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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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Tier List

God Tier

Mid Tier
DemocracyNow! (Left Leaning)
The Economist (Right Leaning *don't like them but gotta give credit where credit is due*)
CBS News

Low Tier
ABC News
AlJazeera America

Dan Hibiki
Fox News
Russian Times

NPR really REALLY isn't the liberal jerkoff the right makes it out to be. There are times during some of their programs in which they really go against social assistance.

While not part of the news section, this episode from This American Life made my blood boil.

Is al jazzera America really that bad? I don't get it where I am but was really excited about its conception because I though it was gonna be a breathe of fresh air from the overwhelming crap from most cable news shows.


Is al jazzera America really that bad? I don't get it where I am but was really excited about its conception because I though it was gonna be a breathe of fresh air from the overwhelming crap from most cable news shows.

I wouldn't put AJAM at the same level as MSNBC, I have no experience with AJE to compare against though.
Is al jazzera America really that bad? I don't get it where I am but was really excited about its conception because I though it was gonna be a breathe of fresh air from the overwhelming crap from most cable news shows.
Yeah Ajam is definitely high tier. Their article on mainstream media's obsession with DEADHEAT made a big splash.
Is al jazzera America really that bad? I don't get it where I am but was really excited about its conception because I though it was gonna be a breathe of fresh air from the overwhelming crap from most cable news shows.
From what I've seen on the site, it is essentially a bit better Huffington Post.

Maybe I don't like it as much due to me comparing it to Aljazeera English.


Their actual TV network is pretty awesome compared to pretty much everything else on TV as well. But I still like the idea of old media to a decent extent.
Their criticisms on France is hilarious. They don't even hide their bias. I love it how they wank off to the U.K. yet treat France like its a imploding nation when the U.K. is struggling just as much if not more than France and has a higher poverty rate and worse working conditions. You also don't see them talking about Germany much now after the country followed their suggestions and are facing stagnation.

There is also this lovely article. It goes on about effective poverty strategies but only looks at the progress on Asia and rarely mentions South America. They give a slight example of Brasil but then immediately counter it with a China middle class housing initiative which likely had little to do with reducing poverty or at least the same kind. They also failed to mention the other pink tide nations, including the nation with the most radical poverty drop *gulps* Venezuela.

There is also this embarrassing article about "state capitalism". Yeah the fastest growing economies in the world are definitely fucking up.

The Economist is good at giving information but its how it interprets it is the problem. While the writers seem to care about the middle class and poverty, they are still libertarians through and through. When it comes down to it, if it was a battle of lower poverty rates and wages vs GDP and liberal markets they will choose the latter every single time.

Oh my God!

I completely disagree. They've had plenty of articles on the UK's and Germany's problems. Just a few months back they had their cover story on things Germany needed to work on and it talked about how Germans have lower living standards and such. Your other problems with the economist just seem to be that they dislike socialism, despite giving it fair treatment in my view at least.

My only problems with the economist is that they are a little aggressive on foreign-policy and that they don't call out Republicans for being stupid as much as I would like.
From what I've seen on the site, it is essentially a bit better Huffington Post.

Maybe I don't like it as much due to me comparing it to Aljazeera English.
You are seriously underplaying Ajam. HuffPo is in the business of generating clicks from reporting on nip slips and top rated reddit stories. Ajam is better than all the current MSM outlets in US. Granted I havent watched it wall to wall. But I would rather it be default news channel than CNN.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs

WASHINGTON — President Obama declared Monday that “nobody is madder than me” about the failures of the government’s health care Web site, but said the technical problems did not indicate a broader failure of the Affordable Care Act.

“We did not wage this long and contentious battle just around a Web site. That’s not what this was about,” Mr. Obama told supporters during 25-minute remarks in the Rose Garden.

The president acknowledged that HealthCare.gov had not provided the easy opportunity to sign up for health insurance that White House officials promised for months. But he said that some people had managed to get insurance, and he urged critics of the law to support it.

“It’s time for folks to stop rooting for its failure, because hard-working, middle-class families are rooting for its success,” he said.

The White House event was intended as a response to mounting criticism of the health care law in the wake of the Web site’s failures. Many people have been unable to sign on to the site or create accounts, and technical advisers who have worked on the site say it could take weeks or months to fix.

