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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Considering how hostile Congress is, it'd say that's a success.

They basically won the Bush Tax Cut expiration battle on January 2nd which counts as this year. So there's that at least.

Every year without a Grand Bargain (TM) is a good year.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the tea party is the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party in a long time.
I think we are all underestimating what the GOP is capable of here. They likely feel that Obama and the machine behind his electoral triumphs are a once in a lifetime type of thing and no one in 2016 on the left will be as viable (not even Hillary; starting to have my doubts). This is the time for them to really ramp up their obstruction on everything from education cuts to gutting PPACA.

This may be neutral/calm or perhaps a 'victory' given the tenacity of the GOP these days, sure, but we aren't through the Manufactured Budget Crisis(TM) of 2013 yet. The GOP is not a sane, rational party anymore. It generally consists of people who look out for the wealthiest Americans, corporations, and far-right religious loons. No one else matters.

President Obama just gave a press conf. about the 5 year anniversary of the collapse. He outlined a lot of things like how, in layman's terms, the rubble of the collapse is finally starting to get cleaned up and we can now seize on the progress made since. It kind of breaks your heart, because you know GOPers are watching that with their only intent being to create another collapse to make the President look bad, to ensure that the richest stay as rich as possible, and that the general health and well-being of uninsured and insured alike, women and the elderly are gutted.

Also it cannot be stated enough the profound impact of gerrymandering and what 2010 did for the GOP in terms of securing stability for YEARS to come, not only in Washington but state legislatures across the nation. It's a huge, huge hole that Democrats have to dig out of, but as stated before they are probably worry-free there until at least 2016-2020, maybe longer. It's a toxin to the electorate.

That Obama even needs to come out and regurgitate the same talking points because the GOP simply will not budge from their extremist, economy-raping position enacted the second Obama was elected President does not bode well for this country at all.

We have to pass a budget. Not a short-term one, either. Best-case scenario right now is I think a short-term one, though, and that still sucks. I think some people are too confident in Boehner to act like a rational human being and hash out a deal with Pelosi at the last minute, bailing on his own party. I know he's almost done, but he's proven to be far too selfish to do anything like that regardless of the circumstances. A lot of things happened in 2011 but the end result was kicking the can down the road. I am not confident in Boehner to play a critical role in ending this manufactured bullshit.


No Scrubs
Thompson is dropping out of the NYC Mayoral race.

Poor people at the naval shipyard. :(

Thompson was hoping the original math was wrong, I feel bad for the guy.

I'm watching CNN interview this guy at the navy shipyard and this is some heavy stuff. Thw guy who tried to warn him got shot in the head before he could.


American gonna America and Fox News gonna Fox News.

Fox News host: new Miss America, Nina Davuluri, doesn’t ‘represent American values’

The crowning of Miss New York, Nina Davuluri, as Miss America should have been, to paraphrase her platform, a celebration of diversity through cultural competency. But in the hours after her victory, Twitter became a frank demonstration of American incompetence in matters relating to both ethnicity and geography.

“Well they just picked a Muslim for Miss America. That must’ve made Obama happy. Maybe he had a vote,” said one user.

“I am literally soo mad right now a ARAB won. #MissAmerica” wrote another.

It should go without saying that Davuluri, a Syracuse native of Indian descent, is neither Muslim nor an Arab. But according to Fox News Radio host Todd Starnes, the American-born Davuluri doesn’t “represent American values,” unlike the blonde-haired, blue-eyed contestant from Kansas, Theresa Vail.

This is not to say that Vail isn’t an unprecedented contestant in her own right: she’s spent five years in the Kansas Army National Guard and is double-majoring in chemistry and Chinese at Kansas State University. But, according to Starnes on Facebook, she lost because “the liberal Miss America judges were not interested in a gun-toting, deer-hunting, military veteran.”

But at least, from Starnes’s perspective, she was a lady, “although I’m sure the gender-neutral crowd is plotting.”

If you're brown, automatically a Muslim.

Amurrika, fuck yeah!
Kerry 2016, baby!

Secretary of State John Kerry is enjoying strong approval ratings, according to a new poll on Monday.

Sixty percent of Americans approve of the job he’s doing, while just 31 percent disapprove, the Gallup Poll found.

Kerry’s numbers top both President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. Just over half of Americans, 51 percent, approve of the way Biden is handling his job, with 39 percent disapproving. Only 45 percent approved of Obama’s handling of his job, with 51 percent disapproving.


For some reason this guy I know on Facebook is thinking Obama doesn't want to raise the debt ceiling - completely misreading these news articles about how he won't (or so he says) negotiate with Republicans over it.

Can someone give me a link to something that would give me a good example about the debt ceiling and the deficit and how not extending the debt ceiling does not hold down deficits. I know the ceiling just pays for expenditures already in the budget, but I'm trying to find a way to explain it because I know we'll get into it next time I see him in person.


