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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Yup. Chris Mathews was floored. "He was disarmed. (Romney)He was winning", "If he(Obama) does 5 more of these nights, he can forget it." ----response to 1st debate.

While the obama team kept its cool although Axelrod and his team avoided the media as best they could after that 1st debate.

I hope Hillary when she gets to the general(there is no if), she plays its hard and not safe because rand or bush or Christie or whoever male she gets cant be aggressive and attack her in anyway or risk a lazio moment.

I was speaking more to the "why liberals never win anything" comment; because we're not in a fantasy land, sometimes the real world intrudes on our message politics.


I was speaking more to the "why liberals never win anything" comment; because we're not in a fantasy land, sometimes the real world intrudes on our message politics.

Oh I see. Well we arent (fantasy) and yet the media is in a fantasy of 1992 redux between two families.

& they may get their wish next summer 2016.


It's too bad there isn't a bigger threat to Hillary -- I feel like we'll see her get demolished in the first real debate and she won't be as prepared as she will be. Going off of Bush's second term, and Obama's second where they didn't have a primary to get them ready.
I feel like I'm the only one in the country that thought that Obama's first debate performance was way overblown. Thought he held his own pretty well and got some decent hits in. Sure, it wasn't a knockout but it also wasn't a one sided massacre like everyone in the so-called liberal media seemed to think. God, it was so annoying Chris Matthews screaming like a chicken with its head cut off. You'd never catch Fox News doing that in a million years. Obama could have walked up to Romney on stage, stolen his wallet and chase Romney out of the building with him crying and the next day Sean Hannity would brag about how Romney made Obama his bitch.

And this is, once again, one of the reasons why liberals never win anything.

You gotta be kidding. Obama bombed hard in the first debate.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You gotta be kidding. Obama bombed hard in the first debate.

No he didn't. The worst you could say about his is that he seemed disengaged. But he still addressed and rebuked many of Romney's points. Yes, there weren't any clever sound bites that came out of the debate, but y'all are acting like he got steamrolled.

I will say that in terms of optics, Romney definitely "won", but people act like this was a fucking Katey Couric/Sarah Palin brawl or something.


Unconfirmed Member
I thought some of you here may be interested in this. A member of NeoGAF is running for Mayor. Me.


Anyone who may be interested in finding out more about me or donating can check out that website. And if you have any questions for me, feel free to shoot me a PM. Thank you!

You say you're for transparency, and yet you don't even archive your twitch broadcasts. What are you hiding? It better not be a low K:D ratio.


No he didn't. The worst you could say about his is that he seemed disengaged. But he still addressed and rebuked many of Romney's points. Yes, there weren't any clever sound bites that came out of the debate, but y'all are acting like he got steamrolled.

I will say that in terms of optics, Romney definitely "won", but people act like this was a fucking Katey Couric/Sarah Palin brawl or something.

I'm sorry but obama did "bomb" that first debate. Even Plouffe had a hard time defending his boss from the horrible optics at the time. Yeah romney was still going down even with his performance but obama had to rely on JOE BIDEN to bail him out in the VP debate.

Insert imaginary joe biden reactions gif.


It's too bad there isn't a bigger threat to Hillary -- I feel like we'll see her get demolished in the first real debate and she won't be as prepared as she will be. Going off of Bush's second term, and Obama's second where they didn't have a primary to get them ready.

I don't think that's the key reason they failed in their first debates -- to be honest, I think it's just that being President is a very busy job. Clinton has nothing to worry about besides preparing for debates. Obama had to run the country at the same time.
No he didn't. The worst you could say about his is that he seemed disengaged. But he still addressed and rebuked many of Romney's points. Yes, there weren't any clever sound bites that came out of the debate, but y'all are acting like he got steamrolled.

I will say that in terms of optics, Romney definitely "won", but people act like this was a fucking Katey Couric/Sarah Palin brawl or something.
Polls and even Obama's camp disagrees with you. Obama looked tired and out of it. He wasn't prepared and it showed. That typically happens to presidents in their first debate since they aren't used to being challenged. Kerry made Bush look like a fool.


