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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Note to Scott Walker: Poor people do not shop at Kohl's.

Walker also basically saying he wants another war. How that isn't political suicide these days I have no idea.


Unconfirmed Member
Hoping Hills and Bern stay away from the college degree nonsense with Walker. It is not the pot of gold it may appear to be.

Bush is probably going to beat them to it anyway. We'll learn how effective those attacks are when he does it.
“They’re going to take care of about 6,000, at least, if historical records hold, people with no medical care,” said Mr. Webb. “They’ll pull 3,000 teeth. And these are people forgotten by both parties. And I think they need a voice.
You mean people who can access Medicaid thanks to Obamacare (assuming they live in a state that accepts it)?


From the Monmouth poll:
Are any of the Republican candidates in the presidential race right now doing it more to get themselves publicity than to make a serious run for the office? IF YES: Which candidate sare running more to get publicity? [LIST WAS NOT READ] [Note: Results add to more than 100% because multiple responses were accepted]

Donald Trump 39%
Chris Christie 9%
Jeb Bush 5%
Mike Huckabee 5%
Ben Carson 3%
George Pataki 3%
Lindsey Graham 3%
Rick Perry 3%
Rand Paul 2%
Ted Cruz 2%
Marco Rubio 2%
Carly Fiorina 2%
Scott Walker 1%
Jim Gilmore 1%
Bobby Jindal 1%
John Kasich <1%
Rick Santorum %


Since I've been Governor, we took on the unions and won.

We reduced taxes by $2 billion and lowered taxes on individuals, employers and property. In fact, property taxes are lower today than they were in 2010. How many Governors can say that?

Since I've been Governor, we passed lawsuit reform and regulatory reform. We defunded Planned Parenthood and enacted pro-life legislation. We passed Castle Doctrine and concealed carry. And we now require a photo ID to vote in the State of Wisconsin.

If our reforms can work in a blue state like Wisconsin, they can work anywhere in America.

Sadly though, Washington seems to measure success by how many people are dependent on the government. Instead, we should measure it by just the opposite: by how many people are no longer dependent on the government.

We understand that true freedom and prosperity don't come from the mighty hand of the government, they come from empowering people to live their own lives and control their own destinies through the dignity that comes from work.

Helping adults who are able to work transition from government dependence to true independence will help more people live that dream.

In Wisconsin, we enacted a program that says that adults who are able to work must be enrolled in one of our job training programs before they can get a welfare check. Now, as of the budget I just signed, we are also making sure they can take a drug test.

When I proposed this, the status quo defenders cried that we were making it harder to get government assistance. My response? No, we're making it easier to get a job.
Strong families help too. We know that children who are raised in a household where both parents are involved are more likely to finish school, find a good job and live a life free of government dependence.

As long as we dont experience another 2000, we should be okay.......right? America cant be this apathetic right?


Thing this I dislike most about Walker is how he doesn't talk about how people's lives are improved because he can't. He has achieved some major victories for conservative ideology but none of that has improved the people of Wisconsin's lives.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
As long as we dont experience another 2000, we should be okay.......right? America cant be this apathetic right?

LOLOLOL at him listing off those "accomplishments."

"Hey, we flatout screwed over nearly every poor and middle-class citizen in the state. Victory! Am I right, people?"

Whoever the candidate is is going to get crushed by the gay marriage questionin the general election. "Hey, you know how gay marriage is favored by a majority of Americans and passed the Supreme Court? What are your thoughts?"
Americans are still quite receptive to union and state worker blaming. They remain the go-to victims of blame whenever republicans take over a state.

(I'd fully support destroying police and teacher unions though)


You guys think "we cut taxes by billions for everybody, cut the number of people dependent on welfare by getting them work, and made those left get drug tested" is an unattractive campaign message?

Because that and school uniforms/V-Chip was basically Bill Clinton's 1996 campaign.

"We protected life, protected gun rights, protected the integrity of the vote and took on the unions" is just what you expect to hear from a Republican, nothing to even bat an eye over really.

