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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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God were still doing this. Remember when romney running was a thing? And Warren?

The only way biden gets in is to prepare someone for if Clinton flames out because of emailgate
That's the thing, though. Incompetent though the Republicans currently may be right now, I most definitely wouldn't be surprised if they successfully managed to promote the idea that Biden is only running because Hillary is dirty and about to crash and burn.

Which is why he should only come out if her campaign's really about to come crashing down. Ain't no point in risking the rethoric otherwise.
That's the thing, though. Incompetent though the Republicans currently may be right now, I most definitely wouldn't be surprised if they successfully managed to promote the idea that Biden is only running because Hillary is dirty and about to crash and burn.

Which is why he should only come out if her campaign's really about to come crashing down. Ain't no point in risking the rethoric otherwise.
What other reason is there? What would he do different than Hillary (at least how she's positioning herself this time?) Its the same problem o malley has. Why are they running?


That's the thing, though. Incompetent though the Republicans currently may be right now, I most definitely wouldn't be surprised if they successfully managed to promote the idea that Biden is only running because Hillary is dirty and about to crash and burn.

Which is why he should only come out if her campaign's really about to come crashing down. Ain't no point in risking the rethoric otherwise.


Cornel West: Why I Endorse Brother Bernie and Reject Brother Trump
The American Empire is in decline. Our market-driven culture is in decay. The criminal justice system has failed us. And the political system is collapsing due to the weight of corrupt lobbyists and greedy capitalists. Only organized power of courageous and compassionate people can turn around these catastrophic realities. Social movements in the streets and jails over against the Establishment in both decrepit political parties are fundamental. And prophetic politicians -- always with their faults and blind spots -- who tell the truth about Wall Street, white supremacy, empire, patriarchy and homophobia, deserve our critical support. Yet even more important is the issue of integrity.

Brother Bernie and Brother Trump are authentic human beings in stark contrast to their donor-driven opponents. Yet only Bernie has authenticity and integrity, whereas Trump is for real but not for right. Trump's attacks on precious Mexican brothers and sisters are unconscionable -- even as his blessed mother was born in Scotland and grandfather (Mr. Drumpf) was born in Germany. His kind of nativistic hostility could have excluded them. And Trump's unpatriotic complicity with the plutocratic corruption of our political system for over 30 years calls into question his integrity, including his commitment to "make America great again."

My endorsement of Brother Bernie in the primaries is not an affirmation of the neo-liberal Democratic Party or a downplaying of the immorality of the ugly Israeli occupation of Palestinians. I do so because he is a long-distance runner with integrity in the struggle for justice for over 50 years. Now is the time for his prophetic voice to be heard across our crisis-ridden country, even as we push him with integrity toward a more comprehensive vision of freedom for all.


Random Israeli mention and no Bernie doesn't stand for freedom for all. Not with his anti immigration views.

It's not really too random. The democratic party enables some bad things, like neo-liberalism and Israeli aggression, and he wants to make sure people understand that he doesn't support the party -- just this one candidate.


Like I've said prior, there is no way Rubio is losing to people as dumb as Jeb?! and Walker.
Yeah, with each passing day I'm beginning to think Rubio will be the surprise nominee. Aside from his abortion comments he really hasn't said anything as damaging or dumb like some of the other candidates have. Him being Hispanic could be a moderate plus too. If it weren't for the money Jeb has, I think he'd have an even better chance. Maybe I'm talking out of my ass or missed something though, hah.


Looks like the GOP is pouncing on the market falling. Already with the "Blame Obama" rhetoric.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican candidates for president eagerly diagnosed Monday's widespread stock sell-off, with President Barack Obama and China the most popular targets for blame on a day the Dow Jones industrial average fell by nearly 600 points.

Among them was Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who blamed the tumble on what he called China's manipulation of its economy. He called on Obama to grow some "backbone" and call off a planned state visit next month by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Front-runner Donald Trump, appearing Monday on Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor," agreed. "I would not be throwing (Xi) a dinner. I would get him a McDonald's hamburger and say we've got to get down to work."

Or God did it.

Of course, while a great deal of blame has been placed on various economic factors, Pat Robertson claims to know what’s truly responsible for the stock market disaster: Abortion.

The televangelist host of The 700 Club said on Monday that the downturn was a preview of God’s judgment for American complicity in the use of federal tax dollars to fund the “monstrosity” known as Planned Parenthood. Robertson continued to explain how we would “pay dearly as a nation,” and that the only way to stop the American apocalypse was if we “stop the slaughter.”

“It’s coming, ladies and gentlemen,” Robertson warned. “We just had a little taste of it in terms of the financial system, but it’s going to be shaken to its core in the next few months, years or however long it tastes and it will hurt every one of us.”


The Virgina and North Carolina Republican Party are geniuses.

Amid mounting concerns about Donald Trump’s candidacy from the GOP establishment, Republican leaders in at least two states have found a way to make life a lot harder for him.

The Virginia and North Carolina parties are in discussions about implementing a new requirement for candidates to qualify for their primary ballots: that they pledge to support the Republican presidential nominee — and not run as a third-party candidate — in the general election.

In both states, organizers said, the goal was the same — to compel Trump, who has cultivated a passionate following of conservative supporters, into offering his full support to the party.
Any moves to tie Trump’s hands, though, could infuriate the mercurial billionaire, who has warned that he could bolt the party if GOP leaders treat him unfairly

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/...donald-trumps-hands-121696.html#ixzz3jmifhG4P


Okay, so what if he pledges to support the eventual nominee... and then doesn't? So what, who cares? What are the repercussions?

