Krauthammer's much more old school conservative, plus he sounds like the kind of guy who knows if he used the average arguments used on Fox News in front of an audience like The Daily Show, it would be a disaster.
heh hehA new poll, provided exclusively to Breitbart News *STOPS READING*
heh heh
Yeah, Krauthammer on Fox News is just as lousy as anyone else, he just does it in a dead-pan way that makes him seem respectable (it's because his face is melting off his skull so far as I can tell so he can't display emotions).
Wasn't the national health insurance plan like the very first concession they made? It's sick how quickly they folded on that. But I guess it was necessary to get big insurance on board.
Wonder if this will make its way to the SCOTUS... their original decision blew a hole right into the law, clearly ACA opponents are looking to exploit that...
Meh. He knows the audience and thus changed his rhetoric for the Daily Show viewers.Did anybody see the Daily Show with Jon Stewart last night?
It featured Charles Krauthamer and it was pretty good. He acknowledged that the champion successes of Liberalism (The New Deal, Social Security, Medicare Medicaid) were great things. The way he argued for entitlement change was actually refreshing.
Typically the rhetoric behind changing entitlements is so disgusting and selfish sounding. Jon Stewart said something along the lines of "If more conservatives had actually phrased their argument like that, the conversation we as Americans would be having would be much different."
Instead, we have to deal with "Herp Derp Obama is a baby-killing socialist who just implemented death panels". And this kind of rhetoric has severely harmed the level of discourse in this country.
I think the shutdown's most damaging effect is that many Republicans who have been able to keep up a "moderate" image have called attention to how extremist their voting records really are. It's always been so weird to me as a Minnesotan how Bachmann gets all the attention when Kline and Paulsen vote in lockstep every time. (I don't count a reluctant vote to open the government back up for brownie points, either)PPP said:MN-02
John Kline (R-inc.) 38
Mike Obermueller (D) 42
Steve Southerland (R-inc.) 41
Gwen Graham (D) 44
I think the shutdown's most damaging effect is that many Republicans who have been able to keep up a "moderate" image have called attention to how extremist their voting records really are. It's always been so weird to me as a Minnesotan how Bachmann gets all the attention when Kline and Paulsen vote in lockstep every time. (I don't count a reluctant vote to open the government back up for brownie points, either)
You're giving the current crop of republican leaders a little too much credit by thinking they can actually rephrase their rhetoric into an intelligent argument.
Their only area of expertise is managing to mangle logic into a series of false and shitty statements that are able to be understood by their constituents and then cause a bandwagon effect until it becomes a major talking point.
They earn gold medals in mental gymnastics and false platitudes.
The old Diablos shutdown with the government. Except he never opened back up.Why aren't you freaking out Diablos?!? It's a close race! Ken is probably going to win and then the Dems will lose Virginia once and for all!!!
Actually the new diablos is going to expire with the continuing resolution in february and would need a new one.The old Diablos shutdown with the government. Except he never opened back up.
I hope Erik Paulsen gets a decent challenger. Such a smug ass, every time I see him.And even if a Rep is a 'moderate', people realize that the GOP party has gone extreme and so your local moderate will be effectively supporting the extreme party.
Actually the new diablos is going to expire with the continuing resolution in february and would need a new one.
Krauthamer also said, "Ted Cruz is not our Republican Party Spokesperson" which was good to hear.
I dunno. I feel like most people will rush in at the beginning when its getting all the media coverage, then there'll be a big lull and then maybe a second push as the deadline comes up and the media covers it again.CMS is claiming 700k insurance applications in all exchanges so far. That's a huge number not even 1 month in. I mean, isn't that 10% of the goal and 75% of the population has barely had access online!
They'll never stop falling for this shit because the point is to misinform people. Yesterday Cooch was on Red State begging for money, and a few days ago Santorum set up a "strike force" group to help the campaign's ground game. It's no coincidence that this poll was released today: it's meant to maximize donations in the final weeks of the campaign. Which will be used to pay off any debt the campaign is in, and line the pockets of PACs.heh heh
You're probably right but those numbers are probably just the state exchanges so I think it's really good even for an opening rush.I dunno. I feel like most people will rush in at the beginning when its getting all the media coverage, then there'll be a big lull and then maybe a second push as the deadline comes up and the media covers it again.
But given all the problems, maybe thats pretty good.
@ObsoleteDogma: CBO: By 2038, raising Medicare age to 67 would reduce deficits by 0.067 percentage points of GDP
@ObsoleteDogma: CBO: Raising Medicare age to 67 would save us, drum roll, $19bn over the next decade
CMS is claiming 700k insurance applications in all exchanges so far. That's a huge number not even 1 month in. I mean, isn't that 10% of the goal and 75% of the population has barely had access online!
Yeah they'll listen to the second one, and then think it sounds like a big number because they'll fail to take it into context with the first one.@ObsoleteDogma: CBO: By 2038, raising Medicare age to 67 would reduce deficits by … 0.067 percentage points of GDP'm sure the people in Washington will listen.@ObsoleteDogma: CBO: Raising Medicare age to 67 would save us, drum roll, $19bn over the next decade
I dunno. I feel like most people will rush in at the beginning when its getting all the media coverage, then there'll be a big lull and then maybe a second push as the deadline comes up and the media covers it again.
But given all the problems, maybe thats pretty good.
Why dont we lower medeicare age? That would mean people retire sooner so new jobseekers have better prospects, which in turn means companies can replace workers with lesser pay (new hires). It also helps the labor market. Both businesses and labor win. Whats the hold up?I'm sure the people in Washington will listen.
