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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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God, the crap I hear in this house...

Lobbyists, 'journalists', conservative think takes, politicians. its all so incestuous

For younger people making some good money I don't see why they wouldn't get gold. There are some damn good deals when you're relatively young.

Because most young people making good money get employee health plans which still tend to be better than these?


Just to confirm, these plans don't include dental and vision right?

Because as I said, I've spent close to zero on healthcare outside of vision and dental since 2005. That's including over the counter medication, which I believe was $10 for athletes foot (self diagnosed).

I can't imagine spending $5000 a decade, never mind a year.

The plan I quoted was after subsidies. The California website bakes them in

So even though you've had good health, do u see into the future where u get in no accidents and at the same time never grow old?


So even though you've had good health, do u see into the future where u get in no accidents and at the same time never grow old?

I don't disagree that people should have health insurance but that plan he showed is absolutely bogus if true. Even the employee plan I'll have soon is like $120 a month with a $100 ER copay. I honestly can't imagine having to pay off my deductible to go to the ER. $5,000 for the ER? Heeellll naw.


It's true that Christ's earliest followers were not exactly well-known in the halls of power. But why do you think that Christ's teaching regarding a government operated by Christians would have differed from His actual teaching? Why do you think He would have said something other than "render unto Caesar" if those who controlled the government were counted among His followers?
Jesus was in general an advocate of a pretty transformative philosophy. One can't really be a follower of Jesus without being a follower of Jesus in all things. Luke 14 is good here. A government run by Christians is going to be a Christian government - it will be set up to further Christian goals. That's not to say that it's going to require that all citizens be Christian, but it's going to be very concerned with all of the things that Christians are supposed to be very concerned with, such as the welfare of the worst off, among other things. It will not do things that Christians would prefer it not to do, simply because Christians have the power to choose what the government is going to do.

This renders the whole render unto Caesar thing superfluous. There can be no prima facie conflict between duty to the state and duty to God. If Christians in government can in good conscience levy taxes, then Christians can in good conscience pay those taxes. Christians in government can't levy an un-Christian tax. They can't pass un-Christian laws. And so on. Government is just a way for people to act collectively, and if Christians control it then it's just another Christian institution. That's not to say that the state is the church, but the state is, if the Christians understand Christianity correctly, the state Jesus would want. Maybe Jesus is a federalist who believes in the second amendment - it's a little hard to say since he never really articulated a philosophy of exercising earthly power - but whatever a Christian government is doing, Christians can wholeheartedly support it (I'm very much not saying that a government deserves the support of Christians just because it claims to be Christian).

I definitely agree with you to the extent that such arguments are used to shirk one's moral responsibility. To the extent that we're talking about public policy, though, I'm not sure how Christ would have responded to such arguments. As I said earlier today, He never specified whether His teachings should drive public policy.
I think it depends what you mean here. Yeah, I don't know what Jesus would have said to a poor person who suggested trickle-down economics as government policy. But I have a really hard time imagining Jesus being okay with a wealthy person advocating trickle-down economics. It sounds self-serving at best and stinks of blackmail at worst. I mean, any person who is still wealthy is doing Christianity wrong already. Presumably they're not to be trusted when they say that the best Christian government is one that works directly to keep them wealthy. That's not really an argument that can be made in good faith.

I don't think that's the only way to square inequality with Christianity. For instance, it could be that a Christian believes involuntary takings are immoral. It could be that a Christian does believe that inequality is immoral, but doesn't wish to impose his or her moral views on the subject through government action.
This is fair enough. I think there's still a long-term problem here in that Christians can wield a whole lot of uncontroversially legitimate nongovernmental power, the effects of which are hard to distinguish from government action. Imagine something like the reverse of the Reconstruction-era South. Christians wield so much economic power that they ought to be able to pretty easily ensure that they're not giving lots of profit to people who don't make good use of it. But we don't actually see this ever. People who run big companies consistently get really rich. But this is phenomenally un-Christian - we agree that Jesus would not be happy with the modern rich, even if for all we know he would have thought it wrong to take their stuff.

But so, why not work to make sure that the CEOs and shareholders of big companies are Christians? Instead of supporting KFC and Hobby Lobby (chosen because they're perversely held up as Christian companies in some way, and because they show that self-identifying Christians are at least willing to throw their economic weight around to cause change), why not support companies with Christian investors who, after all the charity they give in accordance with Jesus' teaching, live modest lives on the level of the typical citizen? It seems hard to explain why this doesn't happen, except that maybe there are just very few real followers of Jesus out there.
What is the cheapest silver plan for you because those tend to be good deals IMO

Also it only takes one car accident and you're bankrupt without insurance.

