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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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WASHINGTON — The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ruled that existing civil rights law bars sexual orientation-based employment discrimination — a groundbreaking decision to advance legal protections for gay, lesbian, and bisexual workers.

“[A]llegations of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation necessarily state a claim of discrimination on the basis of sex,” the commission concluded in a decision dated July 15.

The independent commission addressed the question of whether the ban on sex discrimination in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars anti-LGB discrimination in a complaint brought by a Florida-based air traffic control specialist against Transportation Sec. Anthony Foxx.

The ruling — issued without objection from any members of the five-person commission — applies to federal employees’ claims directly, but it also applies to the entire EEOC, which includes its offices across the nation that take and investigate claims of discrimination in private employment.


Uh, the one in your source?

Hillary vs Bush: 46-38. Sanders vs Bush: 39-40. 9 point gap.
Hillary vs Rubio: 47-43. Sanders vs Rubio: 38-40. 6 point gap.
Hillary vs Walker: 47-42. Sanders vs Walker: 38-39. 6 point gap.

That's an electability gap! I mean, it's the kind of gap that loses elections. Even if you were 100% confident that we had 6 points to give away in 2016, frankly, I'd rather keep them and win the House.

This^. Every neutral analyst is basing their polls and electoral college map on the basis that the election is going to be a 50/50 race. Even some of them admit that Hillary at the minimum has a 50/50 chance of prevailing. Whether you believe the race is 50/50 is up to you.


Unconfirmed Member

Great news for Heidi Heitkamp.

Also, if we're going to look at the larger cities and counties in Virginia that Obama did the best in:

Richmond (city): 4.55%
Norfolk (city): 1.55%
Alexandria (city): 10.91%
Arlington County: 10.44%
Newport News (city): 1.46%
Fairfax: 3.44%
Loudoun: 15.82% (!!)

Fairfax's gigantic population just eclipse any small growth in Romney counties, especially since most of rural Virginia is losing population.

Real Virginia is dead.

Yep. It's probably worth noting that Fairfax's growth is slowing considerably, and was a measly .3% annual growth in 2014, but I'm guessing that's because it's completely developed for what has been zoned. That's probably why the surrounding counties are still getting so much growth instead.

Interesting that Trump seems to steal more from Bush than from Walker. Probably from the voters that are mostly voting on name recognition alone.


Yep. It's probably worth noting that Fairfax's growth is slowing considerably, and was a measly .3% annual growth in 2014, but I'm guessing that's because it's completely developed for what has been zoned. That's probably why the surrounding counties are still getting so much growth instead.

Interesting that Trump seems to steal more from Bush than from Walker. Probably from the voters that are mostly voting on name recognition alone.

Fairfax is also gigantic, so a .3% population growth is still relatively comparable in raw numbers.


So Bernie according to a PPP poll is tied essentially with all the top Republican candidates in Virginia. I wonder what excuse some of you will come out with now on how he can't win the general election.

He can't. That hasn't changed despite what this poll shows my friend. Don't get caught up in a horse race that has yet to materialize.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Walker is going to be on Megyn Kelly tonight. I hope she doesn't ask any difficult questions.

LOL at Kelly asking any difficult questions.

"So, Scott--Is Ronald Reagan a great president, or the greatest president ever?"

As for the poll above, I find the "2nd choice" list intriguing. Look at Jeb. There are a lot of people that are ready to fall in line and vote for him when their candidate starts getting crushed.


The no-duh aspect of that elasticity chart is how many of those high elasticity states have small populations. That makes sense, where the power of one vote diminishes for each additional person.

It also explains why so many New England states have competitive governorships while you really don't see that in many Southern states.



The no-duh aspect of that elasticity chart is how many of those high elasticity states have small populations. That makes sense, where the power of one vote diminishes for each additional person.

It also explains why so many New England states have competitive governorships while you really don't see that in many Southern states.


elaborate....I am shocked. The most liberal state in the country MA has no problem electing a D but the most conservative states such as KS, ID and UT will elect a convicted felon R over a D with a clean record. I am exaggerating but you get the point.


Include them all!!!!!!

Fortunately, there is an easy, fair solution that can be quickly adopted. Invite all the candidates with at least one percent in the polling averages or who are current or former governors or senators (so as to add former governors Jim Gilmore of Virginia and George Pataki of New York, who are not polling at 1 percent but who have paid enough dues to the party to merit inclusion) in the initial prime-time debates. To reduce the crowded stage, have two back-to-back debates, the first from 8 to 9:30 pm and the second from 9:30 to 11 pm. Choose by lottery half the candidates who will comprise the first debate, with the others placed in the second debate—depending on the number of candidates, one debate might have one more participant than the other.

