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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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He can't run for VP. I think the supreme court would rule the two agree on that even if you can come up with another meaning

I do think that succession through speakership wouldn't run aground though.
I think it mainly depends on whether SCOTUS would side with letter-vs-spirit on this issue. If he's able to succeed into office, he's technically "constitutionally eligible."

For something as enduring and powerful as a Constitutinal amendment, I'm of the mind that authors need to be extremely precise with their wording.

Found the article from a while back where they interviewed different judges and lawyers on this topic..
(And back in 2006, when Hilllary was gearing-up, lol!)

(I love this topic. We had this debate in one of my classes, but the class used Reagan as the example.. Ha!)




A senior policy adviser to Republican Rep. Aaron Schock of Illinois made more racially charged comments on Facebook than previously reported, according to posts obtained by BuzzFeed News.

Benjamin Cole, who serves as a senior adviser for policy and communications to Schock, said a mosque should be built on the White House grounds for President Obama and said he was doing “my absolute best” to put “as many Black Criminals who live and loiter on my street behind bars.”

The website Think Progress reported Thursday on other racially-charged comments from Cole.

The website in one instance showed a Facebook post from Cole with had a video allegedly showed a black woman arguing with someone off the screen.

“So apparently the closing of the National Zoo has forced the animals to conduct their mating rituals on my street. #gentrifytoday Pt. 1,” Cole wrote in that post in 2013.
Cole did not return a request for comment on the posts below:


This is semantics, and nothing more
That would be one hysterical troll.

Imagine Biden's nomination acceptance speech.. it'd be a paragraph long:
"I promise that, if elected President, I will be sworn-in and then resign 5 minutes later! Thank you, God bless you, and God bless our United States of America!"

I think there'd be an argument that a scheme like this would violate the 22nd Amendment, even ignoring the effect of the 12th. Courts could easily hold that one must look to the substance of the election (voters are voting for Barack Obama), not the form (the name on the ballots is Joe Biden).


Bill Clinton cant become VP. He already served 2 terms as President. I cant see any future president serving as VP after being term-limited even if they did want it and was allowed.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Dat class warfare:

In Florida, 58 percent of voters support "increasing taxes on higher income earners to reduce the amount of taxes paid by the middle class," while 36 percent are opposed. In Ohio, it's 61 percent supporting and 35 percent opposed, and in Pennsylvania, it's 62 percent to 33 percent

On the other hand:

With the same poll finding Obama's favorability underwater in all three states and voters saying they want to see the next president "change direction from Barack Obama's policies," the strong support for raising taxes on the rich may owe something to the fact that Obama's name wasn't included in the question.

No thread about Obama comparing ISIS to the Christian Crusades, at the National Prayer Breakfast? Right wing sites are going insane lmao

It would be interesting to see a poll that used four questions to four sets of respondent:

a) Republican Senator Jamaal Williams supports raising income taxes on those earning over $1m. Do you agree or disagree?

b) Republican Senator Brady Smith supports raising income taxes on those earning over $1m. Do you agree or disagree?

c) Democratic Senator Jamaal Williams supports raising income taxes on those earning over $1m. Do you agree or disagree?

d) Democratic Senator Brady Smith supports raising income taxes on those earning over $1m. Do you agree or disagree?


California's ambitious effort to save billions of dollars by changing how the state's costliest patients get treated is on the ropes.

The Obamacare program was designed to reduce medical costs by putting more of the nation's 11 million most challenging and expensive patients into tightly managed care.

But the rollout in California — one of the first states spearheading the effort — has been marred by widespread confusion, enrollment glitches and a revolving door of health officials. Sixty percent of eligible patients have rejected the program, and state leaders are demanding to see financial savings in a year.

Most of the patients suffer from multiple chronic conditions, such as diabetes and Alzheimer's. They range from younger, disabled adults to older Americans in nursing homes. Nationwide, some $300 billion is spent annually on these patients who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid.


California's program, known as MediConnect, calls for turning about 450,000 of the state's 1.2 million dual-eligible patients over to HMOs run by Anthem, Health Net and other insurers. The prospect of increased profits from taking on the poorest, sickest patients has captivated Wall Street and sent company shares soaring.

