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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Wtf SUSA's recent NC/CO polls screened out anyone who didn't vote in 2010 and 2012, and then applied another likely voter screen on top of that

Like I really don't want to be a poll unskewerer guy thing but man these methodologies are wiggity whack



WASHINGTON — After countless dire emails and months of fading bravado, national Democrats in recent days have signaled with their money what they have been loath to acknowledge out loud: They will not win back the House and they will most likely lose additional seats in November.

Since last week, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has essentially given up efforts to unseat Republicans in several races, pulling advertising money from a dozen campaigns in Republican-held districts to focus on protecting its embattled incumbents.

Democrats need 17 Republican seats to win back the majority, but of the 25 races still on the campaign committee’s battlefield, only seven currently belong to Republicans. That means they are playing defense in 18 districts and offense in seven.

“This is shaping up to be the quintessential sixth year of a president’s term, and a referendum on this president,” said Representative Greg Walden of Oregon, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, the campaign committee’s Republican counterpart.

In Kansas, the independent candidate Greg Orman, right, is in a tight race with Senator Pat Roberts, left, a Republican.Midterm Calculus: G.O.P. at 72 Percent to Take Senate ControlOCT. 14, 2014
Representative Steve Israel of New York, chairman of the Democratic campaign committee, doggedly refused on Tuesday to admit the basic math that had put control of the House out of reach.

“I haven’t even conceded the Mets aren’t in the World Series this year,” he said.

But campaign committee aides now say they never really expected to win the majority, and had not been able to gain traction because of President Obama’s stubbornly low approval ratings, Senate races that have gone poorly for the Democrats in states like Colorado and Iowa, and governors races that went sour (Illinois) or never really developed (California, New York.)

They called the continuing retrenchment a “fine-tuning” of the battlefield.

“I absolutely would not say we’re in triage mode,” Mr. Israel insisted. “There’s a difference between triage and making strategic decisions.”

No matter what they call it, the moves over the last week have been drastic. The campaign committee has withdrawn from races once seen as the most promising in the country.

“The mystery for many Democratic consultants is, ‘Where is all the money? Where did it go?’ ” said David Wasserman, a House political analyst at the nonpartisan Cook Political Report, who pronounced himself “flabbergasted” by the committee’s move. “The general feeling had been they had more money than they had winnable races. Now the feeling is they don’t have enough money to counter Republican outside group spending. It’s a surprise.”


Unconfirmed Member
Wtf SUSA's recent NC/CO polls screened out anyone who didn't vote in 2010 and 2012, and then applied another likely voter screen on top of that

Like I really don't want to be a poll unskewerer guy thing but man these methodologies are wiggity whack


Only the Gardner +4 poll did that. The Gardner +2 Denver Post poll did not.

Demographic representation still seems to still be the biggest problem, which the SurveyUSA founder seems to even admit as the case. You'd think after 2010 and 2012 they'd have a better answer about ways to counter that, but sounds to me they're not even trying, and you can expect a repeat once again this year.

And the unskewer guy was doing everything on the assumption that minorities and young people will just stop voting to a huge extent that the polls weren't seeing, which is dumb because that's something that would be caught by every likely voter filter out there.

It's not dumb to say a model that takes past voting into account sucks because it automatically assumes an equal or lower turnout, and filters out younger people more often than older people.
I like this guys style:

I like how his confidence is only an 8 but that's still enough for him to yell at you about it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Scott Walker said:
Well, I'm not going to repeal it, but I don't think it serves a purpose because we're debating then about what the lowest levels are at. I want people to make, like I said the other night, two or three times that.

The jobs I focus on, the programs we put in place, the training we put in place, is not for people to get minimum wage jobs. It's the training—whether it's in apprenticeships, whether it's our tech colleges, whether's it our [University of Wisconsin] system—it's to try and provide the training, the skills, the talents, the expertise that people need to create careers that pay many, many times over.

If we only allowed our job creators to pay people less than minimum wage, then they'd be able to pay them more than the minimum wage! :(


Whereas Grimes want to get cute. Everyone knows she voted for Obama, she was a delegate...it reminds me of in 2012 when republicans wouldn't answer abortion questions. Not saying she "disqualified" herself but she definitely buried her already struggling campaign.
How dare you jump into the War on Women*.
“This is a matter of principle. Our constitution grants, here in Kentucky, the constitutional right for privacy of the ballot box, for a secret ballot,” Grimes said during her debate with McConnell. “I am not going to compromise a constitutional right provided here in Kentucky in order to curry favor on one or other side, or for members of the media, I’ll protect that right for every Kentuckian.”
I don't see you protecting that right for every Kentuckian.

