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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Books like that help me understand the Trump phenomenon.


Biden seems to be pulling more from Sanders's camp, which makes sense. Someone has to be NotHillary.

Sahil Kapur ‏@sahilkapur
Suffolk Iowa poll:

Clinton 54%
Sanders 20%
Biden 11%
O'Malley 4%
Webb 1%
Chafee <1%

And something that worries me/probably should excite conservatives:

PublicPolicyPolling &#8207;@ppppolls
John Kasich easily the strongest Republican general election candidate in NH


No Scrubs
Biden seems to be pulling more from Sanders's camp, which makes sense. Someone has to be NotHillary.

That and he's practically the patron saint of working-class white people, I mean that's more or less his constituency.

And something that worries me/probably should excite conservatives:

And yet he's losing to Trump. Dude is peaking too early, Trump is going to take him down at the next debate.


Biden seems to be pulling more from Sanders's camp, which makes sense. Someone has to be NotHillary.

And something that worries me/probably should excite conservatives:

Kasich would a very good shot at beating Hillary. But the party will never nominate him so it doesn't really matter.

If someone told me today the nominees would be Kasich and Hillary I would bet on Kasich winning. But that will never be the actual scenario.


Kasich would a very good shot at beating Hillary. But the party will never nominate him so it doesn't really matter.

If someone told me today the nominees would be Kasich and Hillary I would bet on Kasich winning. But that will never be the actual scenario.

Yup, me too.

Also Grayson why are you the worst?


"He is a nothing as a congressman, he is a nothing as a human being, he is wrong on all the issues, so all he has left is to desperately try to throw dirt at me," said Grayson.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I want Biden to run.

I think I may vote for him in the primary if he does.

Trump is like the guy in a chat room who trolls everyone really hard when he knows the channel op is away.

In a different set of circumstances Biden would have my vote in a heartbeat. But I dunno...I was very tepid on Hillary, but she's been saying a lot of the right stuff lately, I'm onboard


The Biden love-in is just another case of "the best candidate is the one who isn't running". It's always the case where there's some person out there who everyone thinks is perfect and should run. Eventually the candidate joins the race and the cynicsm, scrutiny, and negative campaigning makes the candidate look just like every other candidate that was previously running. If Biden had declared he was running months ago and Hillary had not declared at all, people would be clamouring for Hillary to run when the press and Rebublicans started attacking Biden.


Biden seems to be pulling more from Sanders's camp, which makes sense. Someone has to be NotHillary.

And something that worries me/probably should excite conservatives:

IA seems to be in the bag for Clinton atleast for now. NH is going to be a nail biter atleast for now.
You guys think Romney would have been able to handle Trump?

Its an interesting question. Romney's destruction of Perry was far more ruthless than anything we've seen this year but Perry's an idiot. I think one big problem is that everyone's afraid to go too hard on Trump because they want his supporters. Perry tried, but again he's an idiot.
The Biden love-in is just another case of "the best candidate is the one who isn't running". It's always the case where there's some person out there who everyone thinks is perfect and should run. Eventually the candidate joins the race and the cynicsm, scrutiny, and negative campaigning makes the candidate look just like every other candidate that was previously running. If Biden had declared he was running months ago and Hillary had not declared at all, people would be clamouring for Hillary to run when the press and Rebublicans started attacking Biden.
Unless things have changed from how he was treated during Obama's first time, the media's gonna go ham on Biden and he'll most likely make a few gaffes by the end of the year. Or maybe the VP spot's given him new respect.
Poligaf have any recommendations for books about US history/politics?
Make sure you read every book you can get written by conrad black. He's done bios on eisenhower and nixon, as well as fdr iirc but i could be wrong about that. He really makes history come alive. He is my highest reccomendation.
Biden seems to be pulling more from Sanders's camp, which makes sense. Someone has to be NotHillary.

And something that worries me/probably should excite conservatives:

Where are you getting this impression from? Biden has been polling low tens since March. This 11 is actually lower than CNN´s 12 during mid august.