Ten years of no insurance would mean $12,000 invested into a portfolio gaining 8% a year.

If I have an accident....there you go.

If I don't, I have a great savings account going.

With insurance, I'd have to shell out another 5,000 just to start getting my money back


No Scrubs
Just to confirm, these plans don't include dental and vision right?

Because as I said, I've spent close to zero on healthcare outside of vision and dental since 2005. That's including over the counter medication, which I believe was $10 for athletes foot (self diagnosed).

I can't imagine spending $5000 a decade, never mind a year.

Dude, that was me. I was never sick. EVER. Then two years ago I get diagnosed with UC and now I always hit the deductible due to the medication I need. I work out, I eat relatively healthy, I take care of myself and I still got sick. It just happens sometimes, you can't control it. Something will happen eventually, when it does you'll be happy you have insurance.
Insurance has a negative expected return for the purchaser. Otherwise the system wouldn't work.

Got to make sure the middleman insurance people get their holiday bonuses for pushing those papers.

And their shareholders get paid.

....makes more sense for me to be a shareholder. You get sick, I profit when we deny your claim


Sidhe / PikPok
Most Youth Unhappy with Obama - Reuters

Surprised at youth reaction to Obama's handling of Syria and Iran - he has avoided conflict with both nations, conflict that would have been fought on the back of youth - not sure why young people disapprove here.

I imagine there is more naivety amongst youth with respect to foreign diplomacy, foreign cultures, and the standing of the US in certain parts of the world e.g. "Why didn't Obama just tell them to do exactly what he says or else?"


No Scrubs
Got to make sure the middleman insurance people get their holiday bonuses for pushing those papers.

And their shareholders get paid.

....makes more sense for me to be a shareholder. You get sick, I profit when we deny your claim

Until you get sick or get into an accident, then you'll be broke.
An annual check-up when she was 25 years old found a small hard lump in my wife's neck that was biopsied and turned out to be thyroid cancer. The operation to remove her thyroid and zap any migrated cancer cells with radioactive iodine was over $100,000. For the insurance company, not for us.

Get your damn insurance.


What is the cheapest silver plan for you because those tend to be good deals IMO

Also it only takes one car accident and you're bankrupt without insurance.

Usually your initial medical bills will be handled by your auto insurance for a car related injury. Happened even when my dad broke his foot rotating the tires on his car and it fell off the jack onto his foot. May vary depending on state though.


I could buy hurricane insurance.

I could never leave the house.

You shouldn't mitigate every risk

Okay now I'll call bullshit. Health isn't "every" risk, it's the biggest risk. Do you not go outside and like be active? I broke my wrist getting a frisbee out of a tree, you know how much that shit would have costed without insurance?

East Lake

I can do what most ER's can with a multi tool, wifi hotspot, and a roll of duct tape.

I even sutured myself after a shark attack in sea of cortez.


I'm so glad that the "rational" people who think they are too smart for their own good dont make up the majority of citizens or the concept of insurance would fall flat on its face. There wouldn't be any money to pay car insurance or medical insurance claims out because everyone would have their "investments" making 8%.

These are the exact ppl who need complete asylum from government assistance and should be left to their own bearings when they rear end a pregnant lady and have to pay for her car AND medical bills for the emergency c section out of their investment account with 50k in it lol

Since insurance is such an irrational investment compared to stocks I wish you were be able to opt out and then get sued when life actually happens


Geez, stop arguing with him. Let him go without, and just look forward to the time when he comes on the forum begging for charity on the OT, and savor how dejected he'll be when he realizes no one is interested in giving him crap for help because he doesn't make Naughty Dog memorabilia.


Insurance has a negative expected return for the purchaser. Otherwise the system wouldn't work. The point isn't that you'll definitely make your money back, it's that you won't get utterly fucked if the worst happens.

The tail goes way the fuck further than $12k, dude.
Your expected to lose money to the health insurance company but the money you save with their expertise of negotiated rates is worth the difference in my opinion. People who are on their own get boned otherwise.
I'm so glad that the "rational" people who think they are too smart for their own good dont make up the majority of citizens or the concept of insurance would fall flat on its face. There wouldn't be any money to pay car insurance or medical insurance claims out because everyone would have their "investments" making 8%.
But jamesinclair uses public transport. You lose, commie.