Mr. Obama said there was “no excuse” for the problems, but he did not say whether anyone in the government would be fired because of the failures. Some Republicans have called for Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, to be dismissed over the site’s technical problems.

Mr. Obama also sought to highlight other ways to sign up for insurance, including expanded call centers and in-person “navigators” who are at hospitals and health care centers around the country. People can also download a form to fill out and mail in, he said.

Mr. Obama read out a toll-free telephone number — 800-318-2596 — that people could call to sign up for insurance instead of going to the Web site. He said waiting times had been only one minute on the phone, though he acknowledged that his reading the number on television could change that.

Several calls to the number immediately after he read it produced busy signals.

Still, Mr. Obama urged people to separate the Web site’s problems from the purpose of the law, which he said was to find a way to provide affordable health insurance to millions of Americans who do not have it.

“The product is good. The health insurance that is being provided is good. It’s high quality and it’s affordable,” Mr. Obama said. “We know that the demand is there. People are rushing to see what’s there.”
Which is apparently very easy because all you have to do is 'hurt their feelings'.

Most of the House GOPers voted to keep the shut-down going. Many seem to think it is great strategy.

The psychology is strange. I guess I get the 'We have to show we are serious with the threat' view in order to make the threat real. But on the other hand . . . it shows they are insane and willing to default on government obligations. Is that really a good political strategy? Polls generally say no but I guess it works in their extremist districts. They do seem content with becoming a regional southern extremist party.
I completely disagree. They've had plenty of articles on the UK's and Germany's problems. Just a few months back they had their cover story on things Germany needed to work on and it talked about how Germans have lower living standards and such. Your other problems with the economist just seem to be that they dislike socialism, despite giving it fair treatment in my view at least.

No way. While the Economist occasionally criticizes the U.K. and Germany they are especially hard on France. They pretty much devoted an entire season to the country's "decline".
Well, they're London based. There's some history between those two countries.

I'm surprised you didn't put Financial Times on that list. They had some amazing articles on the Libor scandal.
jeez the far right is pissed about Christie "giving up" the fight on gay marriage. What do they want him to do, waste NJ money on infinite challenges that go nowhere, like the House did last year?
jeez the far right is pissed about Christie "giving up" the fight on gay marriage. What do they want him to do, waste NJ money on infinite challenges that go nowhere, like the House did last year?
Or like the House did three weeks ago?

They think all they have to do to stop Obamacare is not show up.
I completely disagree. They've had plenty of articles on the UK's and Germany's problems. Just a few months back they had their cover story on things Germany needed to work on and it talked about how Germans have lower living standards and such. Your other problems with the economist just seem to be that they dislike socialism, despite giving it fair treatment in my view at least.

My only problems with the economist is that they are a little aggressive on foreign-policy and that they don't call out Republicans for being stupid as much as I would like.

I think reading the Economist will on balance produce a less knowledgeable and more muddled understanding of the world (and economics).


jeez the far right is pissed about Christie "giving up" the fight on gay marriage. What do they want him to do, waste NJ money on infinite challenges that go nowhere, like the House did last year?

He failed the litmus test and now has to hand back his tea party purity ring.

-- // --

Anyone have any links on the current state of affairs for what happened to healthcare.gov - who developed it, what broke it, etc. ?


The best thing about reading The Economist is that they think so little of you as a reader that they don't even think you'll remember what they wrote 3 weeks ago.


I won't link it because I find extended defenses of Vladimir Putin tiring, but The Exiled used The Economist's treatment of him (and post-communist Russia) as a case study in how warped and disingenuous The Economist's flip flopping is. Worth a read if you don't understand why someone would dislike the periodical.
jeez the far right is pissed about Christie "giving up" the fight on gay marriage. What do they want him to do, waste NJ money on infinite challenges that go nowhere, like the House did last year?


As Bill Maher said "Here's the problem with believing the devil exists. It means you see the world divided into teams of good and evil and suspect the wily one, may be on the side of them, and when you start seeing compromising with your opponent as a compromise with evil, well, there's your tea party."
Report: Contractors Say HealthCare.gov May Not Run Smoothly Until After Deadline

Some federal contractors say Obamacare's online heath insurance marketplace may not run smoothly until after the Dec. 15 deadline to sign up for coverage that begins in January, according to a New York Times story published Sunday.

