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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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So, I have a theory.

The GOP won't accept tax raises (even if it's removing deductions). And the Dems have stated they won't make real entitlement reform without tax revenues. So, if they believe the GOP is serious, which I think thy are, by holding that position they are saying there is on deal to be made.

The Dems don't want to reform entitlements (at least in ways that are cuts) and by holding the demand of increased tax revenues which they know the GOP would never agree to do they are effectively taking entitlements off the table.

That means the only possible deal available is to trade military sequester for non-discretionary sequester cuts. Or, in reality, just removing the sequester. Sure, they'd like more ala infrastructure spending, but the GOP has nothing to trade with them to get that, too.

So I think the end game here of the Dems is the GOP eventually giving up on the sequester and ending [at least most of] it while not touching entitlements. And they know it.

This is my current theory as well. Dems just want to roll back the sequester with as little collateral damage as possible, go all in in 2014 and see where things are after the election.

This is a really depressing poll...

The failures of reconstruction are so apparent even 150 years later. We didn't get rid of the nastiness that was there.

The Nazi flag is just a symbol of German pride, man!
Peeking behind the curtain

var s2 = ", ,Cowardly,Double-crossing,Spineless,Sleazy,Caving,Idiot,Asshole,Paid-off,Fuckheaded,Lefty,Kowtowing,Yellow-bellied,Lying,Gutless"
var s3 = "treason-loving,Democrat-loving,Constitution-shredding,anti-American,establishment,crony,dickheaded,Muslim-loving,
liberty-hating,fascist,freedom-hating, Breitbart-betraying,treasonous,big government,Benghazi-denying,establishment"
var s4 = "traitor,socialist,RINO,RINO bastard,RINO traitor,sell-out,turncoat,communist,Marxist,commie,libtard,devil"

Some of these are great. "Benghazi-denying".

East Lake

I think they're probably made up by that site. They use a few words and then arrange them together at random.

Here are some real insults.

What's next? Caving on taxes like earlier, caving on immigration. You have no balls, go back to your office and cry!

Weakass POS! @johnboehner Thx for fucking over the American people YET AGAIN! # spineless # traitor #YOUMAKEMEPUKE
All these discussions about trading things for entitlement reforms are overly optimistic IMO. Boehner is still not going to bring anything to the floor without majority Republican support, and there's no way House Republicans would support something that increases spending with primaries so close.

It will go down to the wire again and no big deals will be made. Unless Boehner locates his testicles at some point between now and January.
It'd be pretty amazing if he let the government shut down again.


No Scrubs
Well, the debt ceiling thread got closed, so i don't know where to post this.


I believe is an accurate representation of what happened back in 2008 and what will happen in the near future. Hope you enjoy it, although the conclusions are a bit scary.

No one else has addressed your post, but just for your future reference if you were serious and not just making a drive-by. This isn't the sort of thread you can just drop a video like that in. If you want a discussion about what's in the video then make the argument yourself.

If I'm honest, I only watched a few minutes but I can tell you that odds are no one else will even look at it for 2 reasons.

1) The way you dropped it in the thread

2) The production values scream "I was made by a bunch of conspiracy theorists/goldbugs/ayn rand disciples"

Now odds are you're long gone and won't bother to reply to this but for future reference if you want a discussion on something then make the argument yourself, don't rely on a video.

This is way too much fun :lol


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'm not getting that Ezra Klein piece. Is he saying Obama should cut entitlements to get some spending increases in infrastructure and such?


No one else has addressed your post, but just for your future reference if you were serious and not just making a drive-by. This isn't the sort of thread you can just drop a video like that in. If you want a discussion about what's in the video then make the argument yourself.

If I'm honest, I only watched a few minutes but I can tell you that odds are no one else will even look at it for 2 reasons.

1) The way you dropped it in the thread

2) The production values scream "I was made by a bunch of conspiracy theorists/goldbugs/ayn rand disciples"

Now odds are you're long gone and won't bother to reply to this but for future reference if you want a discussion on something then make the argument yourself, don't rely on a video.