But the rollout has been far rockier than expected and raised concerns about the state's approach.

"These numbers are falling far below what the state was hoping for, and it puts pressure on them to increase enrollment rates," said Kathryn Kietzman, an expert on this population and a UCLA health-policy researcher. "The stakes are high for California, and these changes are potentially a big deal nationally if they can get it right."

State officials are confident they can overcome a rough start. In January, the state reported that 60% of eligible patients had turned down the program in Los Angeles and five other participating counties. That's nearly double projections.


"We are seeking innovative new ways to improve outcomes and get a better value for our investment," said Tim Engelhardt, acting director of the federal Medicare and Medicaid coordination office.

In 2013, the Obama administration approved the pilot project in California. State officials hailed the MediConnect program as a milestone for California's most vulnerable patients by addressing their medical, mental health and long-term care needs in one place.

The government pays health plans a monthly amount drawing from Medicare and Medi-Cal to give enrollees all of their services. Patients carry a single health plan card and a team of professionals coordinates all aspects of their care.

That could be a huge improvement compared with conventional fee-for-service medicine in which doctors and hospitals rarely communicate and have little financial incentive to keep a patient healthy. It also seeks to alleviate the administrative hassle of dealing with two separate government bureaucracies. Much of the savings are expected to come from reduced hospital stays and keeping people in their homes rather than a nursing home or another institution.

However, from the outset, consumer advocates and doctors warned that the state's initiative was too big and overly complicated. They said it put too many patients at risk of having their care interrupted and losing access to essential treatments and medications. The L.A. County Medical Assn. and other groups tried and failed to get a state judge to halt enrollment last summer.

Critics faulted the state's enrollment process, which automatically placed patients in the program unless they opted out. Some people didn't find out their insurance network changed until they were at the doctor's office or pharmacy.

"It's a huge change in coverage, and they don't know what happened," said Stephanie Lee, a supervising attorney for Neighborhood Legal Services, which runs the independent ombudsman office for MediConnect in L.A. County. "The No. 1 concern for most people is, 'Can I continue to see the healthcare provider I want to see?'"

In some cases, the switch can put patients at serious risk. An El Monte cancer patient had her catheter supplies abruptly cut off. A Burbank woman said a major neck surgery was nearly canceled because the state hadn't received her opt-out information. The ombudsman stepped in to help resolve the problems.

Government officials and consumer groups say physicians are urging patients to stay out, which is boosting the opt-out rate. They contend that patients with so many medical needs can be lucrative to treat, and doctors may not want to give that up.

Dr. William Averill, a Torrance cardiologist and board member at the L.A. County Medical Assn., said doctors are looking out for their patients.

"If the state had listened to doctors in the trenches giving this care, this scenario wouldn't have happened," Averill said. "Both the scope and pace of the program exceeded what they were able to deliver."
My real question is if Dr. Averill is anti-vaccines or not like fellow Arizona cardiologist Dr. Wolfson. Because that would be two, count em TWO cardiologists and two people agreeing makes it true.
Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far
It'll leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name

-Aaron Schock



Democrats should really make this a huge issue in the election. Support is growing.

They won't, though.
The problem is that "rich" and "high income earners" and "middle class" means different things to different people.

There was some GAF thread where a dude was complaining that he was barely scraping by on his middle class income of $500,000 a year or something.
The problem is that "rich" and "high income earners" means different things to different people.

There was some GAF thread where a dude was complaining that he was barely scraping by on his middle class income of $500,000 a year or something.

That was the WSJ editorial page benji

Liberals get so mad when minorities hold political views they dislike. Aaron Schock is getting crucified.



Liberals get so mad when minorities hold political views they dislike. Aaron Schock is getting crucified.
I get pissed at hypocrites.

He can be as closeted as he wants. As soon as he starts fucking with peoples' families, the gloves can come off as far as I'm concerned.

It's a pretty simple-to-understand distinction.


And speaking of the whole gay thing, I'm expecting some good reaction to this news..

Boehner: House GOP staying out of Supreme Court marriage cases

“I don’t expect that we’re going to weigh in on this,” Boehner said. “The court will make its decision and that’s why they’re there, to be the highest court in the land.”



