empty vessel
Defund Obamacare
Vote no on Immigration
Vote no on Health Care
Vote no on anything
Those are demands. Even end the war, that you can determine when its achieved.
So tax the rich is not a demand? Hold financial executives liable is not a demand? Student debt relief is not a demand? All you have done is list vague ideas that you know extreme conservatives support. You don't really know what any specific tea party demands are. But the point is that you don't have to for them to be effective. You know full well what OWS stood for, assuming you were old enough to be paying any attention at the time, just like you know full well what the tea party stands for, even if you don't actually know any of their specific demands.
Don't agree with either. It wasn't feared and it surely wasn't violently repressed.
Those streams of NYPD blue weren't figments of your imagination. They were actually there. The protesters were physically removed from their peaceable assembly on public property and otherwise repeatedly and consistently physically assaulted by State forces. You can disagree with reality all you want, but that only makes you delusional, it doesn't alter the world as it exists.