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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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"Many people were happy with their coverage under the high-risk pool, before it was eliminated," Cotton said. "They should have been allowed to keep that choice."

Pryor shot back, saying his personal experience proved otherwise. "I am a cancer survivor," he said. "I have been in the high-risk pool. I have lived there. It is no place for any Arkansan to be. If we go back to the high-risk pool, it's like throwing sick people to the wolves."

As Pryor noted in the debate, before the Affordable Care Act went into effect, "people in Arkansas with pre-existing conditions were routinely denied access to coverage. They were one medical emergency away from bankruptcy. The insurance companies had all the power. I think that it would be a mistake to go back to those days." He then accused Cotton of having "no answer" for what would happen to such people were the nation to "start over" on health care reform—as Cotton has repeatedly advocated.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about Arkansas politics (I'm an expert)


Yeah, there needs to be some kind of official initiative put into place to improve our disease outbreak preparedness. We're just lucky Ebola is a pretty crappy virus, long incubation time and non-transmittable by air, or this could have been real trouble. Democrats need to hit any Republican who voted for CDC/HHS cuts hard over the next month. Ending flights from x part of the world won't solve anything (unless it's Texas), we might not know where the next virus is coming from.

Barack Obama and his political party are heading into the midterm elections in trouble. The president’s 40 percent job approval rating in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll is the lowest of his career – and the Democratic Party’s popularity is its weakest in polling back 30 years, with more than half of Americans seeing the party unfavorably for the first time.

The Republican Party is even more unpopular. But benefitting from their supporters’ greater likelihood of voting, GOP candidates nonetheless hold a 50-43 percent lead among likely voters for U.S. House seats in the Nov. 4 election.
Yeah, there needs to be some kind of official initiative put into place to improve our disease outbreak preparedness. We're just lucky Ebola is a pretty crappy virus, long incubation time and non-transmittable by air, or this could have been real trouble. Democrats need to hit any Republican who voted for CDC/HHS cuts hard over the next month. Ending flights from x part of the world won't solve anything (unless it's Texas), we might not know where the next virus is coming from.

No one will care about cuts when it's blame game time and everyone will talk about CDC dropped the ball, obama dropped the ball. It's already over.

Mitt Romney will be out in a month talking about how Ebola would have never happened if he was President. No joke. Of course in all likelihood 3 months from now we'll be moving onto the next hot issue that Obama is at fault for given that Ebola likely won't break out over here.
The Arkansas race is interesting because Cotton has the right background, the right "story", and the right party on his back, but Pryor's supposedly got good traction by basically saying Cotton is just using the people of Arkansas to quickly become a Senator for his own personal good, and he still is pretty good at the limited populism, like Aaron posted a few posts up.
Moderators did a good job holding Gardner's feet to the fire over his asinine attempt to have it both ways supporting a federal personhood amendment while saying he's no longer for the state's personhood amendment.


"Everybody seems to have a cohesive idea about what this is with the exception of you."


Why can't this moderator run for office. I like him.
Obama’s approval rating matches George W. Bush’s heading into the 2006 midterms, when the Republicans lost 30 seats. The only postwar president numerically lower heading into a second midterm was Harry Truman, at 39 percent approval, in 1950; his Democrats lost 28 seats. While race-by-race assessments don’t suggest those kinds of losses this year, the comparison adds context to the GOP’s upper hand.

I really think Obama will be <40% approval in 2015. Seems like people have realized it just didn't work out (from their perspective), and he is competent.


By year six most people seem to just get bored of the party in power and decide that something new is needed. I've never really understood this line of thinking, but people like to boil politics down to things like that. On top of party in power fatigue, most people in general seem to have just stopped giving a shit. If the democrats lose the senate, it won't be because of some wave of opposition, people are just bored and don't care.


No one comes out looking good there. The CDC look like morons, the nurse should have known better than to get on that airplane and the hospital should have been better prepared for dealing with infectious diseases.

Possibly these places and organizations would be more prepared if we, as a country, I don't know stopped cutting their funding!

"Where spending HOW much on the CDC?! That's irresponsible! That's a waste! Theres no diseases in America to warrant that amount of money! Let's slash their budget."


"How can we be so unprepared for this completely foreseeable event! Someone dropped the ball!"
Obama should just ask the CDC head for his resignation if only for optics. He's been there since 2009 anyway.

Obama needs to get out and bitch about the GOP. Make a big stink about how the have blocked the surgeon General because of campaign donations from a special interest group. (NRA)
Obama needs to get out and bitch about the GOP. Make a big stink about how the have blocked the surgeon General because of campaign donations from a special interest group. (NRA)

He won't because of midterms.

I personally think he should say, "Fuck the midterms. My party hates me. The other party hates me. It's time to just drop truth bombs on anyone and everybody." es, it's a terrible strategy. However, I'm not sure who is going to be especially hurt by it. Certainly not Obama...
I thought Grimes would win and Nunn would lose. But perhaps the reverse will happen. Or maybe both will win. Who knows? It is close. Oh, there will be more Latino voters this year than ever before . . . dat demographic shift.
Coming back to Colorado, but Udall has run an atrocious campaign against Gardner. Has he attacked Gardner for his position on any issue outside of reproductive rights? That should've served as a complement to a greater campaign of pushing that Gardner was too far right for Colorado but whatever.
I don't see Udall losing unless he's down 10% in polls. Hispanics will save him as long as he's down 1-4% or so.

Yeah Hispanics will probably bail him out but Udall should've ran a much better campaign, For example his positions on NSA and surveillance would've been a great position for him to run ads about, it lets him distance himself from the Obama admin while not alienating the left.

Ernst got caught reiterating the whole 47% mantra last year, unfortunately this will probably help her.

Polls show Ernst and Gardner leading by solid margins and the window to reverse those leads is shrinking by the day.

Give me some hopium Aaron Strife.
Ernst said something today about supporting a federal personhood amendment, hopefully that will move some voters into Braley's camp.

I think Braley will be fine, an aggressive GOTV campaign will overcome Ernst's smallish advantage in the polls.

Not too worried about CO unless polls start to really get away from Udall. I know Qpac released a poll today that showed Gardner up 6, but keep in mind Quinnipiac's polling has always been very off in Colorado. Udall will be fine thanks to VBM which will make the electorate look more like 2012 than like 2010 - which was a year in which Democrats won anyway.
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