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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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This is huge. If they do this to him, he runs as an independent.

Yeah, they have a real conundrum. They can't afford to lose the votes he'll leech away running as in independent. They also can't have him around sucking all the air out of the room.
A Trump third party run would be manna from heaven. Clinton would run away with the presidential election. I don't know if that would help the downticket Democrats that much but it can't hurt and just knowing we'd have the White House in the bag would be enough.


Lindsey Graham scares me in how downright sane he can sound sometimes*; I get the impression that he truly gets his party's predicament. Maybe he's positioning himself so that he can come back later on and tell his party, "I told you so!"

(*Other than, you know, the whole warmongering thing.)

A Trump third party run would be manna from heaven. Clinton would run away with the presidential election. I don't know if that would help the downticket Democrats that much but it can't hurt and just knowing we'd have the White House in the bag would be enough.

1992, Part Deux really is coming, isn't it?
(I wish!)


So many salty white people over the flag coming down.

It's like they are thinking the flag is being destroyed and will never exist again.


Hillary shouldn’t give Bernie the time of day

The overwhelming majority of POLITICO Caucus participants —100 percent of Democrats and 73 percent of Republicans — say Hillary Clinton does not need to go on offense against Bernie Sanders, the democratic socialist Vermont senator who is a long-shot to win the nomination, but is consistently drawing thousands of people to his campaign rallies.

“Not just No, HELL no!” expostulated one Iowa Democrat. “Attacking Sanders will only create a backlash. There’s a handful of elected/old guard types with Sanders, but they’re all Sending A Message and will get on board when the time comes…Any attacks on Sanders will prompt wolverine-like hostility and prompt write-in votes in November 2016.”
Clinton was given several opportunities to take a shot at Sanders earlier this week during an interview with CNN, but she refused to take the bait and typically does not mention his name at all in public. That approach is wise, most insiders said, arguing that elevating him by treating him like a more serious opponent, or attempting to draw contrasts with his progressive policies, would only backfire.
“Absolutely not,” a Granite State Democrat said. “NH loves a contest. He is from next door; people like “Uncle Bernie” and want to hear him out. In the end, they will vote for Hillary because she can win.”
Added an Iowa Democrat, “Sanders is the best thing for Hillary. He made this into a real race and her victory will mean something now.”
But if she ever were to go on the attack, her best line of argument is electability, insiders agreed. Or, as one Iowa Republican put it, “Um, he is a socialist.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/insiders-say-scott-walker-is-dominant-in-iowa-119942.html#ixzz3fVaWUaHc

I still want some kind of Bernie - Hillary collaboration though. Perhaps in a similar manner to how Obama offered a position for Hillary after he was chosen.

Bernie has good ideas and not afraid to speak his mind. His motivational factor would be great for getting voters going outside of Presidential elections (maybe creating a Tea Party equivalent within the dem party).


Also, on this quote from Lindsay Graham is something else:


It's a spiral entirely of the party's own making. This is something that Barry Goldwater had been working on since the Southern Strategy first began. Years of rhetoric and fear mongering doesn't go away in a blink of an eye. The Republicans traded short term electoral gains for a potentially unstoppable demographic destruction of their party.

Even in key Southern states, the white vote is dwindling. Winning 100% of whites won't help. But that's the bed you lie in. And saying "lol jk" doesn't work, and it doesn't change tone in a blink of an eye. Trump polling at 16% in the primary tells you all you need to know about the party's internal turmoil.

cant be said enough and needs to be repeated over and over and over again. They bought the south/Appalachian and parts of the Midwest in exchange for the presidency.


I still want some kind of Bernie - Hillary collaboration though. Perhaps in a similar manner to how Obama offered a position for Hillary after he was chosen.

Bernie has good ideas and not afraid to speak his mind. His motivational factor would be great for getting voters going outside of Presidential elections (maybe creating a Tea Party equivalent within the dem party).

Well I could see him being offered Treasury Secretary or whatever position of economics within her hypothetical admin.
With so many Republican candidates running, Fox News doesn't have enough ad time to promote them all.

i saw that Marco Rubio commercial earlier today. It's rather lengthy, about a minute long it seems.

This is why I don't think Jeb Bush's 100mil is as big of a deal as some make it. Cruz has raised 50mil between his campaign and his PAC, I'd expect Walker to raise somewhere in that ballpark too, Christie should have at least 20mil, Rubio will raise lots of money, etc. There is limited ad space, especially in these first four states. This won't be like 2012 where Romney had a complete monopoly over the airwaves and the other candidates couldn't break through.

The debates are going to be what moves the needle IMO. Which is why I don't really think the senators will do well: they have nothing to brag about, no achievements. Cruz is seemingly doing well in Iowa so far but the rest of the senators seem to be floundering. Meanwhile Walker has the record, the electoral victories, and the personality to stand out in these debates.
I still want some kind of Bernie - Hillary collaboration though. Perhaps in a similar manner to how Obama offered a position for Hillary after he was chosen.

