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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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I'd wager 99% of people don't know what jeb means. I always thought it meant Jebediah.

I never really gave it much thought, although now every time I hear anybody say "Jeb Bush", I'm only going to be able to hear "John Ellis Bush Bush". Sort of like "ATM Machine".


Guys...in what world is it acceptable to explain your use of a disrespectful term by saying "I wasn't talking about x group, I was actually talking about y group." And Jeb is supposed to be the smart one...

So I'm thinking the misunderstanding here is that Jeb figures people are offended because Mexicans don't do much birth tourism rather than at the generalization or at the term "anchor baby". He makes everyone happy by clarifying that he was talking about Asians, who feature in most actual stories of birth tourism. See his incredulous rejection of the idea that he might use some term other than "anchor baby" to describe the children of illegal immigrants.
Dayton dropped the ball hard on marijuana. "I know your kids are sick and could benefit from medicinal marijuana, go buy cannabis off the street. No, you don't have any protections if the cops bust you doing that, but do it anyways."


Hopefully we get Scott Dibble as our next Governor. His medicinal marijuana bill wasn't a fucking joke. He's probably even open to the possibility of legalization outright. Dibble can look at the fact Minnesotans support medicinal marijuana.
Yeah I'll admit his opposition to legalizing even medicinal marijuana is pretty disappointing, but it's my only legitimate gripe with the guy. I wasn't for the Vikings stadium but I don't really care that much.

Jeb's campaign is cutting salaries - dude is sputtering. I don't see Walker rebounding anytime soon either.


Yeah I'll admit his opposition to legalizing even medicinal marijuana is pretty disappointing, but it's my only legitimate gripe with the guy. I wasn't for the Vikings stadium but I don't really care that much.

Jeb's campaign is cutting salaries - dude is sputtering. I don't see Walker rebounding anytime soon either.

Do you have a source for that? Somehow, I can't imagine Jeb would be cutting salaries with his connections. He is not Rick Perry.


Speaking of Jeb, I'm oddly disappointed in him. What a disaster so far, seriously. I'm expecting additional gaffes for him to walk back on now, like a dozen more at least.
Do you have a source for that? Somehow, I can't imagine Jeb would be cutting salaries with his connections. He is not Rick Perry.

Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign has asked various divisions to be mindful of their spending, in a reminder that despite his giant “super PAC” bankroll, campaign dollars are ultimately more valuable.

Campaign officials asked workers to tighten their belts a few weeks ago, according to two people briefed on the matter. In some cases, staff members’ paychecks shrank, these people said.

The cuts were not a result of fund-raising shortfalls, these people said, but were intended to correct needless spending before the campaign gets into the heat of the election season.


Would such a pledge hold any contractual weight? What's to keep Trump from just reneging and talking shit on the GOP about how scared they are of his candidacy?

Nothing, which is why doing this is foolish. All it does is antagonizes Trump and make him that more willing to do a 3rd party run.


Unconfirmed Member
I just want to point out this Birth Tourism explanation is a cop out. If they are returning home it's not an anchor anything. "Anchor Baby"implies they are having it here to assist in their residing in the country permanently.

If he was talking about birth tourism he could have used the appropriate term. He was clearly talking about Latin American immigrants then had to walk it back like all his other dumb shit.
I have no sympathy for Megyn Kelly. Nobody forced her to work for Fox News for years and dog whistle the same rabid lunatics that are now attacking her. She made her bed and now she has to live in it.

They knew exactly what they were dealing with and now they can't control it.

I don't have sympathy for Megyn Kelly, but I have a weird sort of respect for her.

Though the majority of the time she does parrot the typical Fox News garbage, she's not a completely brainless company woman like most of the folks on Fox News. When someone sets off her bullshit detector she can be truly relentless and impressive.

If she were on another network and not under so much pressure to preach Fox orthodoxy, I might genuinely like her.


I want Biden to run.

I think I may vote for him in the primary if he does.

Trump is like the guy in a chat room who trolls everyone really hard when he knows the channel op is away.
fresh off heels of new SC poll....


Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 1m1 minute ago

Congrats @LindseyGrahamSC. You just got 4 points in your home state of SC—far better than zero nationally. You’re only 26 pts behind me.

love it.

and here's a NH poll from PPP

PPP's new New Hampshire poll finds Donald Trump in the strongest position of any poll we've done anywhere since he entered the race. Trump laps the Republican field with 35% to 11% for John Kasich, 10% for Carly Fiorina, 7% each for Jeb Bush and Scott Walker, 6% for Ben Carson, 4% each for Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio, and 3% for Rand Paul. Candidates falling outside the top ten in the state are Rick Perry at 2%, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki, and Rick Santorum at 1%, and Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee, and Bobby Jindal all at less than 1%. Everyone does have at least one supporter on this poll.

and bernie ahead of HRC 42-35%

There's been a big shift on the Democratic side since April as well. Bernie Sanders now leads the field in the state with 42% to 35% for Hillary Clinton, 6% for Jim Webb, 4% for Martin O'Malley, 2% for Lincoln Chafee, and 1% for Lawrence Lessig.

This is textbook corporate bullshit (or middle management fuckery). His campaign's failure has nothing to do with people not working hard or spending too much - it has to do with the candidate not being good on the trail, and not exciting the base or his own base. Sounds like donors have complained about the money they've spent without results, and this is the campaign's response.

