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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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When demographics are against you, AND you are running against someone who will promise anything to win, it's difficult.

Promise anything to win? Sander's message is the same message he's been purporting for years. The notion that he's only saying stuff "to win" thus implying it's deceitful is wrong.

There's a lot of different issues with Nevada and the lack of decent polling doesn't help things at all. With the information we have available you could make arguments for either candidate winning this thing by a slim margin. Which is why I don't like Nevada at all and hope it stays irrelevant, at least until they get better polling.

I'd say any contest past Iowa and NH where there is a short amount of time between them favors Clinton due to her name recognition.


No Scrubs
Promise anything to win? Sander's message is the same message he's been purporting for years. The notion that he's only saying stuff "to win" thus implying it's deceitful is wrong.

Like cutting down the prison population by 90% in his first year?


The same argument could be applied to Iowa in terms of her operation. She had almost every single endorsement, most of the old Obama team for her campaign, unlimited funds, and started 50+ points ahead in the polls. That resulted in a tie. Bernie looses favorable demographics, but comes in with momentum. I expect it to be close or favor Clinton, but there are structural advantages that favor Sanders.

Maybe, though the lack of good polling in Nevada is borderline ridiculous.

If Hillary doesn't win SC with margins akin to Bernie's win in New Hampshire, then it's time to get worried.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
What media conglomerate owns Politico? It's as absolute trash and propaganda.
Independent but spun out of Sinclair a few years ago. Politico is truly hyper trash from another dimension.
The same argument could be applied to Iowa in terms of her operation. She had almost every single endorsement, most of the old Obama team for her campaign, unlimited funds, and started 50+ points ahead in the polls. That resulted in a tie. Bernie looses favorable demographics, but comes in with momentum. I expect it to be close or favor Clinton, but there are structural advantages that favor Sanders.

I'm not sure that's true. Bernie, like Hillary, built an organization in Iowa over months. Bernie has not been in Nevada nearly as long. If he wins, his ability to turn out voters will be so great maybe he should actually get the nomination.
Like cutting down the prison population by 90% in his first year?

I am failing to get a hit for "bernie sanders prison population 90%" that doesn't involve neogaf.

He does seem to have said that yall wouldnt b the numero 1 jailer in the world anymore, fwiw


dramatis someone wanted to do a debate. Can you link it to me?
This guy.
Is there an application progress to getting to make the debate threads?
I told him to PM you.

Anyone have a list of who won what in 2008?
Obama		Hillary
Alabama		Arizona
Alaska		Arkansas
Colorado	California
Connecticut	Florida
DC		Indiana
Delaware	Kentucky
Georgia		Massachusetts
Hawaii		Michigan
Idaho		Nevada
Illinois	New Hampshire
Iowa		New Jersey
Kansas		New Mexico
Louisiana	New York
Maine		Ohio
Maryland	Oklahoma
Minnesota	Pennsylvania
Mississippi	Rhode Island
Missouri	South Dakota
Montana		Tennessee
Nebraska	Texas
North Carolina	West Virginia
North Dakota	American Samoa
Oregon		Puerto Rico
South Carolina
Democrats Abroad
Virgin Islands
This doesn't account for who got more delegates out of the state, just who won popular vote.


No Scrubs
I am failing to get a hit for "bernie sanders prison population 90%" that doesn't involve neogaf.

He does seem to have said that yall wouldnt b the numero 1 jailer in the world anymore, fwiw

He said it in the last debate.

OK, so it wasn't 90% but here's what he said:

"Here's my promise, at the end of my first term as president we will not have more people in jail than any other country."


Even so, he can't make this happen in one term.

Of all the people incarcerated in the U.S., only about 13 percent are in the federal system. And while the Constitution grants the president pardon authority for "offenses against the United States," the president has no such authority over state prisoners. As the White House simply explained in response to a Change.org petition to pardon the two men featured in the Netflix documentary "Making a Murderer," "the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense." That power rests at the state level.

There are currently 210,567 people incarcerated in the federal system, according to the most recent Bureau of Justice Statistics report. Even if Sanders were to unlock every single federal prisoner and set them free, there would still be approximately 2 million people incarcerated – we'd still hold the global crown for most people incarcerated, because even with zero federal prisons we'd continue to lead China by about 400,000 prisoners. As NYU professor Mark Kleiman, who literally wrote the book on America's incarceration problem, put it, "Sanders was very specifically making a promise he has no way of keeping. Either he knows that or he does not."

