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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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How would that website fare under 1 million hits per second?

Again, the traffic was a secondary issue. The site was coded like shit, and featured multiple bottlenecks.

The Kentucky site received hundreds of thousands of hits on launch day, and was put through even larger stress tests before going live. And it worked.
If people used their rage about what reviewers of one consumer product did on their Twitter toward actual political issues, we'd have single payer health care by next week.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Didn't mention this yesterday, but Christie would not comment on what immigration policy would be. For all the praise he gets for his supposed tough guy attitude, the dude is scared shitless of pissing off Republicans. He's gonna crash and burn long before we get to the primaries, imo.
What the fuck?

Anti-Obamacare group entices students with models and a boozy party
Chris Moody, Yahoo News By Chris Moody, Yahoo News
3 hours ago
In September, a conservative group called Generation Opportunity launched an anti-Obamacare ad campaign urging young people not to sign up for the health insurance exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act.

The ads featured a clown-like character called Creepy Uncle Sam who performs horrifying pelvic and prostate exams on college students who enrolled in the exchanges. (His services did not appear appreciated.)

You see, in order for the health care law to function, lots of healthy, young people must sign up for the exchanges to subsidize older, sicker insurance seekers. So conservative groups are spending a lot of money to convince them not to sign up.

On Saturday, Generation Opportunity, a group in part funded by billionaire activists Charles and David Koch, threw a tailgate party with College Republicans at the University of Miami to advocate against signing up for the insurance plans.


Who would tell people not to get health insurance? What kind of evil is this? How are they gonna feel if some kid was going to sign up but then didn't sign up and then got cancer?

I can't believe would advocate such things! I get it . . . you don't like the system . . . but don't tell kids not to get healthcare!

They are literally making Alan Grayson's statement correct in that the GOP healthcare plan is "Get sick and die fast."
What the fuck?


Who would tell people not to get health insurance? What kind of evil is this? How are they gonna feel if some kid was going to sign up but then didn't sign up and then got cancer?

I can't believe would advocate such things! I get it . . . you don't like the system . . . but don't tell kids not to get healthcare!

They are literally making Alan Grayson's statement correct in that the GOP healthcare plan is "Get sick and die fast."
Disgusting. But the funny thing is people in college really should be on their parents plan or on the college plans which I think are usually cheap.
Remember when Geraldo opened Al Capone’s vault live on national TV? Well I’m about to solve the mystery of Obama. I’m about to break “the Obama code.” I’m about to tell you everything about the way Obama, and the people around him, really think. I’m about to rip open the true Obama plan to destroy our country. Because I was there when the plan was hatched.

When an editorial opens this way, is it a wink and a nudge to the audience that he knows he's just trolling?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
What the fuck?


Who would tell people not to get health insurance? What kind of evil is this? How are they gonna feel if some kid was going to sign up but then didn't sign up and then got cancer?

I can't believe would advocate such things! I get it . . . you don't like the system . . . but don't tell kids not to get healthcare!

They are literally making Alan Grayson's statement correct in that the GOP healthcare plan is "Get sick and die fast."

Here's the more important question: Why are the Republicans partying with Creepy Uncle Sam? I thought he was an Obamacare ally?
Couple dudes created a site for ACA that actually works

lol. I'll never understand who thought it was a good idea to make people create accounts just to see prices. Simplicity and avoiding bottlenecks are design 101 in cases like this.

Notice how simple and straight to the point Kentucky's website is. It's been working perfectly since day one.

The GOPtards on my facebook feed are posting that article non-stop.

Apparently, "Things work if government doesn't get involved."


What the fuck?


Who would tell people not to get health insurance? What kind of evil is this? How are they gonna feel if some kid was going to sign up but then didn't sign up and then got cancer?

I can't believe would advocate such things! I get it . . . you don't like the system . . . but don't tell kids not to get healthcare!

They are literally making Alan Grayson's statement correct in that the GOP healthcare plan is "Get sick and die fast."
They are actually advocating for people to pay the fine and get a non qualifying insurance. So to answer your question, it's a derpy kind of evil.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
How was this not posted? From the Thrilla from Wasilla:

"Our free stuff today is being paid for by taking money from our children and borrowing from China," she said at the Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition's fall fundraiser at the State Fairgrounds Saturday night. "When that money comes due - and this isn't racist, but it'll be like slavery when that note is due. We are going to beholden to the foreign master."


