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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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Haha, this is awesome:


I joked a couple of months ago that right-wingers should pull out of the private insurance market altogether since it's been "socialized" by Obamacare. And as usual, give these dudes enough time and they're stand up and say "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED".

edit: yes, this was a triple post, but what can I say other then Obama's America.

This is how my dental insurance works. I pay the entire bill out-of-pocket and am then eventually reimbursed by the insurance company for the difference. It sucks, and it's why even though I had a filling fall out and my tooth break, I can't get it fixed at the moment. DenTemp to the rescue!

Glad to see PD is PhoenixDark again. When did that happen?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


What the fuck am I reading?

When I first heard the claim, I thought it was a mistake or hoax. A talking head was describing a raging war in the Democratic Party between progressives and centrists.
Centrist Democrats? Aren’t they already extinct?

Yes, they’re gone, the dodo birds of politics. But the chattering classes, needing something to chatter about and slow to face facts about their darling liberals, are just discovering that the party of Barack Obama and Bill de Blasio bears little resemblance to the party of FDR, JFK and even Bill Clinton.
FDR, a centrist? Are you kidding me? He was a champion of progressive politics...


props to newt for this.

I believe Newt voted for the sanctions bill.

Yeah, that is pretty well done. And the communist thing is so knee jerk. Conservatives are so black&white that if someone was once a communist then they are forever a bad person. Nonsense. If anything, it was the conservatives fault that he turned to the the communists. The USA and UK were not helping the ANC so of course he turned to the communists. Its the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" bit. It is not always wise but sometimes it is your only option. But basically conservatives are just using the 'communist' label as a way to excuse the fact that they were on the wrong side of history with this one (as is often the case).
Stupid question but how is the War on Drugs responsible for the huge increase in incarceration rate if drug use prisoners account for only one quarter of the prison population?

What the fuck am I reading?

FDR, a centrist? Are you kidding me? He was a champion of progressive politics...


If you want to get technical FDR is a definition of a centrist. He was smack down in the middle between the far left wing push (Eastern Europe) and the far right wing push (Western Europe as in Italy, Spain, and Germany) during that time. Its similar to how Lula in Brazil is a centrist. He's smack dabbed in between Venezuela and Colombia. But yeah by American standards he's be like Elizabeth Warren.


Stupid question but how is the War on Drugs responsible for the huge increase in incarceration rate if drug use prisoners account for only one quarter of the prison population?

If you want to get technical FDR is a definition of a centrist. He was smack down in the middle between the far left wing push (Eastern Europe) and the far right wing push (Western Europe as in Italy, Spain, and Germany) during that time. Its similar to how Lula in Brazil is a centrist. He's smack dabbed in between Venezuela and Colombia. But yeah by American standards he's be like Elizabeth Warren.

Yeah. Plus he encouraged Redlining.


Stupid question but how is the War on Drugs responsible for the huge increase in incarceration rate if drug use prisoners account for only one quarter of the prison population?

If you want to get technical FDR is a definition of a centrist. He was smack down in the middle between the far left wing push (Eastern Europe) and the far right wing push (Western Europe as in Italy, Spain, and Germany) during that time. Its similar to how Lula in Brazil is a centrist. He's smack dabbed in between Venezuela and Colombia. But yeah by American standards he's be like Elizabeth Warren.
Yes but the article is implying that FDR is to the right of Democrats like Obama. That's bullshit. Obama looks like a conservative compared to FDR. It isn't right to put it in the context of politics as they were in his time and usher that into today as a means to write Dems off as being too liberal. It makes no sense
Leave it to conservatives to double down on being wrong.


They continue to say it was a question of communism vs anti apartheid but when Mandela got out and apartheid ended...

Communism was worse than Apartheid? What kind of white person would write that? It makes you look like a total douche. Hey was slavery in the USA better than communism too? I would not have been inconvenience by it at all. Sheesh, what an asshole.


Unconfirmed Member
Stupid question but how is the War on Drugs responsible for the huge increase in incarceration rate if drug use prisoners account for only one quarter of the prison population?

The theory is it's basically fueling the black market which leads to more crime outside of drugs. Basically the very same reason the mafia is linked to alcohol prohibition. I also think there's a bit of a problem with drugs being a gateway crime to harsher crimes.

You're probably right to point out that without illegal drug culture we'd still have a problem thanks to poverty and policies that practically insure repeat offense. But in any case even if those theories don't hold up, at least taking 20% of those prisoners out of jail would still be a huge chuck towards getting back to where we should be.

aanndd the hits keep on coming. I think Obama has successfully screwed over any chance of the Dems gaining control of the House next year, and so good riddance to the Senate.

Guys, nobody except us cares about Syria or the TPP. If the economy gets better and ACA implementation goes well, Obama's numbers will go up. If they don't, they'll go down or stay the same. Nothing else matters to the majority of the country.


Unconfirmed Member
Guys, nobody except us cares about Syria or the TPP. If the economy gets better and ACA implementation goes well, Obama's numbers will go up. If they don't, they'll go down or stay the same. Nothing else matters to the majority of the country.