No Scrubs
For some reason this guy I know on Facebook is thinking Obama doesn't want to raise the debt ceiling - completely misreading these news articles about how he won't (or so he says) negotiate with Republicans over it.

Can someone give me a link to something that would give me a good example about the debt ceiling and the deficit and how not extending the debt ceiling does not hold down deficits. I know the ceiling just pays for expenditures already in the budget, but I'm trying to find a way to explain it because I know we'll get into it next time I see him in person.

There's no real good analogies for the debt ceiling, that's how ass-backwards it is. The closest I can get would be not raising the debt ceiling is like buying something on your credit card then refusing to pay for it or the interest on it.

EDIT: Forget the NPR article

EDIT2: Man, I can't really find anything that does a good job of explaining this. There's a lot of misinformation on this topic out there.


I'm predicting right now:

Tea Party forces a government shutdown. Republicans get blamed and hit hard in the polls. Obamacare is untouched. Obama will push to get sequestration reversed and the debt ceiling raised. GOP leadership will be desperate and agree. This infuriates the Tea Party and they begin massive push to replace many House and Senate Republicans up for re-election.

Most GOP candidates will be too far right for the general public, and mixed with voter anger from the government shutdown, this will result in the Democrats barely, but surely, taking back the House.
For some reason this guy I know on Facebook is thinking Obama doesn't want to raise the debt ceiling - completely misreading these news articles about how he won't (or so he says) negotiate with Republicans over it.

Can someone give me a link to something that would give me a good example about the debt ceiling and the deficit and how not extending the debt ceiling does not hold down deficits. I know the ceiling just pays for expenditures already in the budget, but I'm trying to find a way to explain it because I know we'll get into it next time I see him in person.

If I were you, I'd be questioning his underlying desire to "hold down deficits." Ask him why he thinks the private domestic sector should have less financial wealth.


For some reason this guy I know on Facebook is thinking Obama doesn't want to raise the debt ceiling - completely misreading these news articles about how he won't (or so he says) negotiate with Republicans over it.

Can someone give me a link to something that would give me a good example about the debt ceiling and the deficit and how not extending the debt ceiling does not hold down deficits. I know the ceiling just pays for expenditures already in the budget, but I'm trying to find a way to explain it because I know we'll get into it next time I see him in person.

Try this.

If I were you, I'd be questioning his underlying desire to "hold down deficits." Ask him why he thinks the private domestic sector should have less financial wealth.

can't take these things too fast, y'know? there's plenty of time to convert his friend to the church of MMT


Try this.

can't take these things too fast, y'know? there's plenty of time to convert his friend to to the church of MMT

I've seen vessel talk about MMT and sovereign currency (and I should probably do a search through his posts to catch up), but since I find monetary policy and the politics surrounding it horrendously dull I've never read up on it much. Any good things to read on it besides the Wiki article?

Just on a very fundamental level I've always been disinterested in monetary policy because it's struck me that it's essentially a giant game of Dungeons & Dragons since it's a construct (or game) setup by humans to facilitate trade. That we give out awards and prizes for research into a game we can essentially change the rules to anytime we'd like I've never been able to hold it to the same level as someone doing research into hard science and engineering.

Therefore, I've always tended to focus on civil rights and other issues when it comes to politics and shoo the monetary stuff away like an annoying fly.


The Autumn Wind
I'm predicting right now:

Tea Party forces a government shutdown. Republicans get blamed and hit hard in the polls. Obamacare is untouched. Obama will push to get sequestration reversed and the debt ceiling raised. GOP leadership will be desperate and agree. This infuriates the Tea Party and they begin massive push to replace many House and Senate Republicans up for re-election.

Most GOP candidates will be too far right for the general public, and mixed with voter anger from the government shutdown, this will result in the Democrats barely, but surely, taking back the House.
And thus, Reverse-Diablosing was born.
I think we are all underestimating what the GOP is capable of here. They likely feel that Obama and the machine behind his electoral triumphs are a once in a lifetime type of thing and no one in 2016 on the left will be as viable (not even Hillary; starting to have my doubts). This is the time for them to really ramp up their obstruction on everything from education cuts to gutting PPACA.

This may be neutral/calm or perhaps a 'victory' given the tenacity of the GOP these days, sure, but we aren't through the Manufactured Budget Crisis(TM) of 2013 yet. The GOP is not a sane, rational party anymore. It generally consists of people who look out for the wealthiest Americans, corporations, and far-right religious loons. No one else matters.

