How exactly does one screw up something like the internet boom? Whoever was president in the 90s would have been credited with presiding over a great economy.
Probably because if they didn't it would have failed by a squeaker.The assault weapon ban passed by a squeaker too. 218-216 in the house, 56-43 in the senate. Why they put an expiration date on the bill idk.
"Hey, we've got a good thing going, let's cut everyone's taxes! War with Iraq? Hell yeah!"PhoenixDark said:How exactly does one screw up something like the internet boom? Whoever was president in the 90s would have been credited with presiding over a great economy.
Was Clinton a good president though? Tough on crime legislation, DOMA, and the deregulation of Wall Street come to mind as particularly bad things.
Clinton's legacy is as much what didn't happen as what did happen, his Presidency is one of major league missed opportunities and mistakes that we're still paying for. He had both houses of Congress and his health care reform failed due to mismanagement. Had there been no Lewinsky scandal Gore would have hugged Clinton's ass to the Presidency. He also should have vetoed DOMA and other anti gay rights legislation and let Republicans override the veto.
We all love Trump now, but if he gets the nomination... watch out.
And really in a way this fodder all the more legitimizes Citizens United which is perverse and sad. One rich asshole going up against a couple of other rich assholes, the only difference being this guy just happens to be a deep pocket, who, unlike the rest would actually be running for the Presidency himself.
I found this bingo card. It's something I guess.
I know Obama and Hillary are usually regarded as center/center-right Democrats by many, but I wonder if the next generation of Democrats will be more further to the left? I wonder if a candidate that had Sanders views in the 2020s would be a viable candidate for the White House. We could also finally end up with a real legit candidate from Generation X, which is more progressive than the Baby Boomers. I just think it's time for the Democrats to shed the blue dogs and any remaining Dixiecrats within the next ten years.
First 15 minutes the whole thing will be filled.
If any candidate talks about meeting Ronald Reagan in person, take a drink.
If any candidate talks about kneeling before St. Ronnie and asking for his blessing to serve the cause as THE CHOSEN ONE, take two drinks.
If any candidate shares a passage from his erotic Reagan fanfiction involving light bondage and tax cuts (we live in a Fifty Shades world now), throw bottle at screen.
If any candidate praises Fox Not-News for "honesty and credibility", throw bottle at screen.
If any candidate tries to out-pander Trump, take a drink. This also applies to Trump, who is allowed within the rules to pander as much as inhumanly possible.
If any candidate says nice things about Jon Stewart and suggests Jon shouldn't retire this year from the Daily Show, quit drinking and stay sober because you've just witnessed the impossible.
(Update: from @word_34 aka SkarkWeekSneak) "Hillary" "email" or "server", you have to do double shots. Throw in "Benghazi" here too.
(Update) If any candidate accuses Obama of being the Worst President Ever, throw a dart at a photo of Dubya taped to the wall and take two drinks.
(Update) If any candidate calls for the defunding of Planned Parenthood, take a drink. If the candidate calls for the arrest of Planned Parenthood staffers, take two drinks. If the candidate calls for the arrest of women who go to Planned Parenthood even for basic women's health care needs, turn off the TV and get stinking drunk because the Republicans are pretty much writing off the women's vote even in Red States.
For Donald Trump:
If Trump says something insulting, take a drink.
If Trump says something demonstrably false, take a drink.
Actually, don't do either. The second he opens his mouth under those rules, you're pretty much gonna be passed out by the fifth minute of the debate.
If Trump says he respects Latinos and can easily win their votes, take two drinks from any Dos Equis brand in front of you and laugh your ass off.
If Trump complains about China in any way, take the Made In China tab on any Trump-labeled designer wear and tear it off, then take a drink.
For Jeb Bush:
If Jeb says nice things about his brother's administration, take two drinks - one for Dubya and one for Cheney - and yell at the screen.
If Jeb brings up school vouchers, take three drinks.
If Jeb says there shouldn't be immigration reform, drink whole bottle.
If Jeb says Obama is a terrible foreign policy President, take a drink from every bottle made by the 2003 Coalition of the Willing, and then vomit on a picture of Bush the Elder. Please have towels and trash cans handy.
For Scott Walker:
If Walker brings up his union-busting habits, take a drink.
If Walker brings up his recall survivial, take two drinks.
If Walker brings up his John Doe investigation squashing, drink whole bottle.
If Walker tries wearing a Packer Cheesehead foam hat, drink from a Chicago microbrewery label and shout "DA BEARS"
For Marco Rubio:
If Rubio talks about his exaggerated family story where his parents fled Cuba well before Castro took it over, take a drink.