But seriously, fuck Chris Christie.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'm sorry but obama did "bomb" that first debate. Even Plouffe had a hard time defending his boss from the horrible optics at the time. Yeah romney was still going down even with his performance but obama had to rely on JOE BIDEN to bail him out in the VP debate.

Insert imaginary joe biden reactions gif.

Polls and even Obama's camp disagrees with you. Obama looked tired and out of it. He wasn't prepared and it showed. That typically happens to presidents in their first debate since they aren't used to being challenged. Kerry made Bush look like a fool.

Of course Obama and his minions thought he was losing because Democrats always think they're losing.

We'll agree to disagree on this one.
Romney performed well in his first debate because he lied his ass off about all of his positions. "I never said I want to cut taxes" or something like that. What the fuck?

Like okay, I guess Republicans can be popular if they reinvent themselves as magical nonpartisan unicorns who can please everyone and no one. This is why Obama's team decided not to attack Romney as a flip-flopper, because they focus tested it and found people didn't care because it just made him more universally appealing. He could say one day that he supported environmental regulations, gay marriage, gun control and universal healthcare and the next that he's completely opposed and everyone would buy it.

Kerry changed his mind about the Iraq War and was crucified for it. IOKIYAR as they say.


Romney performed well in his first debate because he lied his ass off about all of his positions. "I never said I want to cut taxes" or something like that. What the fuck?

Like okay, I guess Republicans can be popular if they reinvent themselves as magical nonpartisan unicorns who can please everyone and no one. This is why Obama's team decided not to attack Romney as a flip-flopper, because they focus tested it and found people didn't care because it just made him more universally appealing. He could say one day that he supported environmental regulations, gay marriage, gun control and universal healthcare and the next that he's completely opposed and everyone would buy it.

Kerry changed his mind about the Iraq War and was crucified for it. IOKIYAR as they say.

Romeny got crucified for his 47%. Dukakis for Willie Horton. I guess America hates MA governors and senators.

Clinton will get crucified for Benghazi x(


No Scrubs
Romeny got crucified for his 47%. Dukakis for Willie Horton. I guess America hates MA governors.

Clinton will get crucified for Benghazi x(

Maybe among the far right, but no one else will give a shit. That battle was fought and won two years ago.


Maybe among the far right, but no one else will give a shit. That battle was fought and won two years ago.

There going to swift vote my girl Hillary like they did Kerry. I can see it now. Rand Paul is going to mention it in every speech he gives if hes the nominee. We all know its going to happen. x(

Let us not forget that McCain is the chairman of the foreign relations committee.


There going to swift vote my girl Hillary like they did Kerry. I can see it now. Rand Paul is going to mention it in every speech he gives if hes the nominee. We all know its going to happen. x(

of course they will. Any GOP candidate will. The only problem is they blew their load with that already... and they went beyond insanity on it to the point where it is a negative for them anywhere but their base.


of course they will. Any GOP candidate will. The only problem is they blew their load with that already... and they went beyond insanity on it to the point where it is a negative for them anywhere but their base.

Whats going to motivate our base?? A hillary coronation is going to doom us. IS she 2008 train wreck hillary or a new better hillary?? Having Mark Penn back is going to be catastrophic. Jeb bush is going to get 40% of the Hispanic vote if Hillary bombs the debates & her campaign. He SPEAKS SPANISH. The tea party will fall in line after bush. Our obama coalition isnt guaranteed to show up. Look at 2010 and 2014. Warren is a threat FROM MA of all places. Idk why primary voters love harping over nominees from that state.

The debate moderators wont allow hillary to escape a benghazi question. She will have to be ready. We will be eating crow if Jeb is elected. 20 years of Bush family rule is a NIGHTMARE & we will look back at the moment in 2012 when Benghazi hit. x(


Whats going to motivate our base?? A hillary coronation is going to doom us. IS she 2008 train wreck hillary or a new better hillary?? Having Mark Penn back is going to be catastrophic. Jeb bush is going to get 40% of the Hispanic vote if Hillary bombs the debates & her campaign. He SPEAKS SPANISH. The tea party will fall in line after bush. Our obama coalition isnt guaranteed to show up. Look at 2010 and 2014. Warren is a threat FROM MA of all places. Idk why primary voters love harping over nominees from that state.

