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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Chris R

So sad about this Obama trip to Alaska, no public appearances, and his speech at whatever event was poorly covered by the local media (just a live VIDEO stream, ZERO audio)

Would have loved to see him :(

Shameless pandering to the jewish vote


If there were some way to remotely view an alternative universe in which Trump wins, I'd love to see how he handles realizing the structural limitations of our government.

He tries something.. the courts kill it.
He calls on Congress, they can't get a cloture vote.
He goes to a foreign country and tries to strong-arm a deal, the talks end at a standstill.
He tries something else.. courts kill it..
And so on..
And so on..

I can see Trump doing anything and everything to get what he wants, such as refusing to sign any bills whatsoever until he gets his border fence even if it's an omnibus to keep the government running, or "interpreting" Presidential powers in such a way that lets him deport all illegals. Trump has said many times he's an expert at interpreting bad contracts he's inherited in deals to get what he wants.

Trump could be far more obstinate than Cruz but with control of the Presidency. Either he gets what he wants or he's taking the whole government with him. Congress might suddenly become more amenable. Trump has made promises and he would look incredibly bad if he dismissed politicians as all talk and he can't accomplish his biggest promises.
Boehner is despised by the younger, more conservative members
of the House Republican Conference. They are repelled by his personal behavior. He is louche, alcoholic, lazy, and without any commitment to any principle Boehner has already tried to buy the members with campaign contributions and committee assignments, which he has already promised to potentially difficult members. His hold is insecure. He is not Gingrich, the natural leader of a "revolution," riding the crest into power. He is careworn and threadbare, banal and hollow, holding nobody's enduring loyalty. Boehner is beholden and somewhat scared of his base. He twitches when they make gestures that might undermine his position. His impulse is to hand out money. His aim is to recreate DeLay, Inc, with Jerry Lewis, who will be the new chairman of Appropriations. But Boehner is neither feared nor loved. He's a would-be DeLay without the whip. He's the one at the end of the lash

LOLOLOLOLOLOL (Blumenthal's post election memo to clinton)

But the rest of this is trash analysis.


4. Malcolm Hoenlein has been raising money hand over fist for the Republicans through Eric
Cantor, now his vehicle. The donors are many of the same US donors to Bibi and Likud.
Implications obvious.

Max has got to be proud of his dad!


Malcolm Hoenlein has been raising money hand over fist for the Republicans through Eric Cantor, now his vehicle. The donors are many of the same US donors to Bibi and Likud. Implications obvious.



On the other hand, the Congressional Republicans are vulnerable to a strategy that takes advantage of their internal divisions. Policies/tactics should be calculated to locate GOP fissures, find political space by widening schisms, and ultimately break them apart. This is, emphatically, not a strategy of bipartisanship as Obama has pursued it so far. It is a different and more informed approach.
Senate supermajority + House control = strategy of bipartisanship; lose the House to the other party, NO MORE BIPARTISANSHIP, BREAK THEM APART.
Sorry I was zooming through them, I noticed them discussing polls about how Hillary is still awesome.

Edit: Here's one where they're discussing a Huffpo piece about Obama being surrounded by Pharma lobbyists



Pining for Romney? Not exactly a vote of confidence in Rubio, Kasich, Walker, etc.


And so far, these emails are more entertaining than anything else.


Why does the media ignore the real issue here - using clintonemail.com as a domain name.
The fuck?
Is her twitter handle @ClintonTwitter?


Morning Consultant
Trump 37
Bush 9

Hillary 52
Bernie 23

Trump is almost universally known among registered voters, though just 42 percent say they have a favorable opinion of him. But among self-identified Republicans, 66 percent say they view Trump favorably, markedly better than any other candidate seeking the party’s nomination. By contrast, just 52 percent of Republicans say they view Bush favorably.

Bush’s unfavorable rating among Republican voters, 36 percent, is higher than the 32 percent who say they see Trump unfavorably.

Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appears to have arrested her summer slump. Clinton leads the Democratic field with 52 percent of the vote, 29 points ahead of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Clinton’s lead, which stood at 43 percent at the end of July, slipped precipitously during August, as Sanders gained traction among liberal voters. Clinton leads Sanders among self-described liberals by a 52 percent to 31 percent margin, though Sanders is far less popular among moderate and conservative Democrats. Clinton also boasts much bigger leads among African American Democrats (49 percentage points) and Hispanic Democrats (31 percentage points).


Thanks ACA!

Another 10% increase in cost for my premiums over last year, which itself had a 15% increase in premiums.

Whoever says nationalize, has my vote.
Thanks ACA!

Another 10% increase in cost for my premiums over last year, which itself had a 15% increase in premiums.

Whoever says nationalize, has my vote.

employer provided or ACA marketplace insurance?

If the latter, silver? Are you subsidized? You can also shop around again...


employer provided or ACA marketplace insurance?

If the latter, silver? Are you subsidized? You can also shop around again...

I employ roughly 20 people.

I cover about 12 employees, ~115k a year out of pocket, and the other 8 have better coverage through a partner or parent. It a "gold plan" but in NYS the networks are fucking balkanized. We have had 3 different providers over the past 3 years because since ACA the insurance companies have continually dropped groups.

ACA fucking sucked for small businesses, especially ones such as myself that provided prior to that bullshit.
Morning Consultant
Trump 37
Bush 9

Hillary 52
Bernie 23

Going from 43 to a 29 lead isnt really slipping precipitously. Reaching for a sensasionalistic headline.

And they just had a poll two weeks ago that gave Sanders a 24 and Hillary a 50, so...is Bernie...peaking!?
probably an outlier ;)
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