Considering how hostile Congress is, it'd say that's a success.
They basically won the Bush Tax Cut expiration battle on January 2nd which counts as this year. So there's that at least.
Every year without a Grand Bargain (TM) is a good year.
I think we are all underestimating what the GOP is capable of here. They likely feel that Obama and the machine behind his electoral triumphs are a once in a lifetime type of thing and no one in 2016 on the left will be as viable (not even Hillary; starting to have my doubts). This is the time for them to really ramp up their obstruction on everything from education cuts to gutting PPACA.I've said it before and I'll say it again, the tea party is the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party in a long time.
This may be neutral/calm or perhaps a 'victory' given the tenacity of the GOP these days, sure, but we aren't through the Manufactured Budget Crisis(TM) of 2013 yet. The GOP is not a sane, rational party anymore. It generally consists of people who look out for the wealthiest Americans, corporations, and far-right religious loons. No one else matters.
President Obama just gave a press conf. about the 5 year anniversary of the collapse. He outlined a lot of things like how, in layman's terms, the rubble of the collapse is finally starting to get cleaned up and we can now seize on the progress made since. It kind of breaks your heart, because you know GOPers are watching that with their only intent being to create another collapse to make the President look bad, to ensure that the richest stay as rich as possible, and that the general health and well-being of uninsured and insured alike, women and the elderly are gutted.
Also it cannot be stated enough the profound impact of gerrymandering and what 2010 did for the GOP in terms of securing stability for YEARS to come, not only in Washington but state legislatures across the nation. It's a huge, huge hole that Democrats have to dig out of, but as stated before they are probably worry-free there until at least 2016-2020, maybe longer. It's a toxin to the electorate.
That Obama even needs to come out and regurgitate the same talking points because the GOP simply will not budge from their extremist, economy-raping position enacted the second Obama was elected President does not bode well for this country at all.
We have to pass a budget. Not a short-term one, either. Best-case scenario right now is I think a short-term one, though, and that still sucks. I think some people are too confident in Boehner to act like a rational human being and hash out a deal with Pelosi at the last minute, bailing on his own party. I know he's almost done, but he's proven to be far too selfish to do anything like that regardless of the circumstances. A lot of things happened in 2011 but the end result was kicking the can down the road. I am not confident in Boehner to play a critical role in ending this manufactured bullshit.