If both Fox and CNN adopt this arrangement, the selection process would almost certainly produce four different combinations of candidates going head-to-head in the August and September events. Or perhaps the CNN face-off could switch up the candidates in some reasonable fashion to ensure variety and feature very different combos from the earlier Fox debate.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/st...ial-republican-2016-120260.html#ixzz3g6viWON1


Obama is truly the damned if you do, damned if you don't president.

Says something about the shooting today? "Why didn't Obama blame ISIS or denounce Islam?"

If he doesn't say anything? "Why is Obama silent on this obvious ISIS/Anti-America terrorist attack?"

If Obama mentioned that the shooter was an Islamic extremist? "Thanks to Obama, we now have Islamic extremist on our soil attack our citizens."


elaborate....I am shocked. The most liberal state in the country MA has no problem electing a D but the most conservative states such as KS, ID and UT will elect a convicted felon R over a D with a clean record. I am exaggerating but you get the point.

Well, it explains it in the article. Elasticity.
Obama is truly the damned if you do, damned if you don't president.

Says something about the shooting today? "Why didn't Obama blame ISIS or denounce Islam?"

If he doesn't say anything? "Why is Obama silent on this obvious ISIS/Anti-America terrorist attack?"

If Obama mentioned that the shooter was an Islamic extremist? "Thanks to Obama, we now have Islamic extremist on our soil attack our citizens."
I think it has happened and will happen to every president from bill clinton on. The country is more polarized than its ever been. Back in the day you could respect a president you didnt vote for. Also cable news will magnify every tiny thing that seems like a problem if you aren't informed about it. "Obamas not wearing a flag pin/will not say the word islamic/bush's father appointed justice stole the election"


Well, it explains it in the article. Elasticity.

makes sense lol. thx

What’s going on in Rhode Island? That state has a ton of independent voters, who are similar in many respects to the voters in New Hampshire although Rhode Island is more downscale economically.

However, among those Rhode Island voters who aren’t swing voters, many more are Democrats than Republicans. That is, Rhode Island has a lot of swing voters and a lot of Democratic base voters, but very few Republican base voters.

In recent presidential elections, these Rhode Island swing voters haven’t been persuaded by the conservative options offered by Republicans. In these cases, where many or most of the swing voters side with Democratic base voters, the Democrat will win by a wide margin.

However, if the swing voters have a Republican option that is more suitable for them, they may break from the Democrats and give the Republican a narrow victory. This can be seen in gubernatorial elections, for instance, where the Republican or the independent candidate is selected locally and may be a better fit for Rhode Island moderates. In fact, Rhode Island hasn’t elected a Democratic governor since 1990.

explains MA and MD results.


Sidhe / PikPok
Obama is truly the damned if you do, damned if you don't president.

Says something about the shooting today? "Why didn't Obama blame ISIS or denounce Islam?"

If he doesn't say anything? "Why is Obama silent on this obvious ISIS/Anti-America terrorist attack?"

If Obama mentioned that the shooter was an Islamic extremist? "Thanks to Obama, we now have Islamic extremist on our soil attack our citizens."

In addition to that, he doesn't get credit for what he does say. When Obama was speaking out about police accountability in the Ferguson situation, cable news was going on about "why isn't he and black leaders speaking about black on black violence?". Even though he was doing just that in the months and weeks earlier along with others like Jesse Jackson.

Commentators (and a lot of voters) seem to believe you can't do two things at once, and seem to have very short memories.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't? Nope. Just damned regardless of what is happening or being said.
In addition to that, he doesn't get credit for what he does say. When Obama was speaking out about police accountability in the Ferguson situation, cable news was going on about "why isn't he and black leaders speaking about black on black violence?". Even though he was doing just that in the months and weeks earlier along with others like Jesse Jackson.

Commentators (and a lot of voters) seem to believe you can't do two things at once, and seem to have very short memories.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't? Nope. Just damned regardless of what is happening or being said.

Appropriate Daily Show clip: http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/q5tmo2/the-poor-you-know---did-you-even-try-to-research-this-


Netroots Nations:


A New 50 State Strategy: Reversing the Democratic Collapse in the States
Session Type(s): Panel
Starts: Thursday, Jul. 16 2:15 PM
Ends: Thursday, Jul. 16 3:30 PM
Room: 225 AB

The 2014 election was catastrophic for the progressive movement and the Democratic Party. Republicans gained a record number of seats in state legislatures and seized the governorships of several more blue states. Since President Obama took office, Democrats have lost nearly 1,000 state legislative seats. There are only seven states where Democrats control the governor’s office and both houses of the legislature. Until we reverse the slide in the states, Democrats will have a nearly impossible time retaking Congress and being able to govern the country again. Of course, GOP control of states is causing serious damage in and of itself, as they impose extremist policies and undermine progressive victories. This panel brings together leaders from across America to analyze the reasons for this disaster—and to chart the course back to power.

