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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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So, what is the likelihood that Biden hops into the race? Dowd was the chief instigator of the story, so I'm taking it with a grain of salt, but I could definitely see Biden hopping in. Also, what are the chances that he will go far in the nomination considering he is more than a quarter behind in fundraising and setting up campaign apparatus?

I don't think Biden will. He is likely setting himself up, just in case Hillary implodes.
I don't know why would Biden would jump in so late since he is reported to make his decision this month or next. Even if Hillary's numbers might get lower, ; she would just campaign more harder than she is now.


Not quite. Clinton himself struck a bargain with not so crazy non Gingrichites that affected the middle class but balanced the budget.

Of course, the 1993 budget passed without a single Republican vote -- various tax cuts came later in Clinton's tenure.


If Trump didn't have crazy batshit insane policy views I would be loving this guy. The stuff he has been saying about the GOP establishment and the nature of lobbyist and super PAC controlled politicians has actually been pretty dead on, he seems more blunt and on point about this stuff than most Democrstic politicians lately.

Too bad he is fucking crazy about everything else and is going to self-implode before the primaries begin. The little bits of clarity that seep through are actually refreshing to see coming from a candidate.
If Trump didn't have crazy batshit insane policy views I would be loving this guy. The stuff he has been saying about the GOP establishment and the nature of lobbyist and super PAC controlled politicians has actually been pretty dead on, he seems more blunt and on point about this stuff than most Democrstic politicians lately.

Too bad he is fucking crazy about everything else and is going to self-implode before the primaries begin. The little bits of clarity that seep through are actually refreshing to see coming from a candidate.
He's the ukip guy for the US. Radical populaism that's horrible on immigration but incredibly on point for anti elite rhetoric (coming from an elite)


NBC Marist Poll

Donald Trump - 19%
Scott Walker - 15%
Jeb Bush - 14%
Ben Carson - 10%
Ted Cruz - 9%
Mike Huckabee - 6%
Rand Paul - 6%
Marco Rubio - 5%
Chris Christie - 3%
Rick Perry - 3%
John Kasich - 3%
Bobby Jindal - 1%
Rick Santorum - 1%
Carly Fiorina - *
Lindsey Graham - *
George Pataki - *
Jim Gilmore - *

Top 10 for Thursdays Debate
Trump - 19.8 percent
Walker - 13.2 percent
Bush - 13 percent
Paul - 6.4 percent
Carson - 6.4 percent
Rubio - 6.2 percent
Huckabee - 5.8 percent
Cruz - 5.8 percent
Christie - 3.2 percent
Kasich - 3.2 percent

Trump will be between Walker and Bush. Let the fireworks commence. Everyone has had 3 months to prepare for this debate. Popcorn should have been bought along with lots of soda and beer. If you are playing the debate drinking game then you need shot glasses along with your favorite beer or wine beverage.

B-dubs that thread needs to be ready by Wednesday.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
If Trump didn't have crazy batshit insane policy views I would be loving this guy. The stuff he has been saying about the GOP establishment and the nature of lobbyist and super PAC controlled politicians has actually been pretty dead on, he seems more blunt and on point about this stuff than most Democrstic politicians lately.

Too bad he is fucking crazy about everything else and is going to self-implode before the primaries begin. The little bits of clarity that seep through are actually refreshing to see coming from a candidate.

He bashed a war hero and any other veteran whoever was a POW, and his numbers went up. I honestly don't know what else he could say to implode at this point.

I think of it like this: Most people, even republicans, are sick of the elitist, lifetime politicians who take money from lobbyists. Trump clearly isn't that guy. Even though he's ultra-rich, republicans feel like they can relate to him on that level. As of now, it's working. We'll see how it goes after the debates, but this type of statement is making him MORE popular. The debates will be full of him bashing other politicians and making these exact type of statements. I wouldn't be shocked at all to see his numbers actually rise after the debate.