*Like the White House: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Vk4fwarEZk


Economists strongly disagree that after-tax return on capital is currently creating the wealth gap.

I think we maybe overhyped Capital in the 21st Century a bit. It's a decent theory about what could happen should the gap grow too large, and collects a lot of data proving a gap exists, but the reasoning behind the data seems to miss the mark.
The Chicago school of economics disagree with Piketty?

Not only this is oversimplification to a rather misleading levels of Piketty's argument, the "methodology" is fucking hilarious.
I mean, it's fine to present the opinions of their hand picked panel of economists, but to do it in a way that imply it has any statistical meaning or a consensus is silly, and for that to be even considered a rebuttal to Piketty argument that is backed by mountains of evidence is LOL worthy, but maybe should be expected considering we're talking about economics here.

Edit: you can also tell many of those guys never read his work. I mean, it's fine to disagree, but if your counter-point is something that is explored in great depth in his work, you need to show why his argument on the subject is wrong.
But hey, technology!


DSCC Goes Dark in Kentucky

I guess they didn't get whatever it was they wanted from the debate, and are now giving up.
Can you blame them? I have lost a ton of respect for Grimes. You can't dance around a question as simple as: Did or did you not vote for Barack Obama? The ineptitude of her campaigning is unbelievable as of late, and she should be embarrassed that she put up that weak of a fight against the Senate minority leader who has been comfy in his seat for three decades now.
Josh Dorner said:
Bill Cassidy says raising the Social Security retirement age to 70 won't hurt anybody. #lasen
Bill Cassidy just shot himself in the dick.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Southern politics (I'm an expert), but lying and deflection are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in New Jersey where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw the elderly over in Louisiana, you bring ridicule to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that ridicule is by fucking prostitutes.

What this means is the Louisiana electorate, after hearing about this, is not going to want to vote for Bill Cassidy in either election, nor will they vote for Rob Maness. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Cassidy has alienated an entire voting base with this move.

Cassidy, publicly apologize and walk back your comments or you can kiss your campaign goodbye.




Bill Cassidy just shot himself in the dick.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Southern politics (I'm an expert), but lying and deflection are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in New Jersey where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw the elderly over in Louisiana, you bring ridicule to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that ridicule is by fucking prostitutes.

What this means is the Louisiana electorate, after hearing about this, is not going to want to vote for Bill Cassidy in either election, nor will they vote for Rob Maness. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Cassidy has alienated an entire voting base with this move.

Cassidy, publicly apologize and walk back your comments or you can kiss your campaign goodbye.

Dodd-Frank is going to be absolutely destroyed over the next two years. With McConnell taking all the deregulation bills to the floor and the minority of corporate Dems siding with the GOP to get the bill passed, and Clinton will probably be on the campaign trail stumping for deregulation as well.

So much for that experiment in financial reform, at least we can no officially say we learned nothing from the recession.


Unconfirmed Member
The Chicago school of economics disagree with Piketty?

Not only this is oversimplification to a rather misleading levels of Piketty's argument, the "methodology" is fucking hilarious.
I mean, it's fine to present the opinions of their hand picked panel of economists, but to do it in a way that imply it has any statistical meaning or a consensus is silly, and for that to be even considered a rebuttal to Piketty argument that is backed by mountains of evidence is LOL worthy, but maybe should be expected considering we're talking about economics here.

Edit: you can also tell many of those guys never read his work. I mean, it's fine to disagree, but if your counter-point is something that is explored in great depth in his work, you need to show why his argument on the subject is wrong.
But hey, technology!

I admit I've only read through the second chapter before just finding the summaries, but everything I saw is about investments, investments, investments. It always bugged me that the word "union" was basically never uttered, and very little about income. Maybe he's talking more about Africa or Europe where economic trends are different, but US seemed to prove pretty well to keep inequality at bay until Reagan, and Reaganomics did a lot more damage than simply lower the capital gains.


I admit I've only read through the second chapter before just finding the summaries, but everything I saw is about investments, investments, investments. It always bugged me that the word "union" was basically never uttered, and very little about income. Maybe he's talking more about Africa or Europe where economic trends are different, but US seemed to prove pretty well to keep inequality at bay until Reagan, and Reaganomics did a lot more damage than simply lower the capital gains.
He talks about income from labor pretty as much as he talks about income from capital.
And while I think unions are mentioned in passing (IIRC in relation to how the labor markets differs between countries), not sure why do you think it's all that important omission for the points he's trying to make, can you expand on that maybe?

As for Europe and Africa, well, he talks about England and France much more than the US, because they have more complete data going farther back, and he does cover the developed world a bit, but again, data availability really limits his findings there (though what there is supports his theories and models).

