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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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how is it racist?

He said 'conventional people' should be freaked out by a white dude and a black women?

He's now rewriting the piece in his explanation. He has a history of this stuff, even recently with Trayvon.

More people should be outraged with the ludicrous insertion of his wife's previous partners. Dowd had a similar freak out that sexuality is sometimes fluid and people can fall in love with different people and genders.
Down to people they employ and blood relatives.

I disprove of them.
Are you joking? Try reading the second line Dax quoted.

I'm not saying the writer is racist, but having to choke down puke when you look at a bi-racial family is pretty racist.

well, of course it's racist. He's saying it from the point of view of some of the extreme right people in the tea party.

how is that point lost? i'm pretty sure those extreme right ppl were already choking down their puke and disgust when obama got elected and reelected. oops, i wrote that, does that make me racist now?

funny irony when i was reading that article though. if the same people who support Cruz had their way, Cruz would not have been born because they would have been against his cuban dad marrying his european mom.
well, of course it's racist. He's saying it from the point of view of some of the extreme right people in the tea party.

how is that point lost? i'm pretty sure those extreme right ppl were already choking down their puke and disgust when obama got elected and reelected. oops, i wrote that, does that make me racist now?

funny irony when i was reading that article though. if the same people who support Cruz had their way, Cruz would not have been born because they would have been against his cuban dad marrying his european mom.

He used the word conventional, he gave legitimacy to their views. And he has a history of racism or at best racial discrimination.


well, of course it's racist. He's saying it from the point of view of some of the extreme right people in the tea party.

how is that point lost? i'm pretty sure those extreme right ppl were already choking down their puke and disgust when obama got elected and reelected. oops, i wrote that, does that make me racist now?

funny irony when i was reading that article though. if the same people who support Cruz had their way, Cruz would not have been born because they would have been against his cuban dad marrying his european mom.
The problem is with the phrase "People with conventional views".
It's also fucking ridiculous, have you seen his family?



well, of course it's racist. He's saying it from the point of view of some of the extreme right people in the tea party.

how is that point lost? i'm pretty sure those extreme right ppl were already choking down their puke and disgust when obama got elected and reelected. oops, i wrote that, does that make me racist now?

funny irony when i was reading that article though. if the same people who support Cruz had their way, Cruz would not have been born because they would have been against his cuban dad marrying his european mom.

Read the offending paragraph again. He stated "Today's GOP are not racist". He then went on to say that a section of the GOP (Tea Party) have to "repress a gag reflex" at the prospect of seeing a bi-racial family. These two statements are diametrically opposed to each other. Cohen may not be racist, but he was defending a racist sentiment.

Ta-nehsi Coates nailed it when he wrote the following:

The problem here isn't that we think Richard Cohen gags at the sight of an interracial couple and their children. The problem is that Richard Cohen thinks being repulsed isn't actually racist, but "conventional" or "culturally conservative." Obstructing the right of black humans and white humans to form families is a central feature of American racism. If retching at the thought of that right being exercised isn't racism, then there is no racism.
Read the offending paragraph again. He stated "Today's GOP are not racist". He then went on to say that a section of the GOP (Tea Party) have to "repress a gag reflex" at the prospect of seeing a bi-racial family. These two statements are diametrically opposed to each other. Cohen may not be racist, but he was defending a racist sentiment.

Ta-nehsi Coates nailed it when he wrote the following:

yeah see, for me, I'm seeing it as him saying, to these far extreme right, in that, in their "conventional life", they would get a gag reflex. Meaning, to them, it's not normal.

to those of us more civilize people, it wouldn't be conventional but extreme.

I still don't see where he's agreeing that the tea party's view is conventional across the US, instead of just being conventional in their own small deluded world.

Either that or I'm giving him too much benefits of doubt, but that's how I read it when I read his article.


