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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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The majority of young Republicans support gay marriage (61%) and I don't know if more than 30% of the Republican base supports no rape exceptions for abortion. I think discriminating against black people and Muslims helps the GOP with regards to voting (because America has a lot of fuckheads), but I don't think their homophobia or anti-abortion crusade is helpful at all with regards to winning elections.
Yes, but the question is how many young Republicans are there vs. young Democrats and how much of an impact they have overall on the GOP's uber-reliable voters.

The GOP has no diversity whatsoever. They prop a lot of people up and have figureheads, but at the core, there is absolutely no diversity. There's a reason for that. The party faithful are mostly old and white.


Or maybe HRC and her advisers are seeing that there is at least some evidence that a $15 min wage is causing unemployment in very high wage areas. Since this indicates it would be very damaging in poorer areas maybe they just don't think its a good idea?

That was addressed in the post you replied to. She'll have to do, at least, a token compromise to get it passed, so if she really wants $12, starting at $15 is reasonable.

I think Obama's record has definitively shown that pre-negotiation compromises don't prevent extra compromise.
There was a really ugly moment at Donald Trump's rally in Mobile, AL, on Friday night.

It wasn't terribly surprising, considering Donald Trump's recent statements. A video from the event captured a guy/racist yelling out "White power!" as Donald Trump stumped. Interestingly, as he was wearing his trademark "Make America Great Again" hat, Donald Trump didn't address the person yelling that horrible phrase.

A guy in Mobile, Alabama at a rally for an anti-immigration candidate shouting "White Power"? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.




Martin O’Malley, a Democratic presidential candidate, said Sunday that Republicans and the media are raising “legitimate” questions about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

O’Malley, a former two-term Maryland governor, said the questions surrounding Clinton’s email habits as secretary of State aren’t allowing Democrats to talk about the economic issues worrying voters.

“So long as our Democratic Party is not talking about the issues that matter most around the kitchen table, the only question that will be asked every day, and it's a legitimate question, by media people like yourself, or by the Republicans, are questions about Hillary Clinton's emails,” O’Malley said on ABC’s “This Week.”
“Those are questions that I will leave to her and to her lawyers to answer. But as a party, we need to wake up and we need to have start having debates about the issues that really matter, like making college more affordable for more families, making wages go up and not down,” O’Malley added.

O’Malley also repeated his call for the Democratic Party to hold more presidential debates, insisting that Democrats won’t be able to get past questions about Clinton’s trustworthiness without more discussion about the issues.

“Until we start having debates, and offering those ideas that move our country forward, we're going to be bogged down in questions of, 'What did Hillary Clinton know and when did she know it?' ” O’Malley said.

The former Maryland governor, who is running far behind Clinton in the polls, campaigned at a hotel owned by GOP front-runner Donald Trump in Las Vegas in recent days to try to give his bid a spark.

Trump called O’Malley a “disgusting little weak pathetic baby” in the wake of that appearance. On Sunday, O’Malley bemoaned Trump's "hateful" speech.

“When you listen to their debates, very few of their candidates take him on directly for the hate-mongering, for the hateful speech about women and about immigrants,” he said.



I've only seen this joker on TV twice and it was like he spent the entire interview trying to fit as many of his political catch phrases in as he could. Felt so surreal.

Hell, he's done it right there in that interview.

He bugs me. He gonna get thrashed in the primary so idc what he says. He will drop out before the Maryland Primary forces him out due to embarrassment.
like most of Clinton's reform bills, it's like that Nation article says:

welfare reform was maybe doing objectively good things, on net, in the short run, but it's kinda kneecapped the federal government's ability to reduce poverty in the long run

kind of like how derivative deregulation might've had a couple objectively good things going for it that he could point to at first, right up until it broke the finance sector

There were some good aspects to the '96 reforms but they turned a lot of aid into block grants that have allowed states to divert welfare money to other purposes. So the poor in those states are receiving less support than they should.

Can you guys link me to something that goes more in depth. Just reading the premise of the bill, I don't really see anything too outlandish. Just limiting many program limits to five years and similar things.

What was his degree field? 2.59 isn't exactly lighting it up.
2.59? He barely qualified for many on campus jobs.
I'm starting to think perhaps shitcanning the autopsy results wasn't a bad idea, short term. Republicans are essentially betting the farm on winning the presidency. They currently have control of the House, which won't disappear anytime soon; and they also control the senate, which they should have for at least four more years.

They're losing the Senate next year, breh.
Can you guys link me to something that goes more in depth. Just reading the premise of the bill, I don't really see anything too outlandish. Just limiting many program limits to five years and similar things.

2.59? He barely qualified for many on campus jobs.