Administration officials asked contractors last week to see if repairs could be made to the HealthCare.gov website by Nov. 1, according to the Times. The Department of Health and Human Services announced on its website Sunday that it was bringing in the "best and brightest" in a "tech surge" to solve the technical issues the website faces.

But one specialist told the Times that as many as five million lines of code may have to be rewritten for the health care portal to run smoothly. As one person involved in the repairs put it to the newspaper, "the account creation and registration problems are masking the problems that will happen later."

Republicans have decried the health insurance marketplace's technical issues, with one GOP senator suggesting that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius resign over the glitchy rollout. President Barack Obama is expected to address the glitches in his Monday speech on his signature health care law.

good luck with that


5 million seems like a number pulled out of someone's ass and not really realistic.

As TPM noted, Linux is 15 million lines of code. 5 million seems like an extremely high estimate bordering on crazy.

Maybe one of their programmers has a really elaborate bracket style?
Big number boogeyman strikes again.

You can't really compare lines of code across products that fundamentally do different things, nor is it sincere to say "x lines is too many" for a program. For example if I wanted to be malicious I could take the output of a program as assembly/byte code (the instructions right before the actual 1's and 0's) or machine code (the actual 1's and 0's) and that will be several orders of magnitude more than your normal more human readable code. Does that mean I'm wrong if I say, instead of Linux being 15 million lines of C code, it's 50 million(who knows the actual number) lines of machine code? No, it just means I'm being a dick and finding ways to scare people with supposed complexity of a computer program

AKA lines of code as a metric for a program is useless and completely wrong to use as a metric and no one knows what they hell they are talking about.

Edit: Although it is dependent on how shitty the code is, but even then saying X lines is bad isn't the whole truth of it all.
As TPM noted, Linux is 15 million lines of code. 5 million seems like an extremely high estimate bordering on crazy.

Maybe one of their programmers has a really elaborate bracket style?

Bad programmers do a lot of copy and paste. Functions that should exist once end up existing a dozen times, possibly more. That's going to blow up your LOC. Plus think of trying to manage multiple teams each producing functionality, probably each going about it their own way and not reusing some shared components, and the whole thing just grows even more.

None of what I'm reading about healthcare.gov surprises me. In fact, it's largely ringing familiar.

Angry Fork

I hate liberals so much. Reading the comments on huffpost in response to Richard Trumka's threat to dems makes my head want to burst. They are spewing tons of false equivalency about how unions are now being just as radical as the tea party, that we should all stop the threats and work together to achieve things so on and so on. Insufferable.

It gets to me because I know these are the people responsible for preventing progress, and so many of them exist and will defend the center-right Obama cult of personality to the end. The thought of people being anti-union or anti-worker (what!? YOU ARE A WORKER) makes so little sense it's intolerable.

Then they were going on about the type of shit I'd hear people in here say during election time. "WELL DO YOU THINK REPUBS WOULD BE ANY BETTER!? HUH!?!?!?!? why don't you try electing them and they'll privatize social security all together ! so ha! you better support Obama!!!"

But to be fair most of the comments I've seen have supported him, so it's not all bad. Just those runts that keep the current pro-business dem coalition in power.


As TPM noted, Linux is 15 million lines of code. 5 million seems like an extremely high estimate bordering on crazy.

Maybe one of their programmers has a really elaborate bracket style?

actually... the exchanges are their own operating system, which you will need to eventually install on your computer in order to use... this is how they are going to verify your income, by watching everything you buy


As TPM noted, Linux is 15 million lines of code. 5 million seems like an extremely high estimate bordering on crazy.

Maybe one of their programmers has a really elaborate bracket style?

That's just the Linux Kernel. The Chevy Volt runs 10 Million lines of code to power a single vehicle.
The GOP is running with the story that Carney told a reporter that certain people who are not able to use the federal exchange will be exempt from the penalty for not having insurance at the end of the year. One guy on FB even said 'SEE UNIVERSAL MANDATE DELAY COMING!'.


The Autumn Wind
The GOP is running with the story that Carney told a reporter that certain people who are not able to use the federal exchange will be exempt from the penalty for not having insurance at the end of the year. One guy on FB even said 'SEE UNIVERSAL MANDATE DELAY COMING!'.
I'm guessing this is pertaining to the current bullshit being pulled in Indiana?
I'm guessing this is pertaining to the current bullshit being pulled in Indiana?

