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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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I'd be fine with her getting fired after her abject disaster of a Daily Show appearance made me question whether she even understands whats happening around her or not, but it's almost impossible for anything positive to come out of these House shitshows and I'd just rather not deal with it.


I like this


So my dad likes to include me on his e-mail listings when he sends out right-wing mouthcrap. At this point, I'm pretty tired of getting them, doing the research and finding its been debunked to Hell and back. Its pretty much "Boy who cried Wolf at this point." Also, you can't argue empirical facts with him. i usually just wait for him to finish and walk away (he knows I disagree with him, and he does it far less often then he used to, because I don't entertain his BS).

Anyway, this was the new one he sent me:

Didn't have the heart to tell him its sort of half-right, but not in the way he thinks.

Found what looks like the original on nesara.blogspot (obviously, because its a chain e-mail, the there are differences between them.)

The way I see it there are two alternatives.

1.) Obama planned this thing for months, possibly years. In on the conspiracy were all government employees including park rangers who planted these signs and the guards of the secret bunkers where the signs were stored. They kept this conspiracy to themselves all this time.

2.) They took half an hour drove to office max and had some signs printed up.


you can't put a price on sparks
does anyone care/did anyone see the stuff with the national parks director getting grilled by the republicans on the oversight committee?
The way I see it there are two alternatives.

1.) Obama planned this thing for months, possibly years. In on the conspiracy were all government employees including park rangers who planted these signs and the guards of the secret bunkers where the signs were stored. They kept this conspiracy to themselves all this time.

2.) They took half an hour drove to office max and had some signs printed up.
We all know that is impossible since government is so inefficient that they never would have thought of that!


You don't put out bids or go to staples for signs. These are huge agencies, they have graphics departments and the park service, in particular, has probably planned for this contingency well in advance since we've nearly reached a shut down numerous times in the last few years.

In any case, it wouldn't take very long to search through fbo.gov to find this sinister procurement if it actually happened.
The way I see it there are two alternatives.

1.) Obama planned this thing for months, possibly years. In on the conspiracy were all government employees including park rangers who planted these signs and the guards of the secret bunkers where the signs were stored. They kept this conspiracy to themselves all this time.

2.) They took half an hour drove to office max and had some signs printed up.

I told him that one. He didn't think it could be done cheaply. i reminded him that I work in an office. he didn't like that response. We ended the conversation there before it became a fight.
I told him that one. He didn't think it could be done cheaply. i reminded him that I work in an office. he didn't like that response. We ended the conversation there before it became a fight.

Yeah, this is another one of those grandpa emails that works well on the the grandpa network because they don't realize that you can easily go down to the local office max or Kinkos and get signs printed up pronto.


that was the first thing hitler did.

First they came for the CompUSA,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a shopper there.

Then they came for the Office Depo,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a shopper there.

Then they came for the Circuit City,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a shopper there.

Then they came for Office Max,
and there was no one left to speak for me.
That's not a theory, McConnell spelled this all out today:

And there’s no question that as proud as I am of the Budget Control Act


So now Republicans are openly admitting that sequestration was a victory they wanted all along instead of a poison pill that was supposed to make them negotiate? I mean, yes, this should have been obvious, and Democrats were played for fools, but I'm surprised they are openly admitting it now.

Joe Molotov

So now Republicans are openly admitting that sequestration was a victory they wanted all along instead of a poison pill that was supposed to make them negotiate? I mean, yes, this should have been obvious, and Democrats were played for fools, but I'm surprised they are openly admitting it now.

But I thought it was the #obamaquester?


So now Republicans are openly admitting that sequestration was a victory they wanted all along instead of a poison pill that was supposed to make them negotiate? I mean, yes, this should have been obvious, and Democrats were played for fools, but I'm surprised they are openly admitting it now.

i thought it was the obamaquester?

edit... DAMN YOU JOE


So now Republicans are openly admitting that sequestration was a victory they wanted all along instead of a poison pill that was supposed to make them negotiate? I mean, yes, this should have been obvious, and Democrats were played for fools, but I'm surprised they are openly admitting it now.

It seems like they're just not going to be held accountable. McConnell believes he has leverage. He's salivating at cutting back entitlements.

and, Office Marx is good shit.
Does anyone here actually have liberal leaning parents? it seems no one has ever mentioned this?

My dad is certainly not conservative but also not liberal. He's as middle of the road as you get. He's also been shaped by a lot that I tell him these days (he often asks me to explain things, in say economic terms). My mom almost doesn't have political opinions.

But most of the 2nd generation friends i have in Cali have liberal parents because, well, it's California.

Can't tell if poli-gaf parents are all conservative or the ones that have non-conservative parents just don't ever mention it.


Does anyone here actually have liberal leaning parents? it seems no one has ever mentioned this?

My dad is certainly not conservative but also not liberal. He's as middle of the road as you get. He's also been shaped by a lot that I tell him these days (he often asks me to explain things, in say economic terms). My mom almost doesn't have political opinions.

But most of the 2nd generation friends i have in Cali have liberal parents because, well, it's California.

Can't tell if poli-gaf parents are all conservative or the ones that have non-conservative parents just don't ever mention it.
My parents are communists (sort of, it's complicated).
My parents (well my father mainly) are pretty staunch conservatives, though my mom tends to have more liberal leanings on certain things (she used to be vehemently against abortion but that's softened considerably after she ended up taking a biomedical ethics class, go figure).

