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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Hey that would actually be a good thing, especially in a sluggish economy. Tax increases (at least those not aimed at extremely high income earners) depress aggregate demand. So if you're going to have a tax increase, it definitely ought to be offset by more spending. Glad to see tea partiers are coming around to increased government spending.

revenue neutral means the new tax that replaces the old tax brings in the same amount of revenues. It has nothing to do with spending. That would be deficit neutral.

Hence the "wat" in the post. What tax is it replacing?
revenue neutral means the new tax that replaces the old tax brings in the same amount of revenues. It has nothing to do with spending. That would be deficit neutral.

Hence the "wat" in the post. What tax is it replacing?

Ah, revenue neutral, missed that. Then it's as stupid as can be expected. Not much to trade for a regressive tax.


Hannity opens up his segment making stuff up regarding liberals being "birthers" in regards to Ted Cruz. Uncharted 3 time coming up, my curiousity gets the best of me.


Ha. That's ironic. They can do it, but others can't?

Well, on the plus side his next segment was about the "million muslim march" where he repeatedly asked if any islamic jihadists, anti-Semites, hezbollah, or hamas people were attending. But he's not villianizing muslims. You know, terrorists.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
If a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged, is a liberal is a conservative who got sick? Consider, for example, Jim Galloway's report on a Georgia Republican named Clint Murphy.

If Gingrich sits near the top of the Republican food chain, Murphy was one of those underpaid GOP soldiers who slogged through muddy grassroots in campaign after campaign.

U.S. Sen. Paul Coverdell's patronage took Murphy to Washington in the 1990s. He volunteered in Casey Cagle's successful effort to become lieutenant governor in 2006, took a paid position in John McCain's 2008 presidential effort in Florida, and served as a salaried staffer during Karen Handel's gubernatorial push in 2010.

And so Murphy's Facebook post on Obamacare last week, addressed to his Republican friends, was something of a surprise: "When you say you're against it, you're saying that you don't want people like me to have health insurance."

So far, so good, right? Don't celebrate just yet...

...Murphy said he will be supporting [conservative Republican] Karen Handel for the U.S. Senate next year, come what may. He believes that much in her ability to find a practical path through the current health care swamp.

We called the Handel campaign, which informed us that the former secretary of state remains committed to "a full stop and defunding of Obamacare in its entirety now." She has endorsed the effort by U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and others to shut down the federal government this fall if it doesn't happen.


Welp, there ya go. Problem solved!


No Scrubs
Yeah, I know where it is geographically, I was wondering more politically...

Ahh, well they've been a pretty strong voting block for the Dems. I can't remember the last time they went with the GOP. It's not all that surprising considering their proximity to the city though. The Dems have a majority in their board of legislators, the county clerk and DA are both Dems as well. The County Executive is a Republican though, he helped set up ESPN's radio station in NYC and worked for Sirius on a religious station before politics.


No Scrubs
I don't get this Ted Cruz thing. I know he's a citizen regardless of being born out of the country, but I've been told all my life that being born outside the country made you ineligible for the Presidency. Have I been living a lie?

Apparently. By this logic even if Obama had been born in Kenya he would have been eligible.
Whats really crazy is that a disproportionate amount of presidential candidates over the past few years have been un-american.

Romney Sr - Mexico
Mccain - Panama
Obama - Kenya
Apparently. By this logic even if Obama had been born in Kenya he would have been eligible.

No, that's actually the case.

Even in some alternate universe where Obama was born in Kenya, due to his mother's citzenship, he STILL would be considered a natural born citizen, therefore, he can run for President.

The whole birther thing is retarded and falls apart EVEN IF IT WAS TRUE.


No Scrubs
No, that's actually the case.

Even in some alternate universe where Obama was born in Kenya, due to his mother's citzenship, he STILL would be considered a natural born citizen, therefore, he can run for President.

The whole birther thing is retarded and falls apart EVEN IF IT WAS TRUE.

Birtherism is like an onion of stupidity, even when you think you've found the last layer there's one more underneath it. It really is the gift that keeps on giving.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
From some National Review guy's twitter:

Why is "gay conversion therapy" so terrible that it must be banned but physical sex-change operations not? Seems a bizarre double-standard.

Libruls owned again.


Unconfirmed Member
*Scratches head*

I'm having a hard time figuring out how those two are even remotely related.

The analogy kind of works if you make the assumption that the therapy can possibly work, and you're talking about adults who choose to undergo therapy on their own. In that case it's preventing a person from changing a sexual related trait that person was born with but isn't happy with.
While we're at it, if atheism were true, why do we have bananas?


Did you know that wild bananas are inedible and the ones we eat have been engineered by man?


I don't get this Ted Cruz thing. I know he's a citizen regardless of being born out of the country, but I've been told all my life that being born outside the country made you ineligible for the Presidency. Have I been living a lie?
The constitution only says he needs to be a natural born citizen, the most common interpretation is that he had to be an American citizen when he was born (as opposed to being naturalized at a later date) but I don't think it has never been tested in court.


Unconfirmed Member
Believe me, Ted Cruz's citizenship issues will be enough to end his presidential aspirations. It's just not the right time to bring it up as an issue. They'll just wait until people are paying attention which isn't for another 3 years.

The 24 hour news networks will then find some block of a couple of days to talk about nothing but his citizenship as just one of the long list of controversies that make for major ratings during election season. That's when the attention whore birthers will come out of hiding and onto TV, leading the rest of the birthers to voting for some other republican candidate.