Video at the link. I would expect most in this thread would find this interesting.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

Here's one more reason to rally against the candidacy of Christian fundamentalist college dropout and newly declared GOP presidential hopeful Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin which boasts the highest rates of suspension and incarceration for African Americans in the country. As a union-busting darling, Walker has emerged as one of the key architects of the radical right's "take back the nation" agenda of dismantling civil rights, workers' rights, gay rights, women's rights and abortion rights. But while Walker's destructive right-to-work policies are widely known, Wisconsin's status as a cynosure for black mass incarceration and racial achievement gaps is not. Under Walker's watch, Wisconsin, in which African Americans represent a mere 6.5% of the population, has over-disciplined and locked up more blacks than Southern states with two or three times the number of African Americans. The state is at the epicenter of the national suspension epidemic in which black children are criminalized as early as pre-school. Prison pipelining in K-12 is a precursor to school pushout, adult incarceration, homelessness and chronic unemployment. Yet Walker's policies have decimated what little remains of the social welfare safety net; denying formerly incarcerated African Americans the prisoner reentry resources they need to get jobs, vocational training and access to col

Huge racist? Guess he may actually end up with all those Trump votes.


So the GOP are truly cartoon villains.


The First Amendment Defense Act prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person -- which is defined to include for-profit corporations -- acting in accordance with a religious belief that favors so-called traditional marriage. This means the feds can't revoke a nonprofit's tax-exempt status or end a company's federal contract over this issue.

The bill specifically protects those who believe that marriage is between "one man and one woman" or that "sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage." Ian Thompson, a legislative representative at the American Civil Liberties Union, said that in addition to targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, the bill "clearly encompasses discrimination against single mothers" and would hobble the ability of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal body that protects women from sex-based discrimination, to act.

This scenario isn't merely hypothetical. There are a number of recent cases where religious schools have fired unwed teachers for becoming pregnant. A Montana Catholic school teacher who was fired for having a baby out of wedlock, for example, filed a discrimination charge last year with the EEOC. While the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized a ministerial exception to employment discrimination laws, that exception is somewhat limited, not necessarily covering educators employed by Catholic schools who teach about exclusively secular subjects.

When NPR asked Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), who introduced the companion Senate bill, about a hypothetical university firing an unmarried woman for having sex out of wedlock, he said, "There are colleges and universities that have a religious belief that sexual relations are to be reserved for marriage" and they "ought to be protected in their religious freedom."

Now that is some fucked up shit. War on Women? What War on Women?


I'm honestly shocked to find this still exists.

  1. Bush (Old Boys Network)
  2. Rubio
  3. Walker (Koch Brothers)
  4. Christie (Wall Street)
  5. Perry (Texas Oil)
Tea Party
  1. Trump (Leader of the Birthers)
  2. Cruz (Tea Party cria 2009)
  3. Paul (Original Tea Party)
  4. Carson (Could also be in Religious Right)
Religious Right
  1. Huckabee (2008 pick)
  2. Santorum (2012 pick)
  3. Jindal
  • Graham (Neocon pick)
  • Fiorina
  • Pataki
How do you think these lists shape up?
Walker to Tea Party, the Kochs aren't GOP establishment enough and he was part of that wave. Graham and Pataki are in the Establishment, same with Gilmore and Kasich.

Like Carson, Santorum straddles, he's Establishment/Religious Right.

Fiorina is in the Failing Upwards part of the Party.

It is interesting outside of Graham there isn't a "foreign policy" guru after Terrorism Supporter Peter King and Ambassador John Bolton skipped out. You could argue Cruz/Paul/Rubio just by being in the Senate are the second-tier of foreign policy credentials, and the first two don't align fully with the party, especially Paul.

I'd like to take you all with me as I dig into the independent numbers on this since PPP makes really nice crosstab tables.

Carson: 36/27
Fiorina: 25/29
Walker: 33/30
Chafee: 8/30
Webb: 34/31
Paul: 37/35
Rubio: 34/35
Sanders: 29/35
Gilmore: 19/38
O'Malley: 14/39
Huckabee: 32/46
Cruz: 29/48
Jeb!: 22/49
Christie: 26/51
Obama: 40/53
Trump: 37/53
Clinton: 33/57

Then the head-to-heads:
Clinton 37 - Jeb! 36
Sanders 33 - Jeb! 38
Clinton 37 - Carson 44
Clinton 38 - Christie 37
Clinton 40 - Cruz 42
Clinton 37 - Fiorina 41
Clinton 38 - Gilmore 35
Clinton 41 - Huckabee 37
Clinton 36 - Paul 48
Clinton 39 - Rubio 46
Sanders 34 - Rubio 39
Clinton 43 - Trump 42
Sanders 36 - Trump 41
Clinton 41 - Walker 43
Sanders 33 - Walker 38
Webb 36 - Walker 34


Corporations are people my friend

I can't remember the last time I saw a corporation pop out of a vagina.

