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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Setec Astronomer

GOP was fucking over blacks since before even WWII began! Almost 80 odd years ago! haha
That graph really needs to start from the 1910's to capture the first major shift away from the Republican party.
Brian Beutler opens up about his experience in getting shot. Very good read, and a wonderful insight.

This time was different. About half a block up Euclid, Matt and I encountered two young men — both black, both wearing hoodies, characters culled from Richard Cohen’s sweatiest nightmares. They wanted our phones, which we were cleverly holding in front of our faces as we walked.

We declined, gently under the circumstances. I worried we might end up in a fight. Maybe one of them had a knife, or a larger group of friends around the corner. I know I would’ve surrendered my phone eventually, but not before suggesting they go hassle someone else. Maybe they’d figure we weren’t worth the trouble.

They didn’t oblige. The kid opposite Matt drew a small, shiny object from wherever he’d been concealing it and passed it to his accomplice, who was standing opposite me. A second or two lapsed — long enough for me to recognize they weren’t joking, but not long enough for me to beg — before it discharged clap clap clap; my body torqued into the air horizontally, like I’d been blindsided by a linebacker, and I fell to the ground.​


Setec Astronomer
I don't get this Ted Cruz thing. I know he's a citizen regardless of being born out of the country, but I've been told all my life that being born outside the country made you ineligible for the Presidency. Have I been living a lie?
What about McCain?
I lament that I recall this, but their trying to disqualify Obama had something to do with when Hawaii officially became a state or somesuch.

There's that, but there's a longer-lived, more vocal contingent that claims he was born in Kenya.

I would love to see them rationalize Ted Cruz.
There's that, but there's a longer-lived, more vocal contingent that claims he was born in Kenya.

I would love to see them rationalize Ted Cruz.
I'm sure it'll boil down to something like Canada is USA-lite. Half of the Kenyan argument was that it made him unAmerican in conjunction with his time in Indonesia.

My brain hurts.
I know it doesn't need to be said but all these Hillary polls are just bunk right now. Catnip for liberals. Once the campaign gets revved up and the stories of Bill's orgies in the sky chartered by his billionaire friends and Hillary's involvement in Benghazi become front and center she will take a significant hit. At that point, the Democrat who has positioned themselves the anti-Clinton a la Obama 2008 will become the viable alternative.
He claims it's his libertarian ideals not wanting to regulate ineffective medical treatment and not anti-LGBT bigotry!
If it's ineffective, the market will regulate it out

It certainly wouldn't continue to be sustained by irrational people desperately clinging to their emotions or beliefs!
I know it doesn't need to be said but all these Hillary polls are just bunk right now. Catnip for liberals. Once the campaign gets revved up and the stories of Bill's orgies in the sky chartered by his billionaire friends and Hillary's involvement in Benghazi become front and center she will take a significant hit. At that point, the Democrat who has positioned themselves the anti-Clinton a la Obama 2008 will become the viable alternative.

Her numbers will definitely take a hit once the campaign begins (not due to Benghazi), at which point Politico will hand wring over her losing support (from 62% to 52%). In reality it'll be due to moderate republicans going home, and the typical poll decay that occurs once a campaign begins.

I wonder if her campaign planned the fallout she's receiving now. Getting this stuff out the way now makes more sense than being hit in the face nonstop with it in January 2016.
I don't get this Ted Cruz thing. I know he's a citizen regardless of being born out of the country, but I've been told all my life that being born outside the country made you ineligible for the Presidency. Have I been living a lie?
Yes. My school said the same thing.

All it says is natural born citizen. The courts have said natural born means you acquire citizenship at birth. Which anybody with American parents does.
From PPP

Louisiana Senate

Mary Landrieu (D) 50
Bill Cassidy (R) 40

Louisiana Governor

Mitch Landrieu (D) 45
David Vitter (R) 42

Mitch Landrieu (D) 45
Jay Dardenne (R) 35

Ohio Governor

John Kasich (R) 35
Ed FitzGerald (D) 38

If Landrieu and Hagan's big leads hold up, Dems will hold a 50-50 tie in the Senate at worst, which Biden breaks. Plus Dems can pick up the governor's seats in Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, Maine, Virginia (in November), and possibly Wisconsin, South Carolina, and Louisiana (in 2015).

Now let's see if I can win my bet against PD



Obamacare critic Rick Perry seeks cash from law

Gov. Rick Perry wants to kill Obamacare dead, but Texas health officials are in talks with the Obama administration about accepting an estimated $100 million available through the health law to care for the elderly and disabled, POLITICO has learned.

Perry health aides are negotiating with the Obama administration on the terms of an optional Obamacare program that would allow Texas to claim stepped-up Medicaid funding for the care of people with disabilities.

The so-called Community First Choice program aims to enhance the quality of services available to the disabled and elderly in their homes or communities. Similar approaches have had bipartisan support around the country. About 12,000 Texans are expected to benefit in the first year of the program.

One line of thinking as to why the Texas governor, who has honed his national image in no small measure by denouncing Obamacare, would make such a seemingly inconsistent move goes like this: Treating disabled and elderly people is less politically charged than a sweeping national law forcing people to buy health insurance. Perry recently decided against seeking reelection next year but is mulling a second presidential bid in 2016,

Perry spokesman Josh Havens said in a statement that the governor has long sought to help people with disabilities.

