Oh god he's struggling to read Mises at me.An-cap gets BTFO in this video:
edit: "some student wrote a paper about marx and became very wealthy using marx's theory"
Oh god he's struggling to read Mises at me.An-cap gets BTFO in this video:
LOL at Lindsey Graham thinking anybody cares about his support.
Would he put his name on the podium and stage and building and...I'm curious if more republicans would take that view. I hadn't really thought about what Trump as the GOP nominee actually would mean until recently. He'd be the main event at the Republican convention for instance. Would establishment republicans show up? Who would give prime time speeches in support of Trump? Would prominent republicans go on network/cable news shows spinning for Trump given the danger of being confronted with the infinite amount of ignorant comments he has made?
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia served up a slice of justice this weekend, dishing on the problem with Chicago style pizza: It isn’t actually pizza.
“It’s very tasty, but it’s not pizza,” Scalia told the Chicago Sun-Times. “[It] shouldn’t be called pizza.”
“It should be called ‘a tomato pie.’ Real pizza is Neapolitan [from Naples, Italy],” he said to the Sun-Times in February 2012. “It is thin. It is chewy and crispy, OK?”
Apparently Scalia weighed in on an issue we had a heated argument over early on in the thread.
Hopefully that settles it.
He didn't answer if we are allowed by the Constitution to eat pizza with a fork.
Apparently Scalia weighed in on an issue we had a heated argument over early on in the thread.
Hopefully that settles it.
the new professionalismHe didn't answer if we are allowed by the Constitution to eat pizza with a fork.
A 4-4 tie probably would result in the election going to Congress to decide.
He didn't answer if we are allowed by the Constitution to eat pizza with a fork.
Now I want to know what Ginsburg thinks on the issue..
Please concur!
Now I get to imagine fanfiction where they hate each other when they first meet, but then they bond over their mutual disdain of faux-pizza..She's from NYC. That should say enough.
He didn't answer if we are allowed by the Constitution to eat pizza with a fork.
Now I get to imagine fanfiction where they hate each other when they first meet, but then they bond over their mutual disdain of faux-pizza..
This needs an OT!
(Just kidding)
How else would you eat it? With your hands?
I've been peer-pressured into using a knife and fork a couple times since I moved to Germany.
A pizza that's cold enough to be eaten with one's hands is a pizza that should be sent right back to the oven.
Unless it's the morning after. Then i'll allow it.
A pizza that's cold enough to be eaten with one's hands is a pizza that should be sent right back to the oven.
Unless it's the morning after. Then i'll allow it.
If it's too hot to pick up with your hands, how are you supposed to put it in your mouth?
Donald Trump eats pizza with a knife and fork. Just throwing that out there.
If you aren't getting burned when you eat pizza then you aren't doing it right. Your fingers and the roof of your mouth should be scarred with pizza burns.
Apparently Scalia weighed in on an issue we had a heated argument over early on in the thread.
Hopefully that settles it.
The same way coffee's so hot you need a cup to hold it, but one's mouth can take the heat just fine?
Based on her record and political positions, it is not credible for Democrats to hope that a Clinton presidency can deliver progressive change. It is not pragmatic to hope that Clinton, by dint of her centrist leanings, can work with Congress on anything other than a centrist agendaat best. To the extent that she gets things done with a Republican legislature, based on an electoral mandate of centrism, there is zero prospect of progressive reform on Wall Street, corporate accountability, wealth inequality, or campaign finance. In politics, if you demand a mile, you get a foot; demand a moderate inch, and at best, you get a centimeter.
On the other side of the ledger, history shows that political and social change emanate from persistent pressureorganizing and arguing for a more just world, not settling for what is deemed realistic before getting to the negotiating table. Remember when gay rights and gay marriage were unrealistic? Remember when voting rights, desegregation, and other basic justice were far from pragmatic? They became real through years of dedicated, principled, idealismby insisting the unrealistic become real.
