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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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I stumbled upon this little gem a few moments ago. Here's another link for Fox News concerning all of our shooters from their graphic earlier!


Fuck me.

#4 isn't even true. It's been long debunked.
First post in PoliGAF for almost two months, just been flat out with a new project interstate. I have enjoyed lurking all the shenanigans though …

You keep talking about how the gun control bill was a waste of time, and I have to disagree. I would be incredibly disappointed if the President didn’t do anything to address the string of massacres that has gripped the country for the past few years.

The general consensus on when the democrats turned their back on gun control was the 2000 election, when Al Gore lost his home state in part to his stance on gun control. Since then, there has been no party that has planted their flag in the ground to rally support, organisation and money for the cause of gun control.

The Democrats relinquished their role in the debate to the crazies, and all we’ve had since then is crazy debate: conceal carry, open carry, guns in bars, arming teachers … this idea of the permanently armed citizen is a terrifying vision for what a civil society should be. The gun control debate is the perfect example of what happens when conservatives gain complete command of an issue.

I know how much the Trayvon Martin shooting affected you. Well that was just the manifestation of a gun culture that has gotten out of control: a culture that permits the armed vigilante and then covers for their actions with relaxed gun laws.

Is it any wonder why after a decade of ignoring the epidemic of gun violence, that it seems futile to do anything about it now? We left the discussion long ago and ceded it to people who push a fundamentalist/extremist view on firearms. We can’t create a vacuum and then later complain we have no influence.

I am content the President pushed for a modest gun control bill, even if it did fail. When a congresswoman gets shot, when grade school kids get massacred, when the word ‘Chiraq’ enters the national consciousness … I would be appalled if the President and the democrats saw all this and did nothing. At least we have on record now how belligerent and beholden to the NRA the Republican party has become. I certainly wouldn't have traded that opportunity for the faint hope of getting cooperation from a party that has shown no interest in the idea whatsoever.

Here's the problem: Obama missed the mark with his gun legislation. Violence in general has been decreasing for 20 years, but the gun violence that does exist is dominated by handgun violence. Yet the biggest focus of the bill was an automatic weapons ban. It's a typical Washington way to approach a problem: find a scapegoat half measure, throw money/regulation/etc at it, and pat yourself on the back. If you want to address gun violence you need to focus on ending gun trafficking and straw purchases. Banning AR-15s and "background checks" doesn't fix a damn thing.

I don't think anything would have passed due to Obama being in office, or Hillary or whichever democrat follows him; I personally believe only a republican president could have a chance at passing a bipartisan gun control bill. Gun control is an issue where people deserve honesty, and the honest truth is that a gun control bill will probably never be passed in this country. I would have respected Obama if he said that a week after Sandy, but no politician will say that. His mere presence in the White House enrages people to the point where even common sense shit like a harmless gun control bill can't be passed, and it's why immigration probably won't be passed either. Outside of getting some economic bills passed, I just don't see him achieving anything else. Which is why I'd rather there be a "laser focus" on economic issues than a gun bill everyone except Joe Biden knew wasn't going to pass.

With respect to Zimmerman...he had a handgun, and the culture that led to that confrontation was more about race than gun culture IMO; but you're right, mixing both together led to bad things happening. But I don't think there's anything that will change that mentality. You can't change hundreds of years of conditioning with legislation.
uh, what about the part about expanded background checks supported by 85% of people?

Because any vote against "gun rights" can put someone's seat in danger. The percentage isn't the point here. People who support background checks span the political spectrum; they're republicans, democrats, independents, etc. But when election time comes they don't vote based on who supports background checks, they're voting their economic and social interests. That's why the NRA continues to win: their team votes entirely based on guns.

What happened in Colorado ensures no gun control legislation will be revived, even though the vote was close as fuck. Guess who didn't show up to vote.
So, about that government shutdown.

Kevin Drum, on Robert Costa's sources:

But getting such a CR through the Democratic Senate and signed into law will be very difficult — and many House Republican insiders say a “Plan B” may be needed.

Here’s how my sources expect the gambit to unfold: The House passes a “defund CR,” throws it to the Senate, and waits to see what Senator Ted Cruz and his allies can do. Maybe they can get it through, maybe they can’t. Boehner and Cantor will be supportive, and conservative activists will rally.

But if Cruz and company can’t round up the votes, the House leadership will likely ask Republicans to turn their focus to the debt limit, avoid a shutdown, and pass a revised CR — one that doesn’t defund Obamacare.​
It cracks me up that Costa is able to repeat this stuff with a straight face. I guess he has to in order to stay in the good graces of his sources. But here's how it's really going to play out: The House will pass this bill. Tea partiers everywhere will rejoice. And that will be it. Harry Reid will just laugh and toss it in the dustbin.​

That Plan B? A one-year delay, according to Dave Weigel.


