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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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I employ roughly 20 people.

I cover about 12 employees, ~115k a year out of pocket, and the other 8 have better coverage through a partner or parent. It a "gold plan" but in NYS the networks are fucking balkanized. We have had 3 different providers over the past 3 years because since ACA the insurance companies have continually dropped groups.

ACA fucking sucked for small businesses, especially ones such as myself that provided prior to that bullshit.

Well, each state is supposed to have a SHOP network and if you're in NY then hopefully the SHOP there might work well (though states have struggled with these).

The ACA is actually supposed to be best for small businesses. there's also tax credits you're supposed to be taking advantage of.

But I don't know too much about what's happening in the small business market for insurance. I do know prices were going up prior to the ACA, even above 10% a year often, but there's a good chance that the 10% raise is a "course correction" of sorts because no one knew what to really expect in the Small Business market.

I feel for you. I hope it's just a 1 year thing. I hope you're getting those tax credits.
Except they have him now and, he isn't shit.

Grass is always greener and all that I guess.

I think he could have been a good contender if the bridgegate didn't happen. That thing sucked the airwaves for months on end. In the end, if Christie ran in 2012 he could have made Obama sweat. Dude fucked up. The train has long left the station when he thought it would be waiting for him in 2016. He should fire all his advisers and cry into a big tub of ice cream.


Going from 43 to a 29 lead isnt really slipping precipitously. Reaching for a sensasionalistic headline.

And they just had a poll two weeks ago that gave Sanders a 24 and Hillary a 50, so...is Bernie...peaking!?
probably an outlier ;)

I have tried to reach this post twice now and I have no idea what it means, so congratulations?
I have tried to reach this post twice now and I have no idea what it means, so congratulations?

Maybe because you are trying to read it as a pro-Sanders post, which is not. (or maybe cuz my post is a poorly constructed stream of thought).

Hillary went up and Sanders down since the last time Morning Consult released a similar poll (two weeks ago). So I wondered why they decided to make a headline out of Hillary support "slipping". I also wondered if this poll will be the first of many polls to come where Sanders won't have significant increases.

You are trying to come for me since we had a moment because of your "Joe is making Bernie's numbers to drop!" nonsense. I see you, Ivy.

This whole email stuff strikes me as such a generational thing.

My mother uses her work email as her sole personal email as well. I've told her many times why this is a bad idea and have strongly encouraged her to get a Gmail account for personal stuff, but she doesn't care.
This whole email stuff strikes me as such a generational thing.

My mother uses her work email as her sole personal email as well. I've told her many times why this is a bad idea and have strongly encouraged her to get a Gmail account for personal stuff, but she doesn't care.
Pls print
This whole email stuff strikes me as such a generational thing.

My mother uses her work email as her sole personal email as well. I've told her many times why this is a bad idea and have strongly encouraged her to get a Gmail account for personal stuff, but she doesn't care.

Indeed. It's like learning that security was compromised because someone forgot to uncheck a box while installing some pc performance booster thing.

The problem is that how else will they receive and forward all the wonderful and interesting things that they receive at their old address? Can't just tell their friends the new one and hope for the best.

But really, "mom learned how to use email" was the one thing that finally made me install an antivirus on her rig.
Indeed. It's like learning that security was compromised because someone forgot to uncheck a box while installing some pc performance booster thing.

The problem is that how else will they receive and forward all the wonderful and interesting things that they receive at their old address? Can't just tell their friends the new one and hope for the best.

But really, "mom learned how to use email" was the one thing that finally made me install an antivirus on her rig.

I'd love to know how many racist Obama memes and chain emails are circulating among official Congressional email addresses.


An op-ed Corpsehammer wrote in WaPo appeared in my local paper today. Basically saying Putin is doing what he wants and Obama is rolling over and allowing it.
Couple points. I'm assuming any confidential emails would not be released to the public. Second: I'm going to assume we should hold a key government official to higher standards than most citizens (including our moms). Her emails could have easily been hacked by a foreign government, which I assume we can agree isn't a good thing.

