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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Hmhm, it's why we in the south upgraded to clientelism. Far more straightforward.

I'm really surprised there hasn't been a bigger study of souther political culture and how vastly different it is from the nobel "american form of government" we always here so much about.

Lots of the south and republican political culture is, as you said, simple clientelism. Bribery and patronage exists everywhere but its not the basis for the entire system.
I wouldn't confuse religion with race here. The problem is religion, not Arabs or Jews or Africans or white people. Whether people want to haggle over interpretation being the problem...eh, I'd rather not participate in that conversation. The bible cosigns slavery and homophobia. The Koran cosigns sexism and a variety of other shit. I'm not saying no good religious people exist. But many if not most also have ugly views that directly relate to their chosen religion, and they have quite an obsession with making other people adhere to those views. And that's where I have a problem.
Then you're no different than an authoritarian. People have been persecuted for their religion. Its how America was founded. You're saying we should somehow "ban" religions or put a damper on it. Thats no different than authoritative communist shitlords have done in the past.
Then you're no different than an authoritarian. People have been persecuted for their religion. Its how America was founded. You're saying we should somehow "ban" religions or put a damper on it. Thats no different than authoritative communist shitlords have done in the past.

I never said we should ban religions, I said the world would be better off without a specific form of religion. Would I support banning it? Of course not, this is America.
Hillary has to figure out a way to keep her poll numbers from sinking.

If not, only Biden can save us now. The party has no one else viable for a general election.

If he were to be sworn in as President, he'd be 74 years old, but oh well.

is a verb

(Today, 06:13 AM)
I'm surprised how illiberal GAF gets regarding immigration and Islam. Every damn time.

There was even one dude the other day who said he "leans left on everything but Islam" wtf?

I guess you are talking about me? (In general, not that specific quote which I didn't say.)

It is just a recognition that Islam, as practiced by many but certainly not all, can be quite the discriminatory religion. Lots on the Left just white knight any & all minority groups. But what happens when one minority group treats homosexuals VERY poorly, subjugates women, doesn't respect free speech, etc.

Everyone has a right to their beliefs but in a Liberal democracy, you can't enforce those views on others in the society. Its a heavily nuanced discussion. But it far too often ends up as "You are an Islamaphobe!", "You hate all Muslims!", "You are saying that the IS is the legitimate version of Islam!". No, none of those things are true but some people can't handle nuance or are just blinded to reality.

In a discussion, I got told by a Muslim that Saudi Arabia and Iran are not Islamic.
And here is a great example.
PD said:
I wouldn't confuse religion with race here. The problem is religion, not Arabs or Jews or Africans or white people. Whether people want to haggle over interpretation being the problem...eh, I'd rather not participate in that conversation. The bible cosigns slavery and homophobia. The Koran cosigns sexism and a variety of other shit. I'm not saying no good religious people exist. But many if not most also have ugly views that directly relate to their chosen religion, and they have quite an obsession with making other people adhere to those views. And that's where I have a problem.

Then you're no different than an authoritarian. People have been persecuted for their religion. Its how America was founded. You're saying we should somehow "ban" religions or put a damper on it. Thats no different than authoritative communist shitlords have done in the past.

C'mon now Rusty. PD just discussed his rational concerns with a faith that is endlessly in the news with not such happy things (Like your ISIS thread, this train attack, Al-Shabab, Boko Haram, etc.) He just set forth his concerns but issued no policy prescription.

And then you say "You're saying we should somehow "ban" religions" . . . he did no such thing. "Thats no different than authoritative communist shitlords have done in the past." . . . really? Expressing a few concerns is "no different than authoritative communist shitlords".


Religion is an inherently divisive thing. And when you just bring it up for discussion, people often seem to go nonlinear because you are talking about their god & faith system. And with Islam, there just tends to be more problems because it is a religion that claims the Koran is the perfect word of god and it also prescribes lots of laws & governmental policies.


You have to remember a lot of these weird "Bernie first, trump second", and so-called liberals yet having weirdly racist views on the Middle East or immigration are likely pretty damn young and are too young to even remember 9/11. I assumed as much about one guy in the Trump thread yesterday and he admitted he was too young to remember Al Gore.

