When was he supposed to be an actual comedian?
Look at him in the old videos, he even looks like a troll! He's 4 foot 6!
Gutfeld is a self-described libertarian.[1] Gutfeld's co-hosts on The Five have referred to him as "the Rod Serling of political and social commentary,"[2] and he has also been described as "the conservative Jon Stewart."[3]
Interestingly the New Yorker piece never even makes that claim. And arguably has more praise for the show itself than Gutfeld in particular.
What kind of world are we living in we can't even trust Wikipedia? What's next, Presidents covering up things like Benghazi?
Yeah, I just clicked the link and scrolled through it to try to find the actual quote. WEIRD.
Don't jump the gun, she's not president yet.
Fiorina is in the Failing Upwards part of the Party.
Some of these are more political but I think could still fit into the Daily Show mold with a different host:
I don't think you're the target audience.
What do you call it when someone fails to fail upwards?
#4 is such a gimmie.
Netroots Nations:
Video at the link. I would expect most in this thread would find this interesting.
#10 surprised me. I did not know Sanders put out an album.
Donald J. Trump
.@SenJohnMcCain should be defeated in the primaries. Graduated last in his class at Annapolis--dummy!
John Dingell
.@realDonaldTrump Delete your account.
Wait is @realDonaldTrump actually Donald Trump? All this time I thought it was a parody account. My god.John Dingell is not here for your shit:
Like, fuck off Trump. I'm not a fan of the man and I want to see a Democrat in that seat, but John McCain could run intellectual circles around you.
John Dingell
Staff has now informed me of what a Kardashian is.
I'm only left with more questions.
John Dingell
Monday, I got word I'd receive the Medal of Freedom.
Today, staff wants me to watch Too Many Cooks.
Life is a series of strikes & gutters.
John Dingell
So it's a tornado full of sharks? That's what the entire film is about?
Cuccinelli Early GOP Choice for 2017
Ken Cuccinelli's campaign for Governor of Virginia in 2013 was largely seen as a disaster...but Republican primary voters in the state want him to be their candidate again anyway. 37% say Cuccinelli would be their preferred nominee in 2017 to 16% who pick Eric Cantor, 8% each for Bill Bolling and Ed Gillespie, 7% for Mark Obenshain, and 1% for Pete Snyder.
Cuccinelli is by far the best known and most popular of the people we tested. 72% of primary voters are familiar with him compared to 62% for Cantor, 52% for Gillespie, and 42% for Obenshain. Cuccinelli has a +32 net favorability rating with 52% of GOP voters seeing him favorably to 20% who have a negative opinion. Cuccinelli continues to owe his strength particularly to voters who describe themselves as 'very conservative'- he has a 67/11 favorability rating with them and 47% want him as their candidate in 2017.
These numbers make it clear that Cantor's struggles with the Republican base go well beyond his old Congressional District. He has evenly split favorability numbers statewide even among GOP primary voters, with 31% seeing him favorably and 31% unfavorably. And when you look at his numbers with the overall electorate only 20% have a positive opinion of Cantor with 39% holding a negative view of him.
On the Democratic side both of the most likely contenders for 2017 are relatively unknown. Attorney General Mark Herring has 46% name recognition with Democratic primary voters and for Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam it's 37%. Those numbers are a good reality check on how much attention voters pay to down ballot offices. Herring starts out with a substantial lead over Northam for the nomination, 33% to 9%. But at 58%, a strong majority of voters are undecided.
The hypothetical general election match ups we tested for 2017 all start out close. The match up between the preferred nominee on each side, Cuccinelli and Herring, starts out as an exact tie at 38% each. Herring also ties Obenshain at 34, leads Cantor 36/33, and trails Gillespie 38/34. Northam trails all the Republicans but by generally tight margins- 2 points to Cantor and Cuccinelli at 35/33 and 37/35 respectively, 4 to Obenshain at 36/32, and 7 to Gillespie at 37/30.
On average Gillespie is the strongest Republican, leading by an average of 5.5 points. Obenshain leads by an average of 2 points, Cuccinelli by 1, and Cantor does the worst trailing by an average of half a point. On the Democrat side Herring is stronger, averaging about a tie while Northam is on average down by about 4 points to the Republican field.
How predictive is any of this? In the summer of 2011 we found Cuccinelli leading McAuliffe by 3 points. 2 years later McAuliffe ended up beating Cuccinelli by 3 points. So really all you can take from it for now is that it's close.
16% just recognized cantor's name and went with him. I refuse to believe anyone is passionate about eric cantor. At least ken 'the cootch' cuccinelli has his name going for him
POLLS! with a side of HAHAHAHA WHAT?!
Cuccinelli would be a disaster for the Republicans in 2017, especially with a growing moderate electorate. Oh man.
Lucas Benitez, co-founder of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and an activist for farmworkers in Florida, said they talked mostly about farmworkers challenges and housing issues. They also touched on the 2016 presidential contest, just long enough for Benitez to say that he hopes if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee she taps Castro as her running mate, and for Castro to demur, Thank you so much.
I talked to him in Spanish, and when I spoke Spanish he responded in Spanish, said Benitez, dismissing digs that Castros language skills arent as good as Virginia Senator Tim Kaines, the other most often speculated-upon candidate for the second half of a prospective ticket. Castros language skills were not 100 percent but good enough as far as Benitez was concerned. He understood everything I said.
Hahaha, no way they pick Cuccinelli again. I can't believe they're already polling for this. Seems like they just finally took all the signs down yesterday.
A Castro pick would be as cynical and desperate as Palin, if not moreso. Hillary selecting him would suggest her campaign is in trouble and needs a spark, or that she fears losing enough of the Hispanic vote to lose the election.
Kaine makes sense, but I'd rather see someone else. Who that is...I don't know. Biden was perfect for Obama in the sense that he shored up a weakness (white middle class voters). What will Hillary's weakness be by May or June? I would hope/imagine that Virginia wouldn't be one, or else the campaign would really be in trouble. Base excitement comes to mind...but I don't see any candidates who excite the base and have EC worth.
You don't? There's probably more obvious choice than Kaine or Castro.
Nobody votes for a Presidential candidate on the strength of their running mate.
You don't? There's probably more obvious choice than Kaine or Castro.
I think Hillary's main weakness will be perceived dishonesty. The public will like her overall moderate position on the ideological scale, and she won't reeeeally need a swing state boost, as she has so many paths to 270.
So.. who can make the ticket seem more ethical? This might result in a surprise pick, but my mind is drawing a blank on who it'd be.
If no one fits the bill, I'd still bet that she picks whoever is the Best-Virginia-Option in anticipation of a slightly tighter race, just due to the public's hesitance to give the White House back to the same party for a third term.
You don't? There's probably more obvious choice than Kaine or Castro.