Probably an outlier, anyway.
I love this "outlier!!" game


Where are you getting this impression from? Biden has been polling low tens since March. This 11 is actually lower than CNN´s 12 during mid august.


Probably an outlier, anyway.
I love this "outlier!!" game


Biden's average is at 8% before this additional poll. The last Hillary polls have had her at 50, 52, 51, 55. Sanders has been at 31, 25, 24, 26. Biden at 12, nothing, 6, nothing. This Suffolk poll has Hillary stable (even a bit higher than %) at 54%, while Sanders is down a touch. Because Biden hasn't been heavily polled, we don't know exactly where these polls would've been if we included him, but he's up a touch versus that average.

So yes, that's where I'm getting that from.


He's still pulling 7% and Fiorina is an empty suit while Kasich is reveal his true colors soon as being too extreme for NE GOP voters. He's got the money to stay in long enough to see his luck change.

You're right, I'm sorry. I feel like such a fool for forgetting that.

Kasich doesn't have to reveal his true colors. He has always been just slightly less awful then the other candidates and somehow people took that as him being moderate. He gave a complete non-answer on gay marriage at the debate and people fell for it.

Biden's average is at 8% before this additional poll. The last Hillary polls have had her at 50, 52, 51, 55. Sanders has been at 31, 25, 24, 26. Biden at 12, nothing, 6, nothing. This Suffolk poll has Hillary stable (even a bit higher than %) at 54%, while Sanders is down a touch. Because Biden hasn't been heavily polled, we don't know exactly where these polls would've been if we included him, but he's up a touch versus that average.

So yes, that's where I'm getting that from.

What I meant is how you determine Biden is pulling from Sanders when his numbers are basically the same than in the most recent poll (where Sanders was 10 points ahead). Going by the daily RCP average, Sanders fell 1.3% and Hillary rised 1.3% thanks to this Suffolk poll. Meanwhile, Biden only got a 0.4% uptick.


What I meant is how you determine Biden is pulling from Sanders when his numbers are basically the same than in the most recent poll (where Sanders was 10 points ahead). Going by the daily RCP average, Sanders fell 1.3% and Hillary rised 1.3% thanks to this Suffolk poll. Meanwhile, Biden only got a 0.4% uptick.

Well, I'm not looking at his "most recent poll", I'm looking at aggregates. If Hillary is steady, Biden is up a tick and Sanders is down a tick, what do you think that means?
Well, I'm not looking at his "most recent poll", I'm looking at aggregates. If Hillary is steady, Biden is up a tick and Sanders is down a tick, what do you think that means?

That we need more polling in Iowa, lol. :p

The aggregates dont show a meaningful rise for Biden that can be correlated with Sanders´ fall (as you claimed). It would be great if Suffolk had prior polls to compare to.
We could make conclusions out of the last 3 polls showing Biden but one on one comparisons of polls with different methodologies are less useful to predict trends.
To be fair, Trump is a horrible person who is saying terrible things about one of their employees.

Also, why are Walker's handlers letting him give out statements on China and international economics? What could possibly go right, letting him do these things?
I really think Trump is playing with fire here...fox news is the propoganda arm of the republican party. Reince is probably involved in the background as well.

Mississippi, Virginia and Wisconsin have also signed agreements with the Clinton team, according to two people briefed on the issue who were not authorized to speak publicly. Virginia, a critical general election battleground, is home to Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a close friend of Mrs. Clinton’s and a former Democratic National Committee chairman.

The move to create the “Victory Funds” – in which the money raised would be divided between the state parties and the Clinton campaign – comes as efforts to form a joint fund-raising agreement with the Democratic National Committee have repeatedly hit snags over concerns in the Clinton campaign about the current party leadership’s controlling the money in any shared account. The national committee, which is intended to remain neutral, has been accused by Mrs. Clinton’s rivals for the nomination of taking actions that could benefit Mrs. Clinton, such as restricting the number of debates.