Those who were born only 3 years before 9/11 will be old enough to vote for President. So called liberals of this age group have very odd all over the place views I have noticed. Not just at GAF, but in general.

We will have people old enough to vote for President where were only 8 or 9 during the Clinton vs Obama primary free-for-all. Too young to even be aware of that election. These type seem to be the ones who value populism above all else, claim to be liberal due social issues and then spout out odd rants about the Middle East and/or Mexico.

The Atlantic did a good piece a year back about how all over the place and contradictory Millennial political views are:

Honestly, I can see younger millennials swinging to the right as they get old far more than the previous few generations did,the political stances of younger Millennials typically has no real logic or coherence to it. They didn't have the Iraq War and anti-Bush views to rally around like the generation before it did. Becoming politically aware in the age of Obama created a weird bubble where they created their own idea of what being liberal means, even when some of the views are in fact not liberal at all.

Salon did a somewhat similiar piece back in December:

In essence the political views of white millennials while socially liberal they are pretty conservative on everything else compared to recent previous generations.

Yes and no. I think that Salon piece isn't very good and reads of liberal-the-sky-is-falling syndrome, but the Atlantic piece is right: we don't know where Millennials will end up on the political spectrum. Older Millennials are probably lean D, since we've lived through two Obama elections now and a financial meltdown, but the irregularity of Millennial voting patterns has a lot to do with the fact that many haven't solidified their own opinions and are still learning about what those mean.


Translation: "Kill me. Please."
Politico: Martin Luther King III 'perplexed' by Huckabee comments

Politico said:
Martin Luther King III, the son of the late civil rights leader, said he was “perplexed” by GOP presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee’s comments last week suggesting that his father would be “appalled” by the Black Lives Matter movement.

“I think dad would be very proud of young people standing up to promote truth, justice and equality,” King said during an interview on SiriusXM radio. “I was perplexed by the comments, but people attempt to use dad for everything.”
I want to be clear that this isn't just me picking on Islam. We have fundamentalist Christians in the United States who want to instigate WWIII in the Middle East solely to bring about the Second Coming. You have orthodox Jews who do all types of ugly shit in this country as well as Israel. Fundamentalist Islamists don't have a monopoly on violence.

And before Christopher Hitchens comparisons fly, I'll point out I don't support military interventions in the Middle East. I'm not a warmonger demanding we destroy ISIS or Iran or anyone else. In fact I was firmly opposed to the Libyan intervention while most people here supported it (and we all know how that turned out).

The United States has made that area of the world less stable through interventions. Back in the 1950s the general view of "Islam" was entirely different than today; there were more moderate governments before the US got heavily involved, including in Iraq and Afghanistan (and Iran). So the ME's problems aren't entirely religious in nature, we also see the after effects of disastrous foreign policy. But I still find the religion problematic.
You have to remember a lot of these weird "Bernie first, trump second", and so-called liberals yet having weirdly racist views on the Middle East or immigration are likely pretty damn young and are too young to even remember 9/11. I assumed as much about one guy in the Trump thread yesterday and he admitted he was too young to remember Al Gore.

Those who were born only 3 years before 9/11 will be old enough to vote for President. So called liberals of this age group have very odd all over the place views I have noticed. Not just at GAF, but in general.

We will have people old enough to vote for President where were only 8 or 9 during the Clinton vs Obama primary free-for-all. Too young to even be aware of that election. These type seem to be the ones who value populism above all else, claim to be liberal due social issues and then spout out odd rants about the Middle East and/or Mexico.
I actually fall into this age group of kids who'll be able to vote for the first time in the upcoming election. It's interesting seeing people think America's gonna become this liberal bastion once all of the wrong people die out. Xenophobia is most likely to skyrocket and there isn't much disputing that this generation won't completely embrace it. We might be a little less racist towards black people and a lot less homophobic than people who lived through the Reagan years but there'll be another ordeal (climate change) that comes and causes terrible stuff like xenophobia come back stronger than ever. I think the wild card is going to be how we end up reacting to socialism peeking its head through during automation and if we'll cling to our old ideals.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
You have to remember a lot of these weird "Bernie first, trump second", and so-called liberals yet having weirdly racist views on the Middle East or immigration are likely pretty damn young and are too young to even remember 9/11. I assumed as much about one guy in the Trump thread yesterday and he admitted he was too young to remember Al Gore.