The guy who wrote the book, literally, on our incarceration problem says Bernie's full of shit here.
He said it in the last debate.
OK, so it wasn't 90% but here's what he said:
Even so, he can't make this happen in one term.
The guy who wrote the book, literally, on our incarceration problem says Bernie's full of shit here.

Hey, no harm in being as naive in some areas as the current president once was :D


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
John Podhoretz has maybe the worst paragraph about Trump from this campaign:


Yes: "Bush was president on 9/11" was far worse than "Mexico... they're sending rapists."

I hate Trump and his white supremacist ass, but the intellectual breakdown of the GOP is fun to watch.

Republicans are melting down now. I think they originally thought Trump was a novelty and he would eventually go away. Now that he is here to stay, they are resorting to anything and everything. The interesting thing is that they are completely ignoring the growing portion of the base that is sick and tired of the same old stuff.

This isn't the only outlet today to use those exact words to describe him, so it is clear the RNC talking points went out this morning. Notice how that when Trump finally called another candidate a liar, this is what they are doing to him.

What I find interesting is that for the first time I've ever seen, very conservative Facebook friends are passing around Bernie Sanders stuff about taxes being titled toward the rich.


I wondered what 1999 Republicans thought of McCain.
That was a somewhat interesting relationship. W. Bush was so far ahead in polls, endorsements, money, etc. that McCain wasn't seen as a major factor. Then he pursued independents, beat Bradley in the "reform" primary, and became competitive. It's then that he became a RINO (and he did shift "left" which he later shifted back from, which those lacking historical reference perceived as McCain tacking "right" for 2008) worth opposing.

In many ways, both 2000 primaries are similar to this years Democratic one. Bradley would have won states, but McCain won the "reform/independent primary" so Bradley never morphed into the thorn in the side for the "establishment pick" McCain, and now Bernie, got to be.

This book (written by political scientists, for political science-leans, not reporters) uses polling, exit polling, etc. to show how McCain "beating" Bradley among "reform"/independents was the important factor in making one competitive and the other an increasing non-entity in the primaries (even though Bradley started from the superior position):

Note: REFORM was a huge buzzword in 2000, that was focused around campaign finance reform, but also was used in increasingly meaningless ways. Ceaser/Busch use it to identify the cleavage because it was constantly their top issue despite being meaningless.

Note 2: I linked a few 2000 primary debates a number of pages back, do not pick REFORM as your drinking word before watching them.


This was like a month ago dudes:
Donald Trump: Conservative Movement Menance
Against Trump: The Full NR Feature

Why We Lose: National Review Launches Victorian-Era Attack On Donald Trump
It’s all one big Harumph! Harumph! Harumph!

And how is that effective in a year where being an outsider is sexier than Sophia Loren in a lace teddy?

It is arguments that change minds, small, tight, individualized arguments that have been honed, tested, and perfected to drive a Narrative. Narratives change minds. Narratives stick. Narratives leave a mark.

Ironically, it is this very narrative-method that has kept Trump on top; it is this very method that has allowed Trump to successfully destroy Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton, and the DC Media. It is this very method that Trump is using right now to dismantle Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)97%

And here’s the kicker: this is also the very method Trump has used to inoculate himself from laughably late-hits from the likes of a National Review.

National Review isn’t hurting Trump, like a Keystone Cop, National Review is stepping directly into his well-honed anti-establishment narrative.
"This guy who has your, you Dixiecrat voter, exact values is a RINO, assholes!" being the main GOP attack point against Trump instead of the fact that Trump has no basic human decency is really something.


FGC Waterboy
Every campaign Hillary ever ran had her ending worse than where she began. I wouldn't be that confident in her ability to turn things around.

Honestly, I think people should look at her past campaigns and feel really uneasy about her chances in the general election given her long history of people liking her less as they see her more.

I think that's more about the DNC than Clinton. She's seems to be much more trusting of the established folks in the DNC as opposed to being more skeptical ala Obama / Sanders and using your own folks.


No Scrubs
I think that's more about the DNC than Clinton. She's seems to be much more trusting of the established folks in the DNC as opposed to being more skeptical ala Obama / Sanders and using your own folks.

The guys running Sanders campaign aren't exactly his own folks, pretty sure one of them ran Kerry's campaign in 2004.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
"This guy who has your, you Dixiecrat voter, exact values is a RINO, assholes!" being the main GOP attack point against Trump instead of the fact that Trump has no basic human decency is really something.