“Long before Obamacare was forced on the American people, Texas was implementing policies to provide those with intellectual disabilities more community options to enable them to live more independent lives, at a lower cost to taxpayers,” the statement read. “The Texas Health and Human Services Commission will continue to move forward with these policies because they are right for our citizens and our state, regardless of whatever funding schemes may be found in Obamacare.”

Still, the move comes as a surprise coming from a governor who has insisted he won’t implement the Obamacare reforms, and who slammed Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius for touting the law during a trip to the Lone Star State earlier this month.

“With due respect, the secretary and our president are missing the point: It’s not that Americans don’t understand Obamacare, it’s that we understand it all too well,” Perry said at the time. “In Texas, we’ve been fighting Obamacare from the beginning, refusing to expand a broken Medicaid system and declining to set up a state health insurance exchange.”

Perry’s anti-Obamacare purism has helped shape his national persona. He’s has called the law a “monstrosity” and taken steps to block Texas’s participation in some optional components. So his decision to embrace an element of the law, even though he has the support of his state’s Republican Legislature, could present a messaging challenge on a bigger stage.

Advocates for the disabled said the governor is doing the right thing.

“Adding CFC will mean that approximately 12,000 Texans with intellectual and developmental disabilities who have been waiting for comprehensive waiver services will be able to receive some of the basic supports they very much need now,” said Jessica Ramos, public policy director at the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities. “For some, CFC will mean the difference between being able to live at home rather than having to move to a nursing home or other type of institution.”

The Texas Legislature approved the program earlier this year, and Perry signed it into law as part of a larger package of health reforms, as well as in the state budget. Now, his administration is working win approval from the Obama administration to fit the program into the state’s existing Medicaid framework.

“Efforts are under way to develop and submit an application to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for participation,” said a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services. The goal is to implement the initiative by Sept. 1, 2014.

Supporters of home care contacted by POLITICO worried that even a news story about the connection between the Community First Choice program and Obamacare would spook the Perry administration from participating.

“t would be worse than a shame if Texas’s moving ahead with CFC or BIP policies — both are from the ACA — was hurt as the result of scrutiny from a press inquiry,” said one Texas-based advocate.

Added another local advocate, “I would hate for the CFC to become a political football.”

An official with a prominent national advocacy group noted that Texas isn’t the only resistant state to quietly accept some lower-profile components of the health law. Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Maine and others have already been approved for 2 percentage point increases in their Medicaid fund through a little-known provisions of the health law, the advocate said.

“I think some of those [provisions] are easier because they’re not as high profile and people don’t connect home and community services with Medicaid,” according to the advocate.

But everything’s bigger in Texas. And with the possible exception of Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), few other politicians have made as big a stink about Obamacare as Perry has.

Several activists and Democrats accused the Republican governor of hypocrisy. Ginny Goldman, director of the Texas Organizing Project, called the move “shameful.”

“It’s simply a shame that Perry is willing to accept $100 million in Affordable Care Act dollars that would help some … but to at the same time reject $100 billion in federal funds turns his back on 1.5 million people” who would be eligible for Medicaid expansion, she said.

“Rick Perry has accepted federal funds in the past. He’s accepted federal funds on a regular basis when it suits his needs, whether it was using federal stimulus dollars to balance the state budget or accepting FEMA money. … Sadly, he is driven by his political interests above all else and when it comes to the Affordable Care Act, he’s willing to turn his back on 1.5 million people who need health care.”

One Democratic strategist said it illustrates “how impossible it is to be ideologically pure on this.”

Eddie Vale, spokesman for the pro-Obamacare group Protect Your Care, had a more positive spin.

“This is yet another sign that common-sense Republicans, and now even Rick Perry, are realizing that Obamacare will benefit millions of people in their states,” he said. “As people continue to work together in a bipartisan manner to implement Obamacare it will leave the extremist repealers like Cruz and DeMint increasingly isolated.”

Do I laugh? I'm really not sure.
The masses have turned on CBOAT faster and harder than they turned on Obama.

His plunge in favorability ratings would make Weiner blush.

That being said, this thread needs a CBOAT.
From PPP

Louisiana Senate

Mary Landrieu (D) 50
Bill Cassidy (R) 40

Louisiana Governor

Mitch Landrieu (D) 45
David Vitter (R) 42

Mitch Landrieu (D) 45
Jay Dardenne (R) 35

Ohio Governor

John Kasich (R) 35
Ed FitzGerald (D) 38

If Landrieu and Hagan's big leads hold up, Dems will hold a 50-50 tie in the Senate at worst, which Biden breaks. Plus Dems can pick up the governor's seats in Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, Maine, Virginia (in November), and possibly Wisconsin, South Carolina, and Louisiana (in 2015).

Now let's see if I can win my bet against PD

Mildly surprised to see Mitch doing that well in polling for the Governor's race.

It's also gonna take a lot to topple Mary, and I'm not sure Cassidy will be able to get the name recognition in time to do it.


No Scrubs
He's on a train NeoGAF deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll curse him, mock him, because his buttocks can take it. He's not our hero, he's a silent insider, a watchful prophet, a crazy buttocks on a train.

He turned out to be full of shit didn't he?
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