Those who were born only 3 years before 9/11 will be old enough to vote for President. So called liberals of this age group have very odd all over the place views I have noticed. Not just at GAF, but in general.

We will have people old enough to vote for President where were only 8 or 9 during the Clinton vs Obama primary free-for-all. Too young to even be aware of that election. These type seem to be the ones who value populism above all else, claim to be liberal due social issues and then spout out odd rants about the Middle East and/or Mexico.

The Atlantic did a good piece a year back about how all over the place and contradictory Millennial political views are:

Honestly, I can see younger millennials swinging to the right as they get old far more than the previous few generations did,the political stances of younger Millennials typically has no real logic or coherence to it. They didn't have the Iraq War and anti-Bush views to rally around like the generation before it did. Becoming politically aware in the age of Obama created a weird bubble where they created their own idea of what being liberal means, even when some of the views are in fact not liberal at all.

Salon did a somewhat similiar piece back in December:

In essence the political views of white millennials while socially liberal they are pretty conservative on everything else compared to recent previous generations.

That's part of why I don't think you can call that group "millennials" anymore. I think millennial goes up to people born in 95. Maaaaaybe 97, which includes those who can vote for the first time right now but certainly no later then that. But there's going to be a very stark difference that becomes apparent when you compare those born even in 92 to those born in 98


Another issue: as we get further and further away from the times of abortion being illegal in places, that memory doesn't dwell in the minds of younger voters as large as it used to. Many take this for granted.

Same with sodomy laws. 2003 (when Lawrence overturned Bowers) might as well be a century ago in many minds. What's crazy is that almost every GOP nominee will turn around and tell us that he/she wants to appoint justices like Scalia or Thomas - judges who would have no problems with the constitutionality of state sodomy laws.

Democrats might want to find ways to occasionally remind voters that these issues (in theory) aren't solved for good.


And speaking of that old post-mortem, financial turmoil, etc.

I've been pretty torn on VP options, but this past 24 hours has me looking towards Virginia again:
- Financial turmoil might render this election a bit closer than we thought.
- Trump & the GOP have already pushed Hispanic voters to the Dems; I'm not sure Castro could pull much more.
- Warner's approval rating is hovering around 60% - about a 2-1 margin positive-negative. Very tempting.

Meanwhile, Trump seems to be loving this morning's market activity. He sooo wants to be the "I told you so"/"I can save you!" guy. https://instagram.com/p/6xT08ZGhQc/
Another issue: as we get further and further away from the times of abortion being illegal in places, that memory doesn't dwell in the minds of younger voters as large as it used to. Many take this for granted.

Same with sodomy laws. 2003 (when Lawrence overturned Bowers) might as well be a century ago in many minds. What's crazy is that almost every GOP nominee will turn around and tell us that he/she wants to appoint justices like Scalia or Thomas - judges who would have no problems with the constitutionality of state sodomy laws.

Democrats might want to find ways to occasionally remind voters that these issues (in theory) aren't solved for good.

Yeah, it is the old "Those who forget the problems of the past are doomed to repeat them." The EPA is another good example. The country is pretty clean these days . . . well all the young people weren't around when Los Angeles was a toxic soup of smog, the Cuyahoga River was on fire, and Love Canal was poisoning people.


This is semantics, and nothing more
WaPo op-ed suggests counting black votes as 5/3 (yes, five-thirds) of white votes:

Recognizing the original sin is simply not enough; we must also make moral and material amends for our nation’s treatment of African American citizens. But if a pecuniary answer can’t fix the structural disadvantage — and it can’t — what can?

Weighted voting.