Related: I'd love to see the Dems or the media somehow corner the GOP nominee into answering the "Is a corporation a person?" question.
If so, I can see the ads already: a loop of the sure-to-be-awkward answer from the candidate mixed-in with Romney's one-liner, with a decent earwormy soundtrack playing in the background..
Idk what her name is. She always has her legs crossed and she has developed a look of disgust so enragingly potent that anytime bob beckel opens his mouth i want to yell at him to shut up because i don't want to see her do it anymore


Idk what her name is. She always has her legs crossed and she has developed a look of disgust so enragingly potent that anytime bob beckel opens his mouth i want to yell at him to shut up because i don't want to see her do it anymore

Yeah, she is pretty much a blithering idiot and the personification of all of those crazy right-wing Facebook posts you see sometimes.


Idk what her name is. She always has her legs crossed and she has developed a look of disgust so enragingly potent that anytime bob beckel opens his mouth i want to yell at him to shut up because i don't want to see her do it anymore
good news! beckel got canned a few weeks back.
They had juan williams on and she did it to him too
And im just like why am i watching fox again? Oh yeah because hate boners are good for you sometimes
Edit: i just saw one where greg gutfeld made a joke about how he believes pelosi caused the lights to go out at the super bowl and there was no reaction from anyone else, so he hurriedly changed the topic. So good


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Jebya said:
The net effect of the overtime rule will be, if history’s any guide, there will be less overtime pay, there will be less wages earned. This will be another example of how people then have to figure out a new way to innovate to lessen the number of people working rather than increase it.


DK makes a good point about how this could prove to be very helpful for Hillary. After Jeb's comments about people having to "work more hours", supporting the idea that said people working more hours should not be compensated for it, would put him in quite a sticky situation.

Hillary: My opponent seems to think that the American people are lazy and haven't worked nearly enough!
Jeb: That's not true! That line was taken out of context! Obviously I meant to say that part time workers should become full time workers.
Hillary: And what about the struggling American workers who work more than 40 hours a week? Since they're working so hard, surely you would agree they should be compensated for their extra time, no?
Jeb: But...but freedom! *bursts into flames*
But instead of bursting into flames he will calmly retort that increasing wages will put a strain on small businesses as well as reducing the number of jobs created and then hillary stands there with her frozen smile and chilly eyes as el jebe has thwarted her again, who goes to win the presidency and appoints two clones of scalia crafted with a precious strand of his remaining hair
Edit: bliv pls read this


They had juan williams on and she did it to him too
And im just like why am i watching fox again? Oh yeah because hate boners are good for you sometimes
Edit: i just saw one where greg gutfeld made a joke about how he believes pelosi caused the lights to go out at the super bowl and there was no reaction from anyone else, so he hurriedly changed the topic. So good

Watching The Five is the perfect way to understand what Fox News is and why they're so good at what they do. I had an amazing foreign policy class once, it was a summer session with 3 hour classes, with a great professor who encouraged discussion. Just about everyone was brilliant and there were presentations every day. We got to know each other well and our rapport was great, I once thought "if this group ran the country, we could turn it around so quickly".

Then I imagined if half the class were Greg Gutfelds. They sit in the back making crass remarks and shooting spitballs. The whole group dynamic falls apart. That's kind of what Fox News is designed to do, turn half of America into dysfunctional Gutfelds, otherwise the smart consensus would quickly turn America liberal.


Unconfirmed Member
They had juan williams on and she did it to him too
And im just like why am i watching fox again? Oh yeah because hate boners are good for you sometimes
Edit: i just saw one where greg gutfeld made a joke about how he believes pelosi caused the lights to go out at the super bowl and there was no reaction from anyone else, so he hurriedly changed the topic. So good

Yesterday I turned to Fox News long enough to find Greg Gutfeld making a joke conflating transgender people with minotaurs. I keep coming back to Fox trying to keep enough of an open mind to at least understand what the hell they're focused on at the moment, but every time I just leave filled with anger and hatred.


Greg's harmless and goofy, he's really one of the most socially liberal on the network, he just stirs the pot and sees who takes the bait.


Random thought: I hope that this election cycle sees the back of those dumb 'personal' getting-to-know the-candidate type questions in the debates like 'Bee gees or Beach Boys?' Or some other hero derp.


Just me, but I'm not too big of a Greg Gutfeld fan. I don't really get the appeal of just saying shit to get a rise. He comes across as a live troll versus an actual comedian.

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