On the question of leadership, Clintons other central campaign theme is her record of experience. As first lady, Clinton failed at health-care reform. She never pushed for single-payer health care and never built a coalition for anything beyond a compromised managed-care system. She also supported three of Bill Clintons signature measures, which all proved disastrous: welfare rollback, which unraveled safety-net supports for poor families, low-income women, and millions of working-class Americans; the omnibus crime bill with its three strikes and mandatory minimum sentencing, which contributed to a generation of long-term, largely African American inmates and felons; and NAFTA, which helped impoverish millions of Mexican and Central America farmers, leading to mass migration and social and economic upheaval.
In one undistinguished term as U.S. senator, Clinton opposed gay marriage, voted for the Iraq war, and supported the Patriot Act, among other positions. As secretary of state, while logging impressive global mileage, Clinton pushed for aggressive regime change in Libya, and she worked hard to expand corporate military contracts and fracking abroad. Whether the American public finds her record favorable or not, it is not one of progressive, forward-looking leadership.
There is no magic wand to accomplish change. No candidate or president can promise changehe or she can only make it possible. What makes change happen, history and current U.S. politics show, is principled and courageous commitment and integritynot Clintons fatalistic pragmatism, which insists that pushing for more is unrealistic and therefore capitulates before the fight even starts. On the other hand, it is entirely pragmatic to expect a President Bernie Sanders to fight hard for the justice and equality issues he has championed his entire political lifegiving these ideas a chance, rather than no chance at all.
By now its a cliché that Donald Trump can say anything he wants, and his supporters dont care. They love him for his attitude and bluster, which has become a proxy for their rage against the political machine. Maybe that will be true again after Saturday nights debate in South Carolina, but someone has to point out how the GOP presidential frontrunner has adopted the political lefts worldview on fundamental questionsincluding blatant distortions of fact.
Take his full-throated endorsement of the conspiracy theory that the George W. Bush Administration deliberately lied to get the U.S. into the Iraq war. You call it whatever you want. I wanna tell you. They lied, Mr. Trump replied to a question by CBS moderator John Dickerson. They said there were weapons of mass destruction. There were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.
Despite years of investigation and countless memoirs, there is no evidence for this claim. None. The CIA director at the time, George Tenet, famously called evidence of WMD in Iraq a slam dunk. Other intelligence services, including the British, also believed Saddam Hussein had such programs. After the first Gulf War in 1991 the CIA had been surprised to learn that Saddam had far more WMD capability than it had thought. So it wasnt crazy to suspect that Saddam would attempt to rebuild it after he had expelled United Nations arms inspectors in the late 1990s.
But peddling false conspiracy theories ought to be disqualifying behavior in a presidential candidate because it corrodes public trust in democracy. Mr. Trump is claiming that government officials lied so they could send Americans to their deaths, and for what? So Mr. Bush could nearly lose an election over the war in 2004, and Republicans could lose Congress and the White House because of it in 2006 and 2008? and others on the left have spread these lies for years because they have an unrestrained will to power and they really do believe the United States is the main source of trouble in the world. But this is not a worldview that conservative leaders have adopted, at least until now.
We have enough respect for voters to appreciate that they support Mr. Trump for rational reasons. And wed like to see him start to act more presidential in case he does become the GOP nominee. But his willingness to indulge the most crackpot left-wing conspiracy theory shows the tremendous risk Republicans would be taking if they make him their standard-bearer.
Two of Louisiana's prominent Republican politicians were targets in Gov. John Bel Edwards' speech to open the legislative session.
DespicableThe governor promised he wouldn't be in another state "pursuing some other position," a strike at Jindal who was criticized as making decisions with an eye toward his unsuccessful presidential campaign.
My brother suggested chopsticksIf it's too hot to pick up with your hands, how are you supposed to put it in your mouth?
Saddam had all the WMDs shipped to his allies in Syria to wait out the war.Ahm... my memory might be failing me, but didn't the UN inspectors compile a pretty detailed report that explained that not only weren't there WMD's, but Saddam was also cooperating with them to the limit that his abilities would allow him to do so while saving face?
Yerp, Hans Blix to the rescue.
Conservatives just can't admit that the Iraq War was for nothing because of how massive the costs are. But saying that Trump has finally now just embraced conspiracy theories now that he's said that Dubya was a bad guy instead of an incompetent moron (the right's argument) is sure fucking something.
