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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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I'll take it! Christie's win while totally expected and nothing shocking is still a bummer. He's only a "moderate" because state politics force it (at times) and he is perceived as such even though there's more than enough evidence to demonstrate otherwise. No doubt in my mind he shows his true colors should he ever be elected President someday.

CNN indeed was the Christie 2016 network. They want it like a virgin wants a hooker.

Christie's progress with women and latinos should be making Hillary worry a bit. Romney must be jealous.


Setec Astronomer
Charlotte, NC elections:

Dems won all At-Large City Council seats, meaning Dennis "Not republican, but BENGHAZI" Peterson lost.

Patrick Cannon (D) beat Edwin "Not partisan, for real!" Peacock (R) for Mayor

John Edwards elected mayor of Pineville, NC.


Here's the deal. Christie had such high approval ratings that no one wanted to challenge him. Obama and other Dem headliners are not going to campaign for a candidate who has zero chance in the first place. It'd just hurt them politically..

Be that as it may, NJ dems collectively stabbing her in the back was just completely ridiculous.


No Scrubs
I'll take it! Christie's win while totally expected and nothing shocking is still a bummer. He's only a "moderate" because state politics force it (at times) and he is perceived as such even though there's more than enough evidence to demonstrate otherwise. No doubt in my mind he shows his true colors should he ever be elected President someday.

CNN indeed was the Christie 2016 network. They want it like a virgin wants a hooker.

Christie's progress with women and latinos should be making Hillary worry a bit. Romney must be jealous.

I don't think she should be too worried. He ran against an opponent with zero name recognition and no support from the national party. Of course he was going to do better than we'd expect, he was essentially the only candidate.

Be that as it may, NJ dems collectively stabbing her in the back was just completely ridiculous.

It's Jersey, did you expect anything less?
Charlotte, NC elections:

Dems won all At-Large City Council seats, meaning Dennis "Not republican, but BENGHAZI" Peterson lost.

Patrick Cannon (D) beat Edwin "Not partisan, for real!" Peacock (R) for Mayor

John Edwards elected mayor of Pineville, NC.
wait, THE John Edwards?
I actually think the closer race in VA might keep the civil war in the GOP going. The tea party didn't get destroyed so they can claim they still have a chance.

One thing about Christie is that there will be crazy Senate and probably governor candidates which Christie will have to answer for or be tied too which will hurt him with women and minorities.

I think also an underrated factor of the GOP Primary is the Christie has raised taxes. Which is the sacred rule of the GOP. He's gonna get pounded for that.


The Autumn Wind
I actually think the closer race in VA might keep the civil war in the GOP going. The tea party didn't get destroyed so they can claim they still have a chance.
Is it twisted that I think that's a good thing leading into the 2014 elections?
Herring might pull this out, but this is DEFINITELY going to a recount:

Mark Obenshain 1,093,612 50.0%
Mark Herring 1,092,209 50.0%
The dem only received 35% of the white vote, and will likely win the election by 2-3 points. Welcome to the future, America.

I take it that you are referring to Virginia?

Well, it is just like that in the South. It is not like Obama won Minnesota with 35% of the white vote because the rest of the people wouldn't add up to much.

But Maddow pointed out something interesting yesterday . . . if Latinos all voted in Texas then Texas would go blue today. It wasn't clear though if that was because many of them are ineligible to vote (aliens) or if they don't care enough to go vote.
Also, interesting in terms of polling done:

So did pollsters flub, or did people switch from independent to R again? If the polling methodology was bad, the polls for LG and AG should have also been off like for GOV

One theory is that by getting Ron Paul to campaign for Cooch at the end, lots of the people that said they would vote Libertarian ended up voting for Cooch.
I take it that you are referring to Virginia?

Well, it is just like that in the South. It is not like Obama won Minnesota with 35% of the white vote because the rest of the people wouldn't add up to much.

But Maddow pointed out something interesting yesterday . . . if Latinos all voted in Texas then Texas would go blue today. It wasn't clear though if that was because many of them are ineligible to vote (aliens) or if they don't care enough to go vote.

Texas Hispanics aren't as liberal as those in other states though.
Virginia AG tightened a little more, 928 vote difference now
I've also seen mention on dailykoselections that the absentee ballots are pushing Democrats over in several Delegate races which would net them an extra 4-5 seats. A small dent in the GOP's rather large majority, but a victory nonetheless.

Also, for Christie's big win in New Jersey, Republicans don't have much to show for it - they picked up 2 Assembly districts and no Senate seats.


Well, Minneapolis has a new Mayor, Betsy Hodges. She looks like the best choice from what ive read since she basically wants to be R.T. Ryback 2.0, which is not a bad thing at all.

Hopefully Ryback runs for governor after Dayton retires. I could definitely see him doing it because he might be able to do some serious work to close the achievement gap. He quit major to join an organization dedicated to close Minnesota's achievement gap, which I think is all sorts of awesome.
Well, Minneapolis has a new Mayor, Betsy Hodges. She looks like the best choice from what ive read since she basically wants to be R.T. Ryback 2.0, which is not a bad thing at all.

Hopefully Ryback runs for governor after Dayton retires. I could definitely see him doing it because he might be able to do some serious work to close the achievement gap. He quit major to join an organization dedicated to close Minnesota's achievement gap, which I think is all sorts of awesome.
I backed Rybak in the caucuses in 2010, was so disappointed when he dropped out, though Dayton's been fine.