Dental insurance is the biggest scam, since they don't pay jack shit, and the deductable means you're basically paying for most of it to begin with.

It's actually a disincentive to do your regular dental visits since you're paying full price, thus leading to more expensive problems down the road which they won't pay for.

I've had 4 impacted wisdom teeth for 3 years now. And yeah, insurance wouldn't really help my situation. Nobody wants to help me.

It doesn't help that it's still viewed as cosmetic or elective care. When it's directly linked to heart health and an infection an inch away from your brain can turn deadly, fast.

I've told a friend that if your teeth were inside your throat for example, probably everyone could get them easily taken care of. But since they're visible, they suddenly become special exceptions in care coverage.

At one point I had enough money to get ONE of the wisdom teeth removed and the dentist aborted the procedure. Luckily he refunded the entire bill. But fuck. Imagine being all drugged up, thinking all you have to do is get through the next hour, and then being sent home with your bad teeth still in.
The bill from the Republican Study Committee would fully repeal the 2010 law and replace it with an expansion of health savings accounts, medical liability reform and the elimination of restrictions on purchasing insurance across state lines.​


But the bill could set Republicans up for political attacks by scrapping popular provisions in ObamaCare like a prohibition on denying health insurance to people with pre-existing medical conditions.

I can't tell if they scrapped the provision because they don't want to have anything in common with the ACA or because they just can't bear to throw people a bone. Or both. Jus' turrible
I can't tell if they scrapped the provision because they don't want to have anything in common with the ACA or because they just can't bear to throw people a bone. Or both. Jus' turrible

Of course, if asked they'd say "we support those provisions, and do plan on including them in our plan!"

The real reason they aren't in the plan is because they require actual legislation and serious number crunching, not a few pages to wave around and say "we have a plan too!" Health care is serious business, which is why complaining about the bill's page count always struck me as disingenuous. You can't write a bill that says "insurance can't discriminate against sick people" without some mechanism to back it up.


Don't let the GOP get ahold of this.


I love my city lol

Although I disagree with the idea of food stamps. Maybe this fraud will open up people's eyes that maybe direct payment transfers to those in need is better suited than wasting time and money on food stamps.

These people obviously were strapped for cash and traded in their food allowances for cash. But the government will use this as an excuse to shame entitlements and highlight "rampant fraud" even though this is the first case I have seen in years


The bill from the Republican Study Committee would fully repeal the 2010 law and replace it with an expansion of health savings accounts, medical liability reform and the elimination of restrictions on purchasing insurance across state lines.​


The GOP are still in love with a system that blocks the poor and sick from access to healthcare. No surprises, though I thought they'd at least throw a populist bone in there. Nope.

I would hope reactions like this would make the NSA realize they have gone too far with their unnecessary snooping, but I'm probably being overly optimistic.

Defeat government spying by increasing government involvement in the internet? Brazil has its own domestic spying programs. This is just a Brazilian politician and using the profound fear of the 'colonizer' for political popularity. Yeah lets protect our citizens by centralizing everything in one country where its a lot easier to monitor and store!

I have problems with a lot the NSA is doing and its general cowboy nature but this is politics and much of these types of things already go on in China where the government has taken control of how the internet architecture works.

That's an XBone right there, bro.

Yeah, that's still a savings.

I would hope reactions like this would make the NSA realize they have gone too far with their unnecessary snooping, but I'm probably being overly optimistic.

The funny thing is Obama trying to convince her to change her mind, as if nothing wrong was done. I would have loved to hear that conversation.

The NSA is what has led to his nosedive in the polls, and the general lack of trust now.


No Scrubs
The bill from the Republican Study Committee would fully repeal the 2010 law and replace it with an expansion of health savings accounts, medical liability reform and the elimination of restrictions on purchasing insurance across state lines.​


Wow that is completely useless.

Bill de Blasio is leading his opponent by 43 percentage points oh no what ever will he do

He doesn't stand a chance! Diablos was right!


The bill from the Republican Study Committee would fully repeal the 2010 law and replace it with an expansion of health savings accounts, medical liability reform and the elimination of restrictions on purchasing insurance across state lines.​


Within 24 hours every insurance company would relocate to Delaware or whatever state allows an insurance company to fuck over it's customers the most
Within 24 hours every insurance company would relocate to Delaware or whatever state allows an insurance company to fuck over it's customers the most

Same happened with credit cards.

It's a nice talking point, sounds good to most people...but even the smallest amount of thinking should be able to convince people it's not a good idea.


Same happened with credit cards.

It's a nice talking point, sounds good to most people...but even the smallest amount of thinking should be able to convince people it's not a good idea.

I wish I could remember the name of it, but my parents watched a documentary on Netflix about the whole credit/loan business, where they spent a lot of time on that race to the bottom that occurred when loans/credit got deregulated.

