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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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It's also important to note that we don't quite know what skeletons lie in Christie's closet, but from what I've been reading it seems like there would be some really dirty stuff in there.

That's why I think it's important for Wisconsin Dems to go all out on Walker, cause if he runs in 2016 I think he can be a real threat due to his lowkey presence and outsider status like Carter was in 1976, and the full dark money weight of the Koch Brothers behind him.

There's a This American Life episode about him that aired before he was elected governor and was still a district attorney. From what I remember, he was a corrupt asshole who used government resources for personal use and railroaded a suspect because he was Muslim.


Setec Astronomer
There's a This American Life episode about him that aired before he was elected governor and was still a district attorney. From what I remember, he was a corrupt asshole who used government resources for personal use and railroaded a suspect because he was Muslim.
Look up. :/
nothing "favors" asians. it favored high grades, high test scores, extracurricular activities, leadership, etc etc. of course, i'm all for a more transparent admission process, but to use race, as say, "oh, he's white, so he gets 0.1 point, he's asian he gets 0.2, he's hispanic, he gets 0.3 point, and he's black so he gets 0.5 points" is pretty disingenuous.

Here's a good read for you. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/04/e...e-university-of-california-berkeley.html?_r=0

They consider much more than just grades and standardize testing.

The points system got shut down in Gratz v. Bollinger. It's not something that can be used anymore even if you wanted to use it.
There's a This American Life episode about him that aired before he was elected governor and was still a district attorney. From what I remember, he was a corrupt asshole who used government resources for personal use and railroaded a suspect because he was Muslim.
Just like Clinton!!


I also can't help but find it fascinating – even though I know why this happens – that whenever these issues pop up, 99% of the time the issue highlighted is a transgender girl using the girls' bathroom – with no mention or effort to bring out the opposite instance, as in a transgender boy using the boys' bathroom. I find that disheartening too.

Because they want to paint it as perverted boys/men wanting access to women. And it's always the argument you eventually get around to in these things, just plain fearmongering.
Because they want to paint it as perverted boys/men wanting access to women. And it's always the argument you eventually get around to in these things, just plain fearmongering.
Yeah, that's probably some of it, though equal attention isn't given to perverted women wanting access to men. I mean, it's not like women can't be perverted either. MtF transitions are covered a lot more than FtM because that's more of a shock value...for some reason.
What you consider abrasive personality many Republicans (and independents?) probably think is "Straight Shootin". Remember the straight talk express? Kinda like that.

His downfall will be his anger though. He has exploded many times. But since it was Jersey no one outside of the state really cared. Some of his hits:

Looks like he will have the asshole vote on a lock.
Christie is smart enough to realize that won't work in Iowa or most of the country. I agree both republicans and democrats will try their best to anger him, and we'll see a return of the temperament questions that dogged McCain.

I have a feeling Rand Paul is going to troll the shit out of Christie in debates. His conservatism will be under fire for months, and at some point he might reach a breaking point where he says something that turns the base off. Similar to Perry's "heartless" comment on anti-immigration views.
Christie is smart enough to realize that won't work in Iowa or most of the country. I agree both republicans and democrats will try their best to anger him, and we'll see a return of the temperament questions that dogged McCain.

I have a feeling Rand Paul is going to troll the shit out of Christie in debates. His conservatism will be under fire for months, and at some point he might reach a breaking point where he says something that turns the base off. Similar to Perry's "heartless" comment on anti-immigration views.
I dont think Christie is that disciplined. He will definitely let loose, much to the dismay of his handlers. Rick Perry was able to get under Romney's skin during the debates. It will be interesting to see how Christie responds to him.


"Likable" is never a word I would use to describe Chris Christie.


Yeah, an angry heavyset white man shouting at teachers to shut up. He's going to look great on the campaign trail.

What does him being white have to do with anything?

Besides people like the angry politician.

Look at Teddy
Anyone else in here reading Double Down? I started it this weekend, and aside from the widely publicized stuff about Christie, the most interesting thing in my opinion was the revelation of Huntsman as a lazy, weak, petulant candidate.

He refused to self-fund his campaign or allow his father to contribute, cutting his campaign off at the knees financially before it really even got off the ground, wouldn't go negative in any way (he and his wife believed they were above that) against Obama or his GOP opponents, and yet had operatives associated with him engaged in some really sleazy shit (i.e., shopping the contact info of the ex-wife of the man whom Mitch Daniels' wife left him for to the media).


