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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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I would say you pretty much described how religions are persecuted in China.

Believe his point is that christians aren't persecuted, but christian churches are. As, i assume, would be mosques and synagogues.

Is an interesting distinction.

Either way Walker is just rehashing Yellow Peril. In 2015.



To be clear -- reporters asked the Press Secretary if Obama would rule out an endorsement, and the Press Secretary did what he's supposed to do when he gets a question he's not briefed on, which is to duck and weave and avoid committing to anything. I really wouldn't read too much into this.

Hey guys, I keep seeing posts by Sanders and Trump supporters that Clinton does not support universal health care. Is that actually... true? AFAIK, she's been advocating for it ever since she was a First Lady.

No, of course she supports universal health care.

There's a quote from 2014 where she said that she preferred Obamacare to single-payer in America. But, I mean, a) she was talking to a bunch of healthcare information systems professionals, b) in case you didn't notice from Obamacare itself, single-payer wasn't a mainstream position in 2014, c) Hillary in 2014 was not about to attack Obama's accomplishments from the left.

This is just more stuff from the people who don't understand Obamacare at all and think it's a giveaway to insurance companies. Universal health care doesn't have to mean single-payer, and Obamacare is a huge step towards universal health care. Would I prefer single-payer? Sure, I would. But I'm not going to let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Jeb has to be the worst campaigner that started with huge swaths of establishment support ever.

He really is bad at this. It's sad, really. His brother was soooooo much better.

Also, walker lol so dumb.
How is substituting one minority for another while still using a slur a great idea? Does he think Latinos will now be fine with him?

I hope we discuss nothing but anchor babies in the cnn debate.

Who would even believe him? When has the term anchor baby ever been associated primarily with Asian immigrants?


Believe his point is that christians aren't persecuted, but christian churches are. As, i assume, would be mosques and synagogues.

Is an interesting distinction.

Either way Walker is just rehashing Yellow Peril. In 2015.
Let me put it this way - China doesn't have freedom of religion the way you have it in western countries, but it's also not close to being anything like what was going on in the Soviet Union (which is kinda the image I think some people in the US have).

And yeah, it's pretty much like that to all religions.
Let me put it this way - China doesn't have freedom of religion the way you have it in western countries, but it's also not close to being anything like what was going on in the Soviet Union (which is kinda the image I think some people in the US have).

And yeah, it's pretty much like that to all religions.

Who cares if its not as bad as the USSR, it still horrifying to any one who believes people should have freedom to practice their religion.

It reads like your trying to dismiss the criticisms.
Who cares if its not as bad as the USSR, it still horrifying to any one who believes people should have freedom to practice their religion.

It reads like your trying to dismiss the criticisms.

Seems more like a spectrum sorta deal. Sure, one can try to condemn what the chinese do, but to intensely religious folk, trying to uphold a laic state is also an attack on religion.

Can't seem to condemn their approach quite so easily in that very specific regard.

Obv when they intrude on a personal level, it becomes far easier to criticize.
Seems more like a spectrum sorta deal. Sure, one can try to condemn what the chinese do, but to intensely religious folk, trying to uphold a laic state is also an attack on religion.

Can't seem to condemn their approach quite so easily in that very specific regard.

Obv when they intrude on a personal level, it becomes far easier to criticize.

Its not a spectrum because they do interfere on a personal level (there was an article a few weeks ago about their attacks on Muslims and their fasting). This isn't France this is a country that actively suppresses organized religion because they might empower people to challenge the state. Its not a laic state, it is a oppressive state to anyone who dares to challenge the party



Who cares if its not as bad as the USSR, it still horrifying to any one who believes people should have freedom to practice their religion.

It reads like your trying to dismiss the criticisms.
Well that's exactly it, you see I don't think being a Christian in China or the situation of religions in general there is anything even remotely close to "horrifying".
And I'm not trying to dismiss anything, but this is in the context Walker's verbal diarrhea, and that context is used to justify a very aggressive and counter-productive stance against China, based in part on the way they treat Christians.
I just think it's important people get a clear picture of what that prosecution actually mean, because again, I think it's quite different than the image most people in the US has (not to mention that Christian prosecution tend to immediately evoke images of lions and martyrs).
Well that's exactly it, you see I don't think being a Christian in China or the situation of religions in general there is anything even remotely close to "horrifying".
And I'm not trying to dismiss anything, but this is in the context Walker's verbal diarrhea, and that context is used to justify a very aggressive and counter-productive stance against China, based in part on the way they treat Christians.
I just think it's important people get a clear picture of what that prosecution actually mean, because again, I think it's quite different than the image most people in the US has (not to mention that Christian prosecution tend to immediately evoke images of lions and martyrs).

they're not killing them so we shouldn't worry to much and rush to china apologetics? I'm not saying the statement was good, its horrifyingly xenophobic

But the situation in China isn't all that grand and many things can be accurately described as horrifying and the human rights situation is only getting worse for christians, muslims, tibetans, etc.