If Nazis had ended every speech about keeping the Ayran race pure with 'but I'm not racist' doesn't change the fact that it's very racist. You don't need to burn crosses on someone's lawn to be a racist.
yeah see, for me, I'm seeing it as him saying, to these far extreme right, in that, in their "conventional life", they would get a gag reflex. Meaning, to them, it's not normal.

to those of us more civilize people, it wouldn't be conventional but extreme.

I still don't see where he's agreeing that the tea party's view is conventional across the US, instead of just being conventional in their own small deluded world.

Either that or I'm giving him too much benefits of doubt, but that's how I read it when I read his article.
Even this sounds kind of racist.
If Nazis had ended every speech about keeping the Ayran race pure with 'but I'm not racist' doesn't change the fact that it's very racist. You don't need to burn crosses on someone's lawn to be a racist.

Even this sounds kind of racist.

it's racist for calling racist people uncivilize?
funny irony when i was reading that article though. if the same people who support Cruz had their way, Cruz would not have been born because they would have been against his cuban dad marrying his european mom.
People need to listen to some of Rafael Cruz's preaching. The guy is fundamentalist crazy. Calls himself a scientist and then says evolution is unscientific. Thinks gays don't want rights, they just want to break up existing families. He's a loon.


This coupled with people in Congress (both sides) proposing ridiculous things to "fix" the cancellations issue is making things less optimistic.

You cannot just extend the previous plans or force companies to offer them without ruining the market. These fucking idiots need to listen to the people who do these things. You aren't trained for this.

There are just so many stupid, selfish Democrats out there. Do they think screwing up the law for temporary political relief will save them when the "fix" raises rates for those who actually sign up? There is zero party discipline when things get rough and they will put a Republican in the WH if this keeps up. Dems have to suck it up and defend these cancellations as a feature and not a bug and try to get the best possible outcomes for people. A lot of the people complaining won't vote Democrat even if you screw up the law to appease them. Stop responding to the gotcha games and talk up the benefits of the law. It'll be hard and the website issues don't help but you can't keep running from a law you passed on a party-line vote the minute something goes bad. It's just dumb politics.

This whole episode proves how dangerous media piling-on can be though. In a matter of weeks, Obama is suddenly a bold-faced liar who cannot be trusted? All because a segment of the population can't keep mostly garbage insurance plans? At the same time, amid all the sob-story anecdotes, millions in GOP states being denied medicaid (at no cost to the states) is not an issue?

And I still can't believe Clinton would inject himself into this knowing anything he says will be parsed. Good luck getting 2008/2012 levels of black turnout for Hilary or anyone else if they keep stabbing Obama in the back. Obama's term ending on a sour note with his own party abandoning him = tough road for Democrats cos many blacks will be apathetic about politics for a while...
Quite funny in that Cuban-Americans are regarded as like, "others" in Latin American culture. Like, we love their patriotism and gusto but their anti-immigration and pro-business stance never gels with other immigrants.

I always get this weird wahjah feeling when like Univision features Republican heavy Cuban-Americans.

La Opinion, though is an oddbag. In some cases, it's like all conservative but in others it's quite, WTF?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, November 5, to CNN's Jake Tapper:

TAPPER: Do you think of yourself as a conservative, do you think of yourself as a moderate?

CHRISTIE: I'm a conservative. And I've governed as a conservative.

And Chris Christie, five days later, to NBC's David Gregory:

GREGORY: Are you a moderate or a conservative?

CHRISTIE: David, listen. I don't get into these labels. That's the Washington, D.C. game.


Watching this dude crash and burn is gonna be glorious.
Holy fuck, Bams, I understand that only 5% of people's insurance got wrecked and what not, but how the fuck could you come off a victory during the shutdown and drop the ball on the fucking website?

Yes, I'm sure most voters will forget by next year, but that doesn't take away from the travesty that this rollout was.
Holy fuck, Bams, I understand that only 5% of people's insurance got wrecked and what not, but how the fuck could you come off a victory during the shutdown and drop the ball on the fucking website?