It'd be a huge waste for them to blow their load on this controversy right now.
So I decided to check out Michael Ramirez's cartoons today, cuz every now and then I want a laugh, and I realized sometimes the facebook comments of his cartoons are far and away better.

anice - You're right. I'm so disgusted with the GOP right now I'm ready to throw in the towel myself. We need to bring the Tea Party fiscal conservatives into power -- and some viable GOP candidates in 2016. I can think of a few: Dick Cheney (but might be too old and in precarious health), Scott Walker, Dr. Benjamin Carter, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman. Actually, Condi Rice would be really ideal. If she ran against hillbilly in 2016, she'd be a shoe-in with the black (and hispanic) voters, men and women. Ditto Dr. Carson. Keep the RINOs out: McCain, Christie, Rubio, Graham.

Oh, it's his health that's the issue. lol

Putin would make a far better POTUS than Owebumbler.

0vomit's net worth is up 800% since he took office...not counting the never ending vacations.

0vimit. They're not even trying anymore, are they?

There is only justice for blacks, Hispanics(white or otherwise) Chinese(or related) Caucasians. Left to the tender mercies of the black mobs and wilding packs. Yes our post racial president has time and time again shown he is a racist and a race-baiter, as is his pet pit bull eric (fast and furious)holder.

Our justice system favors blacks!



Actually, Condi Rice would be really ideal. If she ran against hillbilly in 2016, she'd be a shoe-in with the black (and hispanic) voters, men and women.
I love that he thinks blacks and women will suddenly vote for the GOP if they run a black woman as the candidate. Surely it's got nothing to do with policy or politics. Please proceed, GOP.
I love that he thinks blacks and women will suddenly vote for the GOP if they run a black woman as the candidate. Surely it's got nothing to do with policy or politics. Please proceed, GOP.

Just think about how insultingly racist that mentality is.

It assumes that blacks are so desperate and stupid for representation that they believe that they see a black candidate on a ticket they jump at the chance to put them in officer/power.


No Scrubs
Just think about how insultingly racist that mentality is.

It assumes that blacks are so desperate and stupid for representation that they believe that they see a black candidate on a ticket they jump at the chance to put them in officer/power.

It's par for the course though isn't it? They aren't willing to make the actual changes to their platform/beliefs but they still expect people to be stupid enough to vote for them.
I love that he thinks blacks and women will suddenly vote for the GOP if they run a black woman as the candidate. Surely it's got nothing to do with policy or politics. Please proceed, GOP.

Nevermind that Condi is pro-choice!

I love confronting conservatives on this issue. If Obama won 95% of the black vote because he's black...why did Gore win 90% of the black vote?


Nevermind that Condi is pro-choice!

I love confronting conservatives on this issue. If Obama won 95% of the black vote because he's black...why did Gore win 90% of the black vote?


GOP was fucking over blacks since before even WWII began! Almost 80 odd years ago! haha

This is why it's so amazing they still seem to think it's a problem with optics and messaging. Still! For a brief period I thought the last election would send the message, but the "it's a messaging problem" side is winning out. Only they're stuck with the Tea Partiers who don't even care to clean up the messaging.


Bitter tears due to Christie's action today.

Below is article that shows just how much closer we are to persecution of Christians in America for declaring homosexuality is a sin. NJ's governor has decided to criminalize efforts to help a "gay" person get out of that sinful lifestyle.

And to think that this is the same Chris Christie who will likely run for president in 2016. I already didn't care for him much after what happened toward the end of the last presidential election with his Obama hug.

Stand firm, Christians! Be humble, gracious, and merciful as the Lord has been and continues to be to us. But do not give in to accepting what the Word of God calls evil. Should the day of Christ calling us home be some time yet we WILL face days where we will be fined, thrown in jail, and even worse for calling homosexuality what it is, an abomination.



This is why it's so amazing they still seem to think it's a problem with optics and messaging. Still! For a brief period I thought the last election would send the message, but the "it's a messaging problem" side is winning out. Only they're stuck with the Tea Partiers who don't even care to clean up the messaging.
I think it's because they're racist, and don't think that non-whites are capable of higher cognitive functions. That they vote based on some kind of animal instinct, and if the GOP just have to package their message with the right sounds and colors because lesser races are incapable of understanding the meaning. They are wiggling bananas for men in ape suits.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I love that he thinks blacks and women will suddenly vote for the GOP if they run a black woman as the candidate. Surely it's got nothing to do with policy or politics. Please proceed, GOP.

That's the part that I found most amusing, lol.
It's worth noting that black people were strong republican voters until 1932, but the seeds were sown in 1927 after the Great Mississippi Flood. Herbert Hoover was in charge of the relief effort and made a lot of promises to black communities that lost property in the flood. He didn't keep those promises, and by 1932 the demographic shift began to catch steam. The New Deal further solidified black people with the democrat party; my grandad fought in WWII and said when their camp heard news of FDR's death everyone - the black soldiers and the white commanders - cried.

Obviously much of the democrat party was fiercely racist at the time, compared to the more progressive republican party of the time, but black people stuck with the party of FDR and Truman (who desegregated the military). And the CRA sealed the deal.

The republican account of things seems to be: Lincoln frees the slaves, republicans pass the CRA despite democrat opposition, Reagan creates prosperous economy for blacks, big government ruins the black family.
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