This is way too much fun :lol

Sorry, first time posting in this thread. I will take your advice, no more videos :p

I'll try to explain my opinion tomorrow, already 2:15 AM in Europe.


Oh my god, John Boehner's facebook wall:

Donna Salanitri you all waited to long to do anything, when you finally decided to do something, you were against each other. You are susposed to go against the other guy, not your own party. This was for the American People and you all failed. Democrat or Republican, YOU"R FIRED. Let"s start with the big nam. !!!!!

James Dougherty YOU are one POS! You and your cronies get Obamcare exemption and we get the bill. The Federal Reserve (FED), AKA Banking Cartel, "owns" Congress and the WH. Don't believe me? HW Bush deregulated the S&Ls and Washington "insiders" quickly took advantage of toxic loans that they knew the US tax payers would ultimately have to "eat." Who went to jail? Yet, that scam was a just a rehearsal . Clinton and W Bush would make sure that most home loan qualifications went unchecked. The public was focused on Clinton's affairs and the FBI focused on Terrorists. The Madoffs would make off. Every time money is processed by a FED bank, they make a commission guaranteed by the US tax payers. Who bailed out corporate America and the Banks? You and I did! Whose has gone to jail? Now, we are 17 trillion dollars in debt and a corrupted and incompetent DC can't solve anything, except giving corporate America and themselves a break from Obamacare and our enemies aid. Wake up stupid people. Fire them all, including the FED.http://www.sanders.senate.gov/.../the-fed-audit

Shirley Ishmael WHY are we not starting impeachment proceedings against this baboont????

Kitty Sandridge John Boehner, I thank you for standing for the people for as long as you could ! It was because you "caved" as they say that allowed the Gov. to re-open.And that was because the people were hurting with it being closed! Obama did not care how much everyone suffered, and that was proven over and over. Obama does NOT CARE for the people.Thank GOD I am Republican and a CHRISTAN! And John you did turn the other cheek as GOD said!!! May God clear the eyes of the blind!!

Mike Traywick fu@#$%k you Boehner...!!!!!!!

I love this. It's tasty.


On that note, there's a high school in Jacksonville, FL named for Nathan Bedford Forrest and their mascot is Confederate Rebel. The KKK is currently battling the town over a request to change the name. The last request occurred in 2008 and was defeated 5-2 by the school board.


Surprisingly a lot of Southern pride for a relatively un-Southern city there. And Jefferson Davis middle school feeds into that one.

My school had a slightly better history to it.

Reality suggests this is talk about nothing that's going to happen. The House won't budge on revenue or on stimulus. December is going to roll around with no comprehensive budget deal and sequestration will be the law of the land in January. I'll take McConnell at his word for now that there won't be another shutdown or debt limit fight, if only because the Tea Party will clue into self preservation in an election year.


Yeah, they may have made blacks slaves, but they didn't brutally murder them en masse. Besides, it was also about states rights and not having the Feds tell them what to do.
Yeah, the state rights to hold slaves.
The civil war was about slavery, the "confederate flag" was battle flag that was flown over forces trying to literally destroy America in order to preserve slavery.

Also, its modern usage for the most part started in the 50s as a response to the civil rights advances, and it's more of a reaction to the dismantling of Jim Crow then an unbroken southern tradition.
If you thought that the one thing we needed was more House committee hearings, have I got wonderful news for you:

House Committee Calls Hearing Over Obamacare Rollout
The House Energy and Commerce Committee will hold a hearing on Oct. 24 to examine the rollout of Obamacare's health insurance marketplaces.

The committee has called for Health and Human Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to testify, though it notes that the Obama administration "has rejected" previous requests to publicly answer questions about the troubled launch.

The committee has also asked for the input of software contractors. The marketplace's technological infrastructure has reportedly been one of the main causes of problems that website users have faced.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It's a different idea. It's pivoting to growth rather than deficit reduction. There aren't that many leverage points to get the GOP in the House to agree to new spending - this might be one of them.

I'd pick investment over tax increases. In theory, that investment will lead to more growth and then more taxes anyways.

