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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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Unconfirmed Member
Wait so we're just delaying this for 6 months? We have to deal with this shit again early next year? What's the point?

The point is next time the discussion is going to be before the shutdown, and dems are going to start discussions from a standpoint of no sequesters, and actually negotiate from there.

Republicans will be very very hurt from this whole thing, both moderates and conservatives will be unhappy with them for starting a shutdown and a debt scare for no reason at all, getting absolutely nothing accomplished through the whole thing, and there is absolutely no reason to believe that next time will end any differently for them.

That is unless they have a completely different speaker that would handle things differently, but we'll have to see how that plays out first. They very well might stick with Boehner until the 2014 elections are over.
What's a "reinsurance fee"? Sorry, I'm being lazy. I'm on an LTE connection and don't really want to google it.

[2014] marks the start of a three-year transitional reinsurance fee under the Affordable Care Act,

The transitional reinsurance fee will require state and local government employers to pay $63 per covered individual each year. The fee is intended to help stabilize insurance premiums in the individual market.

gov't unions hated this, feared passed on to their members.


Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 28s
Boehner aide @michael_steel: “If the Senate comes to an agreement, we will review it with our Members.”
and you'll fucking accept it you twits.


Wouldn't want to see something potentially help part of that +1.7m Dem voter advantage you cheated your way out of facing via gerrymandering, eh GOP?

Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 1m
I hear Sen leaders agreed to cancel WH mtg b/c they were making fast progress on Hill, wanted to focus on that process
Uh okay.


Unconfirmed Member
So, out of curiosity what happens if the house rejects this? What's the next step?

Just keep forcing it down on them until we're hours from the deadline and they're forced to pass it?
So, out of curiosity what happens if the house rejects this? What's the next step?

Just keep forcing it down on them until we're hours from the deadline and they're forced to pass it?

If the house refuses, the only thing left is for the Senate to pass a clean DL raise and the house to accept. Otherwise, hope you stocked up on canned goods.
But this is exactly what I'm talking about. It needn't have that consequence at all. And to suggest it does suggests powerlessness of the entire country in the face of rich investors. It's not true, and it doesn't do anybody any favors to pretend it is true. It makes us worse off. Politicians will do what they have to do given political realities, but there is no reason for us as citizens discussing issues of the day to countenance it (or, worse, promote it).
Can you explain the mechanism by which making late payments to your creditors needn't raise your cost of borrowing? I'm not being sarcastic, I just don't think I'm taking your point.


Utterly amazing...

If republicans had simply immediately funded the government/lifted DL, liberal commentators would be lamenting the low govt funding level and calling it a win for republicans/Obama cave.
Yeah pretty much.

Boehner is a fucking moron, all he had to do was put a clean CR on the floor a day or two after the shutdown.

Robert Costa ‏@robertcostaNRO 2m
House GOP nearly silent right now, beyond top-level leadership talks. No whip mtgs, not mtgs about Sen deal, some mbrs still flying back...


Unconfirmed Member
We should see if the Republicans want reduce the total cost of OCare and the total expenditure on subsidies
by adding a public option lol

It's the least we can do.


We should see if the Republicans want reduce the total cost of OCare and the total expenditure on subsidies
by adding a public option lol

It's the least we can do.
I kind of lie to myself when I say that "Obama passed on the PO because it was the only way". They could have pushed harder for it because they passed the ACA via reconciliation anyway. We'd all be better off.
I kind of lie to myself when I say that "Obama passed on the PO because it was the only way". They could have pushed harder for it because they passed the ACA via reconciliation anyway. We'd all be better off.

Lieberman killed the Public Option I think


Unconfirmed Member
I kind of lie to myself when I say that "Obama passed on the PO because it was the only way". They could have pushed harder for it because they passed the ACA via reconciliation anyway. We'd all be better off.
Absolutely. would have put additional downward pressure on prices and reduced overall subsidies since the bargaining power of a PO would be substantial and already have premium savings built in.

Also better path to single payer. But Obama never cared that much about PO (at least not enough to battle for it)


We should see if the Republicans want reduce the total cost of OCare and the total expenditure on subsidies
by adding a public option lol

It's the least we can do.

I'd settle for a compromise of democrats agreeing to safe harbor guidelines and republicans agreeing to allow medicare and medicaid to actually bargain to set drug prices and the like.

It seems like such an easy compromise. Democrats get to punish drug companies. Republicans get to punish Lawyers. The American people save a ton of money while not giving up any benefits.


Absolutely. would have put additional downward pressure on prices and reduced overall subsidies since the bargaining power of a PO would be substantial and already have premium savings built in.

Also better path to single payer. But Obama never cared that much about PO (at least not enough to battle for it)
I dunno, I think he made a rookie mistake -- remember he went as far as calling for it in his State of the Union?


Unconfirmed Member
I'd settle for a compromise of democrats agreeing to safe harbor guidelines and republicans agreeing to allow medicare and medicaid to actually bargain to set drug prices and the like.

It seems like such an easy compromise. Democrats get to punish drug companies. Republicans get to punish Lawyers. The American people save a ton of money while not giving up any benefits.
oh I would take that in a heartbeat (ie it will never happen). I was just being an ass.


It's a "win" in this scenario for sure. And if it allows them to negotiate the sequestion over the next couple months without the debt ceiling in the way, that's what really matters.

Yeah, I have to say, Reid seems to have handled this whole situation masterfully. I've been shocked because I used to dislike him so much, but he seems to be making every right call so far.