Yes, I'm sure most voters will forget by next year, but that doesn't take away from the travesty that this rollout was.

the fed expected most states to do their own exchange. the states did not. meaning more resources was required than necessary. they weren't ready for that
the fed expected most states to do their own exchange. the states did not. meaning more resources was required than necessary. they weren't ready for that

let's be real here. The only states that chose not to implement their own exchanges were those with republican governors, and you could see that one coming from a mile away.


I got a PDF, including a chart with this information:

Eligible to purchase health coverage through the Marketplace, including catastrophic plans

Next Steps
Choose a health plan and make first month's payment
Did it give you any information about tax credits?


let's be real here. The only states that chose not to implement their own exchanges were those with republican governors, and you could see that one coming from a mile away.

No you couldn't. This behavior is unprecedented. Half the states are refusing FREE money to provide healthcare to their citizens.

There is no way anyone could have predicted this would be going on after the law passed
No you couldn't. This behavior is unprecedented. Half the states are refusing FREE money to provide healthcare to their citizens.

There is no way anyone could have predicted this would be going on after the law passed

Do you understand how it is for some of those governors to take money from a black man? The Tea Party would primary them out next year in a second.


Junior Member
Can someone help me with some logic?

Flood hits my house in a non-flood prone area and I realize too late that my insurance won't cover flood damage. Who do I likely blame? Deep down, I know I signed up for the insurance but I ultimately blame the insurance company because it seems like a cheap technicality.

Car insurance? You have mandated minimal coverage everyone has to have. Forced to have. By the government. Why? Cheap insurance sucks ass when you need it.

So, besides a foolish guarantee that you can keep your insurance if you like it, why do some blame Obama for health care insurance companies selling shit insurance for years? One of my frustrations as a health care provider is getting people over the hurdle of identifying their illness and recognizing they need treatment but deciding they cannot afford the high deductibles or copays or whatever. I'm looking forward to better insurance so I don't get depressed knowing someone is walking out of my office with a time bomb waiting to go off in their belly.
That PPP poll is bogus. After reading up on what was going on with the trolls, I can start to see why Nate Cohn has problems with the poll.

Here's Cohn:
Yesterday’s North Carolina survey brought signs of the problem. For some reason, possible Republican Senate candidates like Mark Harris, Heather Grant, and Greg Brennon received higher favorability ratings among “very liberal” voters than conservatives.

I asked PPP if they had an explanation for this phenomenon. They had an answer: “Looks like there were [a] dozen respondents pressing 1 on every question so they would be favorable toward everyone and very liberal.”

Is that possible? Yes. PPP is an automated polling firm, which means the respondent listens to an automated recording and responds by dialing a number (if you’re 18-29 years old, press 1”). So it’s not impossible to imagine that a few respondents might decide to troll PPP by dialing “1” in response to every answer. For today’s North Carolina survey, those voters would be classified as white, 18-29 years old, female, very liberal, Democratic, supporting Kay Hagan for reelection, and having a “favorable” impression of every candidate—including the Republicans.​
So, essentially, people exactly like me. What effect does it have on the outcome?
At first glance, this might seem like a minor error. But it’s not. It doesn’t just influence favorability ratings, and it’s a bigger deal than “a dozen” respondents makes it seem.

Why? The “all 1” respondents are treated as 18-29 years olds—and 18-29 year olds get more weight. The need for weighting young voters is simple: young voters have lower response rates, and, just for good measure, PPP doesn’t call voters with cell phones. In a randomly selected survey from October 2012, 18-29 year old voters were just 6.7 percent of PPP’s final sample—even after PPP randomly deleted old, white voters. To compensate, PPP weights its 18-29 year olds by 2 fold—so PPP probably doubled the weight of these 12 “all 1” respondents. In a poll with a base of 600 respondents, that’s not small.

All in all, the trolls could have representated about 4 percent of PPP’s weighted sample—and they unanimously voted for Kay Hagan, who was also option “1.” Given that Hagan held a lead of no more than three points against three of her Republican challengers, it’s quite possible that the trolls were decisive.