Yep. While we're talking about those things, the Obama Scandal of the Week has been all about Obama briefly living with his illegal immigrant uncle that he previously said he never met. The media keeps trying to find scandals but only the ACA and economy seems to stick around as an issue.



aanndd the hits keep on coming. I think Obama has successfully screwed over any chance of the Dems gaining control of the House next year, and so good riddance to the Senate.
Assuming the allegations are true, that's a huge (and arguably criminal) string of omissions. Not quite the leadup to Iraq in terms of invention, but in terms of distortion? Right up there. Parallel construction strikes again.
What the fuck am I reading?

FDR, a centrist? Are you kidding me? He was a champion of progressive politics...


Also from that column:

In its story about Russian diplomats stealing Medicaid funds, The New York Times engaged in white ethnic profiling. It wrote: “Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, the center of New York City’s Russian-speaking immigrant population, has one of the highest rates of health- care fraud in the nation.”

What will the Times admit next — that blacks and Latinos commit 95 percent of city murders? Don’t hold your breath.
I didn't think anyone read the NY Post, I always thought it was a failed attempt by Rupert Murdoch to bring British-style tabloids to the US.


Sidhe / PikPok
Guys, nobody except us cares about Syria or the TPP. If the economy gets better and ACA implementation goes well, Obama's numbers will go up. If they don't, they'll go down or stay the same. Nothing else matters to the majority of the country.

Republicans, conservative talking heads, and Fox News are to blame here for trying to turn everything into a scandal right fro the outset including Rev. Wright/Bill Ayers, birth certificate, "studied in a madrasa", "redistribute the wealth", "death panels", "government is coming for your guns", "you didn't build that", Benghazi, IRS targeting, congress healthcare "exemption", to "terrible website rollout = failed healthcare reform".

They've cried wolf so many times on so many overblown and misinformed "issues" that legitimate issues for scrutiny/criticism don't gain critical momentum e.g. NSA abuses, drone strikes, and members of Wall St getting off their hand in the crash scott free etc.

Indeed, they've actually done themselves a further disservice by heavily tying the performance of Obama to measures like stock market indices and the unemployment rate which have both recovered (at least as straight numerical indices). They are doing it again with making fun of how many people have signed up for ACA so far.

Obama is going to get to the end of his second term, things on net will be a lot better than when he started, the sky will not have fallen, and conservatives are going to look like idiots who claimed as such while missing every real opportunity to actually ding the President along the way.

aanndd the hits keep on coming. I think Obama has successfully screwed over any chance of the Dems gaining control of the House next year, and so good riddance to the Senate.

It doesn't matter. The GOP is so blind that they don't realize that they can criticize Obama for LEGITIMATE stuff, but choose to cry wolf over DUMB shit. If they do cry wolf (lol) over this, most won't take them seriously.

That ship has sailed.


No Scrubs
It doesn't matter. The GOP is so blind that they don't realize that they can criticize Obama for LEGITIMATE stuff, but choose to cry wolf over DUMB shit. If they do cry wolf (lol) over this, most won't take them seriously.

That ship has sailed.

Pretty much. The GOP, and FOX, have lost so much respect in the eyes of the average person that they aren't even given the benefit of the doubt anymore.
Obama is going to get to the end of his second term, things on net will be a lot better than when he started, the sky will not have fallen, and conservatives are going to look like idiots who claimed as such while missing every real opportunity to actually ding the President along the way.

I think Republican's are underestimating a Hillary message of, "Bill & Barack created x million jobs. I worked for one of them and married the other. The current GOP makes Dubya look like a socialist and even he was a failure economically. Thnx plz vote for me. Throw in at least one or two, "Republican candidate says something horribly sexist," and I really think it's impossible for Hillary to lose, unless things go completely tits up.
I think Republican's are underestimating a Hillary message of, "Bill & Barack created x million jobs. I worked for one of them and married the other. The current GOP makes Dubya look like a socialist and even he was a failure economically. Thnx plz vote for me. Throw in at least one or two, "Republican candidate says something horribly sexist," and I really think it's impossible for Hillary to lose, unless things go completely tits up.

Unless Elizabeth Warren is the nominee.

But really, does anyone really expect the economy to be any better in 2016? Maybe unemployment will go down but wages will be shit, prices will be high and income inequality will only get worse.

aanndd the hits keep on coming. I think Obama has successfully screwed over any chance of the Dems gaining control of the House next year, and so good riddance to the Senate.

Yeah I don't believe that. Obama, who has clearly tried to avoid getting entangled in Syria as much as possible, decides to make up intelligence so that he can ask a Congress that doesn't want to give them anything to approve a strike? The only scenarios where this is even possible is if the White House was lied to, or Obama's a complete idiot.


No Scrubs
Unless Elizabeth Warren is the nominee.

But really, does anyone really expect the economy to be any better in 2016? Maybe unemployment will go down but wages will be shit, prices will be high and income inequality will only get worse.

And not a single Republican can run on fixing any of those problems.
Unless Elizabeth Warren is the nominee.

