homophobe.

"Homosexuality destroyed Greek civilization"
"The last six Roman emperors were all fags"
"The Communists and left-wingers are all pushing homosexuality"

I lol'd
The administration put stuff in place to allow them to force insurance companies to provide healthcare, right? Otherwise what would prevent a situation where a state has no available insurance, thus forcing people to pay the penalty?
Holy shit, this documentary on CNN about Nixon has the darndest quotes about homosexuality. Nixon was a monster homophobe.

"Homosexuality destroyed Greek civilization"
"The last six Roman emperors were all fags"
"The Communists and left-wingers are all pushing homosexuality"

I lol'd

Is that documentary availble online anywhere?

I'd love to watch it but don't have access to cable right now.
Holy shit, this documentary on CNN about Nixon has the darndest quotes about homosexuality. Nixon was a monster homophobe.

"Homosexuality destroyed Greek civilization"
"The last six Roman emperors were all fags"
"The Communists and left-wingers are all pushing homosexuality"

I lol'd

I love the irony of how the discussion started. Talking about Archie Bunker and how it makes him out to be bad guy with his outdated views... Sounds like someone else

The administration put stuff in place to allow them to force insurance companies to provide healthcare, right? Otherwise what would prevent a situation where a state has no available insurance, thus forcing people to pay the penalty?

There is no reality where a few insurance companies aren't in a state's market. Way too much money being left on the table.

Any company that already does a lot of insurance in a state will continue to do so. It's only guys who has almost no clients that will back out.

Exactly. I don't see any others besides those two ever getting a foothold here.

It's actually a 3-way. Blue Shield is pretty sizable.


Unconfirmed Member
Lol @ "Honk to Impeach Obama."

If I were Obama I would jump to the front passenger seat of the limo and start honking the horn while giving them the troll face.
Holy shit, this documentary on CNN about Nixon has the darndest quotes about homosexuality. Nixon was a monster homophobe.

"Homosexuality destroyed Greek civilization"
"The last six Roman emperors were all fags"
"The Communists and left-wingers are all pushing homosexuality"

I lol'd

Somebody above said that Nixon would be a Democrat today. Oh, no he wouldn't. Not one bit.
Cruz continues to shit on his own caucus

"That reaction right there shows how we win this fight," Cruz said. "If I was sitting in the Senate cloakroom, the reaction would be fundamentally different. If we have to depend on Washington, it will never be done."

Also lots of nullification talk coming from the right now. Good luck with that. At least some of them are starting to realize the only actual way to end Obamacare is to fuck up the exchanges by lowering participation. That should be the goal, if you wanted to end the law. But right now it seems like the main goal is to fleece gullible, stupid people for donations and run for president.


So there's a trend going around on twitter that is #whyimconservative, and one of my friends said that it's because he "believe in equal opportunity, not equal outcome"

The irony in this is too glorious.
Prince Reibus is on CNN and it looks like they are gonna go ahead with their boycott of mainstream networks for GOP debates. It's clear as a day. They're trying to limit the viewership of GOP debates just to Fox News so that rest of the people do not get turned off by the circus that is GOP primary debates.
Prince Reibus is on CNN and it looks like they are gonna go ahead with their boycott of mainstream networks for GOP debates. It's clear as a day. They're trying to limit the viewership of GOP debates just to Fox News so that rest of the people do not get turned off by the circus that is GOP primary debates.

I don't buy that. People will still see clips of the insanity on other networks, played over and over and over again; that's how most people learned about Herman Cain, Bachman, etc last year. This seems to be more of a reaction to the insane anti-Hillary stuff going on throughout the far right, specifically due to Benghazi.


Prince Reibus is on CNN and it looks like they are gonna go ahead with their boycott of mainstream networks for GOP debates. It's clear as a day. They're trying to limit the viewership of GOP debates just to Fox News so that rest of the people do not get turned off by the circus that is GOP primary debates.

Talk about trying to strengthen that bubble more and more. Not even a nuke will be able to get through it. Lies will be thrown around like truth all day errday.


No Scrubs
Prince Reibus is on CNN and it looks like they are gonna go ahead with their boycott of mainstream networks for GOP debates. It's clear as a day. They're trying to limit the viewership of GOP debates just to Fox News so that rest of the people do not get turned off by the circus that is GOP primary debates.

He really has no shame does he? Or confidence in his candidates. This isn't going to stop people from reporting on it and showing clips of them being dipshits.
I don't buy that. People will still see clips of the insanity on other networks, played over and over and over again; that's how most people learned about Herman Cain, Bachman, etc last year. This seems to be more of a reaction to the insane anti-Hillary stuff going on throughout the far right, specifically due to Benghazi.

fox news will be able to frame the questions for maximum dog whistle though. no tough questions about denying care. no tough questions about rape. etc
I don't buy that. People will still see clips of the insanity on other networks, played over and over and over again; that's how most people learned about Herman Cain, Bachman, etc last year. This seems to be more of a reaction to the insane anti-Hillary stuff going on throughout the far right, specifically due to Benghazi.
Partly true. But they're also using her as an excuse to limit exposure of GOP primary nuttiness to just the Fox News crowd.