Is this overblown? Probably. More importantly this strikes me as another example of Clintons behaving as if basic rules/expectations do not apply to them. It's another unforced error, and the exact behavior Obama criticized Hillary for in 2007/2008.


Today was the day for both Vox and NY Mag to drop their hit pieces on Biden being basically a lousy senator and lousy liberal, including actually being the author of the 1994 crime bill.

I assume this is basically a horse's head from Hillary, interblog style.


No Scrubs
Today was the day for both Vox and NY Mag to drop their hit pieces on Biden being basically a lousy senator and lousy liberal, including actually being the author of the 1994 crime bill.

I assume this is basically a horse's head from Hillary, interblog style.

This is really going to get his Irish going. Biden's staff asked them not to get his Irish going--they literally said this to an interviewer. Prepare for Diamond Joe to enter the ring.
9 days ago: "Trump is other people's problem." -Jeb's team.

*Jeb's team proceeds to attack Trump incessantly and fails miserably each time*

This campaign is going poorly. I don't know which member of his team said: "You know how we should respond to a racist attack ad from Trump? By saying that Trump isn't conservative and mean enough. 'Jeb!: He's the guy who's actually tough on crime' that will work." but they probably shouldn't be part of a presidential campaign.



On the Democratic side things are pretty steady. Last month Hillary Clinton led Bernie Sanders by 35 points and this month she leads him by 35 points again- she's at 55% to 20% for Bernie Sanders, 4% for Martin O'Malley, 3% for Jim Webb, and 1% each for Lincoln Chafee and Lawrence Lessig.

Clinton is over 60% with African Americans (65/14) and 'very liberal' voters (65/26), over 50% with 'somewhat liberal' voters (59/25), women (59/18), seniors (56/19), Hispanics (54/13), and white voters (52/24), and in the 40s with men, (49/24), younger voters (48/20), and moderates (47/19).

Clinton's favorability numbers with Democratic primary voters have hit their lowest point at 63/26, while Sanders' 49/21 is up from 42/26 in July. But for now those shifts in favorability don't seem to be affecting the overall horse race numbers too much. We found Sanders ahead in New Hampshire last week and other polling has shown the race tightening in Iowa, but Clinton remains a resounding leader nationally.
9 days ago: "Trump is other people's problem." -Jeb's team.

*Jeb's team proceeds to attack Trump incessantly and fails miserably each time*

This campaign is going poorly. I don't know which member of his team said: "You know how we should respond to a racist attack ad from Trump? By saying that Trump isn't conservative and mean enough. 'Jeb!: He's the guy who's actually tough on crime' that will work." but they probably shouldn't be part of a presidential campaign.

His donors have pushed him to attack Trump, whereas David Frum and other (social) moderates have advised him to ignore Trump. Clearly he took the advice of the donors and all his attempts to attack Trump failed. For whatever reason no one wants to hear about Trump's liberal past. More importantly Jeb Bush is probably the worst guy to question someone else's conservative credentials. That "act of love" attack isn't going to go away, and will be repeated nonstop in ads in Iowa and SC.
Kasich's, Jeb's, and Christie's supporters are the only Republicans that know that Obama is a Christian born in America and Jeb's supporters aren't even too certain on that. This is bad.

2/3 of Trump's voters think that Obama is a Muslim... Dudes, you're voting for the fakest Christian we've seen in a minute. I don't think you can identity actual religious beliefs too well.
whats so great about this is that both of these morons thought they "won" their little spat.