Walker just has to figure out foreign policy and immigration and this primary is wrapped up for him.


Unconfirmed Member
You guys think "we cut taxes by billions for everybody, cut the number of people dependent on welfare by getting them work, and made those left get drug tested" is an unattractive campaign message?

Because that and school uniforms/V-Chip was basically Bill Clinton's 1996 campaign.

"We protected life, protected gun rights, protected the integrity of the vote and took on the unions" is just what you expect to hear from a Republican, nothing to even bat an eye over really.

Walker just has to figure out foreign policy and immigration and this primary is wrapped up for him.

Naw. People only want to hear about the candidate saying they will do that stuff. The reality of the aftermath is icky and inconvenient (see Sam Brownback)


Brownback benefited because it killed his thoughts of a 2016 bid which he probably would have had even less of a chance at than he did in 2008.

He'll be lined right up for Pat Roberts seat though. Then he can run in 2024 against Vice President Martinez.


Unconfirmed Member
Brownback benefited because it killed his thoughts of a 2016 bid which he probably would have had even less of a chance at than he did in 2008.

He'll be lined right up for Pat Roberts seat though. Then he can run in 2024 against Vice President Martinez.
So you agree with me that you can run on cutting taxes, welfare, drug tests for UI etc, but not its aftermath? ;p


Brownback's wishes got hijacked because he did poorer in the election and nearly lost it. Had everything happened the same except he got 63% of the vote again, he'd be running for President right now.
Whoever the candidate is is going to get crushed by the gay marriage questionin the general election. "Hey, you know how gay marriage is favored by a majority of Americans and passed the Supreme Court? What are your thoughts?"

Here, this is what they'll say (prolly): "while my personal stance is that of traditional marriage, i respect the court's decision".

Fuck else are republicans gonna do, vote democrat?
You guys think "we cut taxes by billions for everybody, cut the number of people dependent on welfare by getting them work, and made those left get drug tested" is an unattractive campaign message?

Because that and school uniforms/V-Chip was basically Bill Clinton's 1996 campaign.

"We protected life, protected gun rights, protected the integrity of the vote and took on the unions" is just what you expect to hear from a Republican, nothing to even bat an eye over really.

Walker just has to figure out foreign policy and immigration and this primary is wrapped up for him.

It may not be as popular now as it was in the 90s but overall I think a lot of US economic battles are still fought on the Reagan battlefield (cut taxes, lower the deficit, grow business, etc). Obama has shifted that a bit but it's far too early to determine how much.

Ultimately it boils down to the business cycle/economy. If things are going bad while one party is in office, the other party's message sounds better. Americans had pretty conservative views on economics in 2010. Now people have regained confidence in more "liberal" economic policy because the economy is better. It'll be very interesting to see what the economy is like in a year. If things continue at the current pace - good to great jobs growth, little to no wage increases - Hillary will look pretty damn unbeatable and republicans will struggle to find a winning argument. However if things stagnate they should be able to capitalize.


Obama-Romney was supposed to be this big showcase of class warfare.

And what was the big proposal? Like a 1-2% surcharge on incomes over $1 million. And keeping the highest Clinton Tax Rate while maintaining the Bush Tax Cuts for everyone else.

I don't think Obama's shifted things much at all. Democrats don't even advocate for repealing the Bush Tax Cuts as a whole anymore.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Here, this is what they'll say (prolly): "while my personal stance is that of traditional marriage, i respect the court's decision".

Fuck else are republicans gonna do, vote democrat?

It's not for republicans--they'll always vote republican.

It's for the independents, who, according to polls, apparently support gay marriage.


The GOP base isn't showing any signs of letting it go.

County In Missouri To Lower Flags “Below Half Staff” To Mourn Same-Sex Marriage
Elected officials in Dent County, Missouri, are so upset over the Supreme Court’s June 26 decision to legalize same-sex marriage that they voted Monday to lower flags “just below half staff” once a month for the next year in a public show of mourning.