"Maybe his birth certificate says he's a Muslim."-Literally Trump's first move into being a major Republican political figure.
It's amazing how low Democrats will go to attack American patriots:
Edwards, who asked the House and Senate to set aside party labels, urged them to "ignore the self-serving voices of candidates running for higher office."
"After all, that's what got us in this mess," he added, in another hit on Jindal.
Can we recall John Bel Edwards? Seriously, I cant believe he has the gall to come on my TV and scare the hell out of me and my family with all sorts of bad news about the state budget.
That never happened under Gov. Bobby Jindal. He never frightened me with all sorts of talk about multibillion-dollar shortfalls, cash flow problems, or closing universities. And he certainly never terrified me and my husband with the threat of no college football!
So what if they quit offering classes because they cant afford to keep teaching them? What the hell do classes have to do with football, anyway? The LSU Athletic Department has plenty of money, so that means the players can still play, right?
Instead of raising taxes, cant the state just sell more property or use more accounting tricks? I mean, if it worked for eight years under Jindal, why reinvent the wheel?
The bottom line is I dont want a governor who offers doomsday scenarios. I just want a governor who will tell me Its a great day for Louisiana, like Bobby Jindal did.
Were things bad under Jindal? Maybe, but I never knew it, because Jindal always told me everything was awesome and getting even better. I miss Jindal blowing smoke up my ass, unlike Mr. Gloomy Gus we have now, threatening to cut TOPS.
Wow, great Democrat attack lines. The DNC thanks you for your contribution, commie.Touting facts as left-wing conspiracies only makes you look worse.
- There were no WMDs
- Saddam was keeping the area stabilized
- The Iraq War was a huge money sink with no tangible goal
- Thousands of soldiers and civilian died
Touting facts as left-wing conspiracies only makes you look worse.
- There were no WMDs
- Saddam was keeping the area stabilized
- The Iraq War was a huge money sink with no tangible goal
- Thousands of soldiers and civilian died
Both Cruz and Rubio are ineligible for the Presidency
That's the Republican National Committeewoman for Nevada by the way.
...and? Al Qaida is a non state actor. Saudi Arabian Govt has as much to do with 9/11 as Timothy McVeigh has to do with US Govt.+ Saudi Arabia got off the hook where the majority of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi nationals.............. 0 Iraqis
...and? Al Qaida is a non state actor. Saudi Arabian Govt has as much to do with 9/11 as Timothy McVeigh has to do with US Govt.
Jeb? is that you?
Saudi princes funnel money to terrorist groups and radical imams and export their politico-theological ideological abroad
Scalia, according to all published accounts, expressed astonishment that anyone might somehow think that the cross doesnt honor non-Christians who fought in the war right along with Christians. The cross is the most common symbol of the resting place of the dead, he insisted. ACLU lawyer Peter Eliasberg countered that the cross is a specifically Christian symbol, that it signifies Jesus as savior and that it never appears on, for example, Jewish graves. As he spoke Scalia turned visibly angry, by all accounts, and finally snapped: I think thats an outrageous conclusion.
They also fund ISIS...
I'd take out #2. Or reword it. The US and UK essentially controlled half of his territory or more after the Gulf War. As shown by the US Army wandering into Baghdad in about a week.Touting facts as left-wing conspiracies only makes you look worse.
- There were no WMDs
- Saddam was keeping the area stabilized
- The Iraq War was a huge money sink with no tangible goal
- Thousands of soldiers and civilian died
What he's saying is that just because the hijackers were Saudi doesn't mean Saudi Arabia is inherently behind it. They may be. But we shouldn't assume that states are necessarily behind all terror attacks. Project Bojinka and the 93NYC bombings and 9/11 all shared planners, but they were all of different national origins and direct state ties are hard to find. Unless you're Laurie Mylorie.Jeb? is that you?
Saudi princes funnel money to terrorist groups and radical imams and export their politico-theological ideological abroad
Both Cruz and Rubio are ineligible for the Presidency
That's the Republican National Committeewoman for Nevada by the way.