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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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This is doing more to sell me on Obamacare than turn me off from it, so I hope it's from the right.
Same. I'm not even going to bother posting again.

I posted this in the thread:

The most amusing part of this thread is that if you graduation college, you are likely part of the top one third of the nation already for your age group in terms of achievement. Now you need: STEM or a marketable degree, internship, "temp jobs" (lol), connections, move in with roommates (glad to know we now have living standards of the four Tiger Nations and Greece) and a crap load of money saved up. All in a four year time period starting in the twilight of your teenage years.

What percentage of young adults have or even can achieve such a thing? And if this is life for an "average college graduate" what the fuck is life like for the average 25 year old American? The average 25 year old doesn't even have an associates degree if I recall. "Slacker!", yeah I agree that that's ridiculous as well but what does it say to them when their cousin who graduated from college is in tons of debt and finds it difficult to get anywhere. And we want this country compete toe to toe with Europe and developing superpowers? Laughable.

The entire reasons why internships, "temp jobs", and all this shit became mandatory isn't because the will of the free market, its because these jobs are becoming more and more competitive and you need to stand out. Unfortunately almost a majority of people find it difficult to even complete college, let alone people in general. There is an immense break from reality going on in this thread.

But get roommates then! Live at home!

Its nice to know that American is inching towards the living standards of Eastern Europe and South America.
Rick Perry is so goofy.

“In hindsight, I would have a whole lot rather the candidate in Virginia been able to talk about Obamacare and the impact of that rather than the government shutdown,” Perry said. “It would have been wiser for us to have laid the wood to the president, so to speak … let it become an issue of ‘Mr. President, you own this.’”

Lay the wood?

Maybe I'm just stupid but I had to look it up.

1. lay the wood
To attack or threaten physical aggressiveness toward another person. A metaphor for hitting a person with a melee weapon or other hand held item specifically consisting of wood (i.e. a bat or 2x4). Can also be phrased in a general context as "laying some wood." Not to be confused with the sexual innuendo of "laying pipe."
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lay the wood

The sexual innuendo is what immediately came to my mind but I guess I was wrong. Of course what he meant to say was a little awkward as well though (although I'm sure he didn't mean it in a threatening way).
Poll: Sen. Hagan's Re-Election Lead Over GOP Opponents Shrinks

The race for Sen. Kay Hagan's (D-NC) Senate seat has tightened and now the Democratic senator leads each of her Republican challengers by only a few percentage points, according to a new Public Policy Polling survey released Tuesday.

The PPP poll found Hagan leading state House Speaker Thom Tillis (R) 44 percent to 42 percent, a decline of 15 points from when PPP last polled the race in September. The new poll also found Hagan leading tea partier Greg Brannon 44 percent to 42 percent. Similarly, in a head-to-head matchup with announced Republican challenger Heather Grant, Hagan leads 43 percent to 40 percent. Finally, against Republican Rev. Mark Harris Hagan leads 43 percent to 41 percent.

Despite the small leads in head-to-head matchups, Hagan's approval rating has been about the same, the poll also found. In September Hagan's approval rating was 43 percent and it is essentially unchanged at 44 percent. Hagan's disapproval ratings have increased however. The poll found Hagan's disapproval at 49 percent, up ten percentage points from the last poll.

Among the Republican candidates, Tillis appears to be moving away from the pack. He gets 20 percent support among Republican primary voters while Harris gets 14 percent, Brannon gets 11 percent and Grant gets 8 percent. But a whopping 47 percent remain undecided, the poll found.

The poll was conducted Nov. 8 to 11 among 701 North Carolina voters.

A shitty economy and a large population that doesn't benefit from the ACA (due to state government) blaming elected officials for their problems? Who knew.

A shitty economy and a large population that doesn't benefit from the ACA (due to state government) blaming elected officials for their problems? Who knew.
Still leading.

Do you still think she's a surefire loss or whatever silly expression you used to describe her predicament? This is a tossup at worst.