The debate moderators wont allow hillary to escape a benghazi question. She will have to be ready. We will be eating crow if Jeb is elected. 20 years of Bush family rule is a NIGHTMARE & we will look back at the moment in 2012 when Benghazi hit. x(

is this a diablos alt?
Whats going to motivate our base?? A hillary coronation is going to doom us. IS she 2008 train wreck hillary or a new better hillary?? Having Mark Penn back is going to be catastrophic. Jeb bush is going to get 40% of the Hispanic vote if Hillary bombs the debates & her campaign. He SPEAKS SPANISH. The tea party will fall in line after bush. Our obama coalition isnt guaranteed to show up. Look at 2010 and 2014. Warren is a threat FROM MA of all places. Idk why primary voters love harping over nominees from that state.

The debate moderators wont allow hillary to escape a benghazi question. She will have to be ready. We will be eating crow if Jeb is elected. 20 years of Bush family rule is a NIGHTMARE & we will look back at the moment in 2012 when Benghazi hit. x(
I think the immigration executive action has locked up Hispanic votes for Democrats for at least another presidential election. Hillary will be fine.

Now of course, there is always a chance she may lose. But she'll be fine.


Unconfirmed Member
Whats going to motivate our base?? A hillary coronation is going to doom us. IS she 2008 train wreck hillary or a new better hillary?? Having Mark Penn back is going to be catastrophic. Jeb bush is going to get 40% of the Hispanic vote if Hillary bombs the debates & her campaign. He SPEAKS SPANISH. The tea party will fall in line after bush. Our obama coalition isnt guaranteed to show up. Look at 2010 and 2014. Warren is a threat FROM MA of all places. Idk why primary voters love harping over nominees from that state.

The debate moderators wont allow hillary to escape a benghazi question. She will have to be ready. We will be eating crow if Jeb is elected. 20 years of Bush family rule is a NIGHTMARE & we will look back at the moment in 2012 when Benghazi hit. x(

As far as I can tell, that republican house select committee on benghazi clearing everyone of wrongdoing completely ended discussion of Benghazi everywhere. I don't see why it'd come up again in any real capacity. I'm not even sure if it'll get much attention among the far right, though i'm sure it'll still get some.

And if we're going to reduce it to demographic pandering, being the first female president is a lot more meaningful pitch than speaking spanish. I'd also say there's no question that for immigration Jeb is going to hang his hat on being pro-legalization, not pro-citizenship in order to appease the right, while Hillary's going to easily say pro-citizenship, and remain in latino's good graces.

Turnout is going to be terrible for a presidential year, but it's still a presidential year, and Hillary's going to do so well with moderates, it probably won't matter.


aka andydumi
As far as I can tell, that republican house select committee on benghazi clearing everyone of wrongdoing completely ended discussion of Benghazi everywhere. I don't see why it'd come up again in any real capacity. I'm not even sure if it'll get much attention among the far right, though i'm sure it'll still get some.

This will hopefully be true and shut down any real complaints. Because there's simply no reasonable retort I can think of to the committee's report.
Of course Obama and his minions thought he was losing because Democrats always think they're losing.

We'll agree to disagree on this one.
lolno. Obama pretty much went HAM on Romney's ass in the next two debates and clearly won. If he showed that performance in the first debate, maybe he wouldnt have lost. Obama was befuddled with Romney's attacks. Dude was not even looking at him, and was embarassingly staring at the floor. It was one of the worst debate performances I've seen.


This will hopefully be true and shut down any real complaints. Because there's simply no reasonable retort I can think of to the committee's report.

The select committee is still ongoing. Gowdy's going to keep at it until he finds proof that Obama ordered the attack. Someone will slip up and give up the smoking gun. It's only a matter of time!