Like I said there were good parts to it. But block grants have been very bad for the poorest Americans. This story has many of the details:



Any Democrat who even mentions the email thing is a traitor. Giving any dignity to this farce of a controversy is despicable.

What is O'Malley even doing in this race? His crime policy was so bad it basically inspired the highest rated HBO show of all time.

Does Westeros have a crime problem?

(The Wire was actually mildly rated when it was on the air)


Any Democrat who even mentions the email thing is a traitor. Giving any dignity to this farce of a controversy is despicable.

What is O'Malley even doing in this race? His crime policy was so bad it basically inspired the highest rated HBO show of all time.

Yeah.. it reeks of desperation.

I've seen the other candidates baited by the press on this topic, and they've done the honorable/logical thing: they've refrained from biting.


Yeah.. it reeks of desperation.

I've seen the other candidates baited by the press on this topic, and they've done the honorable/logical thing: they've refrained from biting.

Why is he so desperate though? Its like his endorsement of her in 2007 was a farce. He talks of "crown passed between 2 families" when in 2007 it actually made more sense. Is he going to go back on that when he inevitably does endorse her? "lol didn't happen", "lol didn't mean it"


Why is he so desperate though? Its like his endorsement of her in 2007 was a farce. He talks of "crown passed between 2 families" when in 2007 it actually made more sense. Is he going to go back on that when he inevitably does endorse her? "lol didn't happen", "lol didn't mean it"

He'll go back on it. I don't see him going into Lieberman 2008 mode. He'll endorse, and then he'll fade..
Why is he so desperate though? Its like his endorsement of her in 2007 was a farce. He talks of "crown passed between 2 families" when in 2007 it actually made more sense. Is he going to go back on that when he inevitably does endorse her? "lol didn't happen", "lol didn't mean it"

He's losing worse than just about any candidate on both sides. I can see why he's desperate.
But what about . . . *turns head to look at blank wall to concentrate to remember* . . . uh . . . the other two guys? Well, if can remember them I guess that says it all.
Lincoln Chafee & Jim Webb
But what about . . . *turns head to look at blank wall to concentrate to remember* . . . uh . . . the other two guys? Well, if can remember them I guess that says it all.
Lincoln Chafee & Jim Webb
Are they even gonna be in the debate? It'll just be another Gilmore/Pataki situation with both of them getting like one question total.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So you all might have heard Trump say a few days ago that the "real" UE rate was 43%. Ignoring the fact that his number is wildly off, it appears to be the next Republican talking point evolving from the typical favorite statistic as of late, the U6 number, which is supposed to be "true" rate of UE that Obama is deliberately doctoring and manipulating to make himself look good.

And this leads me to once again document yet another instance of Obama being the most incompetent autocrat in history. Because if Obama were truly trying to "hide" the U6 number, you would think he wouldn't put in the same table that appears in every BLS jobs report that contains the official UE rate (U3). Not to mention that same table has another measure of UE that would be far more flattering to the president, U1, which would mean the official UE rate only be at 2.8%. Presumably, you'd think the Fuhrer would tell his loyal thugs at the labor department to use that figure from the moment that he came into office.

But no, Chairmain DumbaMAO somehow overlooked these details for some reason. And he could have gotten it away if it wasn't for the meticulous vigilance of Republican watchdogs.

Also, even the absurd number that Trump's using because he "doesn't trust the government" is also laughable because the numbers that he used to calculate it (91 million people out of the labor market divided by the whole labor market, I think?) is also in the same fucking report!
So you all might have heard Trump say a few days ago that the "real" UE rate was 43%. Ignoring the fact that his number is wildly off, it appears to be the next Republican talking point evolving from the typical favorite statistic as of late, the U6 number, which is supposed to be "true" rate of UE that Obama is deliberately doctoring and manipulating to make himself look good.

And this leads me to once again document yet another instance of Obama being the most incompetent autocrat in history. Because if Obama were truly trying to "hide" the U6 number, you would think he wouldn't put in the same table that appears in every BLS jobs report that contains the official UE rate (U3). Not to mention that same table has another measure of UE that would be far more flattering to the president, U1, which would mean the official UE rate only be at 2.8%. Presumably, you'd think the Fuhrer would tell his loyal thugs at the labor department to use that figure from the moment that he came into office.

But no, Chairmain DumbaMAO somehow overlooked these details for some reason. And he could have gotten it away if it wasn't for the meticulous vigilance of Republican watchdogs.

Also, even the absurd number that Trump's using because he "doesn't trust the government" is also laughable because the numbers that he used to calculate it (91 million people out of the labor market divided by the whole labor market, I think?) is also in the same fucking report!

Even U6 is going down so they have nothing to point so now it's just make up your own measure.
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