The only red state Democrats who need to win are Hagan and Landrieu, anyone else is just gravy.
Yeah it was only a few weeks ago that a GOP Senate in 2014 was unlikely, now because of the website it's probably gonna be a landslide victory for the GOP.

They'll most likely win the open seats in West Virgina, South Dakota and Montana, and some incumbents will go down too, like Pryor, Hagan, Landrieu, Begich and Shaheen if Scott Brown runs against her.
Today’s GOP is not racist, as Harry Belafonte alleged about the tea party, but it is deeply troubled — about the expansion of government, about immigration, about secularism, about the mainstreaming of what used to be the avant-garde. People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the mayor-elect of New York — a white man married to a black woman and with two biracial children.

Looking at those other parts . . . "is deeply troubled — about":
-expansion of government, - Yeah, that is not happening. Obama has SHRUNK government. He has LESS government employees than Bush had. And don't talk to be about that BS "Obamacare is a government take-over of healthcare" . . . I wish it was. No, it is just some rules making people get PRIVATE insurance.

- about immigration, - Translation: "We don't like brown people."

-about secularism - Translation: "We don't like Atheists."

- about the mainstreaming of what used to be the avant-garde - Translation: . . . OK, I'm not sure . . . but this is probably "We don't like gay people and hipsters.".

So three of those concerns are just bullshit bigotry and the fourth is not even happening.
Still leading.

Do you still think she's a surefire loss or whatever silly expression you used to describe her predicament? This is a tossup at worst.

The only red state Democrats who need to win are Hagan and Landrieu, anyone else is just gravy.

The website is still shitty, people are losing their plans left and right, premiums are skyrocketing, and because of the sequester the economy will probably go back into recession in 2014. I'm pretty sure once the general election gets underway next summer it's gonna start looking a lot like 2010 again.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
It seems that most of the posters in PoliGAF are mostly on the progressive side, so I wanna ask this question: is there any merit to the whole "personal accountability" thing that conservatives like to spout?

Of course personal responsibility is a good thing generally but it's not a panacea for everything, which is usually the only lens through which conservatism views society.

Healthcare too expensive? Personal responsibility! Save more.

Can't save? Personal responsibility! Eat cardboard and shoe leather.

Yeah it was only a few weeks ago that a GOP Senate in 2014 was unlikely, now because of the website it's probably gonna be a landslide victory for the GOP.

They'll most likely win the open seats in West Virgina, South Dakota and Montana, and some incumbents will go down too, like Pryor, Hagan, Landrieu, Begich and Shaheen if Scott Brown runs against her.

The Republicans were supposed to take the Senate in 2010 and 2012 and they failed twice.
The website is still shitty, people are losing their plans left and right, premiums are skyrocketing, and because of the sequester the economy will probably go back into recession in 2014. I'm pretty sure once the general election gets underway next summer it's gonna start looking a lot like 2010 again.
Diablos has a new rival. It's a year away.


The Autumn Wind
Yeah it was only a few weeks ago that a GOP Senate in 2014 was unlikely, now because of the website it's probably gonna be a landslide victory for the GOP.

They'll most likely win the open seats in West Virgina, South Dakota and Montana, and some incumbents will go down too, like Pryor, Hagan, Landrieu, Begich and Shaheen if Scott Brown runs against her.

The website is still shitty, people are losing their plans left and right, premiums are skyrocketing, and because of the sequester the economy will probably go back into recession in 2014. I'm pretty sure once the general election gets underway next summer it's gonna start looking a lot like 2010 again.
We already have a PD, thanks.
I just can't see republicans taking the senate unless things get really bad/ugly, and even then it might be a stretch given how radical their nominees will likely be. So far I haven't seen many GOP senate candidates who look like the real deal, and those that do will probably get defeated in open primaries.

Ultimately I want to see whether those who benefit from the ACA the most actually show up to vote.
and Shaheen if Scott Brown runs against her.
hahahahahahaha holy fucking shit are you serious

Bad news guys, we lost Rob Schneider:

In a surprisingly candid interview, Schneider ties the Democratic supermajority in California’s legislature to the lack of work for actors in Hollywood.