-Chris Christie and Rand Paul fought in the first debate and it's shaping up to be one of those duels where both combatants end up dead. Paul had a 42/30 favorability rating pre debate- now he's dropped a net 33 points to 29/50, becoming one of the most unpopular GOP hopefuls. His support for the nomination has also skidded from an already weak 4% all the way down to 1%. Christie already really needed something to turn around for him after polling at 3% with a 25/56 favorability last month, but this month he's at 2% with a 28/54 favorability and it's hard to see the path back to relevance for him

whats so great about this is that both of these morons thought they "won" their little spat.

You'll be happy to learn that Christie is going nuclear in the next debate

"Stay tuned on Sept. 16th. We may be changing tactics," Christie said. "You know, if I get to like 15 questions in a row -- count 'em at home -- if I get 15 in a row, you're going to go 'Uh oh, he's going to go nuclear now.'"
Kasich's, Jeb's, and Christie's supporters are the only Republicans that know that Obama is a Christian born in America and Jeb's supporters aren't even too certain on that. This is bad.

2/3 of Trump's voters think that Obama is a Muslim... Dudes, you're voting for the fakest Christian we've seen in a minute. I don't think you can identity actual religious beliefs too well.
Liberals to often are missing what "Christian" and "Muslim" mean. It's a cultural/racial thing. They don't care what God you pray to, just that you let them rule and obay their customs.


There's so many of the Republicans that were once considered viable threats that, under further scrutiny, ruined their prospects for the presidency.

In the end it seems Rubio needing water during his SOTU response is paltry compared to how Perry, Christie, and Jindal have blundered. I wonder if Kasich is going to have that moment. I kind of wish Ted Cruz would.
Trump is straight up in Jeb's head:

Jeb on Trump in Spanish: "He attacks me every day. He personalizes everything.... 1/2"

Jeb on Trump: "If you’re not totally in agreement with him, you’re an ‘idiot,’ you’re ‘stupid,’ you have ‘low energy,’ blah, blah, blah" 2/2

Jeb sounds like a kid getting shoved in lockers at this point. I would feel bad for him if he wasn't an asshole.
Trump is straight up in Jeb's head:

Jeb sounds like a kid getting shoved in lockers at this point. I would feel bad for him if he wasn't an asshole.
The more you talk about Trump the bigger he gets. He's the personification of dont feed the troll. Jeb getting mired in lowly single digits trying to fight his out of a quicksand sludge of Trump is a pathetic sight.


That was always a non-event.
I thought it wasn't, but it sure made him look like a boy trying to play in big leagues. A few years of public speaking probably helped him overcome that a bit.

In comparison Perry's oops has dogged him for four years, and even though I think he went and got prepared to run this time it was just too much of a gaffe.
I thought it wasn't, but it sure made him look like a boy trying to play in big leagues. A few years of public speaking probably helped him overcome that a bit.

In comparison Perry's oops has dogged him for four years, and even though I think he went and got prepared to run this time it was just too much of a gaffe.

Based on how popular Trump is, I'm guessing that what actually sunk Perry was that he cared about undocumented immigrants and thought they were people.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The fact that Trump is taking zero shots at Carson leads me to believe he's the guy for his VP slot.


If there was a Trump/Cruz ticket, part of me would think it was good for a Dem victory, but part of me would be in a state of severe panic for 6 months because they could conceivably win. Not like I would feel really comfortable with any Republican president due to the Supreme Court, but we have no idea what a president Trump might do, especially with Cruz in his ear.
If there was a Trump/Cruz ticket, part of me would think it was good for a Dem victory, but part of me would be in a state of severe panic for 6 months because they could conceivably win. Not like I would feel really comfortable with any Republican president due to the Supreme Court, but we have no idea what a president Trump might do, especially with Cruz in his ear.

The Donald doesn't quite look like someone easily influenced by others to me. More like the kinda guy that will gladly agree with you on whatever you say, and then proceed to do whatever suits him best.
Trump is a smart politician so far. He has ran circles around Jeb and Rand. I think he's gonna pick Walker as his VP. Jeb is too toxic with the immigration stuff. Walker is Koch boy and has the support of powerful groups.
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