Bernie has good ideas and not afraid to speak his mind. His motivational factor would be great for getting voters going outside of Presidential elections (maybe creating a Tea Party equivalent within the dem party).

It's the only way.


I always love how people like Walker and Jindal effectively fuck over the working poor in their state, get a free pass for it, and the aspire to do the same thing at the national level... And the working poor eat it up because "Fuck you poor people, my poorness is mine and mine alone and you don't deserve any help you filthy moocher."


This is why I don't think Jeb Bush's 100mil is as big of a deal as some make it. Cruz has raised 50mil between his campaign and his PAC, I'd expect Walker to raise somewhere in that ballpark too, Christie should have at least 20mil, Rubio will raise lots of money, etc. There is limited ad space, especially in these first four states. This won't be like 2012 where Romney had a complete monopoly over the airwaves and the other candidates couldn't break through.

The debates are going to be what moves the needle IMO. Which is why I don't really think the senators will do well: they have nothing to brag about, no achievements. Cruz is seemingly doing well in Iowa so far but the rest of the senators seem to be floundering. Meanwhile Walker has the record, the electoral victories, and the personality to stand out in these debates.

We discussed this earlier: Bush is the head, Walker is the heart. It will be interesting to see who wins that battle when the others drop out.


Bernie would be a great Veep, second only to Diamond Joe.

I agree. A more liberal VP would be a good thing, just like it has been with Biden.

That said, I do worry about two things.

1. They are both old, I kinda feel like someone younger should be on the ticket.
2. Bernie probably wouldn't be that helpful for winning the general. He doesn't reach out to any groups that need to be swung. His core audience will vote for Hillary. PUMAs are a myth.

I still feel like Castro is the best choice for winning the general.
I agree. A more liberal VP would be a good thing, just like it has been with Biden.

That said, I do worry about two things.

1. They are both old, I kinda feel like someone younger should be on the ticket.
2. Bernie probably wouldn't be that helpful for winning the general. He doesn't reach out to any groups that need to be swung. His core audience will vote for Hillary. PUMAs are a myth.

I still feel like Castro is the best choice for winning the general.

Kaine is my safe bet at this point, actually - shore up VA and she's already got this.
It is finally revealed.




I feel like we can get some really good creepy-looking-through-window memes going with this design..
(Either that, or Hollywood Squares jokes)
I always love how people like Walker and Jindal effectively fuck over the working poor in their state, get a free pass for it, and the aspire to do the same thing at the national level... And the working poor eat it up because "Fuck you poor people, my poorness is mine and mine alone and you don't deserve any help you filthy moocher."

Pawlenty did the same thing and he never caught fire. I don't suspect either of those Governors will either. At this point I'd say Bush, Trump or one of the religious fanatics will win the GOP nomination...in all likelihood Bush though.


A Trump third party run would be manna from heaven. Clinton would run away with the presidential election. I don't know if that would help the downticket Democrats that much but it can't hurt and just knowing we'd have the White House in the bag would be enough.

There's a scenario in which it could hurt: if Trump energizes people that would normally stay home (which is actually somewhat likely), and these people vote straight GOP on the downticket races.

I agree that this would hand Clinton the presidency though. Even a relatively small swing of one or two percentage points away from Bush/Walker/Rubio towards Trump would under normal circumstances be more than enough to secure the White House.

I quite like it. Only problem compared to, say, Obama's (still pretty much the gold standard) is that it doesn't 'scale down': the flag-E by itself doesn't work as an icon.

Still better than Hillary's, though.
Why has Kaine become a front runner/why don't people think she'll have a minority VP?
An article a while ago said her top two choices at the moment are Kaine or Michael Bennet (Colorado). He's a popular swing state senator/former governor and a solid statesman who wouldn't ruffle anyone's feathers. If he gave Hillary a small home state bounce that would be extremely valuable - the same would go for Bennet in Colorado, but it might be better to focus on winning Virginia over Colorado. If she started with 257 EVs (Kerry states + NM + NV) then winning Virginia would get her to 270 exactly, whereas Colorado would only get her to 266 meaning she'd need to win another small state like Iowa to win overall.

Frankly unless she went with someone in the House, there's not really a minority VP candidate with the credentials of someone like Kaine. Castro is mentioned a lot and I think he's got a decent chance, but his only elected position was mayor of San Antonio. He isn't really a nationally tested candidate and it could easily be another Palin-esque situation of thrusting a green candidate on the national stage for what would be seen as a gimmick. He isn't batshit insane like Palin is but the media could easily spin it that way.


I have tried my best but these Bernie Supporter threads are something else. The extreme exaggerating, distorting, hyperbole and revisionism is sad.


I just didnt think our side would stoop to that level but its bordering that.


In a utopia, Bernie would be the candidate. We live in the real world, though, and a lot of Bernie Bubbles are going to be popped shortly.

Unfortunately, it also means that a lot of people probably won't vote because their liberal utopia got shattered and they will act like children.
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