Dunno how I feel about that. It's trading one democratic priority for another. It reeks of the payroll tax cut holiday. And I'm sure any trade that occurs will be in the form of temporary stimulus for permanent entitlement cuts.
Yeah, the state rights to hold slaves.
The civil war was about slavery, the "confederate flag" was battle flag that was flown over forces trying to literally destroy America in order to preserve slavery.

Also, its modern usage for the most part started in the 50s as a response to the civil rights advances, and it's more of a reaction to the dismantling of Jim Crow then an unbroken southern tradition.

Southern pride is cool. I like a lot about the south and its culture.

This flag represents a time when they were fighting for a state's right to keep people enslaved. Its a provocative image and its intended to be.
I've hated Harry Reid for years, but I sure hope the dude has gotten laid within the last week. He earned it, man. Even if it wasn't with his wife, I think we should collectively agree to look away this one time.
Well, the debt ceiling thread got closed, so i don't know where to post this.


I believe is an accurate representation of what happened back in 2008 and what will happen in the near future. Hope you enjoy it, although the conclusions are a bit scary.

So I actually watched all of it (man do I have a lot of free time) and I think it's conclusions are suspect. It's representation of the crash in 2008 seemed accurate from what I know, but the video tries to claim that government debt is creating a similar bubble. If the government continued to run huge deficits for many years in the future then the debt would become unsustainable and inflation would skyrocket. But short-term wise there is no possibility of that happening for a few reasons: interest rates are currently quite low for the government and nothing in the near future seems capable of shaking investors confidence on the US being able to service its debt. The example of Greece gives doesn't apply to US at all because Greece doesn't control the euro like the US controls the dollar. I don't know enough about Iceland's situation to make a comment on that example.

The video also seems to be implying that austerity would have been a better reaction to the recession than stimulus. Many European countries seem to be displaying that austerity can actually make government debts worse due to lower growth and thus lower tax revenue.
So my dad likes to include me on his e-mail listings when he sends out right-wing mouthcrap. At this point, I'm pretty tired of getting them, doing the research and finding its been debunked to Hell and back. Its pretty much "Boy who cried Wolf at this point." Also, you can't argue empirical facts with him. i usually just wait for him to finish and walk away (he knows I disagree with him, and he does it far less often then he used to, because I don't entertain his BS).

Anyway, this was the new one he sent me:

Didn't have the heart to tell him its sort of half-right, but not in the way he thinks.

"Logistic with the Speed of Light"
Did anyone besides me wonder how they got all those signs printed and distributed far and wide, including to all the national parks and cemeteries overseas only eight
to ten hours after the government shut down? Take a look at this from someone who wanted to remain anonymous.
I have worked in the government on and off for 40 years. During that time I became quite familiar with requisitions, bidding, awarding contracts etc.
It is a time consuming process with bean-counters and pencil-necked bureaucrats every step of the way. The simplest request takes months
not days or hours.
In less than 8 hours of the shutdown, miraculously, professionally printed 3X4 foot signs appeared all over the country in the tens of thousands
saying-"this [park, facility, etc. with custom logos] closed due to government shutdown. There has not been a government shutdown in 17 years.
These signs were designed, specifications were determined, signs were then requisitioned, bids were posted and vetted, government contracts
were awarded. The materials were then ordered and the signs manufactured then distributed U.S. Mails or freight companies.
This shutdown was orchestrated and planned well in advance at least **********************************************
6-8 months ago. Millions of tax dollars were appropriated and spent in this process. There is a paper trail a mile long leading directly
to the White House.

Found what looks like the original on nesara.blogspot (obviously, because its a chain e-mail, the there are differences between them.)


No Scrubs
So my dad likes to include me on his e-mail listings when he sends out right-wing mouthcrap. At this point, I'm pretty tired of getting them, doing the research and finding its been debunked to Hell and back. Its pretty much "Boy who cried Wolf at this point." Also, you can't argue empirical facts with him. i usually just wait for him to finish and walk away (he knows I disagree with him, and he does it far less often then he used to, because I don't entertain his BS).

