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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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If you go on to Twitter and search "Barack Obama approval", you will see two things I missed:

-- a total adherence to older polls from RCP
-- unskewing!

It's like 2012 all over again!
I've been wondering how they'd handle the idea of being behind the 8-ball on electoral math, and this tells me pretty much everything I need to know.

Denial denial denial.. followed by shock and horror.
Huckabee running?

He's mulling.

Huckabee to end Fox News show to mull 2016

Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor, is ending his weekend program on Fox News -- effective immediately -- as he contemplates another run for president.

"I won't make a decision about running until late in the spring of 2015, but the continued chatter has put Fox News into a position that is not fair to them," Huckabee wrote in a letter to supporters Saturday evening.

"The honorable thing to do at this point is to end my tenure here at Fox so I can openly talk with potential donors and supporters and gauge support," he added.


Can the GOP please be dumb enough to have 20 debates again this time?

I can see the pattern already:
Moderator: {question}

Candidate #1: {batshit crazy answer}

Audience: {cheers, roars of approval}

Candidate #2: {batshit crazier answer}

Audience: {cheers, roars of approval, the audience in a frenzy of applause}


Ostensibly Moderate Candidates: "Uhhh.. uhh.."
I wish. It seems to be a legit poll from the Military Times.

The number is amazingly low though, even accounting for the make up of the military (which is like 65 -35, Republican - Democrat last I saw).

2/3rds of the military also miss Bush. Ugh.
Prefer the President much more likely to get them killed. Makes sense.

Mike M

Nick N
Can the GOP please be dumb enough to have 20 debates again this time?
I thiiiiiink they're explicitly reducing the number of debates in addition to shortening the primary season.

We'll have some extremist candidates again, but the 2012 Clown Car Parade will not be allowed to repeat itself.


No Scrubs
I thiiiiiink they're explicitly reducing the number of debates in addition to shortening the primary season.

We'll have some extremist candidates again, but the 2012 Clown Car Parade will not be allowed to repeat itself.

Which makes me and all comedy fans very very sad. The 2012 Clown Car Parade was hysterical.
Actually I agree that fewer debates is a good idea for both parties. They went overboard last time, to the point where debates became meaningless. It makes sense to set things up so that you have a debate before the major primary contests. An Iowa debate, one for NH, one for the first Super Tuesday, etc.


Actually I agree that fewer debates is a good idea for both parties. They went overboard last time, to the point where debates became meaningless. It makes sense to set things up so that you have a debate before the major primary contests. An Iowa debate, one for NH, one for the first Super Tuesday, etc.

They did the country a favor by having so many debates. It allowed us to see the true extent of the crazy and RomBot.
Actually I agree that fewer debates is a good idea for both parties. They went overboard last time, to the point where debates became meaningless. It makes sense to set things up so that you have a debate before the major primary contests. An Iowa debate, one for NH, one for the first Super Tuesday, etc.

Good for the parties, but bad for the voters.

Granted, your average debate is too heavily regulated to be terribly informative, but still.


First Florida says if gays can get married, then no one gets married, and now Idaho is fighting back.

We're seeing the last bigoted gasps from these people.


BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho's governor and attorney general have filed separate petitions to the U.S. Supreme Court, fighting against gay marriage and arguing that the state's case has national consequences.

Same-sex marriage has been legal in Idaho since an October ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which has struck down bans across the West.

Attorney General Lawrence Wasden's filing Friday states that the issue is a matter of a state's right to define marriage without the federal government's involvement.

"This case presents the Court with the opportunity to resolve a divisive split on a question of nationwide importance: Whether the United States Constitution now prohibits states from maintaining the traditional definition of civil marriage, i.e., between one man and one woman," Wasden said in the petition.

Gov. Butch Otter's petition, filed Tuesday, states that the high court should review Idaho's case alone or in addition to a pending case involving the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that upheld the right of Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee to decide whether to allow gay marriage.

Otter's petition maintains that unlike in other states, Idaho's public officials have not shied away from defending a broad definition of heterosexual marriage, specifically by arguing that children are better off when marriage is limited to opposite-sex couples.

He added that Idaho's case addresses not only the question of in-state marriages, but also out-of-state same-sex marriage. Two out of the four lesbian couples who challenged Idaho's same-sex marriage ban more than a year ago had been legally married in other states.