Christie is smart enough to realize that won't work in Iowa or most of the country. I agree both republicans and democrats will try their best to anger him, and we'll see a return of the temperament questions that dogged McCain.

I have a feeling Rand Paul is going to troll the shit out of Christie in debates. His conservatism will be under fire for months, and at some point he might reach a breaking point where he says something that turns the base off. Similar to Perry's "heartless" comment on anti-immigration views.

i think you're crazy that you think Christie can turn on and off his personality.
Well. We know Prop 8 wouldn't have passed only a year or two later. It's quite possible this will fail as well, though I think sentiment on trans people is lagging a bit behind sentiment on gay people. I guess it depends in part on how much Mormon money gets poured into the election from our friendly neighbors in Utah.

Chances you think it'll pass? It'll be an an off-year election...
That is disappointing. They probably got the signatures with advertisements like this explaining how people are so scared about a transgender girl using the girls' bathroom at a Colorado high school. These high school girls are "victims" and the transgender girl in question is a "confused little boy." I also can't help but find it fascinating – even though I know why this happens – that whenever these issues pop up, 99% of the time the issue highlighted is a transgender girl using the girls' bathroom – with no mention or effort to bring out the opposite instance, as in a transgender boy using the boys' bathroom. I find that disheartening too.

Yeah, I'd encourage everybody who hasn't been following this to look into the tactics the religious right has been using this time, they seem nastier than usual:

Here's a recent recap that links to longer articles. Pretty much each one contains infuriating stuff.

Family of Colorado trans kid targeted by harassment hoax speaks up:
When Jane’s mother refers to the “stuff that happened,” what she means is that one of the nation’s most influential ex-gay organizations suggested to the international press that her daughter was predator. The Pacific Justice Institute (PJI), an ex-gay organization, needed someone to be their cautionary tale if they hoped to fight an effective battle to end protections for trans children in California and apparently decided that Jane fit the bill.

What happens when PJI is confronted by parents?
PJI has demonstrated that they are more than willing to perpetuate a hoax that harms Jane and her family while disrupting school if it means scoring some political points and raising some extra cash to throw at their effort to discriminate against California school kids. Nothing about representing PJI’s “clients” required them to go to the press. I believe they went to the press because they thought that it would help their war against trans kids in California.

It seems that they’re willing to lie to people in order to trick them into supporting their efforts. They are the types of people who can listen to a mother weep over the cruelty inflicted upon her daughter – at their own hands – and respond by misgendering Jane and in the next breath, paint her as a predator who deserves whatever “he” gets.

In the mean time, Jane Doe is now on suicide watch.

Yes. You read that correctly.


man, this article was 2 years old:

Moreover, just so you don't have to take my word for it, here are what some of the headline progressive economic and political organizations are saying about the federal budget. And note that none are willing to challenge the Clinton spin on surpluses or challenge the notion that federal deficits per se are to be avoided if possible:

EPI: "budget plan that prioritizes recovery while also putting the country on a sustainable budget path"

CAP: "CAP has a plan to put the federal budget back in the black while investing in the middle class."

CBCP: "We, like most others who analyze fiscal policy developments and trends, believe that the nation's fiscal policy is on an unsustainable course." and "Economic Downturn and Legacy of Bush Policies Drive Record Deficits"

CPC (Congressional Progressive Caucus): "Eliminates the deficits and creates a surplus by 2021"

Nease Reader, A Leaner, Meaner Defense Strategy Can Reduce the Deficit

nothing has changed :(

prominent left-wing voices pushing back against the deficit scolds are still pretty much nonexistent. We have what? Krugman? I can't help feeling hopeless about this, when I look how little momentum there has been on how politicians treat macroeconomics.
At this point my opinion is as uninformed as anyone else's. You're right that it being an off-year election won't help.

I think it might depend in large part on who wins the framing war. The problem is that since it relates to students, children, the people pushing this will get a framing boost. One of the more effective tactics in trying to deny LGBT rights, at least recently in anti-gay marriage proposals, is to say "but how will I explain this to my pure and innocent children who don't even know what sex is?"