If Rubio speaks against the opening of relations with Cuba, take two drinks.
If Rubio finishes the whole night without saying one word about immigration, finish off the bottle.
If Rubio any says anything in Espanol, drink whole bottle.
For Rand Paul:
If Paul mentions the gold standard, take a drink.
If Paul discusses the need to end American interventionist activity, take a drink.
If Paul still says we need to bomb Syria though, take four drinks.
If Paul lights up a blunt on-stage, do the same (in legal states only).
For Ben Carson:
If Carson gets a non-Obamacare question, take a drink.
If Carson actually answers a non-Obamacare question with a reasonable-sounding policy suggestion, drink whole bottle.
For Mike Huckabee:
If Huckabee claims he's a strong judge of character, scream "you hang out with child molesters!" and throw bottle at screen.
If Huckabee talks about jamming with Ted "I Worship My God-Gun" Nugent, take two drinks.
If Huckabee tries to compare anything to the Holocaust, light a memorial candle and throw bottle at screen.
For Ted Cruz:
If Cruz attempts to suck the soul or eat the heart of Donald Trump live on-stage, drink whole bottle.
If Cruz says anything about the legislation he's nuked in the House - while serving as a SENATOR - take a drink.
If Cruz employs oratory tools that rely heavily on the teachings and practices of Cicero and Pericles, take two drinks.
For Chris Christie:
If Christie tries to quote Springsteen, throw bottle at screen.
If Christie gets arrested during the debate over his ethics failures and dragged off-stage, drink whole bottle.
For Rick Perry:
If Perry flubs a debate answer (again), take three drinks.
If Perry says anything about a "Texas miracle" involving that state's economy, take a drink, and then prepare to pass out because that's all he's got.
For John Kasich:
If Kasich is even on the stage, take two drinks right off the bat because it probably means Christie got arrested beforehand and there was an opening.
If Kasich talks about immigration reform, take a drink.
If Kasich defends his time working for Lehman Brothers, throw bottle at screen.
If Kasich mentions how he was with the bipartisan team that got a balanced budget going in Congress back in the 1990s, take a drink and pity the poor guy because he just used the word 'bipartisan' in front of a GOP primary crowd that considers it a trigger word.
For Rick Santorum:
If Santorum is even on the stage, it means Rick Perry got lost on the way to the auditorium, so take three drinks right away in honor of Perry.
If Santorum mentions gay marriage as the cause of all natural disasters, take a drink. If the rule was to drink whole bottle, you'll end up dead from toxic effects (even if you substituted water! True story).
If Santorum mentions man-on-dog marriage as legal now, kiss Fluffy and take a drink.
For Bobby Jindal:
No, really, seriously?
For Carly Fiorina:
Seriously? I just can't even give you a snarky answer because you lost your only other campaign attempt. At least with Carson and Trump they're gonna qualify for the debate, but... Seriously, no, sorry Carly, this is it.
For Lindsey Graham:
This is where the rules of "top 10 polled" gets ridiculous. Experienced politicians who paid their dues like Graham, disagree with them or not, it's not fair for them to sit out while amateurs like Trump and Carson get the spotlight.
If by the off-chance Graham makes the Big Dance, if he argues for bombing half the Middle East as a means of convincing our enemies and allies of our manhood, take a drink, break out a map, and start crossing off the NATO allies that are going to stop taking calls from our State Department.
For George Pataki:
For Jim Gilmore:
Bro, dude, seriously? NOW you're putting in for this? Bro. THERE ARE NO SEATS LEFT IN THE GOP CLOWN CAR. There are LIMITS even to the Clown Car. Even *I* know Kasich was late getting into the game. What are YOU drinking, Jim, to make you think you can even get in on this? /headdesk
I found this bingo card. It's something I guess.
It is missing "Reagan"
That's the same as a free square.It is missing "Reagan"
This is on topic. And yes I am "trolling" if that means "employing sarcasm and attempted humor"You're saying Clinton was a bad president? Worse than HW Bush? Or are you just doing some light trolling?
On topic: the GOP debate hype is real. It's so hard to predict what will happen. Can't wait.
@Nate Silver
"What true not being written, much: Clinton is dominating the Democratic primary. Still probably in best position ever for a non-incumbent."
Kasichs temper has made it harder to endear himself to the GOPs wealthy benefactors. Last year, he traveled to Southern California to appear on a panel at a conference sponsored by the Republican mega-donors Charles and David Koch. At one point, according to accounts provided by two sources present, Randy Kendrick, a major contributor and the wife of Ken Kendrick, the owner of the Arizona Diamondbacks, rose to say she disagreed with Kasichs decision to expand Medicaid coverage, and questioned why hed expressed the view it was what God wanted.