If you're interested in the subject I urge you to actually read the book, I'm not sure you really got what he was trying to argue in it (and to be fair, many of the summaries out there are doing a really poor job at it).


It's amazing how few of the critics of Capitalism of the Twenty-First Century actually, you know, read some of the book.
A lot of the people who support it (or at least support what they think it says) haven't read it either.

It's not a hard read, for fuck's sake, if you trudged through dry crap like LOTR, surely you can finish this book. Fuck, people in the OT are reading The Silmarillion, that's like reading only the footnotes on Capital in the 21st century and doing it out of order.

Just make like Nike and do it!
You''ll impress friends and win arguments with your enemies!
more like bore your friends and annoy strangers on the internet, but whatever, my point stands dammit!


Unconfirmed Member
A lot of the people who support it (or at least support what they think it says) haven't read it either.

It's not a hard read, for fuck's sake, if you trudged through dry crap like LOTR, surely you can finish this book. Fuck, people in the OT are reading The Silmarillion, that's like reading only the footnotes on Capital in the 21st century and doing it out of order.

Just make like Nike and do it!
You''ll impress friends and win arguments with your enemies!
more like bore your friends and annoy strangers on the internet, but whatever, my point stands dammit!

I did try. It's not hard, it's just so boring. And that's coming from a guy that gets excited when a new CBO report comes out.

Let's compromise. I'll say you're right, and you'll not force me to read it.
Can you blame them? I have lost a ton of respect for Grimes. You can't dance around a question as simple as: Did or did you not vote for Barack Obama? The ineptitude of her campaigning is unbelievable as of late, and she should be embarrassed that she put up that weak of a fight against the Senate minority leader who has been comfy in his seat for three decades now.

Apparently she was running as "Generic Democrat". The sad thing is apparently she's a really smart woman with very solid stances, but is so afraid of making a misstep in her campaigning she has literally refused to take a stance on anything, and is going to lose unless she does a complete turn around and comes out swinging. Considering she is fairly even with McConnell on a platform that is basically "Mitch McConnell is old and has accomplished very little" you can't help but think she would be better served running on an actual platform.

In Iowa Senate News.


Apparently she was running as "Generic Democrat". The sad thing is apparently she's a really smart woman with very solid stances, but is so afraid of making a misstep in her campaigning she has literally refused to take a stance on anything, and is going to lose unless she does a complete turn around and comes out swinging. Considering she is fairly even with McConnell on a platform that is basically "Mitch McConnell is old and has accomplished very little" you can't help but think she would be better served running on an actual platform.
And this is ridiculous. This reminds me of what the Clintons do.

You have to stand up for what you believe in. It's part of the reason why Obama got re-elected in 2012 when Romney should have kicked his ass.

KY was gonna be tough anyway, and while certainly she has to exercise some caution, she should have been more direct in answering questions like who she voted for in 2008/2012. You can't dodge a question that simple and then go on to make statements like "I'm not going to take away health care from people by repealing the ACA... Obama's signature domestic achievement... but y'know his time is fading and I am still not gonna tell you if I voted for him, lulz"
Did you guys see the slate article on tennessee's amendment 1? Can't post it from my phone right now, but it is vile. Feels like the first direct attack in the authority of the courts.
Why run a vanilla campaign in KY against the minority leader? Chances are you're going to lose anyway so why not take a damn risk, be bold, and go out with your head held high instead of running such a cowardly campaign. I'm not saying she should go full regard like Wendy Davis but at least show some backbone and fight. Nobody likes McConnell. Go at him hard instead of letting him claim the Kynect "website" is fine and will continue after Obamacare is repealed.
A lot of the people who support it (or at least support what they think it says) haven't read it either.

It's not a hard read, for fuck's sake, if you trudged through dry crap like LOTR, surely you can finish this book. Fuck, people in the OT are reading The Silmarillion, that's like reading only the footnotes on Capital in the 21st century and doing it out of order.

Just make like Nike and do it!
You''ll impress friends and win arguments with your enemies!
more like bore your friends and annoy strangers on the internet, but whatever, my point stands dammit!

You don't even have to finish it. Just read the first few chapters and you get the gist of it. It's main argument is when economic growth doesn't out pace return of investment, inequality is bound to increase. And since the previous century of the first world (and the past 50 and next 50 for the developed and developing) was the exception not the rule in terms of economic development. A snapshot in time. Because of this we need to find ways to solve this problem. I guess one of these ways he suggests is a world wealth tax of 1 or 2% and people went crazy and act like that was what the whole book was about.