Whats going to motivate our base?? A hillary coronation is going to doom us. IS she 2008 train wreck hillary or a new better hillary?? Having Mark Penn back is going to be catastrophic. Jeb bush is going to get 40% of the Hispanic vote if Hillary bombs the debates & her campaign. He SPEAKS SPANISH. The tea party will fall in line after bush. Our obama coalition isnt guaranteed to show up. Look at 2010 and 2014. Warren is a threat FROM MA of all places. Idk why primary voters love harping over nominees from that state.

The debate moderators wont allow hillary to escape a benghazi question. She will have to be ready. We will be eating crow if Jeb is elected. 20 years of Bush family rule is a NIGHTMARE & we will look back at the moment in 2012 when Benghazi hit. x(

I mean, our base will presumably be motivated by the fact that, if a GOP President gets in, he will reverse the immigration executive orders, shut down health care, and resegregate the military.

It's actually a little offensive to suggest that Jeb will get 40% of the Hispanic vote because he speaks Spanish. This is Rubio-style campaigning. Guess what? Hispanic people aren't stupid. They vote based on their issues, not tribalism. That's really a luxury only white people can afford.

Democratic primary voters love candidates from Massachusetts because they are generally more liberal than the rest of the country and there's always an insurgent desire to elect the most liberal candidate possible. This is like asking why GOP primary voters love candidates from Texas. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your viewpoint), those insurgents generally don't succeed.

All the people who hate Hillary for Benghazi were already going to vote Republican. There are approximately zero people who are like "Well, I would've voted for Hillary, but she killed those people in Libya, so never mind." So what's the problem?


lolno. Obama pretty much went HAM on Romney's ass in the next two debates and clearly won. If he showed that performance in the first debate, maybe he wouldnt have lost. Obama was befuddled with Romney's attacks. Dude was not even looking at him, and was embarassingly staring at the floor. It was one of the worst debate performances I've seen.

As was mentioned earlier, Romney picked that moment to flip-flop back to Mass. Governor Romney which befuddled Obama.


lolno. Obama pretty much went HAM on Romney's ass in the next two debates and clearly won. If he showed that performance in the first debate, maybe he wouldnt have lost. Obama was befuddled with Romney's attacks. Dude was not even looking at him, and was embarassingly staring at the floor. It was one of the worst debate performances I've seen.

At the time, I thought he threw it because it was his anniversary that same day as the debate. Like some of his staff told him it would look good to the folks at home if he looked pre-occupied with his wife and family matters and didn't have time to prepare for the debate.


Literally no one cares about Benghazi. You couldn't even describe it to the average voter with anyone caring. If no one's cared by now, no one will care by the election.


As far as I can tell, that republican house select committee on benghazi clearing everyone of wrongdoing completely ended discussion of Benghazi everywhere. I don't see why it'd come up again in any real capacity. I'm not even sure if it'll get much attention among the far right, though i'm sure it'll still get some.

And if we're going to reduce it to demographic pandering, being the first female president is a lot more meaningful pitch than speaking spanish. I'd also say there's no question that for immigration Jeb is going to hang his hat on being pro-legalization, not pro-citizenship in order to appease the right, while Hillary's going to easily say pro-citizenship, and remain in latino's good graces.

Turnout is going to be terrible for a presidential year, but it's still a presidential year, and Hillary's going to do so well with moderates, it probably won't matter.

Bush wont matter in 2 years. Dont underestimate the ignorance and memory span of the American public. 2010 and 2014 is testament to that. The obstruction since day one of obama admin gave the republicans their largest majorities since WWII. LARGEST MAJORITIES SINCE WWII. They have MAJORITY GOVERNORS, STATE LEGISLATURES, STATEWIDE OFFICES, & CONGRESS. They SHUTDOWN the government in 2013 and STILL WON.

If Jeb "Ellis" Bush get elected president, dont be shocked. You think 2016 is going to be a happy campaign based on issues? Boy, get ready for the mudslinging romp titan fest of the political century. No way Bill is going to remain cordial to his "Brother-in-law" brother. We are in for a blood bath that will make 2000 look small. Expect RECOUNTS in ALL swing states. It will be that close.
Bush wont matter in 2 years. Dont underestimate the ignorance and memory span of the American public. 2010 and 2014 is testament to that. The obstruction since day one of obama admin gave the republicans their largest majorities since WWII. LARGEST MAJORITIES SINCE WWII. They have MAJORITY GOVERNORS, STATE LEGISLATURES, STATEWIDE OFFICES, & CONGRESS. They SHUTDOWN the government in 2013 and STILL WON.