Bingo. It makes no sense. I can't wait for the RNC to start trying to paint Rubio as a Washington outsider, because we have seen hints at it for weeks now.
I think that's more about the DNC than Clinton. She's seems to be much more trusting of the established folks in the DNC as opposed to being more skeptical ala Obama / Sanders and using your own folks.

Doesn't Sanders have some guy working for him that was a part of every losing Dem campaign since Dukkakis?


Updated Thread Assignments

Super Tuesday-b-dubs
Super Tuesday Part 2- ivysaur12

*After Super Tuesday 2 PoliGAF handles the rest of the primaries.

*Veepstakes is going to be in PoliGAF

2016 Republican National Convention-b-dubs
2016 Democratic National Convention- NeoXChaos

1st Presidential Debate-b-dubs
Vice Presidential Debate-Ebay Huckster
2nd Presidential Debate-kingkitty
3rd Presidential Debate-Holmes

General Election 2016-Aaron Strife

Republican Debates
10 - Feb 25 CNN - Makai
11 - March 3 Fox News - Makai
10 - March 10 CNN - Makai

Democratic Debates
7 March 6-kingkitty
8 March 9 Univision/Washington Post NeoXChaos
9 April-kingkitty
10 May-Slayven


Here are two 2000 GOP debates that do a decent job of showing the "state of things" at the time.

The first time W. shows up to a debate: http://www.c-span.org/video/?154475-1/republican-candidates-debate

The pre-SC debate after the cold calls saying McCain had an illegitimate black child, abandoned people in Vietnam, Cindy McCain was a drug addict (oddly true), he was actually a homosexual communist (also oddly true), etc.: http://www.c-span.org/video/?155434-1/south-carolina-republican-candidates-debate

During a break in a debate, Bush put his hand on McCain's arm and reiterated that he had no involvement in the attacks; McCain replied, "Don't give me that shit. And take your hands off me."

I also had forgotten that reform fever was such that Bush flipped from "compassionate conservative" to "reformer with results" to try and blunt McCain.

As for the primary results, McCain is yellow:


FGC Waterboy
Doesn't Sanders have some guy working for him that was a part of every losing Dem campaign since Dukkakis?

I thought Sanders was using mostly his own folks; but it sounds like he also is tabbing establishment folks. Which is a really bad idea, IMO.

I hate the RNC and all, but their advisers tend to be way the hell less "suck money cuz I can" then a lot of the career Dem operatives. (Current presidential primary craziness not withstanding). If the DNC was as good as the RNC, the Dems wouldn't lose many elections.


The guys running Sanders campaign aren't exactly his own folks, pretty sure one of them ran Kerry's campaign in 2004.
Doesn't Sanders have some guy working for him that was a part of every losing Dem campaign since Dukkakis?
Bob Shrum.

The "curse" dates back farther. He worked on McGovern's campaign, was like #3 in Kennedy's 1980 primary challenge and ran Gephardt's 1988 primary campaign. Then ran Bob Kerrey's in 1992.

He actually didn't run a general election campaign until Al Gore and John Kerry's back-to-back.

EDIT: lol so he has Devine too. (Shrum's often partner.)
Bob Shrum.

The "curse" dates back farther. He worked on McGovern's campaign, was like #3 in Kennedy's 1980 primary challenge and ran Gephardt's 1988 primary campaign. Then ran Bob Kerrey's in 1992.

He actually didn't run a general election campaign until Al Gore and John Kerry's back-to-back.

EDIT: lol so he has Devine too. (Shrum's often partner.)

Now I can see why Diablos freaks out over Sanders.


No Scrubs
Bob Shrum.

The "curse" dates back farther. He worked on McGovern's campaign, was like #3 in Kennedy's 1980 primary challenge and ran Gephardt's 1988 primary campaign. Then ran Bob Kerrey's in 1992.

He actually didn't run a general election campaign until Al Gore and John Kerry's back-to-back.

EDIT: lol so he has Devine too. (Shrum's often partner.)

I didn't realize he had Shrum too. That dude is straight cursed. He was also involved in the Corzine shitshow that led to Christie.

Do they come in a pair or something? Buy one, get one?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
He said it in the last debate.

OK, so it wasn't 90% but here's what he said:


Even so, he can't make this happen in one term.