Anyway, this was the new one he sent me:

Didn't have the heart to tell him its sort of half-right, but not in the way he thinks.

Found what looks like the original on nesara.blogspot (obviously, because its a chain e-mail, the there are differences between them.)

Couldn't they just have some left over from last time?


The Cryptarch's Bane
"Call Ray, tell him the secret government shutdown signs are here"
"Ugh, are you serious?! It's not til October, put them behind the kayaks or something"


So my dad likes to include me on his e-mail listings when he sends out right-wing mouthcrap. At this point, I'm pretty tired of getting them, doing the research and finding its been debunked to Hell and back. Its pretty much "Boy who cried Wolf at this point." Also, you can't argue empirical facts with him. i usually just wait for him to finish and walk away (he knows I disagree with him, and he does it far less often then he used to, because I don't entertain his BS).

Anyway, this was the new one he sent me:

Didn't have the heart to tell him its sort of half-right, but not in the way he thinks.

Found what looks like the original on nesara.blogspot (obviously, because its a chain e-mail, the there are differences between them.)

i got my sister to stop including me on her obama hates jesus emails by replying to all and telling her that her lack of common sense makes me fear for her in public

never got another one
Honestly, this could be a good thing. Yes, the republicans will turn it into a spectacle but if we can get a few answers for the unmitagted disaster that is the federal exchange rollout then i think the hearing will be worthwhile.

What if Darrell Issa finds out that the obamacare website admin used to waste his time trolling neogaf?



WASHINGTON -- As the showdown over raising the nation's debt limit and funding the government entered its final week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) could sense "desperation" seeping into the Republican Party.

"They kept trying to legislate from hour to hour," Reid recalled in an interview with The Huffington Post on Thursday. "It wasn't even day to day."

With Democratic senators united behind him, Reid dispatched the patchwork legislative offers being tossed his way, setting the stage for a complete GOP capitulation. But Wednesday night's resolution didn't come without exasperating moments. In particular, Reid said he was incensed that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) targeted health care subsidies given to congressional staffers who are required to buy insurance on the newly created Obamacare exchanges.

Weeks before the government shutdown, Boehner's office had privately worked with Reid's staff and the Obama administration to maintain the employer health care contribution. But as Boehner's negotiating position worsened, he publicly demanded that the contribution be ended.

"All of us who worked with him on this [were saying], 'John, what is the matter with you?'’' Reid said. “Okay. Go after members of Congress. But even doing that. Now, I can handle if I have to buy insurance without employer contribution. But some of my senators can’t. Forget about that. Forget about senators. They can do okay. But staff -- we have staff people of [Sen.] Susan Collins. She has people who work in Maine and make $25,000 a year. One of the reasons you can get somebody like that is that you give them health care. I don't mean to ramble on here, but I just can't imagine the thought process of John Boehner. ... How in good conscience could you do something like that?"

The irritation was strong enough that Reid's staff leaked emails to Politico showing that Boehner's aides had worked to keep the contribution intact. Republicans accused Reid's aides of breaching protocol and souring negotiations. Almost until the drama's very end, GOP leaders continued to target the Obamacare employer contribution in legislative offers.

“The speaker doesn’t want any staffer -– or any American –- to be subject to Obamacare," Boehner's spokesman, Brendan Buck, told The Huffington Post on Thursday. "That’s why he’s fought tirelessly to repeal the entire law."

That particular legislative gambit clearly struck a nerve in Reid, who brought it up unprompted minutes into a 30-minute interview. But his words for Boehner were mild compared with what he said about the lawmaker who came up with the idea of eliminating the so-called congressional exemption.

Sen. "David Vitter is a, um ... he just is not playing with a full deck. Something is wrong there," Reid said, pointing to his head.

Vitter (R-La.) responded in a statement to The Huffington Post: "Unfortunately, the deck I'm playing with in the Harry Reid Senate is quite full -– of jokers."

