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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Unconfirmed Member
At this point it's clear that the Muslim Brotherhood aren't good guys in general, but that doesn't necessarily mean the methods used to oust them were the best and neither are they on the same level as Al Qaeda.

The magic of nuance.

Well sure, I was personally hoping that the takeover was just going to be a reset to fix the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood only won because they were already established and the competition wasn't ready in time for the voting, and to stop them from writing a constitution that was a Muslim Brotherhood manifesto as the first ones in power. There's nothing about the Muslim Brotherhood's politics I like.

But when, Mohamed ElBaradei, Morsi's biggest political opponent and interm president, resigns over the vilolence the military is taking, that's a pretty big sign that something bigger is happening than just bad policy. No nuance needed.

Real life letter to the editor in yesterday's paper:
Fight Obamacare Now
August 18, 2013

This is pretty rich, from Karl Rove, whose comments basically reflect the views of many other Republicans in Name Only, such as Sen. John McCain, R. Ariz.; Sen. Tom Coburn, R. Okla.; columnist Charles Krauthammer; Sen Richard Burr, R-N.C., etc, on defunding Obamacare:

“For congressional Republicans, the challenge is to keep the upper hand provided by their strategy of passing continuing resolutions at current levels to fund the government. They must not overreach.”

So let me get this straight. To continue to cave to the socialistic “progressives” on every spending increase (whether through debt ceiling increases or endless continuing resolutions) is “keeping the upper hand?” This is a strategy?

Apparently “overreach” is actually standing firm to at least attempt to rid America of the cancer that is Obamacare, at which is likely the last chance before it becomes an entrenched entitlement next year, when the exchanges/subsidies take firm root. Long odds? Not necessarily, if the Republicans would unite and do what they’ve promised to do since the 2010 midterms, notwithstanding the many repeal votes that they have taken in the interim. None of those votes were attached to anything real. They were stand-alone votes as political posturing to say, “See? We’re serious about repealing the health care law.”

But now is the time to do something real, something that has teeth, and they are running for cover. The excuse of being blamed for the dreaded government shutdown really just shows that their allegiance is only to being re-elected, not saving our economy/liberty. Our allegiance should be to the latter, and thus to only electing/re-electing those willing to fight for it, and actively opposing those who refuse to do so.

A “government shutdown” would be a phony “crisis,” blamed on Republican defunders, but manufactured by Obama et al. Speak truth to this lie and do what’s right. Avoiding this fight now while cowering in fear guarantees defeat in the Obamacare fight and doesn’t guarantee Republicans’ re-election anyway. Even if it did, what good are they to us if they won’t stand up and fight for us?

Do not accept any more of this pablum. Big unions want out, the IRS union wants out, the Congress and its staff have all but gotten out (their premiums will now be taxpayer-funded to the tune of about 70 percent). And the president has already unilaterally, and unlawfully, excused the employer mandate for a year (to get through the midterm elections before the heavy damage kicks in).

Call your senator and congressman daily, and tell them to defund this now, no excuses. Follow their positions at dontfundit.com.

The fight against Obamacare is now .... not next year, not after the next election, now. Absent that, the Republican symbol of the elephant should be exchanged for a plain white flag.

Mike Thibodeaux
Baton Rouge​


I am so fucking sick of hearing GOPers whine about Obamacare. You would have thought Democrats forced a new bill of rights or made Canada a US state in 2010.

Sick. and. tired. of. it.


Unconfirmed Member
At this point it's clear that the Muslim Brotherhood aren't good guys in general, but that doesn't necessarily mean the methods used to oust them were the best and neither are they on the same level as Al Qaeda.

The magic of nuance.
Regardless of one's position on them, banning them from participation seems like a long term strategic mistake if the end goal is a functioning democracy.

Also think its funny watching conservatives shit on Obama over a coup that ousted MB, 6 months ago MB was second coming of Al Qaeda and Obama was pandering to terrorists by "letting" them win elections.
That's pretty interesting that the chief economist of S&P, of all people, appears to understand a modern fiat monetary system. Footnote 4 pretty much says it all. What the hell is he doing working for S&P?

Not that interesting. He was on CNBC earlier in August talking up monetary policy while briefly mentioning fiscal drag every now and then.
I don't mean to talk shit about other posters in here but am I the only one who finds Boom Boom Pow annoying as shit?

Its like in every thread he's in about politics his reply is "Well I was a poor immigrant who knew little English and now I'm rich, if these people can't be successful fuck them, its their fault!"
Huh...that's pretty interesting and surprising, because unless I'm mistaken, even Keynes believed in the multiplier concept.

On an unrelated note, do current medicare taxes go to fund current medicare beneficiaries (in the same way that SS does)?

Keynes fiscal multiplier isn't the same thing as the money multiplier. His can be right and this one wrong. The multiplier concept is fine but that doesn't mean it is always right. As ev points out, demand of money (as well as supplier risk assessment) has a huge affect on money circulation so the multiplier might look decently accurate when money is in high demand and the economy is roaring along but as with anything else a real economy isn't simple and the concept breaks down under many circumstances.