I imagine the opponents will try some of that, while also framing this as something that means "boys will be going into the girl's bathroom" and so on. As Wulff mentioned, they'll argue that boys will pretend to be trans just to get into the girl's bathroom, etc.

Whereas the other frame isn't so visceral. It's basically, "trans people are discriminated against just like gay people. Let's make sure that can't happen."

Hell, the opponents could even bite that frame with arguments like "well we totally support real trans people, but this law will just allow people to pretend to be trans to get special rights and also you can't actually know you're trans until you're at least 18 years old so it doesn't apply anyway."

Sooooo yeah the short answer is I dunno. :/
Some good points, especially about the framing. I remember a couple of those advertisements against gay marriages (a princess can marry a princess??) when proposition 8 was being voted on.
Was in a rush to leave during my previous post. An executive summary is that an ex-gay organization found one girl in Colorado who was existing peacefully and happily and made up claims that she was harassing other students in the bathroom. After these claims were disproved, PJI amended its stance to say that her mere presence constituted harassment. There have been no instances of trans kids harassing other kids in any of the school districts across the country that have these protections in place, including in LA and SF. So these assholes have just made shit up about this poor girl in Colorado, who is now on suicide watch thanks to the actual harassment they're putting her through.

Additionally, they've been using deceptive tactics to collect these signatures by speading absurd lies about LGBT people. The whole thing is gross as hell. Apparently we won't know if their petition is considered valid until January. Hopefully it is determined that there are fewer than 500k legitimate signatures, because if this actually gets on the ballot I don't see it going well for the forces of good.
So they found a voting machine in Virginia that wasn't counted, giving Herring a net gain of 116 votes.

Obenshain currently leads by 17 votes.

So they found a voting machine in Virginia that wasn't counted, giving Herring a net gain of 116 votes.

Obenshain currently leads by 17 votes.


I think I saw a tweet somewhere that said it was one of, if not the, closest races in US history.

I discovered this while I was banned: For anyone wanting to know what representatives/senators have announced retirement, moving to another chamber, or are seeking a higher office, Roll Call has a wonderfu list about it.
I still can't believe, almost a month later, that the White House still hasn't fixed healthcare.gov. Coming out of the government shutdown I thought the Dems had gained an ideological victory rivaling last year's election, but it seems like Obama's squandered all of it with websitegate.

We nearly lost Virginia because of it, and we've lost any hope of gains in 2014 and single payer in our lifetimes because of it. God damnit Obama.


The Autumn Wind
I still can't believe, almost a month later, that the White House still hasn't fixed healthcare.gov. Coming out of the government shutdown I thought the Dems had gained an ideological victory rivaling last year's election, but it seems like Obama's squandered all of it with websitegate.

We nearly lost Virginia because of it, and we've lost any hope of gains in 2014 and single payer in our lifetimes because of it. God damnit Obama.
PD, you know alt accounts aren't allowed.


My coworker got notification that her current insurance via BCBS has been cancelled, and she's pretty upset.

As it turns out, she had catastrophic insurance before for about $750/month for herself, her husband, and her 3 kids.

She got on the federal exchange, and lo and behold: the plans she qualifies for are mostly cheaper than her current one, and they cover more. She was complaining that she's done having kids, so she doesn't need maternity care... but she has a 17 year-old daughter, who she fully admits is sexually active.

Why are people so upset about the ACA again?

P.S. So far, healthcare.gov is working fine for her.


Anyone know why Piecake was banned, and for how long? I enjoyed reading his posts in the 12K retirement thread (and of course, his contributions to PoliGAF).


Couple dudes created a site for ACA that actually works

lol. I'll never understand who thought it was a good idea to make people create accounts just to see prices. Simplicity and avoiding bottlenecks are design 101 in cases like this.

Notice how simple and straight to the point Kentucky's website is. It's been working perfectly since day one.
The magic of one group doing one job.


lol. I'll never understand who thought it was a good idea to make people create accounts just to see prices. Simplicity and avoiding bottlenecks are design 101 in cases like this.

I'm guessing they did that to avoid detractors from quoting prices without subsidies and scaring the public. And to be fair, it was changed by the second week.

Fact is, a lot of the issues with this implementation is because people are making decisions while trying to avoid political backlash from the right. I have never seen settled policy attacked and obstructed this way...
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