The guy whose numbers I expect to fall is Ben Carson. He has had a respectable career, but he can't help himself in saying something incredibly stupid when he gets the chance. I honestly wonder if he'll go with a simple "Bash Obama every chance I get" technique.
The debate will be his first real test as a candidate and if he passes he's the front runner for the nomination.

Taking on the Kochs... Every time I think this can't get any better it does. Like, immediately.


No Scrubs
The debate will be his first real test as a candidate and if he passes he's the front runner for the nomination.

Taking on the Kochs... Every time I think this can't get any better it does. Like, immediately.

That Onion article is coming true, Trump really is surpassing our wildest expectations!


That’s right, I didn’t think so. I have the power to make the next 16 months one of the most incredible times in our nation’s history, and not a single one of you can say you’re not at least a little bit curious to see how this wild ride shakes out. So just keep clicking every link that mentions my name and hitting play on every clip of my public appearances, and I promise you will not be disappointed.

Now, excuse me, but I have to go appear at a New Hampshire town hall and make a statement that every last one of you will be eagerly reading about and discussing in just a few hours’ time

This one?



Unconfirmed Member
I understand calling Obama center right, but what about Clinton?

I'm in two minds about Trump's chances. If Iowa and New Hampshire were next week, he would possibly win both and ride Trumpmentum to the nomination. But they're not, and I do think fatigue will set in (heck, perhaps Trump himself will get bored). Possibly as soon as the day after the debate.

Still, the fact that he is the undisputed front-runner now is pretty unbelievable. I certainly wouldn't have guessed it after his announcement speech. So really, all bets are off.
Good being the operative word, ;p anyway, both Clinton and Obama are largely center right, BUT I like to compare Obama and HW since it pisses of Obama haters.
The thing about calling Obama or Clinton center right is that it only works in comparison to the rest of the world. Obama is a fairly pragmatic progressive in the prism of U.S. politics. It's more of a problem with the system than the candidates.

It's like that GOP meme about the U.S. being center right. It's wrong because the definition of centrism changes. The centrist view on gay marriage might have been no recognition twenty years ago, civil unions ten years ago, and now full marriage equality is a relatively uncontroversial position.

During the Nixon-Reagan-Bush era the center was closer to the Republicans but it began moving towards the Democrats when Clinton was elected.


Unconfirmed Member
The thing about calling Obama or Clinton center right is that it only works in comparison to the rest of the world. Obama is a fairly pragmatic progressive in the prism of U.S. politics. It's more of a problem with the system than the candidates.

It's like that GOP meme about the U.S. being center right. It's wrong because the definition of centrism changes. The centrist view on gay marriage might have been no recognition twenty years ago, civil unions ten years ago, and now full marriage equality is a relatively uncontroversial position.

During the Nixon-Reagan-Bush era the center was closer to the Republicans but it began moving towards the Democrats when Clinton was elected.
Bro. Just let me have my joke and piss off Bush wing conservatives! *nofunallowedrobot.jpg*
The thing about calling Obama or Clinton center right is that it only works in comparison to the rest of the world. Obama is a fairly pragmatic progressive in the prism of U.S. politics. It's more of a problem with the system than the candidates.

It's like that GOP meme about the U.S. being center right. It's wrong because the definition of centrism changes. The centrist view on gay marriage might have been no recognition twenty years ago, civil unions ten years ago, and now full marriage equality is a relatively uncontroversial position.

During the Nixon-Reagan-Bush era the center was closer to the Republicans but it began moving towards the Democrats when Clinton was elected.

I've always fought against the idea democrats are "center right" even on the world stage.

I think you could argue our politics are and it forces them to enact policy that is center right but the party ideologically isnt'. And I think the same could be said for the center right in europe. They ideologically are closer to republicans but the center-left tilt of he political culture forces them to adopt things like welfare, gay marrage, public ownership, etc.

To this day, this is my favorite piece that the New York Times has ever published.

It really is something special. Mostly because I've had a panic attacks and just reading it makes me realize how stupid somebody has to be to think that she's dying.