I dunno, vanilla campaigns seem to be the rage these days. All campaigns boil down to for the challenger is "My opponent is a bad person, it's time for a change". It's weird how we just totally got rid of actual political arguments.


Do young people take Russell Brand seriously and get political insight from him? He seems to think he's a political figure now and his spearheading of the "lol don't vote" shit is infuriating.


No Scrubs
Do young people take Russell Brand seriously and get political insight from him? He seems to think he's a political figure now and his spearheading of the "lol don't vote" shit is infuriating.

Dear lord, I hope not. That shit is absolutely insufferable. If anything, more people need to be voting.


Dear lord, I hope not. That shit is absolutely insufferable. If anything, more people need to be voting.

He has been on TV a lot promoting some book. He says shit that I can see gulliable young people who don't know any better just nodding along with. His argument is that since we can't get absolutely everything we want from voting why bother.


You don't even have to finish it. Just read the first few chapters and you get the gist of it. It's main argument is when economic growth doesn't out pace return of investment, inequality is bound to increase. And since the previous century of the first world (and the past 50 and next 50 for the developed and developing) was the exception not the rule in terms of economic development. A snapshot in time. Because of this we need to find ways to solve this problem. I guess one of these ways he suggests is a world wealth tax of 1 or 2% and people went crazy and act like that was what the whole book was about.
That the beauty of this book, his main argument is so so simple.

And I'm so disappointed at the majority of the criticism it got, I mean he goes into great detail in exploring each way his conclusions could be wrong and show why the data does not support it, and in doing so, he provide a very clear roadmap to dispute him, you just need to show where his data or his interpretation of it is wrong.
Instead we mostly get those broad amorphous criticisms that you can fucking tell is based on being unhappy with the policy conclusion that can come from his finding (and often it is conclusions that are not even in the book).
Do young people take Russell Brand seriously and get political insight from him? He seems to think he's a political figure now and his spearheading of the "lol don't vote" shit is infuriating.
Do young people take Russell Brand seriously and get political insight from him? He seems to think he's a political figure now and his spearheading of the "lol don't vote" shit is infuriating.

My friends keep spreading his shit on facebook, he doesn't live in America anymore though.

Brand is a smart guy but he doesn't understand politics at all. I'm so sick of the faux 'we need a revolution' people. Only the socialists and racists actually want one.

Brand acts like he just discovered popular discontent doesn't automatically make all politicians quit and act the way he wants.
He has been on TV a lot promoting some book. He says shit that I can see gulliable young people who don't know any better just nodding along with. His argument is that since we can't get absolutely everything we want from voting why bother.
His heart is in the right place but suffers from voter apathy. Just like pretty much every college going kid so of course he becomes a mouthpiece for the fuck everything crowd. He needs to mobilize people instead.
You just don't need to vote you also need to organize and mobilize.

Just look at Seattle and how they have passed the $15 minimum wage law. Something that was laughed at for them attempting...until they got it passed.

There should be similar things with mixed-member proportional voting.


SurveyUSA has Nunn up three. I'm actually going to a rally of hers today in Athens, GA. This city is a liberal hotbed, so it should be a great atmosphere.


Texas college not admitting students from Nigeria because of Ebola. Even though Ebola has been well contained in Nigeria

Uh huh.

Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said in a new interview that he’s building a network of supporters and donors in case he wants to make a second run for the White House.


The crazy train is beginning!


No Scrubs
He has been on TV a lot promoting some book. He says shit that I can see gulliable young people who don't know any better just nodding along with. His argument is that since we can't get absolutely everything we want from voting why bother.

Ugh, what a moron.

Texas college not admitting students from Nigeria because of Ebola. Even though Ebola has been well contained in Nigeria

Uh huh.


The crazy train is beginning!

Butt-juice is running? Hallelujah! Praise sweet baby Jesus!
I think Ebola is gonna be the October surprise this year, Obama needs to show strong leadership and the CDC cannot fuck up one bit.
Sounds like Texas hospitals are fucking it up for everyone.

Lack of government spending fucks us over again, the WHO had their budget cut dramatically and were unable to stop the virus in West Africa, and now the Texas state governments fund their public hospitals so poorly they can't deal with quarantine cases.

Ebola may kill all of us but hey at least Texas didn't have an income tax for a while.


aka andydumi
Sounds like Texas hospitals are fucking it up for everyone.

Lack of government spending fucks us over again, the WHO had their budget cut dramatically and were unable to stop the virus in West Africa, and now the Texas state governments fund their public hospitals so poorly they can't deal with quarantine cases.

Ebola may kill all of us but hey at least Texas didn't have an income tax for a while.

Pretty much. We need strong leadership from the Surgeon General, oh wait, the CDC then!
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