President Obama just gave a press conf. about the 5 year anniversary of the collapse. He outlined a lot of things like how, in layman's terms, the rubble of the collapse is finally starting to get cleaned up and we can now seize on the progress made since. It kind of breaks your heart, because you know GOPers are watching that with their only intent being to create another collapse to make the President look bad, to ensure that the richest stay as rich as possible, and that the general health and well-being of uninsured and insured alike, women and the elderly are gutted.

Also it cannot be stated enough the profound impact of gerrymandering and what 2010 did for the GOP in terms of securing stability for YEARS to come, not only in Washington but state legislatures across the nation. It's a huge, huge hole that Democrats have to dig out of, but as stated before they are probably worry-free there until at least 2016-2020, maybe longer. It's a toxin to the electorate.

That Obama even needs to come out and regurgitate the same talking points because the GOP simply will not budge from their extremist, economy-raping position enacted the second Obama was elected President does not bode well for this country at all.

We have to pass a budget. Not a short-term one, either. Best-case scenario right now is I think a short-term one, though, and that still sucks. I think some people are too confident in Boehner to act like a rational human being and hash out a deal with Pelosi at the last minute, bailing on his own party. I know he's almost done, but he's proven to be far too selfish to do anything like that regardless of the circumstances. A lot of things happened in 2011 but the end result was kicking the can down the road. I am not confident in Boehner to play a critical role in ending this manufactured bullshit.

I'll save you a Politico click: their big article on the GOP's plan to hold Obama hostage notes that Boehner has assured K and Wall Street that he won't allow a default to occur.

I'm not concerned about the government shutting down for a couple days, as we've seen that before. The minute Obama notes social security checks could be interrupted the GOP will go insane, accuse him of threatening seniors...and quietly back down.

Unfortunately it seems like the remainder of Obama's presidency will be dealing with these issues every 10 months, as the economy slowly drowns. And I don't think it's entirely due to GOP obstruction. I think a bipartisan path exists in the senate, I just don't think the White House is interested in using it to get anything worthwhile (ie the economy) done, and is more interested in these dumb 2014 poll tested trial balloons that go nowhere. Look, pre-k! Guns! etc.

Syria threw the focus off the economy, but hopefully we return to it with the debt stuff. And hopefully Obama can sit down with the senate and put some type of package together.
Man, Rick Perry's "let's trashtalk every other state" campaign has to be the douchiest thing I've seen in a good while (considering it's now hit my homestate). I wonder how effective it's actually proving to be for him...

And thus, Reverse-Diablosing was born.
I've never found any sport to be entertaining.

man, if not for your politics, what would we do with you?

Please tell me you're not a vegan.

Anyway, no Summers! Sounds like it should be Yellen but apparently there's some momentum from Romer? We'll see.

Oh oh, Bad news for Obama!


I thought that was called Strifing.

Nah, Strifing ain't much different that a Santorum!


No Scrubs
Can we fanfic about the actual thread, as long as the posters are unmentioned?

Gotta name names bro.

There is just so little to talk about. We're just waiting for a gov't shutdown or whatever. The whole political scene is fucked so why can't we poke fun at Dax for her weird behaviors? I'd do the same for any of you!

Whew. Crisis averted.

No one likes well-done, it ruins the whole point of a steak. I suppose it was smart to check though, anything over medium is just plain wrong.

I want some hot PoliGAF/Men's FashionGAF action. A enthralling tale of passion and deceit when PoliGAF finds Men's Fashion had sex with PopGAF because he read the thread title wrong.

You want fiction about the actual threads, not the people in them?

Oh you!


Setec Astronomer
There is just so little to talk about. We're just waiting for a gov't shutdown or whatever. The whole political scene is fucked so why can't we poke fun at Dax for her weird behaviors? I'd do the same for any of you!
Haha, I completely understand. It's just funny to point out.
Dax is from the South
Dax doesn't like Zelda games
Dax hates watching good movies
Dax believes bikinis are the devil's clothing
Dax thinks sports are nothing but male domination fantasies

Dax is giving us non-conservatives a bad name. How can we win this battle when people like her represent us at the forefront?
Repent Dax! REPENT!
I don't like soccer. I don't like football. Or basketball or baseball or golf or...whatever.
Dax is from the South
Dax doesn't like Zelda games
Dax hates watching good movies
Dax believes bikinis are the devil's clothing
Dax thinks sports are nothing but male domination fantasies

Dax is giving us non-conservatives a bad name. How can we win this battle when people like her represent us at the forefront?
That's not true! I am not from the South; I simply live here! And I do not: bikinis simply don't have a lot of material. And I never said that about sports!


No Scrubs
I don't like soccer. I don't like football. Or basketball or baseball or golf or...whatever.

That's not true! I am not from the South; I simply live here! And I do not: bikinis simply don't have a lot of material. And I never said that about sports!

That's the whole point of a bikini!



Oh, wait...I guess not. Well, at least these guys want that!



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