"It is important that at least one of the cases this court considers on the merits be a case in which the traditional definition of marriage has been defended with the most robust defense available," wrote Otter attorney Gene Schaerr. "This is that case."

Gay marriage supporters have until the end of the month to file responses, and it's unclear whether the Supreme Court will step in.

Along with the 9th Circuit, three other appeals courts have ruled in favor of gay marriage. Only the 6th Circuit has sided with states seeking to preserve same-sex marriage bans. Because of the split decisions among the appellate courts, it is very likely the Supreme Court will intervene.

The high court justices could decide as early as Jan. 9 to add same-sex marriage to their list of issues to be decided by summer.

Gay marriage is legal in at least 35 states, with Florida expected to be the latest to begin issuing same-sex marriage licenses Jan. 6.

The 9th Circuit ruling that legalized gay marriage in Idaho on Oct. 15 declared that Idaho's ban on same-sex marriage violated equal protection and due process rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. It overturned a constitutional amendment Idaho voters passed in 2006. The amendment, considered one of the strictest in the nation, prohibited gay marriage, civil union and any other form of state recognition of relationships that was not between a man and a woman.

Deborah Ferguson, the lead attorney who represented the four couples who successfully Idaho's gay marriage ban, said she is willing to continue to defending the 9th Circuit's decision.

"The 9th Circuit decided correctly," she said. "We'll now have to wait and see what happens next."

Idaho's gay marriage fight has cost taxpayers more than $400,000 so far. In December, a federal court ruled that the state must pay the attorney fees to the team of lawyers who defended the four lesbian couples fighting the ban on gay marriage. The state has also spent more than $80,000 on private attorneys.

I expect Alan Wilson in SC will try to do the same thing. Wasting everyone's time and money when a good majority of Americans now accept it.

These people...


No Scrubs
I don't really have a problem with fewer debates. All the more spotlight on gaffes. But I have a problem with this part:

Awww....did that mean liberal hack Candy Crowley hurt your feelings with her facts and stuff?

I seriously doubt the news organizations will want to go along with that.


No Scrubs
Probably just have them exclusively moderated by Fox.

If they cut out the other news organizations it'll just piss them off and they'd be less likely to give them good coverage. Yea it'd be childish, but so is this. If CNN or NBC makes you run for the hills then how are you supposed to be able to deal with anything else.
If they cut out the other news organizations it'll just piss them off and they'd be less likely to give them good coverage. Yea it'd be childish, but so is this. If CNN or NBC makes you run for the hills then how are you supposed to be able to deal with anything else.

Maybe, but it plays neatly into the whole "echo chamber" thing they've got going on. I could see them thinking they could cut out the rest of the networks.
First Florida says if gays can get married, then no one gets married, and now Idaho is fighting back.

We're seeing the last bigoted gasps from these people.


I expect Alan Wilson in SC will try to do the same thing. Wasting everyone's time and money when a good majority of Americans now accept it.

These people...

I want the bigots to go all in the next election. After watching how disgustingly effective gay marriage has been as an issue for so long, I want to watch the other side get hammered on it repeatedly.


Well, I remember Priebus making a big stink about the debates "favoring" Obama in the second and third ones when all that really happened was Obama got his mojo back and put Romney in his place. He wanted to change how moderators are selected and how questions are asked, something to that effect.

Romney was basically talking to himself during the first debate. I wonder what was going on in Obama's head.
I thought some of you here may be interested in this. A member of NeoGAF is running for Mayor. Me.


Anyone who may be interested in finding out more about me or donating can check out that website. And if you have any questions for me, feel free to shoot me a PM. Thank you!


Well, I remember Priebus making a big stink about the debates "favoring" Obama in the second and third ones when all that really happened was Obama got his mojo back and put Romney in his place. He wanted to change how moderators are selected and how questions are asked, something to that effect.

Romney was basically talking to himself during the first debate. I wonder what was going on in Obama's head.

Obama played it safe the first one. If he had come out the first one it would have been HE'S SO FULL OF HIMSELF / ANGRY

Then the second and third ones he went 'fuck it' and came out on the offensive.