As for Medicare, I'll put it this way. There is no such thing as federal taxes that fund anything but the current fiscal year in the US. And don't forget, Medicare beneficiaries pay a premium as well.


aka andydumi
As for Medicare, I'll put it this way. There is no such thing as federal taxes that fund anything but the current fiscal year in the US. And don't forget, Medicare beneficiaries pay a premium as well.

And a significant one at that in relation to a fixed Social Security income. Cheap by health insurance standards though.


Time for another addition of "What can Chris Christie do to further ruin his chances of being the Republican Nominee for president."

NJ governor to sign ban on gay conversion therapy

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Gov. Chris Christie plans to sign a bill Monday barring licensed therapists from trying to turn gay teenagers straight, making New Jersey the second state to ban so-called conversion therapy, along with California.

The bill passed both houses of the New Jersey Legislature with bipartisan support in June. Assemblyman Tim Eustace, who sponsored the bill and is openly gay, described the therapy as "an insidious form of child abuse."

In a signing note accompanying the bill that will be made public Monday, Christie said he believes people are born gay and that homosexuality is not a sin. That view is inconsistent with his Catholic faith, which teaches that homosexual acts are sins.

The Republican governor also said the health risks of trying to change a child's sexual orientation, as identified by the American Psychological Association, outweigh concerns over the government setting limits on parental choice.

"Government should tread carefully into this area," he said in the signing note, which was obtained by The Associated Press, "and I do so here reluctantly."

"However, I also believe that on the issues of medical treatment for children we must look to experts in the field to determine the relative risks and rewards," Christie said, citing a litany of potential ill effects of trying to change sexual orientation, including depression and suicide. "I believe that exposing children to these health risks without clear evidence of benefits that outweigh these serious risks is not appropriate."

Gay rights activists applauded the ban but pushed for more.

"It is our truest hope that the governor will realize, as the majority of the legislature and a super-majority of the pubic have realized, that the best way to ensure lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender youth are protected from the abuse of being ostracized is to provide them with equality," Troy Stevenson, executive director of the state's largest gay rights group, Garden State Equality, said in a statement.

Christie previously vetoed gay marriage legislation. He has said he supports the state's civil union law, which was enacted to give gay couples the benefits of marriage but not the title.
Gay couples have since sued, claiming that the law provides unequal treatment to same-sex couples. Their lawyers say the U.S. Supreme Court ruling granting federal benefits to gay married couples strengthens their case in state court, while Christie administration lawyers say the federal government should recognize the state's civil union law as the equivalent to marriage. A trial court decision is expected next month.

Gay rights groups say the practice of conversion therapy is damaging to young people because it tells them that it's not acceptable to be whoever they are.

Some social conservatives framed the debate as a parental rights issue, saying a ban on the counseling would limit the ability of parents to do what they think is best for their children.

The idea of conversion therapy is an old one that has increasingly drawn criticism for its methods. Last year, four gay men sued a Jersey City group for fraud, saying its program included making them strip naked and attack effigies of their mothers with baseball bats.

Lawmakers heard horror stories from some during hearings on the ban, including Brielle Goldani of Toms River, who testified she underwent electric shocks and was given drugs to induce vomiting after being sent to an Ohio camp at age 14 to become straight.

But, they also heard from Tara King, a Brick-based counselor, who said she should be allowed to "fix" what patients, even under-aged clients, want fixed.

Good on Christie. This conversion therapy shit is heinous.


The Autumn Wind
Time for another addition of "What can Chris Christie do to further ruin his chances of being the Republican Nominee for president."

NJ governor to sign ban on gay conversion therapy

Good on Christie. This conversion therapy shit is heinous.
Some social conservatives framed the debate as a parental rights issue, saying a ban on the counseling would limit the ability of parents to do what they think is best for their children.
I'm not sure what's more disgusting: That these people would use this excuse to justify it, or that they truly believe it.
I honestly think Christie could beat Clinton under the right circumstances. 8 years of a drowning middle class under Obama could pose a challenge for whoever is the democrat nominee; that of course assumes the economy remains as is, which isn't a sure bet. A Hillary presidency could be labeled as a continuation of partisan obstruction politics, whereas Christie could paint himself as the guy who will get shit done. We'll see.


The Autumn Wind
I honestly think Christie could beat Clinton under the right circumstances. 8 years of a drowning middle class under Obama could pose a challenge for whoever is the democrat nominee; that of course assumes the economy remains as is, which isn't a sure bet. A Hillary presidency could be labeled as a continuation of partisan obstruction politics, whereas Christie could paint himself as the guy who will get shit done. We'll see.
Unless he tones down his personality, I don't see that happening, especially if he's running against a woman.
The magic of dual citizenship: Ted Cruz could run for Canadian Parliament


Like President Barack Obama before him, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has released a copy of his birth certificate to the press, proving that he is, in fact, a citizen of the United States. The document, given to The Dallas Morning News, shows that Cruz, whose father is of Cuban heritage, was born in 1970 in Calgary, Alberta, to an American mother.