From that...

Only Registered Republicans - 17.9% Undecided/Other:
Walker - 22.7%, Bush - 15.6%, Carson - 8.9%, Christie - 7.2%, Huckabee - 6.7%, Paul - 6.3%, Rubio - 5.5%, Perry - 3.0%, Cruz - 3.0%, Pataki - 2.1%, Fiorina - 1.2%

Registered Undeclared - 22.8% Undecided/Other:
Paul - 16.9%, Walker - 14.8%, Bush - 9.5%, Huckabee - 7.4%, Christie - 6.3%, Carson - 5.8%, Rubio - 5.3%, Cruz - 4.2%, Fiorina - 3.2%, Pataki - 2.6%, Perry - 1.1%

Men - 17.5% Undecided/Other:
Walker - 25.0%, Bush - 14.6%, Paul - 8.1%, Carson - 7.3%, Christie - 5.5%, Huckabee - 5.3%, Rubio - 5.1%, Cruz - 4.9%, Pataki - 3.1%, Perry - 2.2%, Fiorina - 1.8%

Women - 20% Undecided/Other:
Walker - 17.5%, Bush - 14.1%, Carson - 8.9%, Christie - 8.5%, Paul - 8.5%, Huckabee - 8.3%, Rubio - 5.8%, Perry - 3.2%, Cruz - 2.0%, Fiorina - 1.6%, Pataki - 1.2%


From that...

Only Registered Republicans - 17.9% Undecided/Other:
Walker - 22.7%, Bush - 15.6%, Carson - 8.9%, Christie - 7.2%, Huckabee - 6.7%, Paul - 6.3%, Rubio - 5.5%, Perry - 3.0%, Cruz - 3.0%, Pataki - 2.1%, Fiorina - 1.2%

Registered Undeclared - 22.8% Undecided/Other:
Paul - 16.9%, Walker - 14.8%, Bush - 9.5%, Huckabee - 7.4%, Christie - 6.3%, Carson - 5.8%, Rubio - 5.3%, Cruz - 4.2%, Fiorina - 3.2%, Pataki - 2.6%, Perry - 1.1%

Men - 17.5% Undecided/Other:
Walker - 25.0%, Bush - 14.6%, Paul - 8.1%, Carson - 7.3%, Christie - 5.5%, Huckabee - 5.3%, Rubio - 5.1%, Cruz - 4.9%, Pataki - 3.1%, Perry - 2.2%, Fiorina - 1.8%

Women - 20% Undecided/Other:
Walker - 17.5%, Bush - 14.1%, Carson - 8.9%, Christie - 8.5%, Paul - 8.5%, Huckabee - 8.3%, Rubio - 5.8%, Perry - 3.2%, Cruz - 2.0%, Fiorina - 1.6%, Pataki - 1.2%

Pataki would surely be leading if he didn't have such a woman problem!


I'm not surprised Paul collapses with Republicans but I am kinda surprised Huckabee and Christie flip-flop like they do. And that Carson doesn't drop more compared to Bush's drop.

Though the Huck/Christie thing could just be noise.

The ladies like themselves some Huck compared to men. (And dislike Cruz.)
@JayCarney: Account by @davidaxelrod of POTUS call w/Romney on election night is 100% accurate. I remember it well.

@ZekeJMiller Jay is saying that POTUS actually said this. But he didn't hear what Romney said. @dgjackson did. Don't think this helps POTUS
@dgjackson Feb 4
Mitt called @BarackObama from my phone. I was right next to him when he conceded. I know for a fact he didn't say what @davidaxelrod claims

So it seems axelrod got some technicality on what was said wrong (makes sense, he's not on the call) but Romney clearly expressed some kind of sentiment that black people caused Obama to win and that's what Obama got out of it.


I don't think we can really blame Romney too much, it wouldn't be until the next year that we learned that the IRS was the primary factor in stealing the election.


Huckabee fires back against left-wing smear machine:
Speaking with the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins on his radio program, Washington Watch, Huckabee discussed the columns at length, saying he found it funny the anecdotes from his past showed him to be a devote Christian while other potential Republican rivals were admitting past drug and alcohol use.