How was this not posted? From the Thrilla from Wasilla:
I think because most people are afraid to contract the crazy from her.
I mean sheeeeeeit -
[in response to a question about what is her plan for healthcare] -
"The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many years to reform a healthcare system in America that certainly does need more help so that there's more competition, there's less tort reform threat, there's less trajectory of the cost increases Those plans have been proposed over and over again, and what thwarts those plans is the far left. It's President Obama and his supporters who will not allow the Republicans to usher in free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient-relationship leaps to reform healthcare."
It seems like language itself is cracking under the burden of the shit that come out of her mouth.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So I was reading Charlie Pierce's wonderful takedown of Joe Scarborough, and this passage really caught my eye:

Then, as we moved through the Bush years, the Republicans moved "so far right on social issues" that they involved themselves, on the state and national level, in an intensely personal decision being made by the family of a woman named Terri Schiavo. They meddled in this situation and ginned up a mob to the point where Michael Schiavo, the woman's husband, had a bounty on his head. They meddled in this situation and ginned up a mob to the point where an elementary school down the block from the hospice where Ms. Schiavo was being treated got a bomb threat and had to be closed for two weeks. They meddled in this situation and ginned up a mob to the point where federal judges had around-the-clock protection from federal marshals. They meddled in this situation and ginned up a mob to the point where elderly volunteers got called "Nazis" when they sought to come to the hospice and work. They meddled in this situation and ginned up a mob to the point where the directors of the hospice drove home from work by a different route every night. They meddled in this situation and ginned up a mob because they didn't give a fk about Terri Schiavo, or her family, or about the people in that hospice whose lives they endangered. All they cared about was what they perceived to be the political advantage in this case -- about which they were wrong, and people kept telling them they were wrong, and polls kept telling them they were wrong. Joe Scarborough didn't give a fk about Terri Schiavo, or her family, or the people in that hospice whose lives he was helping endanger because Joe Scarborough had a career in television to kick-start and a brand to build.

As I've mentioned in the past, I didn't follow politics closely before 2008. Sure, I was aware of the controversy with Terri Schiavo (mainly through South Park. ugh), but didn't know about all the specific drama surrounding her. Did that stuff really happen?
I think because most people are afraid to contract the crazy from her.
I mean sheeeeeeit -
[in response to a question about what is her plan for healthcare] -
"The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many years to reform a healthcare system in America that certainly does need more help so that there's more competition, there's less tort reform threat, there's less trajectory of the cost increases Those plans have been proposed over and over again, and what thwarts those plans is the far left. It's President Obama and his supporters who will not allow the Republicans to usher in free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient-relationship leaps to reform healthcare."
It seems like language itself is cracking under the burden of the shit that come out of her mouth.
I sincerely believe this woman has some sort of mental deficiency. It has something to do with not realizing that your words make no sense when cobbled together.

Let me try: The curious mongoose let slipped the bag of mail he was carrying when the bus drove into the sun and the mountain asked the windmill "Son will you deliver the socialism to the impala?" I mean, the monkey and the bird were just stopping everyone.


So I was reading Charlie Pierce's wonderful takedown of Joe Scarborough, and this passage really caught my eye:

As I've mentioned in the past, I didn't follow politics closely before 2008. Sure, I was aware of the controversy with Terri Schiavo (mainly through South Park. ugh), but didn't know about all the specific drama surrounding her. Did that stuff really happen?

I think he's exaggerating it to some degree, but there's no doubt a certain segment of the population got really up in arms about it, and you got the usual death threats et al those kinds of big "talking points" social situations create every few years.

Probably the most interesting part of the case would be that just a few years later, the social media landscape has matured. I'm sure it would be much worse now with everyone on Facebook and Twitter. Far easier to organize protests, far easier to accidentally tweet an innocent person's home address, et al.


Probably the most interesting part of the case would be that just a few years later, the social media landscape has matured. I'm sure it would be much worse now with everyone on Facebook and Twitter. Far easier to organize protests, far easier to accidentally tweet an innocent person's home address, et al.
When the GOP is leveraging the same social issues with much the same tactics as they did twenty years ago, why would you expect this blip from five years ago to change anything?
The GOPtards on my facebook feed are posting that article non-stop.