Reid, flush from the shutdown fight in which the opposition, in his words, "got nothing, nothing, zero," was not quite ready to spike the football on Thursday. He expressed optimism that Congress would move beyond governance by crisis. But he was unwilling to predict that there wouldn't be another government shutdown when the current continuing resolution expires on Jan. 15, 2014.

Republican leaders, Reid argued, have been "hurt irreparably" by the crisis. But that doesn't mean they're broken. Conservative GOP members aren't going to simply surrender the control they have been exerting on the congressional process.

One conservative who had an outsized influence on the shutdown was Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who urged House Republicans to attach a defund-Obamacare provision to a government funding bill. When that demand provoked the shutdown, Cruz urged those same House lawmakers to pass only piecemeal funding fixes. A few nights before the crisis was resolved, Cruz was talking strategy with conservative House members at a Mexican joint blocks from the Capitol building.

Reid said that in his 30 years in Congress, he could not recall a senator meddling so much in House affairs.

"Ted Cruz, well, he proved he has a great fundraising operation," Reid said. "But you don't have to have Harry Reid criticizing him. Republicans criticized him. What do you think that vote was last night from Republicans? That was a message to Ted Cruz: 'What the hell are you doing?'… He is a laughing stock to everybody but him. What has he accomplished other than raising some money for president? And if this man can get the nomination to be the Republican nominee for president, I pity the Republican Party.

"Ted Cruz is smart," Reid added. "He has always been able to talk down to people. He is now in the Senate. People are as smart as he is. He can't talk down to anyone anymore. But he has still not accepted that in his own head. He still thinks he's smarter than everybody else. He might be able to work a calculus problem better than I can. But he can't legislate better than I can."

Sean Rushton, a spokesman for Cruz, responded that the Cruz "remains focused on making Washington listen to the people who are being harmed by Obamacare."

"No one outside the Beltway," Rushton added, "cares about politicians squabbling."

"All of us who worked with him on this [were saying], 'John, what is the matter with you?'’' Reid said. “Okay. Go after members of Congress. But even doing that. Now, I can handle if I have to buy insurance without employer contribution. But some of my senators can’t. Forget about that. Forget about senators. They can do okay. But staff -- we have staff people of [Sen.] Susan Collins. She has people who work in Maine and make $25,000 a year. One of the reasons you can get somebody like that is that you give them health care. I don't mean to ramble on here, but I just can't imagine the thought process of John Boehner. ... How in good conscience could you do something like that?"
That particular legislative gambit clearly struck a nerve in Reid, who brought it up unprompted minutes into a 30-minute interview. But his words for Boehner were mild compared with what he said about the lawmaker who came up with the idea of eliminating the so-called congressional exemption.

Sen. "David Vitter is a, um ... he just is not playing with a full deck. Something is wrong there," Reid said, pointing to his head.

Vitter (R-La.) responded in a statement to The Huffington Post: "Unfortunately, the deck I'm playing with in the Harry Reid Senate is quite full -– of jokers."

Reid said that in his 30 years in Congress, he could not recall a senator meddling so much in House affairs.
"Ted Cruz, well, he proved he has a great fundraising operation," Reid said. "But you don't have to have Harry Reid criticizing him. Republicans criticized him. What do you think that vote was last night from Republicans? That was a message to Ted Cruz: 'What the hell are you doing?'… He is a laughing stock to everybody but him. What has he accomplished other than raising some money for president? And if this man can get the nomination to be the Republican nominee for president, I pity the Republican Party.

"Ted Cruz is smart," Reid added. "He has always been able to talk down to people. He is now in the Senate. People are as smart as he is. He can't talk down to anyone anymore. But he has still not accepted that in his own head. He still thinks he's smarter than everybody else. He might be able to work a calculus problem better than I can. But he can't legislate better than I can."

beaten like the republican party in a government shutdown :(
Honestly, this could be a good thing. Yes, the republicans will turn it into a spectacle but if we can get a few answers for the unmitagted disaster that is the federal exchange rollout then i think the hearing will be worthwhile.

Agreed, given it's been an absolute disaster. Wouldn't mind seeing Sebelius get fired either, and replaced with someone who has experience handling something like this.
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