“It’s a column that I wrote for the Baptist Trumpet newspaper. It was actually even before I went to college, I was writing it when I was a senior in high school. I was 17 years old and I wrote this weekly column in the newspaper and it was sort of an advice column for teenagers who were believers,” said Huckabee.

The former Arkansas governor added the title of the column, “RAPture Express,” came from combining rap and the rapture.

“So the term the ‘Rapture Express’ came from the very popular term in the 70’s for ‘rap,’ meaning to converse and of course rapture was something we were all talking about in the 70s. So much talking about the second coming. But anyway, I did this so, BuzzFeed, I don’t know how they got em’, I’m not sure, don’t really care, but they found sets, a whole selection of the columns I wrote, on which I discussed things like dating, dancing, smoking, I mean all sorts of issues that would be relevant to a 1973 teenager. Cause that’s when it was, 1973. I was 17.”

Huckabee said he found it funny people were focusing on his old columns, specifically one in which he wrote Christians shouldn’t dance, when at the same time other potential Republican candidates were addressing past drug use and drinking.

“Well it was basically like—you know—I couldn’t say that it was prohibited but I wasn’t sure that it was good for a person’s witness. Anyway, the funniest thing, I mean, I read this and I laughed out loud and I said, while other candidates are being outed for their teenage drug use, their teenage alcohol use, their teenage partying hard, doing all sorts of destructive things like painting graffiti on bridges. The scandal with me is that I wrote a column at age 17 telling Christian young people to live a godly life. So, I mean, I just had to say, is this really controversial? I’d much rather have to defend this than say, yes, I used to regularly be apart of the choom gang. It’s just bizarre.”

Huckabee said BuzzFeed News’ story showed “how contemptuous the left really is toward believers.”

“I just wish that I can grow as much hair now Tony, I really do. Now I’ve been made fun of by my own family because of the sideburns. But I tell them, I say, ‘hey, it was 1973, what do you think I’m going to look like?’ Thank goodness they didn’t have the bell bottom pants to show those as well. I just find that its amazing, but it shows though how contemptuous the left really is toward believers. They truly think that we are just laughable for the beliefs we hold. Rather than let get me down and make me all depressed, I just take it as, wow, the worst thing they can say about us is that we truly believe that the scripture teaches us to live a circumspect life, okay well you got me, I plead guilty, and we’ll find something else to be upset about. “

From the columns:
On dancing: “I strongly recommend that Christian teens stay away from dancing, mainly because some people would just not be able to respect a person who attended dances.”

On soap operas, Huckabee says, “I literally hate them!” He suggests watching soap operas make adultery, lying, divorce, murder, hating, and stealing seem routine and normal to people. He writes that “studies” link soap operas to liberal views.

In a dating column, Huckabee advises his readers to date other Christians and not “lost people,” although he says his readers should still associate with them.

Huckabee also advises teens to date a fellow Christian who does not swear or drink excessively: “If the person isn’t the type you’d feel comfortable talking about Jesus with then I recommend you don’t date that person.”

After a letter to the editor accused Huckabee of having “straddled a fence” in his column about dancing, he praises looking at both sides of an argument: “I don’t want other young people to stay away from dances just because I do.”


This is semantics, and nothing more
So it seems axelrod got some technicality on what was said wrong (makes sense, he's not on the call) but Romney clearly expressed some kind of sentiment that black people caused Obama to win and that's what Obama got out of it.

I think that's only half true. Assuming Axelrod and Carney are telling the truth (and that Obama wasn't trolling them), then it seems clear that "that's what Obama got out of" Romney's comments, but that doesn't mean it's clear that Romney expressed that sentiment. Obama may have misheard or misinterpreted whatever it is that Romney said.
I think that's only half true. Assuming Axelrod and Carney are telling the truth (and that Obama wasn't trolling them), then it seems clear that "that's what Obama got out of" Romney's comments, but that doesn't mean it's clear that Romney expressed that sentiment. Obama may have misheard or misinterpreted whatever it is that Romney said.

He said a similar thing a week later http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/...as-gifts-to-minorities-and-young-voters/?_r=0

Of course this can't 100% prove anything but why would the president so clearly misinterpret something that Romney said blatantly a week later
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