I backed Rybak in the caucuses in 2010, was so disappointed when he dropped out, though Dayton's been fine.

Yea, I preferred Ryback as well, but have been pleasantly surprised with Dayton. I like his demeanor a lot. Dude just calmly tells it like it is with barely any political BS
So, what's the general consensus tonight? Dems did well? Badly? Expected results?
If Herring pulls it out in Virginia, it went about as well as one could have hoped. Democrats pick up governor, lt. governor, attorney general and a couple House seats. McAuliffe's margin of victory is a bit small but a win's a win.

Christie was always unbeatable unfortunately, so Democrats just had to hold onto their margins in the state legislature, which they did. Only 2 seats lost in the assembly and none in the senate.

And New York City finally has a decent mayor.
Underperformed in VA, seems to me like republicans would have clearly won without an insane candidate. Yet they only lose by a couple points with an insane candidate....

Bring on more insane candidate's!!!!!

Lets not pretend like McAuliffe was come great candidate either tough


Bah, Seattle elected the "pro business" mayor Comcast bought.
But Seattle being Seattle, the "conservative" option is an gay married democrats, so maybe I shouldn't complain...

Gotta keep business happy by keeping out competition. Doesnt he also support a 15 buck minimum wage though?

Underperformed in VA, seems to me like republicans would have clearly won without an insane candidate. Yet they only lose by a couple points with an insane candidate....

To be fair, Terry is a pretty fucking awful candidate as well. I feel sorry for Virginia. Jebus.
Bring on more insane candidate's!!!!!

Lets not pretend like McAuliffe was come great candidate either tough

Totally agree, McAuliffe is horrible; did you guys see his acceptance speech? There's no way Virginia republican representatives work with him, and it's hard to claim a mandate with less than 50% of the vote. He's going to be a corporatist governor who doesn't get much done and quickly loses the support of the state.

But at the end of the day his entire plan is basically to just be governor, make some money, help Hillary win in 2016, and get some type of cabinet or adviser position in the White House after his term is up.
Underperformed in VA, seems to me like republicans would have clearly won without an insane candidate. Yet they only lose by a couple points with an insane candidate....

Oh come on. First of all, it is Virginia. That is south of the Mason-Dixon line.

And second, it is Terry McAuliffe. He's a sleazy money-man. He is not exactly a Charismatic candidate.

So they won a Southern state with a crappy candidate. Granted, the Cooch was a bit out there . . . but so was Bob McDonnell . . . a guy who went to Pat Robertson University! (Regent University). And Bob McDonnell won in a landslide. So this is a pretty big swing.


Totally agree, McAuliffe is horrible; did you guys see his acceptance speech? There's no way Virginia republican representatives work with him, and it's hard to claim a mandate with less than 50% of the vote. He's going to be a corporatist governor who doesn't get much done and quickly loses the support of the state.

But at the end of the day his entire plan is basically to just be governor, make some money, help Hillary win in 2016, and get some type of cabinet or adviser position in the White House after his term is up.

At least he'll be able to put a stop to all the fuckery the Virginia congress is doing by vetoing shit. Just by the fact that he's not a republican, it's instantly a win for no more erosion of voting rights, no more erosion of women's rights, etc.


Gotta keep business happy by keeping out competition. Doesnt he also support a 15 buck minimum wage though?
Both candidate did, but he was more of "yeah, that sound cool, but we need to be careful cause business and jobs" type of a approach (read: if I'll do anything there will be a metric ton of loopholes).

Did Sawant win?
She's not conceding but it doesn't look like she's going to win, still, an impressive showing for a socialist candidate, I hope she runs again.
Oh come on. First of all, it is Virginia. That is south of the Mason-Dixon line.

And second, it is Terry McAuliffe. He's a sleazy money-man. He is not exactly a Charismatic candidate.

So they won a Southern state with a crappy candidate. Granted, the Cooch was a bit out there . . . but so was Bob McDonnell . . . a guy who went to Pat Robertson University! (Regent University). And Bob McDonnell won in a landslide. So this is a pretty big swing.
McDonnell's victory also preceded the 2010 Republican landslide. Hopefully McAuliffe's win pans out in a similar fashion.
I really think Cuccinelli losing a close election is the worst case scenario for Republicans. Mainstream Republicans will feel that they were so close that if they would have run a more moderate candidate, they would have easily won. Tea Partiers will feel that if the national party wouldn't have turned their back on Cuccinelli and put more money into the state, he could have easily won. The funny thing is that they are both probably right, but they will go at each other's throats about it.


I really think Cuccinelli losing a close election is the worst case scenario for Republicans. Mainstream Republicans will feel that they were so close that if they would have run a more moderate candidate, they would have easily won. Tea Partiers will feel that if the national party wouldn't have turned their back on Cuccinelli and put more money into the state, he could have easily won. The funny thing is that they are both probably right, but they will go at each other's throats about it.

good, good
Man, now I'm really regretting that I didn't vote, seeing how close the AG election is. I really didn't have the time to drive back home today, though. I should have voted absentee.

The general emotion on Facebook from my friends ranges from "Our guy lost because of corruption" to "Good job, Virginia. You didn't elect the wrong guy." No one is really celebrating McAulliffe. But whatever. Even a complete non-person is better than Cuccinelli being governor. He's not perfect, but he's on the right side of gay rights, expanding transporation, the Medicaid expansion, and a few other things, so I'm happy with the outcome.
good, good
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