2. A healthy number of Iowa Democrats are on the same page as Bernie Sanders. But not the majority.
Faced with questions about Sanders polling surge, Clinton supporters frequently say that 30 to 40 percent of the party fits Bernies or Elizabeth Warrens ideological profile, but no more than that.
Friday night showed exactly why.
Clintons speech regularly brought huge portions of the crowd to its feet with her broadsides against Republicans, and then to a hushed, reverent silence when she spoke about her mothers hard childhood.
But while Sanders stemwinder drove so many you tell ems and hell yeahs from the crowd that it occasionally felt like a tent revival, well more than half the room felt no need to even acknowledge Sanders most powerful lines. It was as if he was talking to the crowd wearing Bernie 16 stickers, but not to anyone else. The bulk of the audience effectively twiddled during the loudest stretches of the Sanders stump speech, leaving the rapturous applause to the designated Bernie tables.
The message of political revolution failed to land on ears that werent already sympathetic to Sanders, suggesting there are limits to the bounds of his popularity in the state and within the state party establishment that by now knows him well.