His problem is the primary. If he wins that, he keeps his seat. But if he loses that, Dems could pick it up. This won't help him in the primary.

Yup. The Tea Party types are going to tear McConnell to shreds for his unconditional surrender if the deal truly is just DL/CR extension plus budget talks in a few weeks. That's exactly what the Dems had been trying to do since weeks before the shutdown.


Here's the deal:

The Senate’s deal to end the shutdown is a deal to fight over sequestration
By Ezra Klein, Updated: October 14, 2013

The outline of the emerging Senate deal is this: The government is funded until Jan. 15. The debt ceiling is lifted until Feb. 7. There are a handful of small Affordable Care Act changes: Stronger income verification, which Republicans want, and a one-year delay on the reinsurance tax, which Democrats want.

Oh, and there's a bicameral budget committee that needs to report back by Dec. 13.

The timing of all this is designed to create a fight about sequestration. The Jan. 15 deadline means funding for the federal government runs out at the exact moment sequestration's deeper cuts kick in. The Dec. 13 deadline means that the full House and Senate would have time to consider any package of recommendations the bicameral committee comes up with, if the committee actually manages to come up with anything.

The deal isn't official yet. It hasn't passed the Senate yet. And it certainly hasn't passed the House yet. But if it does clear those hurdles -- and, again, that's a big if -- it'll mean Republicans and Democrats have agreed to take what began as a fight over the Affordable Care Act and make it into a fight over sequestration.

That's what the Democrats want. It's also what some Republicans, including Rep. Paul Ryan and Grover Norquist want. But it's not been what the Ted Cruz wing of the Republican Party wants. The question now is how much pull they really have. This, from Robert Costa, suggests the answer might be "less than they did a few weeks ago":

© The Washington Post Company
And there you have it.

"Stronger" income verification, what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
How will republicans deal with the union tax delay news, intellectually. They've been repeating for months that unions already are exempt from the law. I guess they'll just forget about that, and now complain about this exemption.



The reinsurance fee is the only OC- related thing that even has a specific action to be taken. The Rs probably have no idea what "stronger income verification" even means to them.


Here's the deal:

And there you have it.

"Stronger" income verification, what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

They want to do to ACA what they do to polling booths: make them harder to access. (Insert joke about the web site already doing that *here*). The harder they can make the process the less successful the overall law will be. So while we don't know specifics I'm guessing they're pushing for some kind of unreasonable requirement above and beyond what the law already features.


They want to do to ACA what they do to polling booths: make them harder to access. (Insert joke about the web site already doing that *here*). The harder they can make the process the less successful the overall law will be. So while we don't know specifics I'm guessing they're pushing for some kind of unreasonable requirement above and beyond what the law already features.
Specifically what is it, though? Do they want to see your banking statement or something? I really, really wanna see the specifics of this...


Specifically what is it, though? Do they want to see your banking statement or something? I really, really wanna see the specifics of this...

This will be the make or break for the deal. If the verification is too crazy, then we're back to square one.


I should mention that I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of socialists in PolIGAF, and they don't post much about how we should be aggressively restricting and distorting the free market with government-controlled monopolies on all forms of infrastructure coupled with a guaranteed wage for all citizens, even though we obviously should. So it's not like there aren't dissenting opinions! Maybe just not in the direction some might prefer.

I recognize some familiar faces from the Actually Existing Socialism

There's a broad spectrum of reds too, from tankie to sincere LibCom reader. No social democrat affirmative action necessary.


Specifically what is it, though? Do they want to see your banking statement or something? I really, really wanna see the specifics of this...

Dunno, I just poked around my usual wonky political news sites and didn't see details. Yglesias or Wonkblog will cover the details when they are known. Yglesias just did a great piece on the reinsurance bit.

But from the GOP's general disposition, it's probably safe to assume they want to make following or implementing the law harder. I can't see Obama or Dems budging on that one.


I dont see whats Fox News about it? They are simply reporting the crazy. Unless I am missing something.

They give most of the article to express tea party sentiments about how outraged people are that 'obama shut down the memorials' there is a small snippet of retort, but the tea party rhetoric drowns it out.
They want to do to ACA what they do to polling booths: make them harder to access. (Insert joke about the web site already doing that *here*). The harder they can make the process the less successful the overall law will be. So while we don't know specifics I'm guessing they're pushing for some kind of unreasonable requirement above and beyond what the law already features.

The DNC should hire some out of work black actors and claim they're a family that's been denied subsidies because they lied on their application. After all, that's what this is really about, non-white people getting things with white people's money.


In today's version of HUUUUUGE news:

Increasingly desperate New York Republicans, seeking the political equivalent of a Hail Mary pass, are trying to get Donald Trump to run against Gov. Cuomo next year, The Post has learned.

They’re seeking to make the case that while Trump is only an apprentice politician, he’s the only Republican on the horizon who has the name recognition, guts and money to tell Cuomo, “You’re fired!”

They’re also arguing that Trump could launch a 2016 presidential run — which he has clearly been eyeing with his criticisms of President Obama and Washington — by first winning the election for governor.

So far, Trump, who only recently learned of the effort, which is backed by state GOP Chairman Ed Cox and other party leaders, hasn’t said a flat “no.’’

Asked for comment by The Post, Trump left open the possibility of entering the race and blasted Cuomo, and even Cuomo’s dad, ex-Gov. Mario Cuomo, for their records in office.

Is this real life.
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