The governors response was fiery. I dont know about you, lady, he said as he pointed at Kendrick, his voice rising. But when I get to the pearly gates, Im going to have an answer for what Ive done for the poor.
The exchange left many stunned. About 20 audience members walked out of the room, and two governors also on the panel, Nikki Haley of South Carolina and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, told Kasich they disagreed with him. The Ohio governor has not been invited back to a Koch seminar opportunities for presidential aspirants to mingle with the partys rich and powerful in the months since.
4. Trump: Yes, as of right now, Donald J. Trump is the fourth-likeliest Republican to be the party’s nominee. I can’t really believe it, either. However, Trump’s poll numbers have not only risen rapidly but have showed some durability. Every Republican strategist I talked to put him in the top four — and many ranked him as high as two or three. I still do not know whether Trump can sustain his appeal with voters, but as of today, it is what it is. (And, yes, I hate that phrase.)
3. Walker: The Wisconsin governor has withstood the Trump Bump in Iowa and still looks like a favorite to win the first-in-the-nation caucuses there in February. Among the Republicans I spoke with, real doubts remain about how ready Walker is for the big stage and how talented he is as a candidate. I think his performance thus far has been mediocre, with occasional moments of good to very good. Is that enough?
Trump is a shitstain but he really understands populist rhetoric. If he continues to advance, you can expect that he will fine-tune it to appease moderates.
Trump is a shitstain but he really understands populist rhetoric. If he continues to advance, you can expect that he will fine-tune it to appease moderates.
I love this:
Christian party., he won't. He'll double down on what's he has been doing. That's been his business strategy for decades.
I'd bet money that he won't win one primary state.
Legitimately hoping Trump has a phenomenal debate performance. Could Gingrich's "No. But I will" be topped?
Avatar bet? me again what that was?
All you have to have is a couple of zingers tinged with comedy to be able to win a debate with such a big group which trump should be able to bring.Ah, that. Wow, that was even worse than I remember.
edit: Alsot, too. Hopefully the people handling the debates don't tell the audience to be quiet. They added to the entertainment.
What was wrong with the question?
It sounded odd as fuck too. This was the gross Gingrich move that made republicans push their race card narrative hard.It was completely out of place. The debates should be about actual government--the methods they think are best, what laws they want passed, etc.
It was completely out of place. The debates should be about actual government--the methods they think are best, what laws they want passed, etc.
You don't think it was appropriate to ask a question that sheds like on a person's character in a Republican debate?
I suspect the objection is more about how wanting an open marriage doesn't shed much light on a person's character, especially as it relates to how good of a president someone would be, even though it's the sort of thing that a lot of voters would find very distasteful.
I suspect the objection is more about how wanting an open marriage doesn't shed much light on a person's character, especially as it relates to how good of a president someone would be, even though it's the sort of thing that a lot of voters would find very distasteful.
Unfortunately the public gets to decide how they vett a candidate and the care about shit it like. If it was just straight government policy, no religion or anything else, a lot of candidates would never get elected and a lot that didn't would.
Sheds as much light into someone's values and views as someone running for the U.S presidency as an "atheist" (socialist/communist/godless ding! ding! ding! - the common association) - in the case of religion. Which to me sounds like political suicide in the U.S if you're running for the presidency (at least currently). In a more progressive future, with time, views like that should erode but it's a slow process. It's all fair game.
I remember watching the Republican debates in 2007 when Fred Thompson was the wild wacky candidate
Trump will be the nominee.Yes, let's go. 6 month avatar bet.
My bet: Trump doesn't win one primary OR caucus in 2016.
I'd also be annoyed with a debate moderator who opened by trying to out candidates as atheists based on allegations made about stuff they'd said 15 years ago. You're saying you wouldn't be?
I suspect the objection is more about how wanting an open marriage doesn't shed much light on a person's character, especially as it relates to how good of a president someone would be, even though it's the sort of thing that a lot of voters would find very distasteful.
Trump will be the nominee.
Ask me Thursday night if I want to make an avatar bet over that.
I wonder if they're going to set Trump up. What better way to attempt to torpedo him than have the moderators confront him with some of his previous statements on Reagan, abortion, gay marriage, etc.
Here is my avatar best. Not only will Trump not be the nominee he will finish well behind Bush and Walker in IA and NH respectively. His polls will not hold. If he makes it to 1st or 2nd in IA and NH I will donate to his campaign. Still committed to doing it.