Romney has to be kicking himself.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump's on the attack again this morning!

He's doing good work here. Almost like he's going from candidate to candidate, softening them up..

This is exactly why he's going to win.


It's funny... Trump is 69 and Biden is 74, but Biden is way more youthful and charismatic.

I think a Biden vs. Trump debate would be one for the ages.
The change in favorables since the Spring is really something.

Trump's advantage over the Republican field is thorough. He leads with Tea Party voters (44%), men (39%), independents (36%), conservatives (36%), voters who are most concerned about electability (35%), both younger voters and seniors (at 34% with each), evangelicals (32%), women (30%), and moderates (29%). Trump has a 56/32 favorability rating and he also leads when you match him with the other Republican hopefuls head to head- it's 47/39 over Ben Carson, 53/35 over Scott Walker, 53/34 over Marco Rubio, and 56/33 over Jeb Bush.
-Bush is really struggling. Only 38% of primary voters have a favorable opinion of him to 41% with a negative one. This is largely a function of his unpopularity with conservatives- among voters who identify themselves as 'very conservative' just 34% have a positive opinion of him to 48% who have a negative one. Only 3% say he's their first choice for the nomination, putting him in a tie for 8th place with that group.


Trying to essentially force Trump into not going third party is probably just going to piss him off and make him want to go third party even more.


Well I guess we can try to figure out who is going to get whose voters once guys start dropping out.

Lol at that Rick Santorum column though, his dedicated voters refuse to choose anybody else.

This is even worse for Jeb! than anything that's come out so far. The only people that favor him as a second choice candidate are Lindsey Graham supporters and Marco Rubio supporters, both of whom have very little support.

Meanwhile Trump gets 20% from everybody who drops out. Trump is the most popular second choice candidate aside from Carson and Fiorina.

Carson also does great in this poll, but his big advantage over Trump is mostly that Trump supporters like him as a second choice.

A little bit of hope for Walker in that he is popular among Carson and Cruz supporters, but nobody else has much interest in him.


Trump definitely has staying power. I concede he may win some delegates but I still think Bush is the nominee. Trump will then dropout, release his delegates, run third party and get in 2nd place in the general to Jeb Bush's 3rd place.


Trump definitely has staying power. I concede he may win some delegates but I still think Bush is the nominee. Trump will then dropout, release his delegates, run third party and get in 2nd place in the general to Jeb Bush's 3rd place.

He won't get second place. Without major party support he won't be able to get on all 50 states I suspect. Not even Perot got second place.


No Scrubs
He won't get second place. Without major party support he won't be able to get on all 50 states I suspect. Not even Perot got second place.

Trump has the money to make it happen, he could build his own organization. With blackjack, and hookers.


This is even worse for Jeb! than anything that's come out so far. The only people that favor him as a second choice candidate are Lindsey Graham supporters and Marco Rubio supporters, both of whom have very little support.

Meanwhile Trump gets 20% from everybody who drops out. Trump is the most popular second choice candidate aside from Carson and Fiorina.

Carson also does great in this poll, but his big advantage over Trump is mostly that Trump supporters like him as a second choice.

A little bit of hope for Walker in that he is popular among Carson and Cruz supporters, but nobody else has much interest in him.
To be fair it's NH only, and not national. So we don't know how the vote would pan out in other states.


IRS lawyer Geoffrey J. Klimas told the court that as the agency was putting together a set of documents to turn over to Judicial Watch, it realized Ms. Lerner had used yet another email account, in addition to her official one and another personal one already known to the agency.

“In addition to emails to or from an email account denominated ‘Lois G. Lerner‘ or ‘Lois Home,’ some emails responsive to Judicial Watch’s request may have been sent to or received from a personal email account denominated ‘Toby Miles,’” Mr. Klimas told Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who is hearing the case.

It is unclear who Toby Miles is, but Mr. Klimas said the IRS has concluded that was “a personal email account used by Lerner.”
I wonder if Toby Miles has won awards and gotten high marks in ethics courses like Richard Windsor.


No Scrubs
To be fair it's NH only, and not national. So we don't know how the vote would pan out in other states.

True, but look at this in the context of Trump's actual plan. He's not focusing on NH, he's focusing on the South. Picking up NH will give him enough momentum to survive until his strategy can bear fruit.


I'm watching the second-tier FOX debate a.k.a. Proof Jim Gilmore Still Exists because I'm an idiot.

But the bigger idiot is George Pataki who just said it's illegal to shout "fire" in a crowded theater. And seems to think the government should ban Muslims from the internet.

And Martha McCollum just called Carly a "tech leader in this country."

I like this debate, it sounds like it's in an empty stadium with only the candidates, their staff and the FOX people present. They're avoiding any potential crowd views.

Also, you can tell Perry's just crushed about having to be in this debate instead of the later one. And he just called him "Ronald Raven." Santorum is the opposite, he's amped like he just did a bunch of coke and is thinking "I can crush all these guys and get in that other debate."

This cements my idea that I should only watch the second tier debates. I hope they get increasingly depressing before cancelled.


Carly said on "day two" she'll hold a Camp David summit in the Oval Office. That's thinking outside the box.

Also, I'm not sure Jim Gilmore has the faintest idea what ISIS is.
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