“Analysts have been misled by the number of respondents in surveys who claim to be moderates or place themselves toward the middle of the ANES seven-point ideological self-identification scale question. These measures indicate that moderates are the largest ideological grouping in the U.S. But these estimates are misleading because the group of individuals who are moderates by this definition are actually not moderate according to their positions on economic and social issues. By this latter operational definition only 21 percent of the public were moderates in 2012 and only 13 percent in 2008. Moreover, many of those who self-identify as moderates are actually libertarians or populists — groups who have diametrically opposite sets of issue positions. Attempting to build a winning electoral coalition from such a diverse set of voters is unlikely to work. Having said this, if Democrats were to follow the recent behavior of the Republican Party and move leftward as much as the G.O.P. has moved rightward, then there would be a greater opening for a successful centrist third party.”

Ugh I hate this "moderate" shit.

"Bipartisan solutions" and "both sides working together to get stuff done," is a Beltway fantasy. The only reason Reagan was able to work with Democrats was because there was a large enough coalition of Southern Dems who switched to the GOP after 1994, fucking Phil Gramm was a Democrat until he ran for the Senate.

And the only reason Clinton was able to work with Republicans was because he was human slime who was ready to give up everything he believed in in order to get re-elected.
Your expected to lose money to the health insurance company but the money you save with their expertise of negotiated rates is worth the difference in my opinion. People who are on their own get boned otherwise.

This is what I was arguing earlier. you're paying to get a better menu.
Geez, stop arguing with him. Let him go without, and just look forward to the time when he comes on the forum begging for charity on the OT, and savor how dejected he'll be when he realizes no one is interested in giving him crap for help because he doesn't make Naughty Dog memorabilia.

Dunno, I cherish his wit and trolls over memorabilia for overrated video games. I'll chip in some money for you, James.


But jamesinclair uses public transport. You lose, commie.

Ok. What happens when a pregnant lady walking her dog slips and falls on his side walk cuz he didn't shovel the ice on his sidewalk?? Or when his friend comes over and trips down the steps and breaks an arm???

Why would he have accidental personal injury coverage on his home owners insurance??? I mean sure it's only $60 a year but imagine how much extra money he's giving up in potential interest?! For an event that's only 1% likely to happen that's like throwing money away!!!
But jamesinclair uses public transport. You lose, commie.

This is true. I don't own a car.

That being said, isn't the law in most states that you can self insure for car insurance? You're not required to go through a company.

There was a big expose on the Boston taxi industry and how most elect to self insure.

That being said car insurance makes sense because you're liable for your own health, your own car, the other person's health and even third parties.

Health is just you.
Ok. What happens when a pregnant lady walking her dog slips and falls on his side walk cuz he didn't shovel the ice on his sidewalk?? Or when his friend comes over and trips down the steps and breaks an arm???

Why would he have accidental personal injury coverage on his home owners insurance??? I mean sure it's only $60 a year but imagine how much extra money he's giving up in potential interest?! For an event that's only 1% likely to happen that's like throwing money away!!!

I rent. Home ownership is a scam.

Let the landlord schmuck deal with that shit.


Yes, Gotchaye mentioned the same thing to me. My statement was pretty simplistic, and I don't actually know if it's still true once you account for America's bizarre pricing systems.
Yea it's sad but without the purchasing power of an insurance company you would lose money by saving it and putting it towards healthcare verses just buying insurance.
The ABC was written for a population that had been overwhelming illiterate for the majority of its adult life--I believe the literacy rate for women in Imperial Russia prior to the Revolution was something like a paltry 15%--and was far more intellectually captive than however you imagine the average American to be.

What do you mean when you say "intellectually captive"? If it's what I think it means, I think the modern American public is probably the most intellectually captive population in human history (maybe save one other). Imperial Russia did not have a mass media nearly of the scale as the US.


What do you mean when you say "intellectually captive"? If it's what I think it means, I think the modern American public is probably the most intellectually captive population in human history (maybe save one other). Imperial Russia did not have a mass media nearly of the scale as the US.

That's only because they refuse to use the information that is just sitting at their fingers, it's not due to a lack of availability.
And your dependents. And people who care for your well being. And businesses which you are indebted to. And the people subsidizing the emergency bill you'll be unable to pay if you are not insured.

Not to mention preventing the spread of communicable diseases... One's inability to procure antibiotics can be another's disease. Health care is a social issue, not an individual issue.

