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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Let us not count out the current governor of louisana, who is running a feisty upstart campaign all about helping americans out from under the incompetent weight of big government, from what I hear he is really connecting with people.


I wonder if they're going to set Trump up. What better way to attempt to torpedo him than have the moderators confront him with some of his previous statements on Reagan, abortion, gay marriage, etc.

It would be so ridiculous if they did this sort of thing.

I don't get why the establishment is so fucking scared. He's not going to win. If you keep doing things to try and silence him, he's going to just run 3rd party to fuck you over. Just let him lose on his own like we all know he will.
It would be so ridiculous if they did this sort of thing.

I don't get why the establishment is so fucking scared. He's not going to win. If you keep doing things to try and silence him, he's going to just run 3rd party to fuck you over. Just let him lose on his own like we all know he will.

If Trump ran as a third party candidate, what would the electoral map look like? Would it still be about the same as the 2008/2012 makeup, or would we be looking at 1992 version, but with Virginia, NC, and Florida on top of that?
Let us not count out the current governor of louisana, who is running a feisty upstart campaign all about helping americans out from under the incompetent weight of big government, from what I hear he is really connecting with people.

Wait, Jindal's running?

I don't believe you. Somebody would have heard something about that by now.


Unconfirmed Member
Here is my avatar best. Not only will Trump not be the nominee he will finish well behind Bush and Walker in IA and NH respectively. His polls will not hold. If he makes it to 1st or 2nd in IA and NH I will donate to his campaign. Still committed to doing it.
Bet if you screenshot it and tweeted him that you were former Hillary supporter that is trump believer now he would retweet it.

It would be so ridiculous if they did this sort of thing.

I don't get why the establishment is so fucking scared. He's not going to win. If you keep doing things to try and silence him, he's going to just run 3rd party to fuck you over. Just let him lose on his own like we all know he will.
But we all know they won't let it go and develop on its own. Too used to having their fingers in the pot.


If Trump ran as a third party candidate, what would the electoral map look like? Would it still be about the same as the 2008/2012 makeup, or would we be looking at 1992 version, but with Virginia, NC, and Florida on top of that?

1992 version although the map would vary on how a 45-30-20 race translates for Clinton on a state by state basis.


The South has swung too far right for Clinton to win with a split R vote looking at her husband's 92' win.
Chris Christie is really annoying me. His brand of politics is to just yell and blame and pretend like that's actually a sound approach to public policy. He literally blames other people for everything wrong with New Jersey and his own campaign. He is the worst kind of do nothing partisan.

Well, that strategy is working for the Donald.


lol, Fred Thompson. All hype.
Timing is everything in politics. Fred Thompson was a flat candidate but he also entered the race about 2 weeks too late. By the time he joined the debates the dynamics of the race had already settled.

Even worse, Chris Christie is 4 years too late. He probably could have beat Romney in a week field when Republicans all over the country were willing to go with anyone who they thougbt might be able to take down Obama. Now Christie is an also ran with virtually no shot of winning.

The list goes on and on.
You know what is kinda funny? . . . The fact that no one is talking about the fact that Trump was a crazy birther. I guess the right doesn't want to bring up because they pander to the birthers and the left doesn't want to bring it up because Donald is helping them a lot.


No Scrubs
You know what is kinda funny? . . . The fact that no one is talking about the fact that Trump was a crazy birther. I guess the right doesn't want to bring up because they pander to the birthers and the left doesn't want to bring it up because Donald is helping them a lot.

Well, everyone already knows that so it's not like it is some revelation or something.


You know what is kinda funny? . . . The fact that no one is talking about the fact that Trump was a crazy birther. I guess the right doesn't want to bring up because they pander to the birthers and the left doesn't want to bring it up because Donald is helping them a lot.
In a field and party where not acknowledging Obama is undoubtedly a natural born citizen and not acknowledging that he is Christian but instead saying "he says he's a Christian" are the norms, attacking Trump for being a birther serves no benefit.
Republicans have spent eight years dehumanizing and other-izing Obama. Most may not buy the birther shit but it doesn't matter: they ultimately believe Obama is lying about himself or his past. So birtherism won't hurt Trump. Cruz is out here basically accusing Obama of treason, Rubio has called him classless, etc. They're very clear about their hatred of the man.

I still think the best way to stop Trump is to make people realize he's not a social conservative and has attacked Reagan.


I mean, eventually the GOP is going to bring up that Trump was a Democrat last decade.



"I'm totally pro-choice," he told Fox News on October 31, 1999. "I want to see the abortion issue removed from politics," he told reporters on December 1, 1999, adding, "I believe it is a personal decision that should be left to the women and their doctors."

"I'm very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better," Trump told Larry King on October 7, 1999.


Any opinions on Bill Hemmer and Martha MacCallum, who will be moderating the first GOP debate? They co-host America's Newsroom on Fox News, which I have to assume is a steaming loaf of shit.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Republicans don't give a shit about past transgressions as long as you give off the impression that you're 110% against whatever "liberal" positions you may have held before.