Even as some of the recent efforts by the D.N.C., such as devising the debate schedule, have been seen as beneficial to Mrs. Clinton, discussions for a joint fund-raising agreement between Mrs. Clinton’s campaign and the D.N.C. have repeatedly hit snags. There are concerns and distrust within the candidate’s campaign of the current party leadership in terms of controlling the money in a shared account, according to three people briefed on the issue.

Some officials at state parties suggested the practice is similar to a fund-raising agreement with the campaign of a sitting senator or an insurgent in a statewide race. Those officials described it as similar to what Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee in 2012, had with state parties. &#8232;&#8232;But others expressed reservations about the appearance — and realities — of the practice before there is a nominee.

A great precedent lol.


Kasich doesn't have to reveal his true colors. He has always been just slightly less awful then the other candidates and somehow people took that as him being moderate. He gave a complete non-answer on gay marriage at the debate and people fell for it.

He got chewed out for his "liberal" answer on various right-wing sites as well.


Uh oh!


ENGLEWOOD, Colo. — There are signs that Jeb Bush’s fundraising juggernaut is losing some momentum, after banking a stunning $120 million for his campaign and super PAC in the first half of the year.

A prominent Florida donor backing Bush said the former Sunshine State governor and his supporting super PAC are having to work even harder to keep up the pace, as hard-money contributions have been harder to come by in recent weeks.

“The debate performance scared a few people,” said Brian Ballard, a Tallahassee lobbyist backing Bush. “But I think the campaign’s trouble raising money right now is not because of his performance, but there’s some donor fatigue after that $100 million. I’ve been on some donor calls and it’s a hard sell for hard money.”

Bush is also sharing with donors his frustration with Donald Trump. At the Monday evening fundraiser, attended by former Colorado Gov. Bill Owens, Liberty Media CEO Greg Maffei (who has yet to truly commit to a candidate) and Denver Broncos President and CEO Joe Ellis, Bush betrayed his exasperation over the Trump phenomenon, which has completely scrambled the GOP race and seen him drop in a wide Republican primary field some initially expected him to dominate.

But it’s not just Trump that’s hurting Bush. While Trump sits atop the polls nationally and in the early states, the emergence of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who is now polling second in New Hampshire, poses another distinct threat to Bush in the early state he needs to win the most.

It’s not yet clear how Bush may go after Kasich, but his campaign has clearly shifted into attack mode against Trump, arguing that he’s not an actual conservative or serious enough to sit in the Oval Office. According to one attendee at Monday’s fundraiser, Bush said he hopes that other Republican candidates will eventually join him in more aggressively criticizing the New York City billionaire.

“He seems a little frustrated with the Trump thing,” the donor said.
I really think Trump is playing with fire here...fox news is the propoganda arm of the republican party. Reince is probably involved in the background as well.

doesnt matter. remarkably, the base thinks Foxnews has gone establishment. it's all about newsmax tv and various other right wing subterranean news outlets for the kool aid drinkers


luntz looking for a check....

in a nondescript office building adjacent to a sports bar in the Washington, D.C., suburbs, one Republican operative spent Monday night trying to figure out what the heck is going on out there.

Frank Luntz, a longtime GOP zeitgeist guru, assembled 29 Donald Trump supporters in a white-walled room — and a gaggle of reporters behind one-way glass. The goal, he said, was to try to drill down on how lasting, how real and how strong is the Mack truck that has jackknifed his party this summer.

Two hours later, he declared his answer: “He is much stronger, his support is much more solid than I ever would have expected,” Luntz said, at times visibly rattled by what he was hearing.

Will Trump be the nominee?

“It’s now totally conceivable that he will be,” he said.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Probably overstated. If he's got 120 million or whatever from the first half of the year, how much more does he really need to raise right now? He can ad blast the shit out of everyone and still have 50 million to spend.

Rick Perry is jealous.
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