That's only because they refuse to use the information that is just sitting at their fingers, it's not due to a lack of availability.

The question is an empirical one (albeit one that probably can't be answered except by guessing). You are making a judgment, not an empirical assessment.
And your dependents. And people who care for your well being. And businesses which you are indebted to. And the people subsidizing the emergency bill you'll be unable to pay if you are not insured.

So I should pay 180 a month for the benefit of others?


That's not how capitalism works. Look at Wal-Mart.


So I should pay 180 a month for the benefit of others?


That's not how capitalism works. Look at Wal-Mart.

This is just such an ignorant thing to say. There is literally no logic that makes this make sense except that you just don't want to pay more. Any logical train of thought makes this totally invalid.

People payed into a system for your entire life so you could be given the resources to get a job that could afford you to be able to spend that $180.

People payed into a system for your entire life so that your very concept of what you consider to be "your health" that is "just you" could even be at a level where you would even contemplate not wanting to pay extra.

Those vaccines that you took that stopped you from getting the measles or the mumps or polio, that city air you breathe that isn't out of a backwater Chinese fog infested hellhole, that system that was in place when you broke a bone and you had a safe, speedy recovery...

The fact that you think every old person that is/was driving the cost of insurance up wasn't once a young, invulnerable thing like you with a similarly selfish viewpoint.

The fact that right now you are enjoying the products of someone-who-has-a-MUCH-more-physically-intensive-job-than-you's labor, which likely means they require more medical care.

The lack of critical thinking associated with your viewpoint is, frankly, to me, breathtaking.

I didn't have to sit here and think of these bullet points. They're obvious. In fact, dare I say, to someone like yourself that has spent a lot of time on an off-topic message board, you've basically had these bullet points waved in your face time and time again because you've literally subjected yourself to other peoples' experiences.

So to ignore that, the only conclusion is that you are deliberately, willfully ignorant.

Which, just so you know, is a symptom of many people your age, which in turn is one of the reasons the health insurance system was so broken that something had to be done about it.

Congratulations on being a walking, talking stereotype for why this legislation was needed.
The ABC was written for a population that had been overwhelming illiterate for the majority of its adult life--I believe the literacy rate for women in Imperial Russia prior to the Revolution was something like a paltry 15%--and was far more intellectually captive than however you imagine the average American to be.

Its amusing to me how people try to vastly exaggerate how "well off" Russia was prior to switching to Communism. Not that I support Leninism or Stalinism, but people act that Russia was pretty much at the level Austria-Hungary was in development. The Soviet Union is amazingly underplayed.


The fact that you think every old person that is/was driving the cost of insurance up wasn't once a young, invulnerable thing like you with a similarly selfish viewpoint.

That's actually false as well. Chronic diseases and medical costs ballooning are the reason for the increase in insurance


“In 2011, chronic illnesses account for 84 percent of costs overall among the entire population, not only of the elderly. Chronic illness among individuals younger than 65 years accounts for 67 percent of spending,” they found.

“Price of professional services, drugs and devices, and administrative costs, not demand for services or aging of the population, produced 91 percent of cost increases since 2000.”

Only like 15% of medical costs go to the elderly


No Scrubs
Its amusing to me how people try to vastly exaggerate how "well off" Russia was prior to switching to Communism. Not that I support Leninism or Stalinism, but people act that Russia was pretty much at the level Austria-Hungary was in development. The Soviet Union is amazingly underplayed.

Russia previous to communism was nothing short of a clusterfuck. They are the one nation that always seems to get the short end of the stick. They got fucked before, during and after communism. I have a hard time of thinking of a time when they weren't getting bent over the table and reamed.


Unconfirmed Member
So I should pay 180 a month for the benefit of others?


That's not how capitalism works. Look at Wal-Mart.

What a weird question to ask coming from you. I've always saw you as one of the more fiscally liberal guys on this board. Quite the change of heart now the bill is coming towards you.

I agree that the wealthy should pay more of their fair share to at least cover societal necessities like health care. But in the absence of rich paying for health insurance, surely you'd be able to understand that the healthy paying for the sick is a much better option than making the sick pay for everything, especially since the healthy could easily become the sick the next day.
That's actually false as well. Chronic diseases and medical costs ballooning are the reason for the increase in insurance


Only like 15% of medical costs go to the elderly

Isn't Medicare fairly efficient (in terms of cost or whatever? I'm not too versed in this) compared to regular insurance?

(i just remember reading medicare is pretty efficient for being elderly care only...)
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