The guy who wrote the book, literally, on our incarceration problem says Bernie's full of shit here.
Yeah, it was perhaps the most bald-faced bullshit promise he's made yet. And worrisome, since it really kinda felt like he came up with it on the spot without any real thought.

Unless he's planning to convince China to imprison more people...

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I am failing to get a hit for "bernie sanders prison population 90%" that doesn't involve neogaf.

He does seem to have said that yall wouldnt b the numero 1 jailer in the world anymore, fwiw

I swear I heard an actual and high percentage that made me do a double take but B-Dubs might be right, in which case it was still ridiculous.
Yeah, it was perhaps the most bald-faced bullshit promise he's made yet. And worrisome, since it really kinda felt like he came up with it on the spot without any real thought.

Unless he's planning to convince China to imprison more people...
Bernie doesn't care. He has sold his soul to the devil for votes, and has become the most bald faced lying piece of shit politician to run in forever. Don't get me wrong every politician promises things. Bernie however is not at all constrained by reality. He might as well say free cars and Mars landing by 2020. Well what about reparations? Suddenly reality sets in for Bernie. Ridiculous old coot.


One thing to remember is that the Clinton's used their own people in 1992. Carville and Begala were not big time national Democratic operatives. "It's the economy, stupid" made them such. (Both have also been reluctant to re-enter Presidential politics, other than as semi-outside advisers.) And in 1996 he used Dick Morris, a Republican and foot fetishist.

Shrum "came up the right way" if you didn't want to use Clinton people (which Gore and Kerry camps (both long time Washington Democrats with ties going even farther back), and everyone else, have been reluctant to do) and it took Obama tapping the Chicago network to skip over the national Democratic duds. (Though then he started bringing them and Clinton people in to run the transition/White House like Rahm, Larry Summers, etc.)

The GOP "staffs" were once divided among the Reagan/Goldwater people and the Nixon people. The Bush camp was always made up of far far more Nixon/Ford people.


How is it unlikely considering how much the internet has changed the race since 08?
It's simply denying how much things have changed in the last 8 years, it is much easier to organize without huge investments.
I don't think you can deny that if Obama was running right now for the first time his organizational capability would be greatly expanded and the grassroots network would dwarf what we saw in 08. It's certainly no surprise that despite much smaller coverage Bernie has been able to build the organization and support. Last election Obama started his campaign in February, he took part of numerous debates that provided him with the needed platform so he could move from an unknown senator at the start of the race to the actual nominee.
Right now Bernie has consolidated 25% of the likely voters despite no debates and far less coverage of the Democratic Primary, while also showing he is capable of raising the needed funds to expand his campaign.

A lot of Hillary's funds have gone towards her Iowa & NH operation. The whole point was to win those two states and wrap up the nomination. Simply Nevada comes too quickly after NH to reinvest and Sanders has tons more stuff there and in SC compared to Clinton's campaign. While the Sanders campaign has moved the Iowa operatives into Colorado right now. Simply put Clinton will need to invest into the primary race, which likely wasn't the plan. This is when the real vetting begins for Bernie, because now it's a matter of changing priorities and the Super Pacs and her campaign will start to invest heavily. Right now Bernie is buying more ads than her in quite a few states and I'm betting he has the better organization - since it's a lot of volunteers organized online while in SC for example he has 240 paid staffers.

The other aspect in all this are the fundraisers, Clinton needs them to keep herself competitive but I'm guessing it won't be a particular popular position as Bernie is doing town halls across the different communities.

It's simple, Hillary campaign underestimated the importance of online outreach and are late to the party pretty much, it's turning out to be quite important this election as more and more people move away from digesting their information off mainstream media.
and it appears once again Clinton campaign is in disarray despite being the overwhelming favorite and having a huge organizational advantage six months ago.

Are you trying to talk with your alt account?

I had made a post in October and was simply referencing it - Clinton lost the internet and with it her organizational advantage.
Scalia lobbied for Kagan on the Supreme Court

"I have no illusions that your man will nominate someone who shares my orientation," said Scalia, then in his 23rd year as the court's leading and most provocative conservative voice. "But I hope he sends us someone smart."

A little taken aback that he was engaging me on the subject, I searched for the right answer, and lamely offered one that signaled my slight discomfort with the topic. "I'm sure he will, Justice Scalia."

He wasn't done. Leaning forward, as if to share a confidential thought, he tried again.

"Let me put a finer point on it," the justice said, in a lower, purposeful tone of voice, his eyes fixed on mine. "I hope he sends us Elena Kagan."