“I just want anybody who sees that to be reminded we find it revolting that the Supreme Court has ruled in this manner,” Dent County Commissioner Darrell Skiles, who sponsored the proposal, told BuzzFeed News.


Judge hears Ky. same-sex marriage license case
A federal court judge wants to continue hearings on a Rowan County clerk who — citing religious beliefs — has refused to issue marriage licenses following the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage last month.

Two same-sex couples and two straight couples have sued for a federal injunction, alleging that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis violated their constitutional rights when denying licenses to all couples after the decision.

U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning heard a first round of testimony Monday, but Davis did not attend and her attorneys said she hasn't been served official paperwork. Bunning says he wants to expedite the case and will reconvene in Covington, Ky., to hear more testimony, Monday at the earliest.


Texas judge asks same sex-couples to sign form acknowledging he disapproves of same-sex marriage
Denton County Judge James DePiazza was on vacation when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled his office had to provide marriage licenses to same sex couples.

That made DePiazza uncomfortable. He didn't believe it was right to marry same sex couples, and his first thought was to stop doing weddings outright to avoid discrimination. But he scrapped that plan and opted to publish a document, signed by brides- and grooms-to-be, acknowledging his opposition gay marriage.

"Judge DePiazza prefers to NOT conduct same-sex ceremonies, but will not decline anyone who chooses to schedule with him," says the form, which bears two blank lines for the couple to sign. "While we may not necessarily agree with, we acknowledge Judge DePiazza's position that he prefers not to conduct same-sex marriages and agree not to address the topic of same-sex marriages with Judge DePiazza before, during or after the ceremony."


There's a large portion of the base that desperately wants this to become Roe instead of Loving, in terms of public opinion. And unfortunately for the GOP, these people are in positions of local power where they can make trouble for the national party's image. We're probably not getting through 2016 without some sort of headline-grabbing legal fight, and every minute spent discussing this issue is a minute not spent on issues less favorable to Hillary. Independent voters are almost as swung as Democrats are, so these local officials are unwittingly making things that much more difficult for next year.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
When I proposed this, the status quo defenders cried that we were making it harder to get government assistance. My response? No, we're making it easier to get a job.

How exactly does that make it easier, Scotty?
It's not for republicans--they'll always vote republican.

It's for the independents, who, according to polls, apparently support gay marriage.

I understood. What i'm pointing out is how whoever gets the republican nom will sidestep the question. They'll simply say that they'll abide by the court's decision, at which point his personal opinions are irrelevant.

Unless gay marriage is a hard issue on which people totes must take a stand (in which case they prolly already voting dem and dont even qualify as indep no more), i can't quite see this particular issue destroying with independents whatever republican promisses not to fight back against the commie activist gay mafia judges.

Scott who?
Sir Benjamin i have always been aware of all internet traditions regarding junior and regular member privileges. I will only engage thread creation for truly momentous occasions.
Im sure the opportunity to lose them will present itself with some poorly thought out incendiary comment i will no doubt make in the future
I have a thread planned for 2017 if i will make it that long


Even as more friendly to parts of their politics than the rest of the thread, I'd much rather live under a President Walker than a Prime Minister Harper. Presidents are at least checked by Congress.

In theory.

The NDP re-boomlet could split the left enough for another Conservative victory because it's all FPP ridings ala the UK.


I haven't seen a man blow himself this hard since Ron Jeremy. Not since Jesus walked the Earth has a man unduly exalted himself this much. I'm loving every minute of Trump.


I think it would be good if PoliGAF was more active in The Daily Show's #YourMonthOfZen marathon thread. Your insight/foresight would be useful to the discussion, and it should be fun for you to revisit our stupid past. Currently, we're into November of 2005, and Obama is about to give his first Daily Show interview under an hour from now (episode starts 3:26AM EST).

The stream itself is here: http://www.cc.com/zen

I made an estimated schedule of the stream here so you can tell where we're at.

Can't watch the stream in your own country? Try: http://goo.gl/zVznki
(It says Nickelodeon, but it works for Comedy Central as well.)
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