Disengagement is a mistake, because there are many unanswered questions in addition to the questions implicit in the critiques I've already offered. For instance, only 9 percent of 18-29 year olds think the ACA rollout was "very successful." If there were 12 "all 1s," I'd expect no fewer than about 14 percent of 18-29 year olds to get on board. So what's going on?​
No you couldn't. This behavior is unprecedented. Half the states are refusing FREE money to provide healthcare to their citizens.

There is no way anyone could have predicted this would be going on after the law passed
Except that these states telegraphed their decision years in advance. There is no excuse for the handling of the website, and the administration had more than two years to plan and build the website. They could have used healthcare.gov as a hub, and created multiple exclusive sites for each state that did not set up its own exchange; that alone would have solved the traffic issue, and I'm assuming not every state site would be coded like utter shit (which is the problem with the current site).

It's going to be really interesting if exchange premiums increase late next year due to a lack of sign ups.
It's going to be really interesting if exchange premiums increase late next year due to a lack of sign ups.
The death spiral shouldn't happen because there are backdoors for the government to pretty much pay off the insurers to keep rates down till 2015/2016. Not that I wouldn't doubt them trying to game the system.


That PPP poll is bogus. After reading up on what was going on with the trolls, I can start to see why Nate Cohn has problems with the poll.

Here's Cohn:
Yesterday’s North Carolina survey brought signs of the problem. For some reason, possible Republican Senate candidates like Mark Harris, Heather Grant, and Greg Brennon received higher favorability ratings among “very liberal” voters than conservatives.

I asked PPP if they had an explanation for this phenomenon. They had an answer: “Looks like there were [a] dozen respondents pressing 1 on every question so they would be favorable toward everyone and very liberal.”

Is that possible? Yes. PPP is an automated polling firm, which means the respondent listens to an automated recording and responds by dialing a number (if you’re 18-29 years old, press 1”). So it’s not impossible to imagine that a few respondents might decide to troll PPP by dialing “1” in response to every answer. For today’s North Carolina survey, those voters would be classified as white, 18-29 years old, female, very liberal, Democratic, supporting Kay Hagan for reelection, and having a “favorable” impression of every candidate—including the Republicans.​
So, essentially, people exactly like me. What effect does it have on the outcome?
At first glance, this might seem like a minor error. But it’s not. It doesn’t just influence favorability ratings, and it’s a bigger deal than “a dozen” respondents makes it seem.

Why? The “all 1” respondents are treated as 18-29 years olds—and 18-29 year olds get more weight. The need for weighting young voters is simple: young voters have lower response rates, and, just for good measure, PPP doesn’t call voters with cell phones. In a randomly selected survey from October 2012, 18-29 year old voters were just 6.7 percent of PPP’s final sample—even after PPP randomly deleted old, white voters. To compensate, PPP weights its 18-29 year olds by 2 fold—so PPP probably doubled the weight of these 12 “all 1” respondents. In a poll with a base of 600 respondents, that’s not small.

All in all, the trolls could have representated about 4 percent of PPP’s weighted sample—and they unanimously voted for Kay Hagan, who was also option “1.” Given that Hagan held a lead of no more than three points against three of her Republican challengers, it’s quite possible that the trolls were decisive.


Disengagement is a mistake, because there are many unanswered questions in addition to the questions implicit in the critiques I've already offered. For instance, only 9 percent of 18-29 year olds think the ACA rollout was "very successful." If there were 12 "all 1s," I'd expect no fewer than about 14 percent of 18-29 year olds to get on board. So what's going on?​
Don't professional pollsters introduce methods to combat the all 1ers like by randomizing answer choices?
damn, looks like the popularity of the forthcoming Xbox One means neogaf is now in competition with healthcare.gov for server of the year award!