That makes him an American citizen at birth, meaning that he is eligible to run for president of the United States, according to a scholarly investigation by the Congressional Research Service. (Technically, someone could challenge his candidacy in court.) Indeed, Cruz's decision to release the certificate is the latest evidence that he is mulling a run in 2016.

But he also has a potential back-up plan if a presidential bid goes sour: The Canadian Parliament.

Yes, he could take his brand of fiery conservatism north of the border thanks to the fact that he is also, technically, a Canadian citizen. While Cruz spokesman Catherine Frazier might disagree, telling the press that "he never had Canadian citizenship, so there is nothing to renounce," multiple legal experts told the Dallas Morning News that the senator is Canadian whether he likes it or not, thanks to the country's Citizenship Act of 1947.

"If a child was born in the territory, he is Canadian, period," France Houle, a law professor at the University of Montreal, told the Dallas Morning News. "He can ask for a passport. He can vote."

There is also nothing barring him from running for office in Canada, although his dual-citizenship could also cause him political problems there. Just ask Liberal Party leader Stéphane Dion, who in 2006 promised concerned voters that he would give up his French citizenship if he were voted prime minister.

It doesn't matter that Cruz left Canada as a four-year-old. He is still a Canadian citizen until he formally renounces his citizenship, which requires the relatively painless steps of filling out a four-page form and paying $100.

Most dual-citizens in similar situations don't bother to renounce their citizenship because, unlike in the United States, Canadian citizens aren't taxed for income they make outside the country. Cruz, however, might want to reconsider, if only to stop the taunts of "Canadian Ted" coming from his political opponents.



No Scrubs
Uh, why? He'd do that especially if he was running against a woman.

He'd look like a huge dick. He's already bordering that line at times in Jersey and they've got a higher tolerance for that sort of thing than the rest of the country. He'd drive off undecideds if he doesn't tone it down.


Ted will go up to Canada and completely disassemble their health care system so that it can't be used as an example for how the American system should work.


No Scrubs
Heh. It's probably

NAME: Ted The Crushing Canuck Cruz

CANADIAN: As all hell, eh

SIGNED BY: A Very Canadian Mountie On A Moose. Eh.



He'd look like a huge dick. He's already bordering that line at times in Jersey and they've got a higher tolerance for that sort of thing than the rest of the country. He'd drive off undecideds if he doesn't tone it down.

I misread what he said. I thought he meant he didn't think Christie would tone down his behavior, especially if he was running against a woman.
Here are my notes from the town hall meeting with Steve Scalise:

Impeachment applause
Fukushima what (the cleanup in Japan is going to start an explosion that is going to make the northern hemisphere uninhabitable, this guy was nuts)
Just had a really well spoken Democrat
Applause for shutdown and getting rid of everything
Boo for boehner
Sequester is good cuts
"we all know that from fox news"
This guy is picking out individual people who deserve welfare
Guy against dream act
Drudge report is good
People clapping for stuff they're against? Home destroyed, rebuilt
They just clapped for the Senate immigration bill when someone talked about illegal immigrants rebuilding the city after katrina?
They hate the fact that net Mexican immigration is zero, don't believe it
Someone called a group of Hispanics here illegal when someone asked how we can track mad cows but not aliens ("THEY'RE RIGHT HERE")
Really great black tshirt group translated Hispanic mom
Pelosi hate
Really angry at immigrants
Common core is a liberal socialist agenda indoctrination
Internet sales tax bill has to be revenue neutral (wat)
Multi million trip to Africa oh no
Al qaeda coming over border from Mexico Muslims coming over border
Government buying ammunition to attack Americans
Agenda 21 un is anti-american and anti-semitic (scalise said that)
really loud racist dude bitching when spanish-speakers were being translated​

It was really, really bizarre. There were more Democrats there than I expected but they were mostly shouted down by the tea partiers. There was a, like, decked-out in survival gear guy walking around handing out fliers that said WANTED FOR FORGERY with that picture of Obama smoking and then a bunch of crazy birther text, but I wasn't able to get one. I found the whole thing to be pretty hilarious to start with, but it kind of wore on me as it went on.



More Portuguese are invading the White House


Today the Obamas welcomed the newest member of their family – a little girl (puppy) named Sunny!

Sunny was born in Michigan in June 2012, and arrived at the White House today. Just like Bo, she’s a Portuguese Water Dog, which works great for the Obamas because of allergies in their family.

Sunny is the perfect little sister for Bo – full of energy and very affectionate – and the First Family picked her name because it fit her cheerful personality.

In the past, Bo has been eager to help the First Family with their official duties, from visiting Walter Reed and the Children’s National Medical Center, to inspecting the Holiday decorations at the White House, to greeting guests at the White House on tours and during the Easter Egg Roll, but in October, the First Lady told reporters that she hosted a “doggie play date” because “Bo doesn't have enough dog interaction.” So now, in addition to helping with those official duties, Bo takes on the important role of big brother!
Hey that would actually be a good thing, especially in a sluggish economy. Tax increases (at least those not aimed at extremely high income earners) depress aggregate demand. So if you're going to have a tax increase, it definitely ought to be offset by more spending. Glad to see tea partiers are coming around to increased government spending.
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