But really, does anyone really expect the economy to be any better in 2016? Maybe unemployment will go down but wages will be shit, prices will be high and income inequality will only get worse.

Elizabeth Warren has said multiple times she's not running for President and signed a letter urging Hillary to run. I guess she's a false progressive her too now, right? If Hillary runs and doesn't do anything stupid (like hire Mark Penn again), she's the nominee.

The only thing that matters to the median voter is their own opinion of the economic situation. If unemployment gets down to the low 6's, as is entirely possible, things will feel better. As for prices being high, we've had almost no inflation for years now.
Unless Elizabeth Warren is the nominee.

But really, does anyone really expect the economy to be any better in 2016? Maybe unemployment will go down but wages will be shit, prices will be high and income inequality will only get worse.

Lower unemployment is the single most important thing to the economy for voters. And at the rate were going, it's going to be below 6%. Wages have been shit, but I don't see how you could say prices are because inflation has been low.



aanndd the hits keep on coming. I think Obama has successfully screwed over any chance of the Dems gaining control of the House next year, and so good riddance to the Senate.

We didn't bomb or invade syria, yet I'm supposed to believe that this evidence of misleading is going to doom obama and democrats? I would understand if we did bomb syria or if we did invade but we didn't. This amounts to nothing in reality since obama had the power to invade but decided to lob it to congress which would of never approved(maybe he lobbed it to congress because he knew). This will not be remembered a month from now let alone midterm elections especially if aca is doing as intended.
Yeah I don't believe that. Obama, who has clearly tried to avoid getting entangled in Syria as much as possible, decides to make up intelligence so that he can ask a Congress that doesn't want to give them anything to approve a strike? The only scenarios where this is even possible is if the White House was lied to, or Obama's a complete idiot.

Whether its true or not ultimately doesn't matter.

We never got into Syria and most Americans don't give a shit simply because there are no boots on the ground.

Obama won on Syria, in every sense of the word.


Junior Member

aanndd the hits keep on coming. I think Obama has successfully screwed over any chance of the Dems gaining control of the House next year, and so good riddance to the Senate.

As if anyone really cares. As long as US troops aren't dying over there the average American could give two shits about what's happening in Damascus. Americans only care about jobs and cheap oil. Unemployment and gas is going down, and the stock market is up, so Obama is doing just fine.
It's amazing that the general response here to the administration blatantly lying to support war is "well, Americans don't care about this so it doesn't matter."

This president and his administration are a fucking joke.
It's amazing that the general response here to the administration blatantly lying to support war is "well, Americans don't care about this so it doesn't matter."

This president and his administration are a fucking joke.

Your argument falls apart considering the fact that we didn't go to fucking war.


Obama was able to get syria's chemical weapon by pure blustering and yet this is supposed to be bad? We didn't go to war or but boots on the ground yet this is supposed to be a negative. Help me here, how the hell is this bad?


No Scrubs
It's amazing that the general response here to the administration blatantly lying to support war is "well, Americans don't care about this so it doesn't matter."

This president and his administration are a fucking joke.

Had military action been taken I'd be right there with you, but there was none.

Shit, in this context it looks like nothing more than the world's biggest bluff.
The author of that piece also says the bin laden raid was all lie. He's also been dupped before.

He uses unnamed sources and doesn't produce any tangible evidence. Its full of innuendo, putting his thoughts in to other peoples mouths and generally trying to hard to "get" the administration as intentionally deceitful a grand conspiracy (this is a running theme in his work which isn't borne out by facts.)
Two other outlets passed on it and the administration flatly denied it.

I know he did things about my ling and abu ghraib but this is really weak.
That and this goes against what actually happened, we never went to war.
Obama was able to get syria's chemical weapon by pure blustering and yet this is supposed to be bad? We didn't go to war or but boots on the ground yet this is supposed to be a negative. Help me here, how the hell is this bad?

Beats the hell out of me. Also, that source of the article is questionable.

Also, jesus, is this new wave of juniors all libertarian nutters?


It's amazing that the general response here to the administration blatantly lying to support war is "well, Americans don't care about this so it doesn't matter."

This president and his administration are a fucking joke.

How is this post even relevant to the article you're responding to? At no point is it proven, or even actually claimed that Al-Nusra was in fact responsible for the attack instead of Assad. The article is "just asking questions" and hints that the islamists maybe could have been responsible and that "the Assad regime obviously wouldn't want to do that attack, totes!" Same shit as always. Luckily, Sy Hersh keeps it all very speculative and hypothetical, because if he really pushed this it would be the last straw of his credibility burning away.

You saw just as plainly as anyone that, at the first opportunity to get out of some sort of "red line" commitment, Obama backed away from a missile attack as soon as possible. All while still managing to get the best possible resolution to the situation. This is the most pathetic thing to attack on.


It's amazing that the general response here to the administration blatantly lying to support war is "well, Americans don't care about this so it doesn't matter."

This president and his administration are a fucking joke.

I'm glad your shit posts weren't affected by your name change
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