We all love Trump now, but if he gets the nomination... watch out.

And really in a way this fodder all the more legitimizes Citizens United which is perverse and sad. One rich asshole going up against a couple of other rich assholes, the only difference being this guy just happens to be a deep pocket, who, unlike the rest would actually be running for the Presidency himself.


We all love Trump now, but if he gets the nomination... watch out.

And really in a way this fodder all the more legitimizes Citizens United which is perverse and sad. One rich asshole going up against a couple of other rich assholes, the only difference being this guy just happens to be a deep pocket, who, unlike the rest would actually be running for the Presidency himself.

no. The only thing Hillary and her team would be worried about at that point is not if she would win but by how much.

Fine-tune certainly helped President Romney.


Hillary is not inevitable.

I'm not particularly inspired by her campaign thus far. It's been pretty hollow.

no. The only thing Hillary and her team would be worried about at that point is not if she would win but by how much.

Fine-tune certainly helped President Romney.
Romney had no idea how to connect with people and the charisma of, as I was once told here, a wet fart.

Trump really knows how to double down on the rhetoric and get away with it. It's entertaining at surface level, but could prove to be quite formidable.


Hillary is not inevitable.

I'm not particularly inspired by her campaign thus far. It's been pretty hollow.

That's a debatable argument that doesn't have anything to do with your point. You can't look at Trump, his numbers, his favorables, his numbers against Hillary, the EC built in advantage and go "hmm. She might lose this if Trump's nominated"

That's the height of insane.


Hillary is not inevitable.

I'm not particularly inspired by her campaign thus far. It's been pretty hollow.

I know that. A lot of people are not inspired by her campaign and most will never be. This election is not going to be inspiring like 08. Most people were not inspired by Gore or Kerry but they both almost won. Voters are mostly going to be voting against the GOP and that is fine if it means she wins.

Trump is a loose cannon who WILL get obliterated in the Electoral College. Hillary may not ever wins states like Kansas in such a scenario but it will be a great victory. 400+ easy.


That's a debatable argument that doesn't have anything to do with your point. You can't look at Trump, his numbers, his favorables, his numbers against Hillary, the EC built in advantage and go "hmm. She might lose this if Trump's nominated"

That's the height of insane.

I didn't say that. I said generally speaking she is not inevitable. Outside factors like the economy or terrorism could take an unexpected turn. Manufactured/real scandals do happen and at inconvenient times.

She should still fare better against Trump, but we're so far removed from election day that I wouldn't put too much behind a poll one way or the other. We're lightyears away from when it really matters in US politics.


Good being the operative word, ;p anyway, both Clinton and Obama are largely center right, BUT I like to compare Obama and HW since it pisses of Obama haters.

You're saying Clinton was a bad president? Worse than HW Bush? Or are you just doing some light trolling?

On topic: the GOP debate hype is real. It's so hard to predict what will happen. Can't wait.


Was Clinton a good president though? Tough on crime legislation, DOMA, and the deregulation of Wall Street come to mind as particularly bad things.
Was Clinton a good president though? Tough on crime legislation, DOMA, and the deregulation of Wall Street come to mind as particularly bad things.
I think if healthcare reform hadn't blown up in his face he would have been far more liberal overall.

Clinton's best attribute was not screwing up (personal scandals aside) which let him ride the wave of the internet boom.

A lot of the most odious legislation that passed under his tenure was passed by vetoproof majorities in Congress. DOMA got over 80 votes in the Senate.


I think if healthcare reform hadn't blown up in his face he would have been far more liberal overall.

Clinton's best attribute was not screwing up (personal scandals aside) which let him ride the wave of the internet boom.

A lot of the most odious legislation that passed under his tenure was passed by vetoproof majorities in Congress. DOMA got over 80 votes in the Senate.

The assault weapon ban passed by a squeaker too. 218-216 in the house, 56-43 in the senate. Why they put an expiration date on the bill idk.
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