No. Someone asked Carney how the administration can require people pay for having coverage when they can't sign up on the website to get it.

Carney basically said that the goal of the administration is to fix the website problems. That if they cannot and there are people in states where medicaid wasn't expanded those people may qualify for the exemption. That folks who were unable to sign up on the exchange also may qualify for one under certain circumstances.
WASHINGTON—Responding to widespread criticism regarding its health care website, the federal government today unveiled its new, improved Obamacare program, which allows Americans to purchase health insurance after installing a software bundle contained on 35 floppy disks. “I have heard the complaints about the existing website, and I can assure you that with this revised system, finding the right health care option for you and your family is as easy as loading 35 floppy disks sequentially into your disk drive and following the onscreen prompts,” President Obama told reporters this morning, explaining that the nearly three dozen 3.5-inch diskettes contain all the data needed for individuals to enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace, while noting that the updated Obamacare software is mouse-compatible and requires a 386 Pentium processor with at least 8 MB of system RAM to function properly. “Just fire up MS-DOS, enter ‘A:\>dir *.exe’ into the command line, and then follow the instructions to install the Obamacare batch files—it should only take four or five hours at the most. You can press F1 for help if you run into any problems. And be sure your monitor’s screen resolution is at 320 x 200 or it might not display properly.” Obama added that the federal government hopes to have a six–CD-ROM version of the program available by 2016.


Good news in the fight for Medicaid expansion in Ohio!

Ohio Controlling Board gives OK to use of federal money to pay for Medicaid expansion in Ohio

I mentioned it a few days ago, but Governor Kasich (R) has come out strongly in favor of Medicaid expansion, but the douchebags in our General Assembly have been stonewalling the effort. They even forbade it in our state budget passed a few months ago, but Kasich line item vetoed it.

To get around them, Kasich is using our Controlling Board to accept the funding on the state's behalf. The board approved it today, but GOP lawmakers are threatening to sue.

Long story short, the Ohio GOP is a massive clusterfuck.

EDIT: Beaten.
So the school shooting in Nevada could obviously have been avoided if everyone in the school was armed.

But also if it wasn't a gun-free zone. Naturally, shooters decide to make mass shootings there because they know no one's going to fight back.

Except that Navy Yard...


Obsidian fan
I hate liberals so much. Reading the comments on huffpost in response to Richard Trumka's threat to dems makes my head want to burst. They are spewing tons of false equivalency about how unions are now being just as radical as the tea party, that we should all stop the threats and work together to achieve things so on and so on. Insufferable.

It gets to me because I know these are the people responsible for preventing progress, and so many of them exist and will defend the center-right Obama cult of personality to the end. The thought of people being anti-union or anti-worker (what!? YOU ARE A WORKER) makes so little sense it's intolerable.

Then they were going on about the type of shit I'd hear people in here say during election time. "WELL DO YOU THINK REPUBS WOULD BE ANY BETTER!? HUH!?!?!?!? why don't you try electing them and they'll privatize social security all together ! so ha! you better support Obama!!!"

But to be fair most of the comments I've seen have supported him, so it's not all bad. Just those runts that keep the current pro-business dem coalition in power.

Always Combat Liberalism.
I think reading the Economist will on balance produce a less knowledgeable and more muddled understanding of the world (and economics).

No it won't. Its a pretty good magazine, full of editorials that tend to have a certain bent which they admit and sometimes contradict each other (the articles are written by different authors so this isn't surprising, do people not disagree?). Its not a factual disinterested reporting outlet. I enjoy reading it even when disagree. Reading more can never make someone less knowledgeable people aren't robots without thinking skills.
Here are more examples of why the Economist can really really suck sometime.

This one excerpt that actually made the magazine about Occupy.

Here is them talking about how Occupy is violent, at least with the video they posted.

The best thing about reading The Economist is that they think so little of you as a reader that they don't even think you'll remember what they wrote 3 weeks ago.


I won't link it because I find extended defenses of Vladimir Putin tiring, but The Exiled used The Economist's treatment of him (and post-communist Russia) as a case study in how warped and disingenuous The Economist's flip flopping is. Worth a read if you don't understand why someone would dislike the periodical.

The worst part is how people subscribe to it like gospel. Its the magazine that every economics major buy who thinks that they know everything about economics. Everything apparently causes inflation to them.
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