The car tried to ram the White House gate first. Yeah....
Welp. I think that explains this is most certainly NOT an unrelated thing.The car tried to ram the White House gate first. Yeah....
What violent rhetoric? "It's my way" is foolish or brave depending on where you stand, but what have Dems said that is violent?
Because it happened near the White House and Capitol building when the world's eyes are intensely focused at those very spots.Shots fired in dc, thug capital of America?
Why is this news?
Car tried to ram white house gate
Female suspect tried to run away
Suspect is dead
Found out my grandfather died last night. I'm a federal employee who is exempted from the furlough. I can't take leave without putting myself on a furlough. That means I can choose between going to my grandfather's funeral (1200 miles away) and paying my mortgage, electricity, phone, gas, and food.
But it's OK because myrepresentativeasshat andsenatorsfuck-bags haven't felt the impact.
If true it makes Griffin look like a tool.
wtf...CNN is saying there was a child in the car
Whenever I think I've seen the depths of Diablos fretting, new depths open
Can't wait for the GOP to capitalize on this. *sigh*
Whenever I think I've seen the depths of Diablos fretting, new depths open up.
Whatever it was, it is pretty symbolic bringing your kid with you while trying to breach and attack the White House. I'm sure that was the point.Me thinks it was a furloughed federal worker.
Or a mom that really wanted to tour the capitol building.
And yet, funnily enough, apparently all of the shooting was on part of the cops...?
One question i have, every republican on tv keeps bringing up that Obama has made exemptions for his friends.
I may be wrong but I thought it was the GOP that kept asking for a delay when it comes to big corporations?
One question i have, every republican on tv keeps bringing up that Obama has made exemptions for his friends.
I may be wrong but I thought it was the GOP that kept asking for a delay when it comes to big corporations?
And yet, funnily enough, apparently all of the shooting was on part of the cops...?
lol, those Wall Street SOCIALISTSSocialist Obama is a buddy-buddy with big business.
Act of terrorism...? (CBS Tampa) — Artist Jon McNaughton is standing up for gun rights in his latest painting.
Titled “Stand Your Ground” – a controversial law brought into the limelight when George Zimmerman fatally shot Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Fla. – his work depicts a man dressed in soldier fatigues holding both an assault rifle and an American flag.
“America is about freedom. We believe in strong families, patriotism, God, and justice. We won’t bother you if you don’t bother us . . . well, that’s the way it should be,” McNaughton stated about the piece.
And yet, funnily enough, apparently all of the shooting was on part of the cops...?
Shame this is distracting from the shutdown, though.
...isn't that exactly what was at contention during the trial? That Martin wasn't bothering Zimmerman, but the incident started anyway?"We wont bother you if you dont bother us..."
Now 22 GOPers support clean CR. Media should be pushing this but they won't.
...isn't that exactly what was at contention during the trial? That Martin wasn't bothering Zimmerman, but the incident started anyway?
Why should they push it? Those congressmen had a chance to end the shutdown yesterday and didn't. Not a single one voted against the house rule.
They're too scared to challenge Boehner or the tea party.
Thats why we need to disarm cops, like the UK
Id wager most shootings are by crazy cops
BOB BECKEL: But there were a lot of people who yesterday got a chance for the first time in their lives to get health insurance, and I think it's a wonderful thing.
FORMER BUSH WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY DANA PERINO: For the first time in their life? Honestly, Bob.
BECKEL: No, really.
PERINO: If you didn't have health insurance, there was a way for you to get help through Medicaid or Medicare, if you're older. There's lots of different programs that if you had no way to get help. I understand the anxiety of not having health insurance if you are employed and your employer doesn't provide for it and you don't qualify for Medicaid. But to say that there are millions of people who never had a chance at health care --
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE: It's just not true, Bob.
PERINO: But also, anybody can walk in any hospital and they can be treated and receive medical attention.
Indeed, if they can't match their stance/rhetoric with action, welp... that is sad. Still, the media has an obligation to report what is going on and not just "ONCE AGAIN BOTH SIDES ARE 2 BLAME, WE LOVE VIEWERSHIP HERP MCDERP".Why should they push it? Those congressmen had a chance to end the shutdown yesterday and didn't. Not a single one voted against the house rule.
They're too scared to challenge Boehner or the tea party.
Yep, "just go to the ER and pay all expenses out of pocket you dirty poor" is the GOP's answer for non-seniors needing health insurance.
Why should they push it? Those congressmen had a chance to end the shutdown yesterday and didn't. Not a single one voted against the house rule.
They're too scared to challenge Boehner or the tea party.
They matter to GOPers, but only to the extent that they can just get care from an emergency room, when things are at their absolute worst and you may have a condition or disease that could have been stopped/managed by, you know, having health insurance.Not surprising that conservatives are ignorant of basic government data. But hey, I guess 40 million working adults who don't have insurance don't matter. Christ, what stupidity
Why are they still doing non-stop coverage of the shooting? It's long over.
Why are they still doing non-stop coverage of the shooting? It's long over.
God forbid I defend Wolf Blitzer, it makes me feel dirty, but he was pushing this pretty hard when I was watching CNN earlier today.
Always love how the woman on the right is smiling until he shows up.
You must be new to mainstream media.