Although I guess if you're the incumbent and you know you have three debates, it's better to see what's going in the first, because people only tend to care how you look in the last one.


Normally I would agree, but the media's obsession with how Obama is supposed to act at certain times is really unbelievable, i.e. MSNBC's reaction to his debate performance. Really the media as a whole. They were acting like it was the night before the election. The unease trickles down to the audience and shapes public opinion.
I thought some of you here may be interested in this. A member of NeoGAF is running for Mayor. Me.


Anyone who may be interested in finding out more about me or donating can check out that website. And if you have any questions for me, feel free to shoot me a PM. Thank you!

Hobbies and Interests
- Government & Politics
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How can nintendo turn WiiU around without signing on 3rd party devs?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
With great first party titles that make their console worth owning.

PS- In the interest of full transparency, I do not own a Wii U.

They already have these. It's not enough for Average Joe Consumer.


I thought some of you here may be interested in this. A member of NeoGAF is running for Mayor. Me.


Anyone who may be interested in finding out more about me or donating can check out that website. And if you have any questions for me, feel free to shoot me a PM. Thank you!

Hey, Whitney Point! I used to drive through there when I went back and forth to school (Cornell).


It's like Christmas never left. Gohmert wants to challenge Boehner for Speaker of the House.

Whoever wins, logical still loses.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I feel like I'm the only one in the country that thought that Obama's first debate performance was way overblown. Thought he held his own pretty well and got some decent hits in. Sure, it wasn't a knockout but it also wasn't a one sided massacre like everyone in the so-called liberal media seemed to think. God, it was so annoying Chris Matthews screaming like a chicken with its head cut off. You'd never catch Fox News doing that in a million years. Obama could have walked up to Romney on stage, stolen his wallet and chase Romney out of the building with him crying and the next day Sean Hannity would brag about how Romney made Obama his bitch.

And this is, once again, one of the reasons why liberals never win anything.


No Scrubs
It's like Christmas never left. Gohmert wants to challenge Boehner for Speaker of the House.

Whoever wins, logical still loses.

Gohmert wants to be Speaker?! Be still my heart.

I feel like I'm the only one in the country that thought that Obama's first debate performance was way overblown. Thought he held his own pretty well and got some decent hits in. Sure, it wasn't a knockout but it also wasn't a one sided massacre like everyone in the so-called liberal media seemed to think. God, it was so annoying Chris Matthews screaming like a chicken with its head cut off. You'd never catch Fox News doing that in a million years. Obama could have walked up to Romney on stage, stolen his wallet and chase Romney out of the building with him crying and the next day Sean Hannity would brag about how Romney made Obama his bitch.

And this is, once again, one of the reasons why liberals never win anything.

It wasn't good but it wasn't the end of the world either. There was no way for Obama to win that debate because everyone figured he'd mop the floor with Romney. He fell victim to the expectations game.
I feel like I'm the only one in the country that thought that Obama's first debate performance was way overblown. Thought he held his own pretty well and got some decent hits in. Sure, it wasn't a knockout but it also wasn't a one sided massacre like everyone in the so-called liberal media seemed to think. God, it was so annoying Chris Matthews screaming like a chicken with its head cut off. You'd never catch Fox News doing that in a million years. Obama could have walked up to Romney on stage, stolen his wallet and chase Romney out of the building with him crying and the next day Sean Hannity would brag about how Romney made Obama his bitch.

And this is, once again, one of the reasons why liberals never win anything.

Yes, living in the real world is quite a disadvantage.


Yes, living in the real world is quite a disadvantage.

Yup. Chris Mathews was floored. "He was disarmed. (Romney)He was winning", "If he(Obama) does 5 more of these nights, he can forget it." ----response to 1st debate.

While the obama team kept its cool although Axelrod and his team avoided the media as best they could after that 1st debate.

I hope Hillary when she gets to the general(there is no if), she plays its hard and not safe because rand or bush or Christie or whoever male she gets cant be aggressive and attack her in anyway or risk a lazio moment.
Gohmert wants to be Speaker?! Be still my heart.

It wasn't good but it wasn't the end of the world either. There was no way for Obama to win that debate because everyone figured he'd mop the floor with Romney. He fell victim to the expectations game.

But that Foreign Policy debate tho!


Bayonets and horses had me rolling
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