Thanks to a compromise between Southern slaveholders who wanted enslaved blacks counted in the population, for the sake of boosting Southern congressional representation, and Northern whites who didn’t, the framers enshrined the three-fifths clause in the Constitution. This agreement set the census value of a slave as 60 percent of the value of a free person. Even after the 13th Amendment neutralized the political (and moral) compromise by abolishing slavery, Jim Crow laws, which contravened the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of equality, stopped blacks from voting. The just answer today is to invert that ratio. If black Americans were once counted as three-fifths of a person, let each African American voter now count as five-thirds.

It's a bad suggestion for at least two reasons, not least of which being that it is a clear violation of the Equal Protection Clause. In addition, it's clearly designed to benefit Democrats, not black people. The connection between the means (weighted-voting reparations) and the ends (counterbalancing past discrimination) is more tenuous than the connection between money reparations and the same ends. A black person with money reparations has direct control over how that money benefits his or her life. A black person with an overweighted vote has to rely on the benevolence of elected government officials to decide whether he or she benefits from the reparations.

Anywho, #WhiteVotesMatter.
WaPo op-ed suggests counting black votes as 5/3 (yes, five-thirds) of white votes:

It's a bad suggestion for at least two reasons, not least of which being that it is a clear violation of the Equal Protection Clause. In addition, it's clearly designed to benefit Democrats, not black people. The connection between the means (weighted-voting reparations) and the ends (counterbalancing past discrimination) is more tenuous than the connection between money reparations and the same ends. A black person with money reparations has direct control over how that money benefits his or her life. A black person with an overweighted vote has to rely on the benevolence of elected government officials to decide whether he or she benefits from the reparations.

Anywho, #WhiteVotesMatter.

That is a stupid idea and that guy should be embarrassed.


WaPo op-ed suggests counting black votes as 5/3 (yes, five-thirds) of white votes:

It's a bad suggestion for at least two reasons, not least of which being that it is a clear violation of the Equal Protection Clause. In addition, it's clearly designed to benefit Democrats, not black people. The connection between the means (weighted-voting reparations) and the ends (counterbalancing past discrimination) is more tenuous than the connection between money reparations and the same ends. A black person with money reparations has direct control over how that money benefits his or her life. A black person with an overweighted vote has to rely on the benevolence of elected government officials to decide whether he or she benefits from the reparations.

Anywho, #WhiteVotesMatter.

lolololololololol oh MAN
WaPo op-ed suggests counting black votes as 5/3 (yes, five-thirds) of white votes:

It's a bad suggestion for at least two reasons, not least of which being that it is a clear violation of the Equal Protection Clause. In addition, it's clearly designed to benefit Democrats, not black people. The connection between the means (weighted-voting reparations) and the ends (counterbalancing past discrimination) is more tenuous than the connection between money reparations and the same ends. A black person with money reparations has direct control over how that money benefits his or her life. A black person with an overweighted vote has to rely on the benevolence of elected government officials to decide whether he or she benefits from the reparations.

Anywho, #WhiteVotesMatter.

Identity politics taken to the extreme. 2015 in a nutshell.


Unconfirmed Member
WaPo op-ed suggests counting black votes as 5/3 (yes, five-thirds) of white votes:

It's sort of the same thought process Charles Murray has when complaining about how the rich minority supposedly can't do anything in a democracy where the majority has all the control. And it's not like the founding fathers didn't see this same problem with democracy, because they created the senate specifically to fight this sort of problem.

And the problem with this is the same problem that people have with the senate. Why does Wyoming really need this sort of protection? When looking at modern politics, it seems like the individual races are far more likely to suffer from this tyranny of the majority than the individual states.


Gov. Dalrymple (North Dakota) isn't running next year - might make some room for ivysaur's political crush.


EDIT: Problem is they also changed the law so there is a special election for her Senate seat instead of her being able to appoint her successor so there's an incumbent advantage in 2018.

EDIT 2: Or, that's the proposed law.


Obama won't rule out Primary endorsement.


The White House on Monday said President Obama may offer an endorsement in the Democratic primary, which could pit his former secretary of State against his vice president.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the front-runner for the party's nomination, but Vice President Biden is looking at the race.

“I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of an endorsement during the Democratic primary,” press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters on Monday.
But Earnest offered few clues about which candidate the president might ultimately endorse.