Or, in gif form:



Okay, so what if he pledges to support the eventual nominee... and then doesn't? So what, who cares? What are the repercussions?

Or, in gif form:


This is my immediate question: what's the enforcement mechanism behind such an agreement?

He can claim, "I had my fingers crossed when I signed that pledge. The cross formation looked really classy and luxurious. Sorry. Not."

(edit: annnd beaten. Y'all have this covered.)
Trump keeps calling Megyn Kelly an ugly bimbo on Twitter right now, ugh, this guy is horrible.

He also seems to be trying to become the 2nd choice for Cruz/Carson voters which is obviously his best bet to winning the nomination.


Trump keeps calling Megyn Kelly an ugly bimbo on Twitter right now, ugh, this guy is horrible.

He also seems to be trying to become the 2nd choice for Cruz/Carson voters which is obviously his best bet to winning the nomination.

I about died when he said that she's "come back looking like Nancy Grace."
It's not really too random. The democratic party enables some bad things, like neo-liberalism and Israeli aggression, and he wants to make sure people understand that he doesn't support the party -- just this one candidate.

He's probably to the right of most of gaf on isreal (he lines up well with my views though)
Trump keeps calling Megyn Kelly an ugly bimbo on Twitter right now, ugh, this guy is horrible.

He also seems to be trying to become the 2nd choice for Cruz/Carson voters which is obviously his best bet to winning the nomination.

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 4m4 minutes ago Manhattan, NY
"@YoungYoung54: @JeriHyatt @megynkelly @JebBush So true. Jeb Bush is crazy, who cares that he speaks Mexican, this is America, English !!"

"speaks mexican" hahahahaha

Dayton's tenure as governor has been such a rousing success story for Democrats, especially in comparison to most of the GOP govs who simply rode the national recovery while leaving their states' finances in ruins.

But yeah a Republican could totally win here in 2016

Dayton dropped the ball hard on marijuana. "I know your kids are sick and could benefit from medicinal marijuana, go buy cannabis off the street. No, you don't have any protections if the cops bust you doing that, but do it anyways."


Hopefully we get Scott Dibble as our next Governor. His medicinal marijuana bill wasn't a fucking joke. He's probably even open to the possibility of legalization outright. Dibble can look at the fact Minnesotans support medicinal marijuana.
I don't have Twitter so I'm curious, do you get notified when someone mentions you in a tweet? Cause I'm having fun picturing Kelly's reaction to his tweets.
I have no sympathy for Megyn Kelly. Nobody forced her to work for Fox News for years and dog whistle the same rabid lunatics that are now attacking her. She made her bed and now she has to live in it.

They knew exactly what they were dealing with and now they can't control it.
Guys...in what world is it acceptable to explain your use of a disrespectful term by saying "I wasn't talking about x group, I was actually talking about y group." And Jeb is supposed to be the smart one...
Guys...in what world is it acceptable to explain your use of a disrespectful term by saying "I wasn't talking about x group, I was actually talking about y group." And Jeb is supposed to be the smart one...

W is a war criminal with more terrible speaking gaffes than anyone and yet he's more of an intellectual, a better speaker, and a kinder person than Jeb?! (by far in some cases). It's astonishing.
I have no sympathy for Megyn Kelly. Nobody forced her to work for Fox News for years and dog whistle the same rabid lunatics that are now attacking her. She made her bed and now she has to live in it.

They knew exactly what they were dealing with and now they can't control it.

I picture Jeb's Twitter being ran by a young staff member. So he probably gets Trump's tweets after the fact and gets pissed. I picture Megan getting her tweets live.
Could Dayton be a presidential candidate by the next cycle? Or 2020 if Hillary loses?

Edit: saw he's already 68. Wish he was a decade younger.

While Mark Dayton as Governor has presided over getting some stuff done he's also been on the wrong side of issues as well such as financing the Vikings' new stadium to the tune of 500 million dollars or thereabout, strictest medicinal marijuana in the nation (when there was a very good alternative bill he could have supported), told the mother's of kids having seizures to buy weed off the streets(break the law) as already mentioned a few posts up. The guy's personality isn't Presidential(he's a recluse to the nth degree, gives fluff answers as to why he won't act, "It's not good public policy", care to elaborate? "No."). He has some lingering effects from alcoholism in his past(or some other drugs perhaps). He slurs his words so much it's tough to even know what the hell he is saying at times. He's a walking example not to be an alcoholic or however he fried his mind.
I have no sympathy for Megyn Kelly. Nobody forced her to work for Fox News for years and dog whistle the same rabid lunatics that are now attacking her. She made her bed and now she has to live in it.

They knew exactly what they were dealing with and now they can't control it.

While I can understand not having as much sympathy for Megyn, there's no justification for calling her a bimbo. It's a deplorable thing to do. No woman should have to accept such language.
This one is pretty good though:

2 minutes ago Manhattan, NY
Jeb Bush never uses his last name on advertising, signage, materials etc. Is he ashamed of the name BUSH? A pretty sad situation. Go Jeb!

Except that Trump doesn't seem to know that JEB means John Ellis Bush.


Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 6m6 minutes ago Manhattan, NY
Hillary Clinton never uses her last name on advertising, signage, materials etc. Is she ashamed of the name Clinton? A pretty sad situation. Go Hillary!

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