Why dont we lower medeicare age? That would mean people retire sooner so new jobseekers have better prospects, which in turn means companies can replace workers with lesser pay (new hires). It also helps the labor market. Both businesses and labor win. Whats the hold up?
Why dont we lower medeicare age? That would mean people retire sooner so new jobseekers have better prospects, which in turn means companies can replace workers with lesser pay (new hires). It also helps the labor market. Both businesses and labor win. Whats the hold up?
Come on, Dems. Don't fuck this up. If I were a strategist for em, I would be arguing against GOP governance in general. What significant bill has been passed with a majority of House GOPers in the past 4 years? Zero. All of them had help from Dems and a minority of Republicans (VAWA, Fiscal Cliff, Gov't shutdown, etc).
I'm make the idea about "If you want Washington to work, you need to vote out the party that isn't doing work."
I don't feel that the Republican party has gotten worse at messaging.
There are two components to good argumentation: framing/messaging is one component, but the actual virtue of the argument itself is another, with the former being more important for popular approval. I don't think the Republican party has gotten worse at messaging and framing, I think the virtue of their arguments has gotten worse. As arguments become increasingly extreme, it becomes increasingly difficult to gussy those arguments up. Not impossible, mind you, but harder, and a skilled debater could perform even better if given a solid premise to work with in the first place.
20) Chris Hayes: He’s a smarmy, politically correct beta male who would probably be irritating even if he wasn’t talking about politics. If you had to pick the MSNBC host most likely to hold Rachel Maddow’s purse while she shops, it would be Hayes.
Written By : John Hawkins![]()
January 3, 2013
Why dont we lower medeicare age? That would mean people retire sooner so new jobseekers have better prospects, which in turn means companies can replace workers with lesser pay (new hires). It also helps the labor market. Both businesses and labor win. Whats the hold up?
this list fucking slayed me. preview:
The strongest rallying cry for single payer has been "Medicare for All" for years. Look up H.R. 676. It just removes the age limit for Medicare, while also nixing copays and lowering the deductible.Is it theoretically possible to just backdoor single payer back lowering Medicare age to 18 or something like that?
Always thought it was silly to raise it when lowering would work better since it'd give it more buying power.
I'd prefer an actual system constructed for single payer, mind, but I always wondered if Medicare's reach is determined solely by Congress's age limit on it.
wow this whole thing is a classic. it's unbelievable
this list fucking slayed me. preview:
The only people who feel there shouldnt be more coming in to the federal government from the rich people are the Republicans in the Congress, Reid told the radio host, according to Roll Call. Everybody else, including the rich people, are willing to pay more. They want to pay more.
Reid rebuked the Nevada Public Radio host when he was asked what Republicans would have to concede to get Medicare and Social Security cuts on the table.
You keep talking about Medicare and Social Security. Get something else in your brain. Stop talking about that. That is not going to happen this time. There is not going to be a grand bargain, Reid said. What we need to do is have Murray and her counterpart in the House, Ryan, work together to come up with something to get out of this senseless sequestration and start the budgeting process so that we can do normal appropriation bills.
Reid said Republicans would have to agree to more tax revenue to get anywhere near a bigger deal.
They have their mind set on doing nothing, nothing more on revenue, and until they get off that kick, theres not going to be a grand bargain on theres not going to be a small bargain, Reid said. Were just going to have to do something to work our way through sequestration.
The Nigerian ambassador to the United States on Thursday decried Sen. Ted Cruzs joke earlier this week that Nigerian email scammers built the governments health care exchange website, saying his comments are offensive and demanded an apology.
Ambassador Ade Adefuye told POLITICO that Nigerians are disappointed and shocked by Cruzs comments.
We deplore the statement, and we demand an apology, and we demand it be withdrawn, Adefuye said.
Read more:]
Why dont we lower medeicare age? That would mean people retire sooner so new jobseekers have better prospects, which in turn means companies can replace workers with lesser pay (new hires). It also helps the labor market. Both businesses and labor win. Whats the hold up?
Obama has been a good President domestically, but I think part of his fetish of offering Medicare and Social Security cuts is that he did grow up pretty priveliged. Not Romney-level, but still top 10-20%.
Speaking of ted cruz I thought this was funny, he's on his wife's health care plan which he claims isn't costing the tax payers anything, turns out that's not really true.lmao, no one likes Ted Cruz
I grew up relatively privileged but I have a strong aversion to cuts in the safety net. I don't know what caused it. But its really strong. It just feels immoral to me.There is actually a very telling line in one of his book where he admits as much. Something about poverty merely being an abstraction to him due to his background.
This is how single payer will work in the US.
We already have the system it just unfairly keeps out young people.
The problem being the popular conception of medicare is those people have 'paid into' the system. They think all their medicare taxes are now being used on them. Instead of their taxes having been used long ago and the current generation now paying for them. Its the conceptual problem I had a hard time convincing my grandparents of. They feel young people haven't earned it
Makes sense and it will be an easier sell once Obamacare is up and running. Better to offload those 55 year olds to medicare where they'll lower claims in the exchanges and but not be as sick and in need of medical care as 65+Medicare's going to come in stages - first, the 55 to 65 to help those in that gap for many between their career and Medicare. Then, probably an extension to any family with children under xxx% of poverty. The sweet spot of middle aged people with careers will probably be last since those people have insurance and are the best deals for insurance companies - a lot of premiums going in, not a lot going out in claims.