Stuff like Rick Perry being unable to name agencies he will cut or Herman Cain antics would make it to mainstream regardless. But what they're trying to do is suppress right wing ideology being discussed in debates such as elimination of tax payer funded institutions and other wacky shit.
fox news will be able to frame the questions for maximum dog whistle though. no tough questions about denying care. no tough questions about rape. etc
Of course. No mainstream coverage means moderators are all from Fox News.
fox news will be able to frame the questions for maximum dog whistle though. no tough questions about denying care. no tough questions about rape. etc

Uh did you guys watch the Fox debate?
Just a random part, starting with Santorum going insane on guns: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CNtPuU-hJw

Fox doesn't save anyone from themselves. I think it's a good idea to have fewer debates regardless of party, and especially in the case of republicans. But eliminating NBC's debate will not stop Jon Stewart from playing clips, millions of people from seeing clips on youtube, MSNBC from looping the crazy bits all night, or other networks from covering the nonsense. More people watched the Fox debate than the others anyway.

Is Rand Paul going to be able to hide the fact that he wants to eliminate the Department of Education? Is Rick Santorum going to be able to hide his seething hatred for gay people? No. And let's not kid ourselves: most people don't even pay attention to the presidential races until after Labor Day. By then whoever is the GOP nominee will have a boatload of crazy comments to be mined and aired in national ads by Hillary Clinton, who will have more money


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
For once, I think there will be some serious backlash from the mainstream media if Preibus goes through with this brilliant strategy. The DNC rejected the idea of Fox News hosting the Democratic debates, but they still let the major media outlets host them.

Speaking of which, I completely missed the Democratic debates last time around. Were there any really embarrassing moments with anyone?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Uh did you guys watch the Fox debate?
Just a random part, starting with Santorum going insane on guns: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CNtPuU-hJw

Fox doesn't save anyone from themselves. I think it's a good idea to have fewer debates regardless of party, and especially in the case of republicans. But eliminating NBC's debate will not stop Jon Stewart from playing clips, millions of people from seeing clips on youtube, MSNBC from looping the crazy bits all night, or other networks from covering the nonsense. More people watched the Fox debate than the others anyway.

Is Rand Paul going to be able to hide the fact that he wants to eliminate the Department of Education? Is Rick Santorum going to be able to hide his seething hatred for gay people? No. And let's not kid ourselves: most people don't even pay attention to the presidential races until after Labor Day. By then whoever is the GOP nominee will have a boatload of crazy comments to be mined and aired in national ads by Hillary Clinton, who will have more money

Well, in fairness, that was a Fox AND Google hosted debate, so maybe Fox was forced to have SOME substantive questions.
For once, I think there will be some serious backlash from the mainstream media if Preibus goes through with this brilliant strategy. The DNC rejected the idea of Fox News hosting the Democratic debates, but they still let the major media outlets host them.

Speaking of which, I completely missed the Democratic debates last time around. Were there any really embarrassing moments with anyone?
There haven't been democratic debates since 2008.
Well, in fairness, that was a Fox AND Google hosted debate, so maybe Fox was forced to have SOME substantive questions.

But do the questions matter when the candidates are trying to be as far right wing as possible? Seriously brehs, watch ten minutes of it. That's not mainstream stuff. Now imagine how it'll go in 2016 when Obamcare is firmly in place and Hillary Clinton is cruising through the democrat primaries. They're extremists, dancing for insane voters...moderator questions aren't going to save them.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
But do the questions matter when the candidates are trying to be as far right wing as possible? Seriously brehs, watch ten minutes of it. That's not mainstream stuff. Now imagine how it'll go in 2016 when Obamcare is firmly in place and Hillary Clinton is cruising through the democrat primaries. They're extremists, dancing for insane voters...moderator questions aren't going to save them.

Oh sure, I agree that the candidates won't be able to help themselves, but I figure Fox will try and have a bit more message control next time around. Again, it might not end up helping, but they will make an attempt to be more disciplined.
Oh sure, I agree that the candidates won't be able to help themselves, but I figure Fox will try and have a bit more message control next time around. Again, it might not end up helping, but they will make an attempt to be more disciplined.
And that's exactly what they're trying to do with controlling the coverage.


No Scrubs
For once, I think there will be some serious backlash from the mainstream media if Preibus goes through with this brilliant strategy. The DNC rejected the idea of Fox News hosting the Democratic debates, but they still let the major media outlets host them.

Speaking of which, I completely missed the Democratic debates last time around. Were there any really embarrassing moments with anyone?

Well there was Howard Dean, but that wasn't in a debate.

Not from any of the front runners. Mike Gravel and Kucinich said some silly things, but we also got Biden's awesome, "a noun, verb, and 9/11" line about Rudy, so it was worth it.

Not only was that straight ether but the Daily Show went in on Rudy relentlessly after that. The 9 and 11 having sex on the american flag still kills me.
So why didn't they do it in 2012 or 2008? And why do their shows continue to promote far right wing ideology?
Because the extreme right wing shift occurred after Obama was elected. For 2012, one could say that hindsight is 20/20. They realized the circus that came to town with GOP primary debates only later.


My understanding is that the dems and republicans are just proxies for Silicon Valley and Wall Street, respectively.

The fun thing now is that people like google (har har?) are diversifying and shifting the balance of power. The sky is falling and repubs must either double down on the crazy or appeal to the Hispanic vote.

The three m's of contemporary politics: money, Mexicans, media.


There is no benefit to only ditching them, then it just looks like sour grapes. ABC and CBS would still ask questions they wouldn't want asked.

I thought the whole point was because CNN and NBC were airing the Clinton films. Of course it's sour grapes, Priebus the troll isn't hiding that.


No Scrubs
I thought the whole point was because CNN and NBC were airing the Clinton films. Of course it's sour grapes, Priebus the troll isn't hiding that.

That's an excuse. Even he knows that a documentary on Hilary Clinton isn't going to have an affect on 2016 this far out. I'd put money on it being about not wanting to expose the average voter to all the crazy going on in the primary and to keep the hard questions away from their contenders during the primary.
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