Here's a report on the situtation
http://www.uscirf.gov/sites/default/files/China 2015.pdf

Looks like Walker is trying to copy someone . . . someone who has had more success . . .


they're not killing them so we shouldn't worry to much and rush to china apologetics? I'm not saying the statement was good, its horrifyingly xenophobic

But the situation in China isn't all that grand and many things can be accurately described as horrifying and the human rights situation is only getting worse for christians, muslims, tibetans, etc.
I'm not saying everything is fine in China, and yes, some things there are indeed horrifying, I'm saying that knowing quite a few religious Chinese people, I just wouldn't categorize their situation as anything close to that.

Or to put it back into PoliGAF's context, it's not close to being anything that impact the US's foreign relationship with China, at least no more than the fact that it's not democracy already does (I personally think that also shouldn't really matter, but that's a different discussion).

Anchor babies is specifically a slur against asians?

Didn't know this.

No, it isn't. But there are organized efforts of having pregnant Chinese women fly over, stay here until birth, secure citizenship for their kid, and then (usually) fly back home. It is known as 'birth tourism'.

China is a place of great change and I think a lot of rich Chinese people set up bug-out plans on what they'll do if things go off the rails. Hence lots of Chinese-owned but unoccupied real estate in the USA and Canada.
I was thinking the same think, but who would you change it to?

This is what I've been saying. They ALL look like losers. Hence my lean toward "I beat China all the time" Donald "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese" Trump but that seems ridiculous.
Its not a spectrum because they do interfere on a personal level (there was an article a few weeks ago about their attacks on Muslims and their fasting). This isn't France this is a country that actively suppresses organized religion because they might empower people to challenge the state. Its not a laic state, it is a oppressive state to anyone who dares to challenge the party


And the weird persecution was the Falun Gong one. Basically a bunch of old people that did some type of yoga or something. Chinese officials went nuts over it. Weird. I used to watch lots of old Chinese people doing it in parks in San Francisco . . . seemed completely harmless.
@CBSNews analysis: Out of ~770 top Obama fundraisers in 2012, a fraction (51) have committed to bundling money for Clinton @juliannagoldman
oh dear

"Sources tell @CBSNews that President Obama has given his Vice President the green-light to mull a White House run" - @juliannagoldman

well then


@CBSNews analysis: Out of ~770 top Obama fundraisers in 2012, a fraction (51) have committed to bundling money for Clinton @juliannagoldman
oh dear

"Sources tell @CBSNews that President Obama has given his Vice President the green-light to mull a White House run" - @juliannagoldman

well then


He had a chance to go out a winner.
@CBSNews analysis: Out of ~770 top Obama fundraisers in 2012, a fraction (51) have committed to bundling money for Clinton @juliannagoldman
oh dear

"Sources tell @CBSNews that President Obama has given his Vice President the green-light to mull a White House run" - @juliannagoldman

well then
Bundlers dont bundle money this early in the game. And comparing to 2012 is ridiculous.

Obama trying to stop a Biden run is not only bad optics but unethical and stupid.

What other non-news have we got going?


Bundlers dont bundle money this early in the game. And comparing to 2012 is ridiculous.

Obama trying to stop a Biden run is not only bad optics but unethical and stupid.

What other non-newshave we got going?

Because its obvious Obama wants Clinton as his successor. He does not want to upset his friend. Biden is in a mix of spiraling emotions right now. Obama does not want him to do a suicide mission where he runs, gets destroyed and goes out as a loser. He is also running against the chance to make history again.
Its not a spectrum because they do interfere on a personal level (there was an article a few weeks ago about their attacks on Muslims and their fasting). This isn't France this is a country that actively suppresses organized religion because they might empower people to challenge the state. Its not a laic state, it is a oppressive state to anyone who dares to challenge the party

Yeah, that shit's bananas. Will continue to be a good case for soft law, given how hard law is completely off the table there.

Oh, who am i kidding, nearly every country will just continue to turn as much of a blind eye as possible.


Moderate Republican Mama Ivy: "Joe Biden seems like a nice guy, but I'd never want him in a position of power, you know? Also you look tired."
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