I'm trying to figure which debate it was where Romney, Santorum and Perry (I think it was those three) were arguing over who was more conservative.

The one where Romney insisted that he was "severely" conservative lol.
As I watched the ad I couldn't help but remember Obama's debate dig at Hillary for being a corporate lawyer for Walmart as a young professional.


@SabrinaSiddiqui said:
Scott Walker agreed to take a pic w/this guy whose sign said "Walker 4 president," but then he flipped it around...
So I am camping with somebody who works for the state department and knows a lot about foreign policy. She points out that the sanctions that we are lifting on Iran are the ones he put in place to get them to the table in the first place. So net/net, Obama has gotten everything we could from Iran and given up nothing.

What a failure!
Growing signs Schumer will oppose Iran deal

Really curious to see what Chuck does here, could honestly see him going either way. I thought it was interesting that when he appeared in a quick walk-on cameo on the Daily Show last week, Stewart didn't even try to prod him on where he stands.

If he votes against it it should cost him Senate Minority/Majority leader when Reid leaves office.

It won't, but it should.


If he votes against it it should cost him Senate Minority/Majority leader when Reid leaves office.

It won't, but it should.


Politico had a great article last week on just how heavily the President is leaning on Democrats to support the deal using phrases like "you owe me" to ensure support. Honestly, I hope that Obama uses whatever mean necessary to get the Democrats to stay in line for this vote. Beyond a mythical and highly improbable criminal reform bill, there aren't really any other major pieces of legislation to come up for a vote which the Democrats can sway (with TPA passed, TPP will probably go along party lines if they successfully negotiate it). The President needs them to fall in line for this vote, and if Schumer does anything to upset the outcome, his leadership in the Democratic party should be called into question.

Funky Papa

So, are we getting an OT for the first Republican debate? I tried to look a few pages back, but this thread is pretty massive and I don't keep up to date as much as I did during the previous elections.
If he votes against it it should cost him Senate Minority/Majority leader when Reid leaves office.

It won't, but it should.

I get the feeling that since Democratic senators know how many "No" votes the deal can withstand, they're all drawing straws as to who actually gets to vote against the deal while not blowing it up.

Politico had a great article last week on just how heavily the President is leaning on Democrats to support the deal using phrases like "you owe me" to ensure support. Honestly, I hope that Obama uses whatever mean necessary to get the Democrats to stay in line for this vote. Beyond a mythical and highly improbable criminal reform bill, there aren't really any other major pieces of legislation to come up for a vote which the Democrats can sway (with TPA passed, TPP will probably go along party lines if they successfully negotiate it). The President needs them to fall in line for this vote, and if Schumer does anything to upset the outcome, his leadership in the Democratic party should be called into question.

Shumer will be in the senate long after Obama leaves the presidency. The other problem is that Obama has no relationship with congress. TPP was another example of him being unable to sell things to his party. He comes off as condescending, lecturing those who disagree with him while propping up strawmen. I'd imagine many democrats in the senate and House can't stand him.

The Black Caucus and some progressives should be able to save him in the House, but I dunno about the senate.


Goddamn, our country is dumb

Americans aren’t thrilled about the nuclear deal with Iran, according to a new poll.
Voters disapproved of the nuclear pact 2-to-1. The majority of Americans, 58 to 30 percent, believe the deal will make America less safe, according to a new Quinnipiac poll out Monday.

“There’s not a lot of love for the proposed nuclear deal with Iran. Only a bare majority of Democrats support the pact,” Quinnipiac University Poll assistant director Tim Malloy said in a statement.


Three-fourths of voters disapprove of the job Republicans are doing with only 17 percent who are supportive. Democrats fared slightly better, though barely, 63 percent of voters are unhappy compared with 29 percent who approve of the job lawmakers are doing.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I guess Obama should have paid more attention to the congress critters during his time in office since now their feelings are hurt /halperin
I get the feeling that since Democratic senators know how many "No" votes the deal can withstand, they're all drawing straws as to who actually gets to vote against the deal while not blowing it up.
Doesn't matter. You should be in the shitlist for campaigning against your own democratic President's progressive legacy. If schumer wants to lick the balls of his donors, electorate, lobbies or whatever over the party he represents, he can fuck off.


The Quinnipiac poll out this morning shows voters oppose the Iran deal 57 - 28. AIPAC, the defense lobby, and aligned interests turned public opinion around quick. It's sickening just how little stands in the way of them returning to power. Can't let your guard down for a minute.
I get the feeling that since Democratic senators know how many "No" votes the deal can withstand, they're all drawing straws as to who actually gets to vote against the deal while not blowing it up.

I understand and accept that the deal isn't going to get unanimous Democratic support in the Senate, but the next-in-line for party leader in the Senate shouldn't be bucking the party and the president on something as important as this.

It should call into question how effective Schumer will be at wrangling votes once he's in Reid's chair. Because if this deal were happening under Schumer's watch, he'd be expected to get the votes.
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