Interesting little Scalia anecdote from Axelrod.
One thing to remember is that the Clinton's used their own people in 1992. Carville and Begala were not big time national Democratic operatives. "It's the economy, stupid" made them such. (Both have also been reluctant to re-enter Presidential politics, other than as semi-outside advisers.) And in 1996 he used Dick Morris, a Republican and foot fetishist.

Shrum "came up the right way" if you didn't want to use Clinton people (which Gore and Kerry camps (both long time Washington Democrats with ties going even farther back), and everyone else, have been reluctant to do) and it took Obama tapping the Chicago network to skip over the national Democratic duds. (Though then he started bringing them and Clinton people in to run the transition/White House like Rahm, Larry Summers, etc.)

The GOP "staffs" were once divided among the Reagan/Goldwater people and the Nixon people. The Bush camp was always made up of far far more Nixon/Ford people.
Begala is running the largest pro Hillary superpac. The law makes it clear that there can be no coordination between the candidate and the pacs. So Begala cant be advising Hillary! Checkmate benji
One thing to remember is that the Clinton's used their own people in 1992. Carville and Begala were not big time national Democratic operatives. "It's the economy, stupid" made them such. (Both have also been reluctant to re-enter Presidential politics, other than as semi-outside advisers.) And in 1996 he used Dick Morris, a Republican and foot fetishist.

Shrum "came up the right way" if you didn't want to use Clinton people (which Gore and Kerry camps (both long time Washington Democrats with ties going even farther back), and everyone else, have been reluctant to do) and it took Obama tapping the Chicago network to skip over the national Democratic duds. (Though then he started bringing them and Clinton people in to run the transition/White House like Rahm, Larry Summers, etc.)
It's a hard job and people tend to want someone who has done it before. It's harder for democrats, or at least was, due to the drought of WH victories. Now Obama's people are moving up to become the go-to campaign officials.

Shrum was crushed after the 2004 loss emotionally. There's that story of him calling Kerry "Mr. President" when it seemed like Kerry might pull it off. I can't imagine going through that.



I honestly don't know what will happen in Nevada, but I do not trust this guy one bit after that stunt he pulled last week where he tried to make that Sanders campaign faking Latino endorsements story a thing, then wrote that weird follow up article that both campaigns had tried to exploit the girl and the Nevada caucus was really heating up.

So now reading that and it being based on very little I feel he needs a Rachel McAdams gif on the Nevada caucus.


I really can't get too fired-up/worried/giddy about pre-Scalia polling, to be honest. Politically speaking, this kind of development is on-par with that of a significant terror attack - it has potential to rejigger the race on both sides of the bracket.

Really looking forward to the next round of polls, just to see if the needle moved at all..


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I swear I heard an actual and high percentage that made me do a double take but B-Dubs might be right, in which case it was still ridiculous.
We'd have to release something like 500,000 prisoners to match China. We're talking north of 20% at minimum.

Bernie doesn't care. He has sold his soul to the devil for votes, and has become the most bald faced lying piece of shit politician to run in forever. Don't get me wrong every politician promises things. Bernie however is not at all constrained by reality. He might as well say free cars and Mars landing by 2020. Well what about reparations? Suddenly reality sets in for Bernie. Ridiculous old coot.
I think that was the moment when I stopped seeing him as just goofy pie-in-the-sky dreamer but instead a deliberately irresponsible presence in this campaign. I'm increasingly inclined to say dangerous even.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I think that was the moment when I stopped seeing him as just goofy pie-in-the-sky dreamer but instead a deliberately irresponsible presence in this campaign. I'm increasingly inclined to say dangerous even.

This has been my arc over the last six months or so: back in August Bernie's platform was "free college and single payer and major tax reform" and I was like "yeah okay I agree with those issues, I don't really know who you are or why you're qualified to implement them but you're a decent alternative to Clinton". But that was back in August when the campaigns were just getting started. I kept waiting for him to either temper his promises or go into more pragmatic detail about them as the months crept on, and he kept...not, and I started getting more nervous "wait is he really just running on and galvanizing the youth vote a platform this simplistic?"


We'd have to release something like 500,000 prisoners to match China. We're talking north of 20% at minimum.

I think that was the moment when I stopped seeing him as just goofy pie-in-the-sky dreamer but instead a deliberately irresponsible presence in this campaign. I'm increasingly inclined to say dangerous even.

free college is dangerous?
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