I think you're going about this in a kind of oblivious manner. My wife and I make about as much as that couple that you mentioned. And if someone came up and said to us "You're going to have to extract 200 more a month to take care of something you don't want" I'd be irritated. Now, granted, most likely their actual insurance was shit. But still. I can understand being irritated that you have to spend more money that you feel you shouldn't have to.
Now, my wife and I deal with finances differently than a lot of couples I think, and with that said, I have spent the better part of the last few years helping out my mother financially. We are paycheck to paycheck between student loans, car payments, mortgage, my son's school, and cancer care for my mother. On paper, 80k seems like a lot of money, but after handling everything we have to, and after taxes, we're pay check to paycheck unfortunately. If we didn't have the added expense of my mother then we'd be okay, and that increase wouldn't phase us.
Point being, I can understand how a family could see an increase as an annoyance, and then be turned against the ACA because they weren't informed on how shitty their policy actually was. A lot of people aren't going to care that their insurance is better, they care about the bottom line. And that's the biggest uphill battle the ACA has, I think. There are tons of people who have shit insurance and don't realize it. And they're going to be enveloped by the rhetoric because, to them, it's a rate increase. DOesn't make it right, but I can understand.
This attitude of "Oh, well, I won't shed a tear over them, they'll find the money!" is a really shitty attitude to have because it ignores that there is a problem. One that isn't simple to solve either. But it's there. As Phoenix said, this law pretty much creates a donut hole, and if we had a functioning congress people would work to fix it. But instead we have a congress comprised of people who want the ACA to work and people who want it to be a scandal. Because of that the donut hole will likely go unplugged, people will be hurt because of it and the republicans will hold that up and scream "SEE?! GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WORK!"