Apparently, "Things work if government doesn't get involved."

The federal website was largely created by private firms/support, so I don't think that snark works. But it's certainly true the government did a piss poor job overseeing the operation, didn't test the site effectively, ignored some of the complaints/concerns from those constructing the site, and now here we are.
So I was reading Charlie Pierce's wonderful takedown of Joe Scarborough, and this passage really caught my eye:

As I've mentioned in the past, I didn't follow politics closely before 2008. Sure, I was aware of the controversy with Terri Schiavo (mainly through South Park. ugh), but didn't know about all the specific drama surrounding her. Did that stuff really happen?

I don't remember all those events. There were certainly protests and they called a special session of Congress and Bush flew back to sign some legislation just covering her case. It was a nadir of Bush/Rove/TomDeLay hard-right politics. The Iraq war was just about to fall apart and they were debating Terry Schiavo and flag-burning in Congress.

People did not agree with them on that Schiavo case, the Iraq war fell apart, and that was it . . . the GOP got massacred in 2006.


What does this mean
Fuck if I know, at "there's less tort reform threat, there's less trajectory of the cost increases" my brain started screaming -

But I guess it does mean that I get to (re re re re re re) tell the best political joke of the last decade -
What's the difference between Palin's mouth and her vagina?
Only some of what comes out of her vagina is retarded.
"The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many years to reform a healthcare system in America that certainly does need more help so that there's more competition, there's less tort reform threat, there's less trajectory of the cost increases Those plans have been proposed over and over again, and what thwarts those plans is the far left. It's President Obama and his supporters who will not allow the Republicans to usher in free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient-relationship leaps to reform healthcare."

She really has no idea what she's saying
I think because most people are afraid to contract the crazy from her.
I mean sheeeeeeit -
[in response to a question about what is her plan for healthcare] -
"The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many years to reform a healthcare system in America that certainly does need more help so that there's more competition, there's less tort reform threat, there's less trajectory of the cost increases Those plans have been proposed over and over again, and what thwarts those plans is the far left. It's President Obama and his supporters who will not allow the Republicans to usher in free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient-relationship leaps to reform healthcare."
It seems like language itself is cracking under the burden of the shit that come out of her mouth.

Did you see her interview on the Megyn Kelly show last month? Stunning performance.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I think he's exaggerating it to some degree, but there's no doubt a certain segment of the population got really up in arms about it, and you got the usual death threats et al those kinds of big "talking points" social situations create every few years.

Probably the most interesting part of the case would be that just a few years later, the social media landscape has matured. I'm sure it would be much worse now with everyone on Facebook and Twitter. Far easier to organize protests, far easier to accidentally tweet an innocent person's home address, et al.

I don't remember all those events. There were certainly protests and they called a special session of Congress and Bush flew back to sign some legislation just covering her case. It was a nadir of Bush/Rove/TomDeLay hard-right politics. The Iraq war was just about to fall apart and they were debating Terry Schiavo and flag-burning in Congress.

People did not agree with them on that Schiavo case, the Iraq war fell apart, and that was it . . . the GOP got massacred in 2006.


I bet poligaf was pretty entertaining though out the Bush years.
I don't remember all those events. There were certainly protests and they called a special session of Congress and Bush flew back to sign some legislation just covering her case. It was a nadir of Bush/Rove/TomDeLay hard-right politics. The Iraq war was just about to fall apart and they were debating Terry Schiavo and flag-burning in Congress.

People did not agree with them on that Schiavo case, the Iraq war fell apart, and that was it . . . the GOP got massacred in 2006.

I remember the Terri Schavo case most because it helped turn John Cole (the creator of the Balloon Juice blog) from a "conservative who isn't nuts" to a full blown Democrat.
Diablos said:
Anyway, go Kerry... I really hope he wins this election. Everyone says he's gonna lose, but he still has a chance. Otherwise every political analyst on TV wouldn't say "it's too close to call" every 10 seconds. :D
Oh man, I really hope there's a bizarro Diablos out there who was pulling for Romney and made the exact same comment in 2012.
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