The spokesman heaped praise on Biden, reiterating Obama’s decision to make Biden his running mate “was the smartest decision that he'd ever made in politics.”

He also said there is “no one in American politics today” who better understands what it takes to run for president than Biden, who has run twice previously for the nation’s highest office.

Citing Biden’s own end-of-summer deadline to make a decision, Earnest said he expects the vice president to make a decision within the next month.

He also cited Obama’s “respect, appreciation and admiration” of Clinton’s service as secretary of State.

Earnest downplayed the doubts swirling around Clinton’s campaign, saying no one thought Obama had a chance to win the nomination at this point in 2007.

“There are dangers in assuming the outcome 15 months in advance,” he told reporters. “Warn people against drawing conclusions at such an early stage.”

Biden is said to be considering challenging Clinton for the Democratic nomination, amid concerns about her poll numbers and the controversy surrounding her use of a private email server while she was the nation’s top diplomat.

Biden and Obama had lunch on Monday in their first face to face meeting since the vice president ramped up his efforts to explore a run for president.


How long would a Biden/Hilldawg matchup even last? Would we still know by Super Tuesday?

Maybe by Super Tuesday. If Hillary won the first 4 contest, Super Tuesday would probably be the beginning of the end for her opponents because March has plenty of delegates for Hillary to run up the score. TX, OH, FL etc.


Pretty much all religions are persecuted in china. notice how he forgets about the Uyghurs
That's not exactly true.
People are generally allowed to worship whatever they fucking like, and speaking of Christianity, there are million of Christians in China who follow their religion in the open without being bothered.
What the CCP doesn't allow is the formation of alternative power structures (this extend beyond religion) and as such, the Christian churches (both protestant and Catholic varieties) are supervised by the government and answer, sometime directly and sometime indirectly to it (the actual amount of control they exert on them is a contested issue I don't have any good first hand knowledge about, but from people I talked it seems to be similar to how the media is controlled, i.e. mostly by self censoring and understanding of what is expected).
Unsanctioned churches are generally not allowed, though they don't seem to be prosecuting them especially hard at the moment, at least not Christians in tier 1 cities.

The relationship between China in the holy sea is crazy complicated, but I've derailed this thread enough.
Hey guys, I keep seeing posts by Sanders and Trump supporters that Clinton does not support universal health care. Is that actually... true? AFAIK, she's been advocating for it ever since she was a First Lady.


Out-Of-Control Scott Walker Injured After Wildly Careening Between Stances On Immigration

FORT MILL, SC—Subjecting his body to intense and highly dangerous levels of stress, an out-of-control Scott Walker was said to be severely hurt Monday after careening wildly between several different stances on immigration. “The human frame simply isn’t meant to handle the kind of physical strain that Governor Walker imposed on himself by veering so quickly and so recklessly between contradictory viewpoints,” said physician James Soroka, who added that the injuries the candidate suffered after he attempted multiple 180-degree pivots in rapid succession on the issue of birthright citizenship were some of the worst he had ever seen on the campaign trail. “Occasionally you see a candidate try something like this, thinking they’re invincible, but no one can tumble that violently across the political spectrum and walk away unharmed. Sadly, the trauma was so severe that he may never make a full recovery.” At press time, Walker had reportedly been severed in half at the torso while attempting to simultaneously hold two completely divergent positions on economic inequality.
That's not exactly true.
People are generally allowed to worship whatever they fucking like, and speaking of Christianity, there are million of Christians in China who follow their religion in the open without being bothered.
What the CCP doesn't allow is the formation of alternative power structures (this extend beyond religion) and as such, the Christian churches (both protestant and Catholic varieties) are supervised by the government and answer, sometime directly and sometime indirectly to it (the actual amount of control they exert on them is a contested issue I don't have any good first hand knowledge about, but from people I talked it seems to be similar to how the media is controlled, i.e. mostly by self censoring and understanding of what is expected).
Unsanctioned churches are generally not allowed, though they don't seem to be prosecuting them especially hard at the moment, at least not Christians in tier 1 cities.

The relationship between China in the holy sea is crazy complicated, but I've derailed this thread enough.
I would say you pretty much described how religions are persecuted in China.
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