Most of my extended family (one of my cousins posted a bunch of ann coulter stuff on Facebook ugh) are conservative as well. I'm the only really liberal person in my family, anywhere they may be, though my younger brother tends to be moving left fairly quickly as he spends more time away at college.

Let's just say politics is not a fun discussion, especially since some of them are tea partiers. I never get a word in edgewise. (so some of my exasperated posts and rants here tend to be because of that fact)
let's see:
dad-voted Kerry in 04, then Republicans twice (not sure if always votes for losers or racist)
mom-voted Dem all 3 times

fairly centrist though (well, American centrist)
Does anyone here actually have liberal leaning parents? it seems no one has ever mentioned this?

My dad is certainly not conservative but also not liberal. He's as middle of the road as you get. He's also been shaped by a lot that I tell him these days (he often asks me to explain things, in say economic terms). My mom almost doesn't have political opinions.

But most of the 2nd generation friends i have in Cali have liberal parents because, well, it's California.

Can't tell if poli-gaf parents are all conservative or the ones that have non-conservative parents just don't ever mention it.
My parents are weak authoritarian conservatives and weak economic liberals (think Quandrant II on the Political Compass, near the origin). But I'm reasonably sure they've voted Democratic in whatever elections they've been eligible for, as they're immigrants.


Does anyone here actually have liberal leaning parents? it seems no one has ever mentioned this?

My dad is certainly not conservative but also not liberal. He's as middle of the road as you get. He's also been shaped by a lot that I tell him these days (he often asks me to explain things, in say economic terms). My mom almost doesn't have political opinions.

But most of the 2nd generation friends i have in Cali have liberal parents because, well, it's California.

Can't tell if poli-gaf parents are all conservative or the ones that have non-conservative parents just don't ever mention it.

My mom is a registered Democrat. My dad is independent, but almost always votes Republican. He is very fiscally conservative. They makes jokes on election day about going to cancel each other's votes out.


My parents have always been very liberal (my father is a non-voter because American politics isn't left-wing enough for his standards. Mom is a lifelong Democrat who campaigned for McGovern), and yes, they are from California.

The rest of my father's family are a smorgasbord of arch-conservatives. One of my uncles and his family actually moved to Dallas a few years back in order to be closer to George W. Bush.

We don't speak to them often.


Are you trying to say they still live in a kibbutz?

I know what they are, I stayed in Ein Gev years ago.

edit: That said, my question pertained towards US parents, obviously not other countries where their conservatives are our liberals.
Yes they are.
And Ein Gev is nice, I know people there.

Either way, it's a shitty comparison as left and right in Israel generally mean different things, but I'm fairly certain my parents would've been bleeding heart liberals everywhere.


My mom is really liberal. My dad used to be, but turned Republican during the Bush years. Now, whenever I talk to him, all I ever hear about is "taxes, regulations, and the illegals!".
My mother votes Democrat.
My grandmother votes Democrat.
My uncle votes Democrat.
At least one of my aunts votes Democrat. (I don't know about my other two aunts)


Professional Schmuck

Mom's a bleeding-heart post-hippie environmentalist save-the-world-but-not-with-war Liberal.

Dad's a Vietnam Vet with severe PTSD that talks like an old hippie ("Far out!") but acts like a bible-thumping maniac. He's the exact profile of someone probably voting against his own interests, since he and my stepmom are minimum-wage-at-60 rural poor.
My "Dad" is a typical American Muslim immigrant. He's not into politics but he's very socially conservative. He also hates black people.

My Mom votes Democrat and is heavily for redistribution of wealth and helping poor people but she is very disenfranchised. She use to be very religious but I managed to turn her practically atheist. She also doesn't really care much about LGBT people in terms of what they do, this is likely because my sister is Bi and caused a lot of controversy at the time. However she has a very double standard when it comes to race. She'll turn down hiring people because they are of color yet when she applied for a job and found it it was because she wasn't white she shat up a storm.


So I actually watched all of it (man do I have a lot of free time) and I think it's conclusions are suspect. It's representation of the crash in 2008 seemed accurate from what I know, but the video tries to claim that government debt is creating a similar bubble. If the government continued to run huge deficits for many years in the future then the debt would become unsustainable and inflation would skyrocket. But short-term wise there is no possibility of that happening for a few reasons: interest rates are currently quite low for the government and nothing in the near future seems capable of shaking investors confidence on the US being able to service its debt. The example of Greece gives doesn't apply to US at all because Greece doesn't control the euro like the US controls the dollar. I don't know enough about Iceland's situation to make a comment on that example.

The video also seems to be implying that austerity would have been a better reaction to the recession than stimulus. Many European countries seem to be displaying that austerity can actually make government debts worse due to lower growth and thus lower tax revenue.

I totally agree, austerity just transfers the wealth from the poor and middle classes to the wealthiest, but the stimulus does actually the same thing. Because what the QE+Stimulus is doing is generate inflation among assets like housing (again) or stocks, the average family is not going to benefit from the rise in prices is this kind of markets because they don't have the financial capacity to do it.

Nobody knows how this is going to end, but some economist think that eventually all the money printing and the stimulus will stop having any effect and then we may face the same economic stagnation that Japan has been suffering from the past 2 decades or worst.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
My parents weren't very political, but if they ever voted, they'd probably vote Democratic. No cause their views align with the Dems, they're both pretty conservative, but because they know the Republicans hate us. lol

So can someone translate what this clown is saying on the debt ceiling, please?

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