“The state of California is a mess, and the super majority of Democrats is not working. I’ve been a lifelong Democrat and I have to switch over because it no longer serves the people of this great state. The last time I made a movie was seven years ago, and that’s because we’re not being competitive,” he said.

Rob Schneider added to his case for less government by talking about the vitamin company that he owns with a friend, “We moved out of the state because of overregulation. It isn’t helping businesses. We’re chasing businesses away.
Democrats are why Rob Schneider hasn't made a movie in 7 years? That seems more like an endorsement than anything.
Also, I've actually been seeing more work being shot in LA in the past couple years than I had seen in ages. Where I drive through in Downtown every day has near constant production.


Also, I've actually been seeing more work being shot in LA in the past couple years than I had seen in ages. Where I drive through in Downtown every day has near constant production.

It's not great. We're still losing so much business to Toronto and Georgia (and North Carolina now), especially in television production. We need to be as aggressive as possible to keep huge productions in LA -- especially TV productions that allow for more job growth per season.

That's not why Rob Schneider can't get a job.

EDIT: Also, I had never seen this before and lol'ed pretty heartily:

The Associated Press ‏@AP 5m
BREAKING: Hawaii Senate passes gay marriage, clearing islands to become a same-sex wedding destination.

Also, I'm late since I haven't posted here in a few days but welcome back, Dax.


Are couples more likely to travel to Hawaii to get married now? Would this bring in money for the state?

Does it really matter when the money comes from Satan?!

But yes:


An estimate from a University of Hawaii researcher says the law will boost tourism by $217 million over the next three years, as Hawaii becomes an outlet for couples in other states, bringing ceremonies, receptions and honeymoons to the islands. The study's author has said Hawaii would benefit from pent-up demand for gay weddings, with couples spending $166 million over those three years on ceremonies and honeymoons.
“The state of California is a mess, and the super majority of Democrats is not working. I’ve been a lifelong Democrat and I have to switch over because it no longer serves the people of this great state. The last time I made a movie was seven years ago, and that’s because we’re not being competitive,” he said.

But Rob Schneider has done movies...

he has been in every Adam Sandler film

Well . . . perhaps


And it flew over the heads of Beck's fans . . . and us? Maybe?


hey, occupy did a feel-good thing:

A group of Occupy Wall Street activists has bought almost $15m of Americans' personal debt over the last year as part of the Rolling Jubilee project to help people pay off their outstanding credit.

Rolling Jubilee, set up by Occupy's Strike Debt group following the street protests that swept the world in 2011, launched on 15 November 2012. The group purchases personal debt cheaply from banks before "abolishing" it, freeing individuals from their bills.

By purchasing the debt at knockdown prices the group has managed to free $14,734,569.87 of personal debt, mainly medical debt, spending only $400,000.

"We thought that the ratio would be about 20 to 1," said Andrew Ross, a member of Strike Debt and professor of social and cultural analysis at New York University. He said the team initially envisaged raising $50,000, which would have enabled it to buy $1m in debt.


The website is still shitty, people are losing their plans left and right, premiums are skyrocketing, and because of the sequester the economy will probably go back into recession in 2014. I'm pretty sure once the general election gets underway next summer it's gonna start looking a lot like 2010 again.

You're saying everything negative while ignoring any positives. The website will be working before the election, premiums are not skyrocketing for everyone. The sequester can be blamed on republican obstruction to reversing it. Democrats will do much better than 2010 come the midterms imo.
Fix your avatar dax.
Also, I'm late since I haven't posted here in a few days but welcome back, Dax.
I was wondering where you were. Thanks!
They already lost Revolution to Texas which now looks good for season 3. They still got Sleepy Hollow, though.

Idiots for trying to take the tax credit away.

I hear the possibility of it being cancelled is already scaring off some business.
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