If Jeb "Ellis" Bush get elected president, dont be shocked. You think 2016 is going to be a happy campaign based on issues? Boy, get ready for the mudslinging romp titan fest of the political century. No way Bill is going to remain cordial to his "Brother-in-law" brother. We are in for a blood bath that will make 2000 look small. Expect RECOUNTS in ALL swing states. It will be that close.

That's unlikely. Assuming Hilary does about as well as Obama 2012, Jeb would basically need Hillary to come out against God, Gays, Blacks, Hispanics, and say Women deserve lower wages because babies. I see no situation in which Hillary loses to Jeb Bush. I also don't think Jeb is the guaranteed nominee people make him out to be. W is still a punching bag of a president and we have a ton of young voters who spent their entire developing lives watching his family muck up the country.


Its amazing what a dearth of political news does to politicians popularity.
Speaking of people not liking MA politicians.

I was convinced Kerry lost in 2004 because he kept making public appearances like that disastrous trip to Wendy's. Or putting on that clean room suit.

Whenever he'd disappear from the news for a few days (because of world events or just being boring) his numbers would go up, he'd reappear to make statements or something and they'd drop back down under Bush.

People liked the idea of a non-Bush, but not enough to actually like Kerry. One Car Caravan documents some of this. One instance where there was some small town in NH he visited and this woman who liked him prior now met him in person and saw him fake knowing about the town and had switched to support Dean or Clark after.

Favorite thing from that campaign were all the slogans the Kerry campaign went through:

"A stronger America begins at home."
"A safer, stronger, more secure America."
"The real deal" — often printed on circular campaign gear as shown on the right
"The courage to do what's right for America"
"Together, we can build a stronger America"
"A lifetime of service and strength"
"Let America be America again" — the title of a poem by Langston Hughes
"A new team, for a new America"
"Stronger at home, respected in the world"
"America deserves better"
"Let us make one America" — from Edwards' former presidential campaign
"Hope is on the way!" — chanted by Edwards and his supporters during his speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention
"Help is on the way!" — chanted by Kerry and his supporters during his speech as the 2004 Democratic National Convention
Bush wont matter in 2 years. Dont underestimate the ignorance and memory span of the American public. 2010 and 2014 is testament to that. The obstruction since day one of obama admin gave the republicans their largest majorities since WWII. LARGEST MAJORITIES SINCE WWII. They have MAJORITY GOVERNORS, STATE LEGISLATURES, STATEWIDE OFFICES, & CONGRESS. They SHUTDOWN the government in 2013 and STILL WON.

If Jeb "Ellis" Bush get elected president, dont be shocked. You think 2016 is going to be a happy campaign based on issues? Boy, get ready for the mudslinging romp titan fest of the political century. No way Bill is going to remain cordial to his "Brother-in-law" brother. We are in for a blood bath that will make 2000 look small. Expect RECOUNTS in ALL swing states. It will be that close.
Diablos just trying to get that alt. account out of junior status.

Recounts in all swing states? Calm down, bruh.
I have a PS3 but I can't remember off the top of my head what my psn is. I think it's Brynjamin Barker?

Gamertag's the same as my GAF name. Fully transitioned to X1 at this point, tho.

I completely forgot to respond to these.

I added both. And sent messages

I'll repost what I posted since more people might frequent GAF now that the holidays are over.

random off topic for sunday morning

Does anyone on poligaf have a xbox or psn sn? I'm looking to add more people to my friends list.

I have a psn account too but only a vita and ps3 for now.

And to clarify I have a PSVITA and PS3 on PSN
And a Xbox One on Xbox Live
Can any one explain the Nouveau-Right Wing Frat Bros Media (the Freebacons and Federalists of the World) is so obsessed with Neil Degrass Tyson?
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