The first federal government shutdown in 17 years wreaked havoc over the GOP brand last month, sinking Republican approval and boosting Democrats ahead of the 2014 mid-term elections.

A new Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday showed Democratic momentum all but reversed amid the embarassing fiasco that has been the Obamacare rollout, with both parties now tied on the generic ballot at 39 percent. As a measure of the public's record-low disapproval of Congress, another 23 percent of registered voters said they would prefer another candidate or abstain entirely.

Wow, fuck you Obama.
Poll: Democratic Lead Erased On Congressional Generic Ballot

The first federal government shutdown in 17 years wreaked havoc over the GOP brand last month, sinking Republican approval and boosting Democrats ahead of the 2014 mid-term elections.

A new Quinnipiac University survey released Wednesday showed Democratic momentum all but reversed amid the embarassing fiasco that has been the Obamacare rollout, with both parties now tied on the generic ballot at 39 percent. As a measure of the public's record-low disapproval of Congress, another 23 percent of registered voters said they would prefer another candidate or abstain entirely.

The survey signals a dramatic reversal in the aftermath of the shutdown fight, forced by Republicans in an effort to defund the Affordable Care Act, when Democrats held a 9 percentage point (NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey) and 8 percentage point (CNN survey) lead over Republicans on the generic ballot.

edit: beaten

They had one job. One.


Republicans played that masterfully. The shut down the government, wait until the last possible second, and then immediately go on the offensive knowing the general population has an attention span and memory of a gnat dick

It's only going to get worse. Expect a republican wave in 2014, especially with the way democrats in the senate up for reelection are acting.

Gg, US. Gg.
Republicans played that masterfully. The shut down the government, wait until the last possible second, and then immediately go on the offensive knowing the general population has an attention span and memory of a gnat dick

It's only going to get worse. Expect a republican wave in 2014, especially with the way democrats in the senate up for reelection are acting.

Gg, US. Gg.

Wasn't that expected? The public has the memory of a gold fish, to put it kindly.

It's not about memory, it's about current events. The shut down is over, people have moved on. Obamacare is a long term issue - we'll be hearing news about it for the next year, it's trending on Twitter daily, etc. It's going to have a direct impact on a lot of people over the next few months. There will be good news, but right now the news is universally negative due to the website and cancellations. So the generic ballot poll is a reflection of that.

Who knows what the dominating news story will be in October 2014.
Wasn't that expected? The public has the memory of a gold fish, to put it kindly.

I mean I doubt it's going to be a GOP wave year, but coming out of the shutdown I thought we could seriously make some gains in next year, all Obama had to do was get the rollout of the ACA right.
Oh yeah I keep forgetting there's gonna be another shutdown and debt default scare in January/February.

Get the website working by the end of the month so we can get it out of people's heads by the time the next fiscal crisis rolls around. Which will be surely worse cause it's in the middle of primary season.
Oh yeah I keep forgetting there's gonna be another shutdown and debt default scare in January/February.

Get the website working by the end of the month so we can get it out of people's heads by the time the next fiscal crisis rolls around. Which will be surely worse cause it's in the middle of primary season.

There will not be a shut down in 2014, write that down. McConnell is on record opposed to one, and there is nothing Boehner can gain from instigating another. The republican strategy should be to just wait and let Obamacare implode. Personally I do not think it will implode, the point is that it's the best option for republicans right now. Then if they win the senate (unlikely) they'll be able to dictate terms during the next budget battle.


The Autumn Wind
There will not be a shut down in 2014, write that down. McConnell is on record opposed to one, and there is nothing Boehner can gain from instigating another. The republican strategy should be to just wait and let Obamacare implode. Personally I do not think it will implode, the point is that it's the best option for republicans right now. Then if they win the senate (unlikely) they'll be able to dictate terms during the next budget battle.
Funny, those exact circumstances didn't stop it the first time.


I've had like three interviews in the past couple weeks and still no dice.

I know this sounds sad but I really need Congress to extened emergency UE benefits through next year. :|
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