Their response was "what the fuck, i was not aware, and that should be not be possible"

I think in it they talked to a former governor of one of the states that gave them the best interest rates, and also interviewed the guy that convinced the banks to give out 0% interest cards. I think it already fell off my watch history, so I can't go look it up.



MSNBC host Chuck Todd said Wednesday that when it comes to misinformation about the new federal health care law, don't expect members of the media to correct the record.

During a segment on "Morning Joe," former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell (D) speculated that most opponents of the Affordable Care Act have been fed erroneous information about the law. Todd said that Republicans "have successfully messaged against it" but he disagrees with those who argue that the media should educate the public on the law. According to Todd, that's President Barack Obama's job.

"But more importantly, it would be stuff that Republicans have successfully messaged against it," Todd told Rendell. "They don't repeat the other stuff because they haven't even heard the Democratic message. What I always love is people say, 'Well, it's you folks' fault in the media.' No, it's the President of the United States' fault for not selling it."

The health care law has long been shrouded in misinformation, a point that Obama himself made in an interview Tuesday with Telemundo. A poll Tuesday showed that support for the law among Republicans was higher when called by the Affordable Care Act, its official title, rather than "Obamacare," a term used derisively by Republicans that has gained widespread usage.

States have begun airing television advertisements to raise public awareness on the Affordable Care Act's health insurance marketplaces, known as "exchanges," which will be available beginning Oct. 1.

Todd took to Twitter later in the morning to argue that his actual point was that "folks shouldn't expect media" to do what the White House has failed to do in its rollout of the health care law.


At least Chuck Todd is finally being honest that the cable networks solely exist as stenographers.
The WH certainly failed, but that doesn't mean the media has no role to play. Should they be advertising exchanges? Probably not. But when basic misinformation is spread on air, they should probably...you know...do the journalistic thing and combat it.


No Scrubs

Can I just point out that not all journalists think like this, the good voices tend to get drowned out. Cable News, outside of a few shows and the entirety of NY1, does tend to be an abomination.

The fact is the news has turned into a for-profit enterprise, which frankly does nothing to help with credibility. It's this line of thought that gave rise to the likes of FOX and MSNBC.


The bill from the Republican Study Committee would fully repeal the 2010 law and replace it with an expansion of health savings accounts, medical liability reform and the elimination of restrictions on purchasing insurance across state lines.​


As someone who isn't really that well versed in health care law and issues (my own fault), can someone explain what this means in terms of what proposals they bring up and why they think they will work (or why they won't in practice? or will?). For dummies? For I am dumb.
As someone who isn't really that well versed in health care law and issues (my own fault), can someone explain what this means in terms of what proposals they bring up and why they think they will work (or why they won't in practice? or will?). For dummies? For I am dumb.

The "allow people to buy across borders" argument has been around for decades. Their idea is that it will make for more competition and thus drive prices down.

Reality is different. Every state has their own rules and regulations. For instance, NY does not allow for denial for pre-existing conditions. So for an insurance firm to work there, this changes what they can do and it's much tougher than in say Arizona.

But the problem with this is if a state's regulations don't matter anymore since you can buy from any other state, the natural reaction of all insurance companies will be to settle in the single state with the least rules and regulations. In other words, every insurance company will set up shop in the state with the shittiest insurance system and we'll all be forced to buy from that. This will make everyone worse off.

HSA expansions could be argued in favor of but this does nothing for the working poor who don't have any access.

"medical liability reform" is another GOP gambit from the past 30 years. That's not to say that fixing our awful court systems wouldn't help but for one I have yet to hear how they'd fix it and for another it would only help marginally. Yeah, it raises costs but it's like 10th on the list of things that raises costs. Start dealing with the shit that really is a problem.

The conservative answer the health care has not changed in 30 years. Much like it's answer for the economy (cut taxes at the top!) hasn't changed. Nothing here is new or workable. It's a bunch of bullshit.


I mean, of course the GOP is going to take this last ditch effort to defund Obamacare. As soon as people start signing up for the exchanges, it's going to become extremely popular, and they will all look like (bigger) idiots for fighting it so hard the past 4 years.
DailyKos article about Obamacare misinformation

I'm seeing this very often at work, and in general conversations with friends. It highlights how bad the White House is at communication, but moreso highlights the FUD campaign from the far right. It's very easy to confuse people on a subject they're already confused about; most people don't understand health insurance, in general. And therein lies the biggest problem for Obamacare. I'm not concerned about Ted Cruz and the defund folks, I'm concerned about the nonsense being spread to regular Americans. The best way to kill the ACA is to ensure young people don't sign up.
Does anyone have a list of the crazy tax writeoffs that the top earners/corporations use to get around paying their taxes?

Also, how do you folks respond to those who say until liberals sell their homes, cars, etc., and give the proceeds to the poor they don't have any standing to tell the rich that they should pay more in taxes?
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